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Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Announcement


Outside of jumping puzzles (which were the most enjoyable thing for me), have they improved on the game play and made it less grindy for aesthetic rewards?

If you're talking Legendary weapons, no. Those are still a super long term project. Ascended weapons and armor are reasonably attainable if you ask me. Also some new armors were introduced in the new Living Story season which can be gotten with a scavenger hunt of sorts. It's kind of neat.
Well, all things considered, I'm still on the fence about giving this game another try. I just realized I no longer have access to the email I used for my original GW2 account (not to mention the digital product key). I think I'm SOL ad far as trying to recover the account. This isn't a huge problem since I didn't play for long, but now it's just a matter of wanting to spend $10 to try the game again.

If I do give it another shot, I'll be sure to look up the GAF guild.

Ploid 3.0

Hope they add native controller support.

I was going to give FFXIV another chance but now that I see this will be getting a expansion I may as well put that money to permanent use rather than throwing it to the wind with a sub.

Please add controller support, it's so good in FFXIV and other controller games like Guild Wars 2 Xpadder Edition.
Hope they add native controller support.

I was going to give FFXIV another chance but now that I see this will be getting a expansion I may as well put that money to permanent use rather than throwing it to the wind with a sub.

Please add controller support, it's so good in FFXIV and other controller games like Guild Wars 2 Xpadder Edition.

Don't hold your breath, FFXIV has keyboard support due to being release on the console. There is no incentive for Arenanet to officially support controllers, since they can barely do more important things.


Gold Member
is there a gaf guild? I play wiht a guild already and they are decent but they are pretty hardcore and I only get one maybe once a week due to work/school/family.

Im working on my third level 80 right now.


is there a gaf guild? I play wiht a guild already and they are decent but they are pretty hardcore and I only get one maybe once a week due to work/school/family.

Im working on my third level 80 right now.

Yup! head on over to the community thread. You're welcome to join. We play on Stormbluff Isle (NA).


I wasn't the biggest fan of GW2. Played through the story stuff, cleared a bunch of areas, did some of the dungeons and fractals. The game is well made and there's lots to do, but something about it didn't click with me the way GW1 did. I never really felt 'addicted' to the game, nothing really compelled me to come back and play more. I think it's because I'm basically a 100% pve player when it comes to MMOs, and the PvE in GW2 never felt that challenging or rewarding. Running around doing events with huge mobs of people feels pointless to me too.
That being said I'll probably check out this expansion. I'm curious about this new weapon/profession customization they're touting. Sounds like it might bring back some of the customization that made the first game special.


I've decided to play GW2 again. However, I remember not liking the crafting system very much. Will I be missing out on something important if I just skip crafting altogether?


I do hope that each profession will have more than one specialization for diversity.

I haven't played seriously for a long time, how are the dungeons now? I remember playing dungeons and they were honestly pretty messy. Bosses ran around frantically and attacked everything and it devolved into just mashing as much DPS into it as possible. Never got the sense of tactics other than "bosses will do this, avoid it".

Also, if I understood it correctly, they will now make it so that you do a quest for legendary weapons instead of grinding endlessly for materials to craft them? Cause that would be nice. I never got one because I looked at the requirements and felt dread instead of motivation. It doesn't have to be a easy quest, it can be a wickedly difficult one that requires great skill, but I rather spend time training my playing skill than running around gathering wood/ectoplasm/skill points/whatever.


Really want to get into GW2 again. But man was running PUG dungeons the most annoying thing in the world. Granted I imagine it's like this in all MMOs but damn.
Decided to boot it up for the first time in a long while...my update progress is still at 0% and I've downloaded 150mb. Guess it wasn't meant to be.


I've honestly been out of the Guild Wars 2 loop for some time now, but has the weapon system changed at all to give more freedom? It was one of my biggest hatreds about Guild Wars 2 from Guild Wars, in that player freedom with skills/weapons was basically non-existent in that everything was determined to a slot with little influence by the player.

Have they changed that in anyway, or will there be any change? I don't really see myself coming back if its still the same as it just frustrated me too much to enjoy the game's content.


Is there a regional restriction for servers?, the web page keeps redirectioning to the ES page, I'm from South America and want to play on US servers.

People on different region servers ex,NA and EU cannot play with each other as they are on different data centers .

However there is no restriction on a EU player (like me ) from joining an NA server .
As far as i am aware , the only true Restricted servers are those from China .

So yes , you can simply pick an NA server and you can join us
People on different region servers ex,NA and EU cannot play with each other as they are on different data centers .

However there is no restriction on a EU player (like me ) from joining an NA server .
As far as i am aware , the only true Restricted servers are those from China .

So yes , you can simply pick an NA server and you can join us

That's exactly what I wanted to know thank you, donwloading now.


Just watched a video summary of the livestream, excited about the expansion now. I think I'll take advantage of the weekend promo and buy a 2nd account to use for NA servers.


Already patching next week for conditions to do 33% more damage

definitely a good start, but it should not be all they're doing. for example that change doesn't address the problem of conditions in group instance play. e.g. having 5 direct damage players is no problem, having 5 condition players is a HUGE problem. additionally it does not address the problem of ramp up time required of conditions when compared to direct damage. if it takes time for a condition damage player to build up his damage in comparison to a direct damage player there should be something to balance that extra time.

edit - i looked around and all i see on - http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features - The effect of condition damage on confusion has been increased by 33% in PvE only.
confusion only? am i looking in the wrong place?

this hardly helps.


definitely a good start, but it should not be all they're doing. for example that change doesn't address the problem of conditions in group instance play. e.g. having 5 direct damage players is no problem, having 5 condition players is a HUGE problem. additionally it does not address the problem of ramp up time required of conditions when compared to direct damage. if it takes time for a condition damage player to build up his damage in comparison to a direct damage player there should be something to balance that extra time.

edit - i looked around and all i see on - http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features - The effect of condition damage on confusion has been increased by 33% in PvE only.
confusion only? am i looking in the wrong place?

this hardly helps.

They once removed the condition cap from a test server and it crashed in seconds. Due to the way the game is programmed, Condition stacking is tricky. But I do believe they plan to address it at some point. As for your point regarding condition uptime... one of the advantages of picking a condi build is that you can tank efficiently due to Condition damage not requiring multiple modifiers like direct damage.

As for the Confusion buff, it was meant to make the Condition more worthwhile, specially for Mesmers.


They once removed the condition cap from a test server and it crashed in seconds. Due to the way the game is programmed, Condition stacking is tricky. But I do believe they plan to address it at some point. As for your point regarding condition uptime... one of the advantages of picking a condi build is that you can tank efficiently due to Condition damage not requiring multiple modifiers like direct damage.

As for the Confusion buff, it was meant to make the Condition more worthwhile, specially for Mesmers.

well i hope it's soon, since the game has been this way for over two years now. i also realize that news about the expansion is going to trickle out leading up to the release, so maybe they are keeping this kind of sweeping change to themselves for now.
Saw this this morning and was both:
  • Extremely happy it's finally coming
  • Sad with the realisation I just lost 200-400 hours of my life haha

Can't wait.


Tempted by this. Been meaning to try and get back into GW2 at some point anyway :p

Missed all the Living Story so far though :/


The introduction of flight scares me in any MMO - really hope it's limited.

Wouldn't necessarily say it is flight. From what they showed I am assuming it is like the gliding in Archeage. ie: launching from a point and you gradually drop/only stay in the air a limited time. At least I hope it is like that.


I'll try and create a topic on Gametrailer forum.

..I assume you don't mind me copy/pasting some info from this and the Official Thread to build some hype.


Tempted by this. Been meaning to try and get back into GW2 at some point anyway :p

Missed all the Living Story so far though :/

Well, season 1 is lost for everyone (unless they bring it back someday), and reading about it will give you a good idea of what it was about.
(some of the unique rewards are still available)

Season 2 you can buy every episode for a couple of bucks (and while a discounted package hasn't happened yet it's not out of the question)
Was really hoping for a GW1 type of expansion but I guess that might be asking too much. At the very least a new playable race or companions would have been nice. Don't think I will come back for this expansion.
New weapons for old classes, and a new class?
I like the sound of that. That and Guild Halls, sounds like it'll be a good time to hop back in.
That trailer was cool looking, the game has such great art style. I'm one of the people who think GW1 is a far, far superior to GW2 but i'll likely buy this expansion, I enjoyed the leveling and story missions at the least. I kinda wish it had gone to one of the other continents though.


I'll try and create a topic on Gametrailer forum.

..I assume you don't mind me copy/pasting some info from this and the Official Thread to build some hype.

Nah, I don't mind. My goal is to help new/returning players hit the ground running. Have at it.
Revnant sounds interesting, as does great sword necro mancer (melee dark/blood magic/necromancer classes are always my favorite after rogues in games).

But GW2 never grabbed me like GW1 or wow did, don't think I ever got a character over 30, spent most of my combat time in the node capture pvp mode and got bored of that, and WvW didn't do anything for me.

Funnily enough I think I did more jumping puzzles than anything else in the game, those were fun.

I'll give it another chance for the new class tho, hope its not too far away.
Did they everfix their dungeon design to not just be random chaos with hordes of trash with insane long ttk?

Dungeons and Fractals ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USZJAEBZ0oM ) have had changes over the course of the game.
Weather you want to judge it by its own merits or how it compares to the stablished hotkey MMOs is a different matter.
I wouldn't call it chaotic, I would say it is more unforgiving, but also more exciting. It's designed to be close calls, and the meta game, for better or worse revolves around dealing a lot of damage, and avoiding the damage, by twitch movement "skill".

It's not for everyone, but I think its more rewarding than what we have seen in the past. Its just difficult to open new ideas to players who are used to play a different way, which is not necessarily better, just different.


Anyone have a rough idea of how many maps they might add with this expansion?

I like what I see regarding everything else but exploration has always been key for me.


Anyone have a rough idea of how many maps they might add with this expansion?

I like what I see regarding everything else but exploration has always been key for me.

It's all guesses at the moment, but they mention 3 "regions", where right now regions are 3-5 zones.
Dungeons and Fractals ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USZJAEBZ0oM ) have had changes over the course of the game.
Weather you want to judge it by its own merits or how it compares to the stablished hotkey MMOs is a different matter.
I wouldn't call it chaotic, I would say it is more unforgiving, but also more exciting. It's designed to be close calls, and the meta game, for better or worse revolves around dealing a lot of damage, and avoiding the damage, by twitch movement "skill".

It's not for everyone, but I think its more rewarding than what we have seen in the past. Its just difficult to open new ideas to players who are used to play a different way, which is not necessarily better, just different.

It has nothing to do with trinity or "skill", it's about how shitty the encounter designs were in the games dungeons.

You essentially progress to an area, and a trigger happens where you are swarmed by hordes of trash with extremely high TTK HP pools. The aggro mechanics being very loose in GW2, you just have everyone running around for a whole bunch of time till all the mobs are taken down, and essentially repeat next horde of long to kill trash. Run around plinking away at ridiculous HP pools dodging when you need to. The dungeons were just boring random chaos.

They weren't hard once you learned the mechanics, but the gameplay and encounters just felt sloppy, like they just had no clue and would just flood each area with large mob spams that made the dungeons tedious, not fun.


About dungeon design I think GW2 should learn from Destiny.

Everyone are DPS in Destiny but each classes have ability that useful in raid. (Barrier, Resurrection, Stealth etc.)

No tank problem ? Fine, pick up this shield and become a tank !

IMO, Destiny has the best group encounter design for a game without holy trinity.


It's all guesses at the moment, but they mention 3 "regions", where right now regions are 3-5 zones.

Nice! I can live with that. I also find it weird why they say open world zones to. To me, it seems like it's hinting that the zones will be much larger too.

If anything, I'm happy with either a lot of new zones or only a few new zones that are much larger in scale than previous ones in Guild Wars 2.
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