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George Zimmerman (killer of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin) found not guilty

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The state has proven, without reasonable doubt, that Zimmerman has repeatedly lied about his testimony, it's proven without reasonable doubt that Zimmerman's injuries are minor and not life threatening, it's proven without reasonable doubt that Zimmerman had ill will hatred and spite, and it's proven without reasonable doubt that Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin and that Trayvon Martin never had possession of that gun.

Now let me ask you questions. Do you believe that all people should be let go if there isn't video evidence of their crime? Do you believe Zimmerman is entitled to self defense claim to kill someone if he was tickled? Slapped? Pushed?
Definitely not taking sides here (don't know enough to), but I just jumped in and saw this exchange. But you didn't answer his question directly with a yes or no: "You believe the state has PROVEN without a doubt that this was NOT self defense?"


The Autumn Wind
Definitely not taking sides here (don't know enough to), but I just jumped in and saw this exchange. But you didn't answer his question directly with a yes or no: "You believe the state has PROVEN without a doubt that this was NOT self defense?"
It's beyond a reasonable doubt, not without a doubt.


Junior Member
The lack of compassion over the death of this innocent 17 yer old is pretty appalling.

If Zimmerman walks, it just reinforces the notion that the life of a black male doesn't mean shit to many in this society.


Definitely not taking sides here (don't know enough to), but I just jumped in and saw this exchange. But you didn't answer his question directly with a yes or no: "You believe the state has PROVEN without a doubt that this was NOT self defense?"

I believe the State has proven without a reasonable doubt that this is manslaughter or murder because the actions weren't warranted or necessary. Was he losing the fight at some point? Sure. Does Trayvon have an obligation to throw the fight or get shot through the heart? no. That's an issue Zimmerman supporters don't seem to want to address.

Minor injuries, altercation Zimmerman pursued and started after profiling innocent individual, unarmed opponent, zero attempt at self defense otherwise, they've proven their case that this man shouldn't be let free.

If this was a who done it, I might say, he should walk. But it's not, no fear of possibly convicting the wrong man while the real killer got away. Give him 10-20 years.


Definitely not taking sides here (don't know enough to), but I just jumped in and saw this exchange. But you didn't answer his question directly with a yes or no: "You believe the state has PROVEN without a doubt that this was NOT self defense?"

Based on the evidence I dont think a reasonable man can claim self defense in this situation.

Whether or not the state has proven it, yeah thats another question


The 911 call isn't clear enough to really apply as evidence, and is too open to interpretation. I just have one point to raise.

If someone is in fact yelling "go away", is there much chance that it would be Zimmerman? He made it quite clear that he wanted Martin to be apprehended, and everything he did that night was in effort to prevent him from getting away. Would it make any sense for him to start yelling him to do exactly the opposite? He would want to maintain a safe distance, at least enough to aim his gun without risk of being attacked, but why would he want Martin to run off after that?

That might not have been what was said, nor is it the most reliable evidence, but I think that's more applicable to the discussion than distinguishing barely-audible voices of people yelling under stress


Junior Member
Is there any place that tries to sum up the finds during this case? I remember hearing 911 calls back when this happened and really feeling like this wasn't self-defense. So I'd be nice to be caught up with sort of just what's been put forth in this case.
I don't even think Trayvon punched him. In addition to not having a single mark on his right hand, or under his nails there was no Zim dna on his sleeves or cuffs, but it was on his hoodie and undershirt which indicates to me Zimmerman had his arms around him.

Maybe Zim grabbed him and they fell backwards during the struggle and that's when he scratched his head and took a elbow or backwards headbutt to the face, and Martin was able to position himself on top at that point, slightly scraping his pinkie and ring finger on his left hand in the process. They struggled some more he was probably trying to get away and run at that point, hence the screaming, but Zimmerman held on and fired.


Based on the evidence I dont think a reasonable man can claim self defense in this situation.

Whether or not the state has proven it, yeah thats another question
If the 40 some seconds of screaming bloody murder was Zimmerman,I would call it reasonable.I think he should still do some time,but not over 10 years because the injuries were not life threatening.
I believe the State has proven without a reasonable doubt that this is manslaughter or murder because the actions weren't warranted or necessary. Was he losing the fight at some point? Sure. Does Trayvon have an obligation to throw the fight or get shot through the heart? no. That's an issue Zimmerman supporters don't seem to want to address.

Minor injuries, altercation Zimmerman pursued and started after profiling innocent individual, unarmed opponent, zero attempt at self defense otherwise, they've proven their case that this man shouldn't be let free.

If this was a who done it, I might say, he should walk. But it's not, no fear of possibly convicting the wrong man while the real killer got away. Give him 10-20 years.

Cool. Answered the question. :)
So is there any chance we'll find out the verdict before tomorrow morning? I'm staying with some relatives who really want Zimmerman to be found innocent and I want to know what to expect.
No, you misunderstood me.

Using a gun in a fist fight doesn't necessarily mean you formulated a conscious decision at that moment to kill. It could just as well have been a defensive mechanism similar to grabbing onto an object near you and hitting them over the head with it. This is of course assuming you're getting overpowered and have a genuine fear for your life or are worried about serious bodily harm. I think everyone can reasonably understand that. It's not a gun-centric attitude; you would use anything you could grasp onto to stop the beating. Carrying a gun, however, just increases the likelihood that the sum result will be a fatality.

No one is going to sit here and argue that a fist fight justifies the use of a firearm. But at the same time, how many would be willing to say with absolute certainty that they would not use if they being overwhelmed in a fight and feared serious harm?
That's what Zimmerman wants the jury to acknowledge.

But how far does that go? Because his injuries weren't consistent with "serious harm".

The question of, "What about the next one though?" That O'Mara asserted is all well and good, but we need context to the situation in case, and the context for this situation is a man irresponsibly following a kid with a loaded gun.
So is there any chance we'll find out the verdict before tomorrow morning? I'm staying with some relatives who really want Zimmerman to be found innocent and I want to know what to expect.

I'm thinking if they don't call it quits at 10, which is 15 minutes away, that we will get a verdict tonight.
I'm starting to wonder if my prediction was correct or not. I called second-degree murder conviction. now I'm starting to think he might get acquitted as this continues to go on. not submitting the question again seems rather odd to me. when they first submitted it, I was sure that they were going to go with manslaughter.

either way, it's looking like my first prediction is probably gone now.
I'm thinking if they don't call it quits at 10, which is 15 minutes away, that we will get a verdict tonight.

Could be a dramatic night, then.

I'm starting to wonder if my prediction was correct or not. I called second-degree murder conviction. now I'm starting to think he might get acquitted as this continues to go on. not submitting the question again seems rather odd to me. when they first submitted it, I was sure that they were going to go with manslaughter.

either way, it's looking like my first prediction is probably gone now.

As a layman and a casual observer I've been leaning towards acquittal, as well. Seems to me like it's nearly impossible to disprove rational self defense when one party's dead and there's no real witnesses. The legal precedent is disturbing.


I don't think they'd be working this late if it was 3 on 3 or something.

It's probably 5 on 1 at this point and they're trying to figure it out with that last person.

Pure speculation I know, but it makes sense in my head.


I asked earlier.

If he is acquitted, is he advised against a Springer dance?
And that sucks about being immediately remanded and not allowed to hug anyone.

So is the feeling guilty or manslaughter...and acquittal is off the table?
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