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Gender Neutral Bathrooms

lil puff

sometimes my wife sits to pee and i sit on top of her lap, facing her, point my dick down between her legs, and pee as well.
I.... almost burst out laughing so damn hard at work just now. I will probably laugh to myself on the train if I think about this.

One of the most hilarious responses I've read in a long time. 10/10


You can for example make stalls like this


Wow, that looks so weird. I can just imagine how annoying it would be when a guy takes that first one because there's no one else in the bathroom and then suddenly you're trying to awkwardly move behind him to get to the other ones.


Fair enough :messenger_grinning: Seems like my hunch was wrong. I've seen "shit writings" in some places though. Maybe female junkies do that too though...

2 different times in college I walked into a stall and saw shit smeared on the walls. Unreal. The first time was a massive X written in shit on the back of the door, I almost threw by bag on the hook before noticing.

And on my last day of high school, I was in a stall taking care of business, and I see a cricket come out from behind my feet. Huh, I squashed it, then I see another. And another. I turn around and the toilet I was sitting on had had a huge bag of crickets dumped on it, and somehow I hadn't noticed this until I was nearly finished, like hundreds of crickets. I swear the reveal was just like a movie, one cricket, then two, then a fucking horde that made me jump out of the stall. I went out to the parking lot and told my friends and they laughed at me because they were the ones who put them in there lol.
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I’m not sure how this is any less disgusting than if it is a male only bathroom. Shit going onto the seat because it’s that explosive.... is that a thing? I’ve taken some massive shots in my day, but never fucking sprayed the seat wtf

Cuz of shit like this, I take my office shits first thing in the morning because fuck this noise
I used to shit IMMEDIATELY before the cleaner at my old office. Poor woman, she cleaned up more of my turds than my mother did when I was a baby.

lil puff

2 different times in college I walked into a stall and saw shit smeared on the walls. Unreal. The first time was a massive X written in shit on the back of the door, I almost threw by bag on the hook before noticing.
What kind of human being does this? GFC.


Would be hilarious to strike up conversations with the ladies through the stall doors, though.

"How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good. Took the boat out and..."

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I think the smartest solution is to make gender neutral restrooms, but only have squat toilets in them. Then hardly anyone will want to use them.


Welcome to Amsterdam, son:


Hold on, that's not shocking enough perhaps, what about these (have seen them used in Cologne, Germany too):


Lol, I've seen both of those types in a couple different places in Netherlands, bar districts of course. Also seen other designs that were pretty much the same thing. Never had to use one, though.

For the people scared of women walking by while you're peeing, living in Europe and Asia for the past most of a decade, it seems normal to have the urinal in clear view of public urinals, even if the bathroom is there. The temporary restrooms at carnivals in Germany for example, just have their doors held open for everyone to see in, not to mention those above. I've been to a couple in Korea and even Japan where they were permanent structures but the urinal would be close to the door that wasn't there.

As far as non-single person use unisex restrooms, a few bars in Korea were like this, even had urinals up front, guess when you're drunk nobody gives a fuck? idk, but I had to pee and used it. The other type I have seen was at the visitor center at Cliffs of Moher, Ireland, there's very large restroom with a fuckton of stalls for everyone to use. There were single gender restrooms on the other floors, but most people didn't mind using this one. As a parent with a toddler, it was actually really convenient as he could be passed between parents. I'm actually surprised this type isn't more common, why have multiple restrooms when one large one w/ a fuckton of stalls suffices?
I've heard from women several times before that they'd have hated to be stuck with co-ed bathrooms in school years because of the embarrassment of pads etc. I mean... there are actual, significant biological differences here that drive the separation.

The only bathrooms that make sense as "neutral" are single-occupancy ones; any bathroom that is multi-tenant should remain sex segregated for quite a few practical reasons.


Gold Member
Yeah, +1 for women's bathrooms being worse than men's. My girlfriend has worked at several restaurants and bars and apparently in every single one the men's was considerably cleaner.

Probably cause men on average are usually just in and out after they do their business. Women congregate in packs, turn it into a pilgrimage and leave a trail of destruction sometimes, lol.


Yeah, +1 for women's bathrooms being worse than men's. My girlfriend has worked at several restaurants and bars and apparently in every single one the men's was considerably cleaner.
That's... surprising.
I could, somewhat, understand bars (women getting drunk faster) restaurants are not what I'd expect.

Interesting to note that one of the Dutch girls was once fined for, well, urinating in public. She couldn't find public toilet, and well, there was no another way. She was fined, the fine was 90 Euro.
"Certain types" have seen it as clear sign of gender oppression and tried to make noise aoub the need of "public toilet" of the type created for men.
If I remember it right, it was in Amsterdam, politicians talked about it a little, came to conclusion that as women are extremely unlikely to use that sort of equipment installed in public, wasting money of it, would be stupid.
End of story, well, sort off.

BBC (that I used to respect so much more in the past) figured there was an "outcry" went to cover what was going on.
To dismay of the journalist (who seems to have habit of asking "are you of 'certain type'" as one of the first questions, seen that in other interviews not relevant here) the "victim" of the urinal oppression regarded mentioned types in not particularly respectful way.

Long story short: there are no installments of this kind because women wouldn't use them anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
That's... surprising.
I could, somewhat, understand bars (women getting drunk faster) restaurants are not what I'd expect.

Interesting to note that one of the Dutch girls was once fined for, well, urinating in public. She couldn't find public toilet, and well, there was no another way. She was fined, the fine was 90 Euro.
"Certain types" have seen it as clear sign of gender oppression and tried to make noise aoub the need of "public toilet" of the type created for men.
If I remember it right, it was in Amsterdam, politicians talked about it a little, came to conclusion that as women are extremely unlikely to use that sort of equipment installed in public, wasting money of it, would be stupid.
End of story, well, sort off.

BBC (that I used to respect so much more in the past) figured there was an "outcry" went to cover what was going on.
To dismay of the journalist (who seems to have habit of asking "are you of 'certain type'" as one of the first questions, seen that in other interviews not relevant here) the "victim" of the urinal oppression regarded mentioned types in not particularly respectful way.

Long story short: there are no installments of this kind because women wouldn't use them anyway.

Yeah the BBC are full-blown SJW so it's no surprise.


Sorry for women? I heard horrible stories from cleaners having to deal with dirty toilet in an all female dorm.
Yeah, for real. Every female restroom I've ever been inside of (I'll explain in a second, lmao) has been a shitshow compared to the male restrooms. I've done lots of janitorial work since my teenage years. Hospitals, beaches, offices, etc. I ALWAYS dreaded cleaning women's restrooms. I remember working at the beach when I was around 14 or 15 and I had to go clean the women's bathroom and....one of the toilets had a turd sitting in the bowl. Sideways. And when I tell you this turd was as big as half a loaf of bread, I mean it was a piece of human shit that was as big as HALF. A. LOAF. OF. BREAD. I'm not making this up. To this day, I have no fucking idea how. I couldn't flush it. And apparently the woman who dumped in the toilet couldn't either because hey, there it was. So I just put the seat down. Same bathroom had toilet paper shreds all over the floor, tampons and pads littered about, and piss on nearly all the seats.

I gotta admit that men have some nasty-ass bathrooms too though. You all need to quit wiping crusty-ass bloody, hairy boogers all over the fucking urinal walls. That shit is disgusting and I see it constantly lmao. There was also this time (same beach job as a teen) where the men's bathroom had a slab of shit on the ceiling. Some camp kids were on a field trip to the beach and one of them cranked back and fastball'd a piece of shit across the ceiling so you could see the skid mark going along a good 3 or 4 ceiling tiles and at the end of it sat a super dense splatter of poo. Goddamn.

Don't even get me started on the bathroom situation at my current job (I work in IT in an office). From August until about December, someone would go in the women's bathroom and absolutely BLOW that toilet to smitherines. Almost every day around lunch time or in the mornings. I swear it smelled like they were manufacturing that Liquid Ass fart spray in there, it was terrible. To the point where it got closed down for several days at a time because the smell would never dissipate. That's not normal. Maybe they had Giardia Lamblia in their belly or something lol.
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Gold Member
Yeah, for real. Every female restroom I've ever been inside of (I'll explain in a second, lmao) has been a shitshow compared to the male restrooms. I've done lots of janitorial work since my teenage years. Hospitals, beaches, offices, etc. I ALWAYS dreaded cleaning women's restrooms. I remember working at the beach when I was around 14 or 15 and I had to go clean the women's bathroom and....one of the toilets had a turd sitting in the bowl. Sideways. And when I tell you this turd was as big as half a loaf of bread, I mean it was a piece of human shit that was as big as HALF. A. LOAF. OF. BREAD. I'm not making this up. To this day, I have no fucking idea how. I couldn't flush it. And apparently the woman who dumped in the toilet couldn't either because hey, there it was. So I just put the seat down. Same bathroom had toilet paper shreds all over the floor, tampons and pads littered about, and piss on nearly all the seats.

I gotta admit that men have some nasty-ass bathrooms too though. You all need to quit wiping crusty-ass bloody, hairy boogers all over the fucking urinal walls. That shit is disgusting and I see it constantly lmao. There was also this time (same beach job as a teen) where the men's bathroom had a slab of shit on the ceiling. Some camp kids were on a field trip to the beach and one of them cranked back and fastball'd a piece of shit across the ceiling so you could see the skid mark going along a good 3 or 4 ceiling tiles and at the end of it sat a super dense splatter of poo. Goddamn.

Don't even get me started on the bathroom situation at my current job (I work in IT in an office). From August until about December, someone would go in the women's bathroom and absolutely BLOW that toilet to smitherines. Almost every day around lunch time or in the mornings. I swear it smelled like they were manufacturing that Liquid Ass fart spray in there, it was terrible. To the point where it got closed down for several days at a time because the smell would never dissipate. That's not normal. Maybe they had Giardia Lamblia in their belly or something lol.
Ok, I went to university with a fellow that had to carry a "mashing stick" with him when he dumped or it wouldn't flush. He had an "abnormally" large colon. Oh god was it funny. He was a huge 6 foot 6 foot ball player too. Great dude though...

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Yeah I feel sorry for the women who have to share bathrooms with guys. I've seen some really gross stuff, especially at bars...

As a teenager cleaning bathrooms for the local stores, female bathrooms were always the worst. Guys miss the seat, but with women... so much blood man. So much blood.


My company makes this change I leave.

Not interested in the anti-science, anti-reality delusion of "gender choice" being a thing I contribute to.

We all have problems. Please, don't start telling me that my problems are "normal".

Where is Marty McFly? I need a one-way ticket back to the 80s
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Thanks for the laugh. I can never enter a gender neutral bathroom. Its either I hear another mans taking a piss or no thanks its embarrassing


Yeah, for real. Every female restroom I've ever been inside of (I'll explain in a second, lmao) has been a shitshow compared to the male restrooms. I've done lots of janitorial work since my teenage years. Hospitals, beaches, offices, etc. I ALWAYS dreaded cleaning women's restrooms. I remember working at the beach when I was around 14 or 15 and I had to go clean the women's bathroom and....one of the toilets had a turd sitting in the bowl. Sideways. And when I tell you this turd was as big as half a loaf of bread, I mean it was a piece of human shit that was as big as HALF. A. LOAF. OF. BREAD. I'm not making this up. To this day, I have no fucking idea how. I couldn't flush it. And apparently the woman who dumped in the toilet couldn't either because hey, there it was. So I just put the seat down. Same bathroom had toilet paper shreds all over the floor, tampons and pads littered about, and piss on nearly all the seats.

I gotta admit that men have some nasty-ass bathrooms too though. You all need to quit wiping crusty-ass bloody, hairy boogers all over the fucking urinal walls. That shit is disgusting and I see it constantly lmao. There was also this time (same beach job as a teen) where the men's bathroom had a slab of shit on the ceiling. Some camp kids were on a field trip to the beach and one of them cranked back and fastball'd a piece of shit across the ceiling so you could see the skid mark going along a good 3 or 4 ceiling tiles and at the end of it sat a super dense splatter of poo. Goddamn.

Don't even get me started on the bathroom situation at my current job (I work in IT in an office). From August until about December, someone would go in the women's bathroom and absolutely BLOW that toilet to smitherines. Almost every day around lunch time or in the mornings. I swear it smelled like they were manufacturing that Liquid Ass fart spray in there, it was terrible. To the point where it got closed down for several days at a time because the smell would never dissipate. That's not normal. Maybe they had Giardia Lamblia in their belly or something lol.

Hey, Bono is allowed to enjoy a day at the beach too.


Gold Member
When you're out partying and drinking downtown, all the bathrooms become gender-neutral.
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lil puff

i always want to know which girl in the office sprayed over the wall of the ladies room. Like who is it? But no one knows. Or tells.


Gold Member
don't get your ass arrested now! LOL

Nah, lol. It's just like that here in most places in the party scene on non-locking bathrooms.

I will say, even though the bathrooms are gender-specific, it only happens in one direction. If the girls bathroom gets too full which is usually common sinse they pilgrimage in packs, women almost always go into the men's rooms when they have to use it, it's usually never the other way around.

Gay clubs being the obvious gender neutral exception.
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Yeah I feel sorry for the women who have to share bathrooms with guys. I've seen some really gross stuff, especially at bars...

Yeah, like others, I hear that women’s bathrooms are generally worse than guys. My wife says they’re downright disgusting.
Heard the same story when I was in Tenerife. The women's toilets were really bad whereas the mens were mostly clean (you do get splatter now and again though)​

My Gym has Gender Neutral toilets but I actually don't agree with this being a thing. Given that you are not allowed to have cameras in them, what is to say that someone is raped in a Gender Neutral Toilet? (Not saying that this will happen as I hope not but stalkers can use them freely too).

Maybe women need to learn how to clean up after themselves.
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Not gender related, but I just have to ask now. Is it common in any Asian region not to flush the toilet after you go about your business, by any chance?

At work, I've had countless experiences where someone just doesn't flush, and whenever I saw who did that it was always guys with Asian (usually Chinese, by looks) background. Recently we even went to a flat viewing, and the same thing - some.."surprises" floating in that guy's toilet. In a luxury flat. IN HIS VERY OWN PERSONAL APPARTMENT. Uaargh what the hell.

I'm really curious if there's some sort of cultural differences at play here, or if that was just coincidence..
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Darkness no more
I cleaned bathrooms as part of my retail job when I was 16. The womens restrooms were always 100 times worse then the mens restrooms. A lot of times someone would use the womens restroom who did not want to make direct contact with the toilet seat, so you'd end up with shit and piss on the floor.


I'm glad my work/America doesn't give a shit about this enough to implement it anywhere, it's awkward enough when you run into another person in the bathroom, I couldn't imagine running into someone of the same gender.

The bathroom "problem" isn't even a problem at all. Mens Room. Women's Room. Etc Room. It's how it's always worked in the past, why change what works?
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Faith - Hope - Love
By now, I've had my fair share of experience in bathrooms of both sexes...and I'm thankful never to have come across a women's restroom that has been disgusting. Sometimes it's quite the opposite, having couches, multiple types of soaps/lotions/necessities and fancy decor. One even had nice hypo-allergenic wipes instead of just regular toilet paper.

The men's restrooms are always very boring, and have the bare minimum...and I actually noticed at one place, they even had cheaper toilet paper in there than the women's restroom in the same establishment.

The biggest difference aside from that is that women usually are very good about flushing and washing their hands, but spend a lot more time in there in front of the mirror and talking with others. Men on the other hand hardly even acknowledge anyone else is in the room at all (which is better in my opinion), and will usually get out the there as if they were on some timed game show with the final prize at hand....flushing the toilet and washing their hands be damned.
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Men on the other hand hardly even acknowledge anyone else is in the room at all (which is better in my opinion), and will usually get out the there as if they were on some timed game show with the final prize at hand....flushing the toilet and washing their hands be damned.

Don't fucking talk to me while I'm in the toilet. My boss always says HI!! while I'm peeing, and nothing stops the flow better than that.

Actually that reminds me...should I close the door on the stall in the gender neutral bathroom if I'm peeing? I don't really see the point, my back is facing everyone.

As for hand washing, I think this covers it pretty well..

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Why are all toilet bowls so shallow? sometimes my piece touches the water or the sides. Or when I take a shit and my piece gets hit with backsplash. I shouldn't have to squat above the sit to keep my piece clean. Just make them deeper. What are these toilet manufactures thinking?


Gold Member
Don't fall for the stereotype of men are slobs, women are neat and tidy.

At the office, the custodian always tells the woman's bathroom is worse. Messy as fuck and grown women working and making good money have fucking tampons thrown wherever. Some reason women don't know what a garbage can is. And he said their toilets get plugged all the time because they try to flush down fem hygiene products, and that's despite our toilets being pretty powerful. He said he never has to unclog a toilet in the mens. In our mens bathroom there isn't even a plunger anywhere.

As for gender neutral, don't really care. Some restaurants have them probably due to space limitations. A bathroom full of stalls with full doors (no space to really see feet or anything). Who cares. Never had an issue.
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gender neutral bathrooms are fine, but not at the expense of the urinal. I also don't really wanna have to deal w/those girls who spend 10 years in front of the mirror.
Most of the schools I worked in had shared bathrooms for staff. It was more about staff vs students then male vs female separation.

One morning I run into the bathroom to wash my hands, real quick. Whoever had been in it before legit napalmed that motherfucker. Like scorched Earth shitfire and stinkstone. Legend has it the smell lingers to this day.

Whatever, I’m just here to wash my hands and GTFO. As luck would have it in the 30 seconds or whatever another staff member needed to use the same restroom and it happened to be one of the most attractive women I have ever worked with, and someone I worked pretty closely with in our department.

As I opened the door and looked up we made eye contact and I froze for a split second, like do I say something? “Nah, that wasn’t me fam,” or “I swear I just washed my hands, good luck in there.” Like do I take the additional step to where we both formally acknowledge that we are both surrounded by the hellacious ass stench of an anonymous co-worker in order to salvage her make-believe opinion of me, or so I just Nope the fuck out of there like a guilty child escaping the scene of a crime.

I just smiled weakly and kind of gave the “welp I’m gonna go fuck myself” nod and we never looked at each other the same since.

Work bathrooms should always be stocked with spray or odor eliminator. People have foul assholes, man.
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