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Gears of War Discussion


GhaleonEB said:
That video looked like it was 2 v 2. 4 v 4 will be a bit more exciting, I think. :p

That said, I think co-op is where it's at for me. That, and objective-based team games. I'm not a fan of DM style play.

I'm sure it'll be better, but even still... I guess I'm just really used to having at least 8v8... I dunno...

But eh, curb-stomping would be fun to do online... I'll play it either way, but I still think co-op is what I'm more looking forward to...
Mojovonio said:
just read the EGM aritcle, here are some things that stood out most.

-curb stomping is brutal
-after depleting enemies life in MP, you have to finish them off and you get points for doing so.
-the mansion MP level is amazing
-get the boom shot
-allies can revivie you

the game just sounds incredibly fun in MP.

Any new pics?

Also what was Dan Hsu final thoughts on the game?


Karma Kramer said:
Any new pics?

Also what was Dan Hsu final thoughts on the game?

The 1up yours podcast said Hsu can back very impressed with Gears. Hopefully that will offfset some of the negative comments on this board.
Not a Jellyfish said:
I don't know if this has been posted before it has sorry but here is a 2 minute vid of some gears multiplayer that was added in the user vids on gametrailers.


It was weird seeing the guys outfit because some people in the comments were talking about being able to customize it but I think it looks goofy. lol also vid looks like its from an early build.

It was posted in the last page. I think that cape looks rather silly, it could be the low-res vid but it looks like he has a big lizard tail:D Hope you get that power cord soon, I'LL CURB STOMP YO FACE!

REV 09

really good cliffy interview.
So far the response to the game has been positive, so you must be doing something. But what would you say makes GoW so special?

Blezinsky: Look at all of the beautiful women who are here hosting. They're beautiful right? Maybe even as beautiful as Scarlett Johansson. What make's Scarlett so special is her expression, that inflection in her voice, the way she moves, the way she can go from sexy to vulnerable to cute and to crazy. That's the difference between good and great. How this relates to the game is that it has that intangible difference between the controls working good and working great.

Err, okay. Care to elaborate?

What we're going for with GoW is a feeling of crispness so when you go into cover it's an abrupt action. I play a lot of games in which going into cover is a slow process. But if I was being shot at I would be diving and sliding into home base like a Major League Baseball player because my life counts on it. Making sure that when you press a button the game is responsive - that is what we're going for with the game. I believe we've accomplished that.

Making a game that controls perfectly is no easy task. You only have to look at all the bad games out there now to see that.

Blezinsky: It's not easy. But I think that in this day and age it's a miracle that any game ever gets done, because what you're looking at is the perfect balance between art and science. You have artist types - long hair, fashionable painters - working with nerdy programmers. Then you're trying to appeal to a mainstream audience... you're trying to be everything to everyone at the same time. You want to appeal to the person that's been playing games for just a few years, as well as someone who's been playing for 30 years. How do you make something that does that?

I think the only reason we can attempt a shift with how you play shooters with GoW is because we have the graphics and the marketing support. If we just did an ordinary game that had a slightly unique mechanic and the graphics were so-so, we'd only sell a hundred thousand. But because we have the support, people will really try to play this in a different way.

Has being the flagship title for Xbox 360 this Christmas created any additional pressure for you as a developer?

Blezinsky: Not at all (laughs). There's been a lot of hype. I think the hype machine has gotten a little out of control. We're making the kind of game we would all love to play and it's turned out amazingly well. But then you read gamers' expectations for the game, and see that they're expecting it to do their laundry, feed their cat and do their paper round for them, too. It'll probably feed the cat but it's not going to do the paper round.

Is it fair to say Gears is more than a straight-up shooter?

Blezinsky: We call it a military action horror. One minute you're in a crazy scene where tracers are flying past your head and there are explosions going off, then you see these guys crawling out of the ground and you realise you're not in your average WWII-type game. All of a sudden a giant creature goes flying by and you realise you might have to fight that later.

We take the normal convention, we work with it and we try to twist it up. There's plenty of over-the-shoulder combat in the game, but we mix it with vehicle levels, and stages in the dark where you have to find ways to stay in the light to avoid getting eaten.

Then we introduce a wall-climbing guy. We're taking the convention we've established and changing it constantly so that the game remains interesting over the course of the single-player campaign. And then, of course, you play it with somebody else and it's a totally different experience. We have a Casual difficulty, Hardcore and Insane mode. Insane co-op is really crazy fun.

Right, and a good multiplayer mode can massively extend the lifespan of your game, as it has done with Halo 2. Have you thought about post-release downloadable content?

Blezinsky: Yes, we're looking into offering downloadable versus maps. There're no plans for single player at this point but we have the hooks in there to expand upon the eight multiplayer maps that are already in the game.

As well as struggling to stay alive, there'll also be collectables for the player to gather. How do they contribute to the game?

Blezinsky: We wanted to have collectibles because it's not just a game about war - it's also about exploration. We wanted to tie these into the fiction of the game, so you're not just picking up daffodils without any logical reason.

When you walk into a room you'll occasionally see a Crimson Omen logo displayed. These mark the spots where soldiers have died, so if you see that logo there's a Cog Tag somewhere near. You have to collect them to give to their families so they know their relatives died in battle. You'll get achievements for finding a certain amount of them but some people will beat the game only having found, say, 14 of them. This will hopefully get them to play through the game again in a different difficulty to find the rest and the game will keep track of your Tag count across multiple sessions.

Better use of the Gamerpoints system is something the community has been crying out for. We know you're in touch with the online community. Has their feedback influenced the development of Gears at all?

Blezinsky: It's important to know when to listen and when to not. We've listened to the community as far as making a truly next generation game with great cinematic experiences, a cool story, co-op play and a really compelling Versus mode.

I had to trust my gut instinct in other areas like not having a jump button. I just posted a blog on the internet and the title was essentially 'F*** Jump'. I wanted to know how this feature, jumping, from the days of Sonic and Mario warranted being in a genre where you're being shot at? I mean, I haven't been shot at and I don't know if any of you have but I'm waging that if a bullet is coming towards my head, the last thing I'll want to do is jump.

My theory is that just running from point A to point B in most games is a very boring experience, and that's why in Mario games you jump. In GoW you're essentially jumping but you're jumping on the X and Y axis. So you're leaping into the environment. If you were to look at a GoW battlefield from an overhead view, it would almost look like a Sonic or Mario level because that's how all the cover plays out.

So from that end I think knowing when not to listen to the community, or those you work with, is a tricky thing to learn. But we stuck with what we believed on that front and we now have a pretty cool cover system that essentially feels almost like jumping. I read as many message boards as I can and see what gamers are saying. I don't hate anybody who doesn't like the game. I want to win them over. I want everybody to buy the game and love it.

You've built some interesting control schemes to imitate realism better than most mainstream shooters, like the Active Reload system. Can you talk a little about the decision-making process behind that?

Blezinsky: Realism doesn't necessary mean fun. The Active Reload came out of the desire to take passive gameplay and make it active. When I'm reloading I'm just looking the screen. But I know soldiers practice reloading their guns on a regular basis. In the heat of battle that's the difference between life and death. The best thing about Active Reloading is that when you mess up, you blame yourself. You don't blame the game.

There's also a reason why that little meter is a off to the side and not in the centre of the screen; if it was in the middle it would get annoying, and you'd also get way too good at it too quickly. I was a little bit worried because some of the testers who have been playing the game can now hit every single Active Reload with every single weapon perfectly, and I know people will get to that point too. So we had to figure out balancing for that, as well as scaling enemy health and other small tweaks. But for some games, realism means moving around at an extremely slow rate or having to stop and eat, but I don't think you'll ever see Marcus bust out a cheeseburger in the middle of the battlefield. It's not his style. So we've added realism when it can actually make the game more fun.

On a separate note, if the game were to become a movie, who would you see playing the characters?

Blezinsky: I think it's important to be careful with the whole game-to-movie thing because I think a lot of game designers have this Hollywood envy where they don't believe they've made it unless their game has been turned into a movie. I love movies but I believe I'm working in the most exciting sector of the entertainment industry. So if there's a movie of GoW - cool. I'll look forward to possibly making more GoW games, and let someone else worry about that. Truth be told, if there were to be somebody for Marcus I think someone like Clive Owen would be cool.
credit to erikevrhard at OA.


Blezinsky: We call it a military action horror. One minute you're in a crazy scene where tracers are flying past your head and there are explosions going off, then you see these guys crawling out of the ground and you realise you're not in your average WWII-type game. All of a sudden a giant creature goes flying by and you realise you might have to fight that later.

We take the normal convention, we work with it and we try to twist it up. There's plenty of over-the-shoulder combat in the game, but we mix it with vehicle levels, and stages in the dark where you have to find ways to stay in the light to avoid getting eaten.

Then we introduce a wall-climbing guy. We're taking the convention we've established and changing it constantly so that the game remains interesting over the course of the single-player campaign. And then, of course, you play it with somebody else and it's a totally different experience. We have a Casual difficulty, Hardcore and Insane mode. Insane co-op is really crazy fun.
"and stages in the dark where you have to find ways to stay in the light to avoid getting eaten."

And now there's just a mess everydamnwhere.
BenjaminBirdie said:
"and stages in the dark where you have to find ways to stay in the light to avoid getting eaten."

And now there's just a mess everydamnwhere.

Wow getting eaten! Siiiiick

This game looks soo good! Vechical combat... Monsters that Eat you... and Chainsaw...

That is the triangle of awesome.


BenjaminBirdie said:
"and stages in the dark where you have to find ways to stay in the light to avoid getting eaten."

And now there's just a mess everydamnwhere.
Apparently there's one kind of creature that stays out of the light. I read an article where in one level, you actually have to keep destroying things - making fires - to give yourself enough light to keep the buggers off you. Sounds like a pretty cool game mechanic. In that one paragraph, any doubt I had about repetition went out the window.
Now hold on there just a second...you can't jump in this game? I don't care if it's unrealistic that one would jump when being shot at, it's still a very basic human movement.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Now hold on there just a second...you can't jump in this game? I don't care if it's unrealistic that one would jump when being shot at, it's still a very basic human movement.

You jump sideways.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
AltogetherAndrews said:
Now hold on there just a second...you can't jump in this game? I don't care if it's unrealistic that one would jump when being shot at, it's still a very basic human movement.

I won't miss it.
Speevy said:
You jump sideways.

And you hop over cover. I mean, it's kind of a misleading statement. It's not like you're tethered to the ground. You just can't jump straight up. Which you would never want to do when being shot at.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Now hold on there just a second...you can't jump in this game? I don't care if it's unrealistic that one would jump when being shot at, it's still a very basic human movement.

You just love being negative and skeptical towards this game don't you... lol :lol


BenjaminBirdie said:
And you hop over cover. I mean, it's kind of a misleading statement. It's not like you're tethered to the ground. You just can't jump straight up. Which you would never want to do when being shot at.
And the game isn't desinged with jumps in mind. It's not like there will be places all over where you'll be saying, "hmmm, if only I could jump there". You'll be able to vault over/up to anything you need to in the level.
GhaleonEB said:
And the game isn't desinged with jumps in mind. It's not like there will be places all over where you'll be saying, "hmmm, if only I could jump there". You'll be able to vault over/up to anything you need to in the level.

I honestly feel that what Gears does with cover makes other games look dated in terms of character animation and character movement.

If you were being shot at would you jump around (UT 2004) or dive towards cover? lol


Karma Kramer said:
I honestly feel that what Gears does with cover makes other games look dated in terms of character animation and character movement.

GRAW says hi and blows away GoW in terms of animation.


BigBoss said:
GRAW says hi and blows away GoW in terms of animation.

I played some GRAW campaign again last night and that game really is ahead of its time. 'Rooftops' probably has the best lighting I've ever seen in a videogame.

Here Be Dragons

Junior Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
"and stages in the dark where you have to find ways to stay in the light to avoid getting eaten."

And now there's just a mess everydamnwhere.

Grue appearance confirmed!

But you'll not live long enough to see it..... mu-ha-hah-hahhhh....


m0dus said:
GRAW dropped me a line and said you should probably wait for GoW to come out before making wildly innacurate generalizations.

How is it an inaccurate generalization, GRAW animates better than GoW, thats a damn fact.


m0dus said:
No, because we haven't had hands-on with the final product yet. FACT.

Nah dude hes right*, GRAW also animates better than MGS4, did you see those soldiers running in the gameplay trailer? Serious :lol there.

not right


Haha someone's not willing to leave his GRAW fort jus yet...but seriously, how can you compare that and GOW when both are animated differently...


BigBoss said:
How is it an inaccurate generalization, GRAW animates better than GoW, thats a damn fact.
And from the video we have seen, I don't see how you can draw that conclusion. The latest MP vid, where a Locust is being controlled, had incredible animation.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
The Man Himself said:
Blezinsky: Not at all (laughs). There's been a lot of hype. I think the hype machine has gotten a little out of control. We're making the kind of game we would all love to play and it's turned out amazingly well. But then you read gamers' expectations for the game, and see that they're expecting it to do their laundry, feed their cat and do their paper round for them, too. It'll probably feed the cat but it's not going to do the paper round.

Hi GAF. :lol


mood said:
Nah dude hes right*, GRAW also animates better than MGS4, did you see those soldiers running in the gameplay trailer? Serious :lol there.

not right

I agree, GRAW animates much better than MGS4 just as it animates much better than what we've seen so far from GoW.


BigBoss said:
I agree, GRAW animates much better than MGS4 just as it animates much better than what we've seen so far from GoW.

GRAW is a great game, but weve barely seen anything of GOW or MGS4 man. The point is before stating something as FACT maybe we should give that something a chance?

Here Be Dragons

Junior Member
mood said:
GRAW is a great game, but weve barely seen anything of GOW or MGS4 man. The point is before stating something as FACT maybe we should give that something a chance?

His point was that neither GOW/MGS4 have shipped final versions. Went right over your head, it seems.


mood said:
GRAW is a great game, but weve barely seen anything of GOW or MGS4 man. The point is before stating something as FACT maybe we should give that something a chance?

I'm just comparing to what we've seen so far. I knew GRAW had great animation before I popped the disc into my Xbox 360, I saw plenty of videos online and you could see how well it moved.


BigBoss said:
I'm just comparing to what we've seen so far. I knew GRAW had great animation before I popped the disc into my Xbox 360, I saw plenty of videos online and you could see how well it moved.

I think if you watched the multiplayer GoW video you would agree its already shaping up to look better than GRAWs multiplayer animations then :)


Wait so Gears is only 4v4? Also Halo 2 matchmaking sucks, only an idiot would want a controlled system like that.


So was it a design choice or a power issue? I'm just wondering cause frankly stop and pop would work just fine if they made the levels big enough. I was just looking forward to at least 8v8 when that's what I wanted to play and or any smaller number, 4 is underwhelming.

Here Be Dragons

Junior Member
D3VI0US said:
So was it a design choice or a power issue? I'm just wondering cause frankly stop and pop would work just fine if they made the levels big enough. I was just looking forward to at least 8v8 when that's what I wanted to play and or any smaller number, 4 is underwhelming.

I'm sure it was a design choice as it would suck otherwise with too many people as a stop and popper.
Here Be Dragons said:
Stop and pop gameplay would be ruined with tons vs. tons. It's intentional and thank god for that.

Yeah I remember them saying that about GRAW..that locking it at 16 players would keep things tactical. Then they went out and promptly released the PC version with 32 player support..
For me amount of players doesn't necessarily coincide with quality or depth in MP. With a smaller field there can be a tighter focus on actual combat tactics and less random elements to deal with. It'll be down to how smart the map design is but Gears' stop and pop gameplay seems like it should lend itself really well.


One little nit pick....the animations for in and out of cover could be a bit more natural. Right now it the character sort of forces the "impact" It looks overdone.

has it ever occurred to you that they are wearing huge 6-inch-thick metal armor? of course the impact is going to be hard.
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