Edit2: Second gameplay video shown.
The sound direction is really great.
The sound direction is really great.
Would only suggest you work a bit on the screen transitions.
I really really hope this comes to PS4 one day. Hopefully it's a success and Jobbs can justify porting it.
It's made in the Stencyl game builder suite which doesn't let them compile to anything but PCs and smartphones, so I wouldn't hold out for it unless it's a huge success so that they can afford a complete rewrite.
Also not discussed in updates was the engine switch. I know I talked a lot about Unity during the Kickstarter period, and, indeed, an early Unity build of the game exists. The problem was it was just far too hard to be hands on. As someone trying to design a game down to exacting details, with a very specific vision, I longed for the freedom I enjoyed back in the early days with Stencyl. To those of you who aren't acquainted with me, I'm primarily an artist and designer. I just lack the knowledge, experience, or even the disposition to program a game on my own without the assistance of a scripting tool.
Some months ago Stencyl made an internal library change, from NME, to Open FL. As a subscriber, I have access to beta and nightly builds, so at some point I decided to try some experiments in the new Stencyl engine to see what was possible. I also reached out to Jon, creator of Stencyl, who has been very helpful.
Suffice it to say, after much testing and discussion internally, I decided to move the game back to Stencyl as a Windows/Mac/Linux release. The game looks and plays well, and my increased control and freedom compared to designing second-hand has improved productivity greatly. This wasn't a decision made quickly or rashly, it was made in the best interest of the game and my own sanity.
It's made in the Stencyl game builder suite which doesn't let them compile to anything but PCs and smartphones (afaik), so I wouldn't hold out for it unless it's a huge success so that they can afford a complete rewrite.
On the Kickstarter it was originally pitched as a Unity game so I don't know what happened.
Regardless, game looks great.
But wasn't bringing it to Wii U part of the original spec?
It's made in the Stencyl game builder suite which doesn't let them compile to anything but PCs and smartphones (afaik), so I wouldn't hold out for it unless it's a huge success so that they can afford a complete rewrite.
On the Kickstarter it was originally pitched as a Unity game so I don't know what happened.
Regardless, game looks great.
If Sony likes the game enough they might throw dollars/porting team to bring it to PS4, I'm pretty sure that's what they did for Hotline Miami.
If Sony likes the game enough they might throw dollars/porting team to bring it to PS4, I'm pretty sure that's what they did for Hotline Miami.
True, but that was because HM was a huge sensation, which is why I said " I wouldn't hold out for it unless it's a huge success so that they can afford a complete rewrite."
I mean, fingers crossed, but who knows. I'd love to have WiiU and Vita versions.
He is still interested in doing a console port, but yeah, I would agree that won't be in the cards unless the game does well in its initial release or one of the console manufacturers intervene.
EDIT: I didn't see your edit at the time, but he does explain why he moved back to Stencyl:
That was when the game was still being made in Unity, and it was a stretch goal. See Ridley's quote from the devs above.
If Sony likes the game enough they might throw dollars/porting team to bring it to PS4, I'm pretty sure that's what they did for Hotline Miami.
Yeah, it would probably have to be a major indie hit to get the attention of Sony.
True, but that was because HM was a huge sensation, which is why I said " I wouldn't hold out for it unless it's a huge success so that they can afford a complete rewrite."
I mean, fingers crossed, but who knows. I'd love to have WiiU and Vita versions.
Yeah, it would probably have to be a major indie hit to get the attention of Sony.
I've just tweeted Adam Boyes and Shu Yoshida. Let's make this happen:
@amboyes @yosp New video of Metroidvania Ghost Song: http://youtu.be/Nr7EKA3owvg Please try and get this game on Vita/PS4. It looks incredible
More importantly, @shahidkamal as he's usually responsible for indie Vita ports.