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Gran Turismo 5 announced..weather, night racing all tracks, HD Youtube uploads, etc

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Goldrusher said:
They can add it to (a number of) the trophy requirements.
Certain championships you have to race without using rewind feature.

I don't think you should be able to access it in the GT mode. If you want to practice with it to learn courses then go all out. But you shouldn't be able to cheat to get through the GT mode.


Rewind is a great tool and option for beginners, that's why it has no place in the simulation side of things.

Leave it in the arcade part of the game and everyone would be happy.


GT needs more features to help people learn to drive at a top level not less features.

Instead of rewind though I'd prefer a system where you could "practice" a corner. You come into a corner and can pause the game at a specific point and set a beginning, then after taking the corner to you pause again and set an end. I'd love to be able to finish that section and have the game read out the total time for the section, and exit speed at the finishing point, then immediately, with no loading jump back to the beginning point you set, give you a 2 second countdown and you run it again. It'd be great to practice corners.

Rewind as set up in Forza 3 is too arbitrary and rewinds for a specific time period each time you press the button, plus there aren't any metrics to make it something other than an undo mistake button.

It does work as an undo mistake button, and with sim damage on it saves me credits I'd lose from smacking a wall every once in a while, but really, that's it. Without rewind the New York track would be one of my most hated tracks, as it stands it's one of my favorites just because the new chicanes are so unforgiving it make multiplayer hilarious.

I'm super excited for GT. I wish they'd clarify the Locations/environments thing. With WRC in the game I was hoping for a ton of rally courses...


aka andydumi
SolidSnakex said:
I don't think you should be able to access it in the GT mode. If you want to practice with it to learn courses then go all out. But you shouldn't be able to cheat to get through the GT mode.

Not even that, allow it in GT mode so that you can have full tweak and physics options during practice laps at a race. But disable it in qualifying laps and races.

I still think the best would be a pick start and stopping point on track and run the same ribbon piece over and over to improve your approach and style in that corner or complex alone.

And my thing with rewind is not having to resist it, it is more of a long term and online type of thing. Knowing GT series, some of the ultra rare cars will only come from particularly rough races where you have to be a good driver to win or even finish well. Knowing that someone can use rewind to earn that rare car will devalue it when it comes to online competition.

It can remove that knowlege that the drivers who showed up to a race online in their rare cars actually are good drivers.

But if thats where racing is headed, it sucks, but so be it. Not much we as players can do about it. Not like we can have a petition :lol


Yoritomo said:
GT needs more features to help people learn to drive at a top level not less features.

The truth is that no tool or option can replace the will to drive better. You have spend hours on it, and to understand how car works to drive at top level in sims.

If you are not willing to do that, than no tool can take you to that level.


SmokyDave said:
Ok, I'll try and explain this once more. I appreciate that the following is all my own fault and my own problem...

I cannot get over the psychological effect that having a permanent, unremovable "Undo fuck up" button on the pad has on me. When I race against the AI in single player career mode I feel no danger because I know if I get stuffed into a wall on the last lap I won't be able to resist using the button. If I could disable the button I'd be fine.

I hate it in Forza 3 and if it is in GT5, I'll hate that too.
The same thing happens to me. Quite frankly all my criticism of the rewind button would be gone if it were simply an assist you could disable just like any other. Being able to turn it off in forza would make me enjoy the game that much more.


-Amon- said:
The truth is that no tool or option can replace the will to drive better. You have spend hours on it, and to understand how car works to drive at top level in sims.

If you are not willing to do that, than no tool can take you to that level.

It's about facilitating practice. Nothing can take you to that level but practice. However tools that speed up the process of addressing your own weaknesses are good things and help people get to the same level faster.
Goldrusher said:
When will you release GT5?
Yamauchi: We will release it in March in Japan but for other regions, it has not been decided yet.

What's holding it up?
That's more depending on SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America) marketing decisions.

Ugh. Just release it already.
Not everyone cares about Modern Warfare, Final Fantasy and God of War.

The only reason I can see why Sony is hesitating to give a release date in NA and Europe is because of the following two reasons:
A: they want to position it right in relation to the release of the new motion controler.
B: they want to position it right in relation to the release of FFXIII.

GWIII not so much.


This talk of how rewind will help beginners is overrated - constantly using rewind to get out of a sticky situation is going to make you a worse driver, not a better driver. Also, no one is really going to use it to 'master' corners, except for maybe 1% of those playing the game.



Valkyr Junkie said:
Ugh, hopefully if the rewind and auto-braking aids turn out to be true, they're kept to a baby mode. Gran Turismo for Boys!!!

There are already two levels of physics simulation, I'm far more against a normal vs professional physics mode than I am with just adding lots and lots of assists. I don't understand why people want Racing Sims to be punishing for a beginner. At the end of the day they won't beat your time anyway so let them learn.

There are tons of car fans that are going to pick up GT5 that have never touched a racing game that tries to simulate reality in any way shape or form, the tie in to Top Gear and the test track guarantees that.

I'll be in line day 1 with my 52 year old father to pick the game up, one copy for each of us. He hasn't touched a sim game before in his life, but the inclusion of the Top Gear test track has guaranteed his purchase of the game, and a PS3 for that matter. He's a huge fan of the series.

I'd prefer a game that gives him the assists he needs to race properly. I'm glad polyphony is including fewer hurdles for beginners to trip over. They still have to cross them but it won't be as painful or frustrating.

-viper- said:
This talk of how rewind will help beginners is overrated - constantly using rewind to get out of a sticky situation is going to make you a worse driver, not a better driver. Also, no one is really going to use it to 'master' corners, except for maybe 1% of those playing the game.


You still have to get through the corner fast. No combination of the noob mistake of braking and turning hard at the same time is going to magically break the laws of physics and get you through the corner. They still have to figure out that you have to brake THEN turn before they'll make it through.

Also I'm in that 1% who will be playing the game, and trying to master every track and corner.
I hate how he avoids the WRC part of the question, perhaps this means there are no real WRC stages beside some made up ones like the Toscana rally. :-/

You have NASCAR and WRC in the game. Does this include the complete list of all tracks in those series?

The NASCAR series is so large it would be impossible to put everything in the game. We will have select courses and select cars in the game. You will also be able to race the stock cars on a number of tracks not found on the NASCAR calendar. In speaking with NASCAR, they said they'd like to see their cars able to race on other tracks, and you can do that [in GT5].


Well, as far as I can remember, GT5P let you fully customise the controls. If it comes down to it, I'm you could just remap the rewind button to something else.
I like how people refer to the GT series like it's some ultra-hardcore niche title that is only played by the most extreme of racing sim fans, despite the fact that each full-fledged title typically averages over 10M in sales. The license tests and standard driving assists have always made the game very approachable.


after gc: 1000 cars
at tgs: 950 cars
now: ''aiming for 1000 cars''

worst and most confusing pr ever <3

painful fart said:
I hate how he avoids the WRC part of the question, perhaps this means there are no real WRC stages beside some made up ones like the Toscana rally. :-/

i think the wrc license is just for the cars and drivers.


Iknos said:
PGR and Ridge Racer had the same sort of interior modeling and texturing of buildings were you could look inside them with even more variation and detail. The lightmaps of PGR were much better than RRs though and these pics show some great lightmaps as well. It could be why he wasn't too impressed but it's not just one aspect of these shots that make them impressive it's the whole cohesiveness of all these aspects.

mr_nothing the building on the VERY right is just a texture but there's plenty of geometry all over the place. There's a couple set of stairs and detailed trees. And the lightmaps on the building look great.

To me the visuals in GT5 are greater than the sum of it's parts. We can compare specific things about the game but it's really the consistency of the colors that make things look photographic.

And I don't think people here understand how hard that is to achieve. There are many 30fps racers out there with the benefit of high poly counts and excellent car models but they still can't get the same sort of photorealism in all aspects from cars and tracks to even skyboxes... And this has been true since the days of GT1. You had many racers on the PS2 that clearly had a better resolution and more polygons but they still weren't quite up to GT1/2.

Some of these pics demonstrate my point. Look at this screen:

And now look at this screen:

I can imagine many developers being able to achieve the first shot. But can they put their asset into an engine and make it look like the second shot? And if they can...can they make the background look as good?
Good point. Kaz and team are on some crazy lvl


bud said:

.... they just released the screenshots for the sema cars! :lol
That's translators mess:




Yoritomo said:
GT needs more features to help people learn to drive at a top level not less features.

Instead of rewind though I'd prefer a system where you could "practice" a corner. You come into a corner and can pause the game at a specific point and set a beginning, then after taking the corner to you pause again and set an end. I'd love to be able to finish that section and have the game read out the total time for the section, and exit speed at the finishing point, then immediately, with no loading jump back to the beginning point you set, give you a 2 second countdown and you run it again. It'd be great to practice corners.

Rewind as set up in Forza 3 is too arbitrary and rewinds for a specific time period each time you press the button, plus there aren't any metrics to make it something other than an undo mistake button.

It does work as an undo mistake button, and with sim damage on it saves me credits I'd lose from smacking a wall every once in a while, but really, that's it. Without rewind the New York track would be one of my most hated tracks, as it stands it's one of my favorites just because the new chicanes are so unforgiving it make multiplayer hilarious.

I'm super excited for GT. I wish they'd clarify the Locations/environments thing. With WRC in the game I was hoping for a ton of rally courses...
Isnt that essentially what the license tests were for? Although you couldnt pick a specific corner but it got the point across. All we need is the license tests.
bud said:
i think the wrc license is just for the cars and drivers.

I am starting to belive this as well, it would be OK if they include a decent number of WRC like courses, but I find that hard to belive given "there are 20 different environments and around 70 different track layouts". :-/


mr_nothin said:
Isnt that essentially what the license tests were for? Although you couldnt pick a specific corner but it got the point across. All we need is the license tests.

As long as there's a license test for every car and corner combination in the game then I'm set.


Yoritomo said:
As long as there's a license test for every car and corner combination in the game then I'm set.
A lot of the fun for me came from learning the tracks while racing. In the beginning the slower cars allowed me to memorize the track and later in the game, I had to readjust to the track with every car that I had. I learned what cars were good for what tracks and what settings to tweak and all of that jazz. I loved GT as a learn-as-you-go experience as much as I loved it as a game. Maybe I'm in the minority.

The learning curve in GT lasted the whole game and I enjoyed that.


mr_nothin said:
A lot of the fun for me came from learning the tracks while racing. In the beginning the slower cars allowed me to memorize the track and later in the game, I had to readjust to the track with every car that I had. I learned what cars were good for what tracks and what settings to tweak and all of that jazz. I loved GT as a learn-as-you-go experience as much as I loved it as a game. Maybe I'm in the minority.

The learning curve in GT lasted the whole game and I enjoyed that.

This isn't a necessity this is just a dream feature for a time trialing/hot lapping nut like myself. :lol


Do you think if the NASCAR portion of the game is well recieved they could expand it into a full release / DLC for full NASCAR game?

(NASCAR games are just so boring though, unless they throw realism to the side, not something PD seems to do). But driving the cars on tight circuits could be fun.


The rewind in Forza 3 really isn't bad at all (in fact, it's pretty useful), but it does remove the fear of driving too fast and then crashing into a corner. Granted, this could be a contributing factor to why I enjoy it far more than FM2, but whatever.

If PD sets a limit to how often you can use rewind (say, one or three times a race just in case you crash at the end of a 12 minute event) and/or lets you outright disable it like what should be (but isn't) possible in FM3 I'll be happy.
GodofWine said:
Do you think if the NASCAR portion of the game is well recieved they could expand it into a full release / DLC for full NASCAR game?

(NASCAR games are just so boring though, unless they throw realism to the side, not something PD seems to do). But driving the cars on tight circuits could be fun.
I think we'll see new liveries and tracks, but I doubt a full game representing every little facet of Nascar will happen. If anything we would see another Tourist Trophy first.

edit: speaking of Nascar, I wonder if they'll put older stock cars in the game too?
Rewind button hysteria here too? Why don't you just glue your select button in the upright position and not try to strip features from my game?


Grayman said:
it means you play as the track :D

:lol :lol

Or you are sitting in a car, using the steering wheel and pedals to control a human holding controller as they walk around the house....or something...er....I tried, but I failed. :D


DuckRacer said:
I think we'll see new liveries and tracks, but I doubt a full game representing every little facet of Nascar will happen. If anything we would see another Tourist Trophy first.

edit: speaking of Nascar, I wonder if they'll put older stock cars in the game too?

That really depends on how popular it is.

If PD can offer a full NASCAR grid, with damage, then it could be popular. I imagine that the polygon budget for the car models in NASCAR is considerably lower, since the surface is more or less "smooth".

Tourist Trophy isn't nearly as popular as NASCAR. I'd bet that Polyphony tests the waters with some NASCAR / WRC DLC, and depending on response, goes the extra mile. If they put the Daytona 500 on the PS Store a week before with an updated racing grid / sponsors etc, and all that jazz on PSN, I'd think it would do pretty well with NASCAR fans.

The question is, how many Nascar fans are also PS3 owners?
MrPliskin said:
If PD can offer a full NASCAR grid, with damage, then it could be popular. I imagine that the polygon budget for the car models in NASCAR is considerably lower, since the surface is more or less "smooth".

You have to consider though that Kaz has said that NASCAR and WRC would have the most realistic damage of all cars. Because of that they're going to model the car in full. So in the case of NASCAR that means the shell, engine, frame ect. That's going to take up quite a few polys. As much as some of the more detailed cars? Maybe or maybe not. But the engine seems to be built to handle 16 cars on track (depending on which track you choose). I can't see them boosting it to a full NASCAR grid.


soundahfekz said:
all this and 60fps on a fucking 7600gt or similar.... wow!

it's more of a 7800GT not a 7600GT, imagine if they would have went with the 8 series chip, as nvidia proposed...
RaijinFY said:
With the passage of 200k/car to 400k/car, i wonder if the game will be able to display 16 cars/race?

They seemed proud of being able to hit that number, so that's probably still the number for certain tracks.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
SmokyDave said:
It certainly read that way. I'm really not a fan of rewind, I hope there is an option to disable it.

This has been confirmed, to disable rewind you don't not do not press the rewind button, at any time during gameplay.


Yoritomo said:
It's about facilitating practice. Nothing can take you to that level but practice. However tools that speed up the process of addressing your own weaknesses are good things and help people get to the same level faster.

No, because when you race you are required to put in consistent and good lap times lap after lap after lap. It's about finding the right spot between taking risks and going fast. Repeating the same corner 50 times is not racing, is preparation to hotlaps.

Racing is a different thing. If and when you'll race online a race long not less then 10 laps against human opponents you'll discover that.

Rewind is a good option for offline races versus ai or for a mere training tool for hotlaps. But it's a bad thing IF you want to drive well in "real" races because using it you tend to take too many risks and don't learn how to be fast without making errors.


Phreak47 said:
Edit: holy shit, I just zoomed this pic up 400% (thanks Firefox imagezoom addin!) and there's even more insanely minute detail in the buildings than you can even tell otherwise. It really looks like a real damn photograph. Try it everyone
I just hit ctrl + :p



aka andydumi
RaijinFY said:
He also more or less confirmed that GT6 will come on the PS3.

He said that previously, that GT5 took so long because its a platform and subsequent games would be quick.

I imagine a tourist trophy 2 would be easy to crank out in a year or so. And a GT6 a year after that is not out of the question.

The question is whether they will go to full games or large DLC packs onto the GT5 platform. Imagine rather than buying TT2, DLCing TT2 with tons of motorcycles and a handful more tracks and integration into the existing garage of GT5 (think Burnout motorcycles pack). Same with F1 or GT or whatever new license they may get. A few dozen cars and a handful of tracks/environments.

GT5p has shown that they can easily upgrade the whole game via patches.


GT6 should be a launch title for PS4. Sony should be plotting PS4 by the end of this year. 2012 Winter, 2013 Spring BEREIVE.


inner-G said:
I just hit ctrl + :p


I think it looks like a photograph because the textures are photographs. G-STAR RAW is a brand of jeans, and you can see the text clearly in one of the windows. Unless they are trying to advertise it subliminally, I'm guessing those letters were just in the windows when they took a picture of the building. :)


Valkyr Junkie said:
I like how people refer to the GT series like it's some ultra-hardcore niche title that is only played by the most extreme of racing sim fans, despite the fact that each full-fledged title typically averages over 10M in sales. The license tests and standard driving assists have always made the game very approachable.


-Amon- said:
No, because when you race you are required to put in consistent and good lap times lap after lap after lap. It's about finding the right spot between taking risks and going fast. Repeating the same corner 50 times is not racing, is preparation to hotlaps.

Racing is a different thing. If and when you'll race online a race long not less then 10 laps against human opponents you'll discover that.

Rewind is a good option for offline races versus ai or for a mere training tool for hotlaps. But it's a bad thing IF you want to drive well in "real" races because using it you tend to take too many risks and don't learn how to be fast without making errors.

Something that can help me learn to take a corner better and faster is bad. Got it.
How did the cars get upped from 200k to 400k, I doubt they remodeled all the cars again (obviously not). And werent they using the cars in photomode in the game already. Those were the highest available models if im not mistaken.
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