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Guy receives cryptic note on subway, posts it to Reddit, insanity ensues

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Yeah, I know, another Reddit thread. But this one is curious. A guy was given a cryptic note and $50 by a homeless man on the NYC subway. He posted the note on Reddit where they were able to decode it and figure out the message. Then things got crazy...

Mashable has been following the story pretty closely, here are their articles on it.


Reddit user delverofsecrets posted photos of a cryptic note that he or she obtained from a “homeless looking man” on the 1 train in New York City. The user asked Reddit for help in identifying what the characters might mean, and the post quickly shot to the top of the front page as Redditors discussed and looked for clues.

“I bumped into a raggedy dressed man as we got on and he shot me a quick smile. I [thought] nothing of it until he went to get off at 14th street and he handed me a $50 bill along with a note. Before I could even open my mouth to ask him a question, he was gone,” delverofsecrets writes in the post. “I’ve been looking at the note all day, and needless to say, I have no idea what it means. It’s handwritten on a 3X3 square piece of paper with no identifying marks and no watermarks. There’s a handdrawn grid and at a couple spots, the cells of the grid are combined. The note has random character written throughout it and the bottom quarter is filled with random shapes and numbers.”

Within three hours, Redditors had identified some of the characters were written in Russian, Basque and Hebrew. Specifically, user SirSpam28 determined that the note referenced its own encryption, and that the “key” is something called a Bifid Cipher — a turn-of-the-century algorithm that would decode the secret message.

Bifid Cipher

SirSpam28 (along with a handful of other armchair cryptologists) used the cipher to crack the text:

There’s plenty more money to make.
Figure this out and prepare to meet July 19th, 56th & 6th.
There’s a hot dog stand outside Rue57 cafe. Ask for Mr. Input.

If you’re super creeped out by this, you’re not alone. Many Redditors in the thread are speculating. Perhaps it’s some sort of job interview. Perhaps a government spy game. Maybe it’s just a strange man playing tricks on unsuspecting subway riders.

Or maybe the joke will be on us when the entire Internet shows up at 56th and 6th next week to find it was all an elaborate marketing scheme. Mashable reached out to delverofsecrets for additional information. We will keep you informed as more details emerge.

UPDATE: Reddit user delverofsecrets has edited his/her original post to include a private message from a user called 2220944379 who claims to be “Mr. Input” himself. It contained personally identifying information and a new code to crack:

“You may not believe me, but I will remind you of your personalized backpack [PERSONAL INFORMATION REDACTED]. You have recruited the help of friends, the offer is now on the table for them too. I cannot have strangers inquire about me, rather we will use a proxy. Here is the next step: DWY JLRR QUBPKSJ IL NDLM OQD OUCEQMW KGXI CSH RFRM XL WEZUXKJ. YME QLPRBAZ OQD TPVJG HPM UK CQJS H. PPVD BFSRST NJYT KR. BFPU EWP BMHY BTK WL VGB FXK R PXFE DTC GPBQL QWHKI JFA QRPE EJW EYC KLJ HCB JHGN.”

UPDATE: Reddit user icedmilflopr seems to have deciphered the new code:


Also of note, Redditor new_b connected the numerical username of Mr. Input to an IP address located at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, a military base used for intelligence training.

UPDATE: Delverofsecrets has updated his original post again: “I plan to be there today, and I figure that as long as its a public place, I should be safe. I have a date tonight around 6, so I wont be home until around 11. I’ll post any developments then.”


Around 150 people descended on the intersection of West 56th Street and 6 1/2 Avenue in New York City Thursday in the hopes of catching an exchange between two characters in a code-cracking drama that unfolded on Reddit last night.

Reddit user delverofsecrets claimed a “raggedy dressed man” handed him a cryptic code on the subway. Users of the social news site quickly decoded the message, revealing the location and time of a meeting for Thursday, July 19th.

Because of the publicity the story received, however, a new Reddit user claiming involvement sent delverofsecrets a private message with a new code, also quickly deciphered by Reddit:


Redditors on the scene at around 3:30 p.m. were anxious to find out if the episode was some sort of job interview, a government operation, or a beautifully executed marketing stunt. Many speculated that it was somehow tied to the forthcoming release of The Dark Knight Rises.

All the while, users remained glued to their smartphones, drilling down into the Reddit thread for an update from the original poster (the “OP”), and searching for clues on the scene — notably, the “blue jay” referenced in the second code.

Right around the supposed meeting time of 4 p.m., an elderly man dressed in blue with a long scraggly beard passed by, and the crowd rushed him in the hope that he was “Mr. Input,” the originator of the first code. The man spoke unintelligibly, leading some to believe he was revealing more riddles or clues. But he said nothing substantial, and the crowd let him pass through.

Onlookers assumed the opportunity had come and gone. Nobody in the crowd confessed to being the OP.

Man on 56th Street

Then, an update in the comments of the original thread at 4:16 p.m.:

“Op here, I’m hopping on the E now, I’ll be there in 10″

The crowd waited feverishly for his arrival. By now, more people had accumulated, many unaware of the original Reddit thread. They simply wanted to know what all the commotion was about. “The Internet is here,” replied a number of onlookers. Police also arrived on the scene to keep an eye on the crowds.

About 30 minutes later, another update from delverofsecrets:

“Off subway getting there now wearing Yankees hat + messenger bag”

The tension was palpable. Sure enough, a man bearing the description came down 56th Street, and the crowd pounced. Unfortunately, he had no idea what they were talking about. People were suspicious, but they let him off the hook, and he went inside a nearby building.

A few minutes later, the man of the hour arrived on the scene.

[Crowd at 56th and 6 1/2]

His name is Ali, and he arrived bearing the fabled encoded paper.

“I was expecting 10 people,” he told the crowd that encircled him and applauded when he revealed the original document. “The E Train takes a long time,” he explained to those wondering why he was so late.

Ali had seen pictures in the Reddit thread of the elderly man in blue; that, he said, was not the person who gave him the code in the subway. “He was clean shaven, about my height.”

Ali did not reveal his own last name, as he felt his privacy had been breached by some investigative Redditors who found his Facebook profile and phone number. “I’ve been getting a lot of creepy calls from people. ‘You’re a time traveler!’ ”

The OP said he was unsure the purpose of the code or whom he was intended to meet. “I do think it might be marketing,” Ali told Mashable. “What I can assure you is that I’m not in on it.”

It seems the fated meeting never took place, and police finally disbursed the crowd from the sidewalk. There is some speculation that the second message — sent privately to Ali containing personal details about the backpack he was wearing on the subway — was from someone he already knew. Someone attempting to play a trick on him.

Interestingly, Ali said that Redditor’s username was his own phone number backwards.

If this is the case, the second message could be a hoax, and the original meeting date of July 19 is still on.


The user who asked Reddit to help him decode an encrypted message has deleted his account after receiving threatening messages and phone calls. At 10:38 a.m. ET, Reddit user delverofsecrets deleted the original content of his thread and replaced it with an update:

“EDIT AS OF 10:38am 7/13 Received a phone call today threatening violence against me and my family, going so far as to name members of my family and their addresses, unless I delete this post. The caller also told me not to show up on the 19th and to inform anyone planning to show up on the 19th that nothing would happen. This will be my last message from this account before I delete it. I’ll also be changing my number later today. I am sorry if a resolution to this never happens, but I’m not willing to risk my family’s safety for a few extra dollars.”

Delverofsecrets, who told Mashable his real name is Ali, arrived for a potential meeting with someone many assumed was the mastermind behind the coded note. He arrived on the scene where Redditors and other Internet watchers greeted him to get the full scoop. On the street, he explained how Reddit had dug up many of his personal details, including his Facebook profile and phone number. He was receiving calls from unknown sources even as we spoke.

Posting personally identifying information of any kind to Reddit is a violation of the site’s rules, and moderators work actively to remove such content. Mashable has reached out to Reddit to determine if moderators were working actively in this thread to remove Ali’s personal details.

As of this writing, the delverofsecrets account has been deleted. The original thread and all its comments remains, but the details of the original /r/AskReddit post have been edited out.

Here is the original Reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/weo8j/today_a_homeless_looking_man_handed_me_50_and/

What do you think GAF? Some insane government recruitment? Or just viral marketing ruined by crazy internet detectives?


Never been to Reddit but why does it always seem like stuff like this is expected to come from there?
When I first read about it, I thought it was a viral marketing ploy. And then I was really fascinated to hear what would happen. I was disappointed after reading that the whole thing would be ruined because like thousands would show up at that spot at that time.

Now I feel bad for the guy, unless he is in on it.


The "homeless looking dude" was probably bored and does it for "fun".

If this is how the American Government recruits spies, Hollywood has won.


Never been to Reddit but why does it always seem like stuff like this is expected to come from there?
some message board out there keeps on posting depressing stories about cats and dogs being killed while the rest of the members are " oh no not another neogaf story."
Never been to Reddit but why does it always seem like stuff like this is expected to come from there?

Reddit just has the first scoop on a lot of stories online. Internet culture shit. Reddit took off after Fark & Digg failed, and it's just taken on a life of it's own.


People from the Internet are morons.

If multiple people are going to show up in a place to see what happens, the logical thing for them to do would be to spread out around the area and watch quietly so as not to screw up what you're trying to see. Instead you have a hundred people on a damn street corner running up to random people.


So NYC GAF, who wants to play a stake out game with me on the 19th?
I would consider doing it but it's freakin' creepy!
How did this go under my nose? If I would've known about this a few days ago, I would've been on the scene taking pictures. Are there any pictures of the said event? That's definitely very cryptic; I can picture the scene being pretty chaotic.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
"50 bucks" says its a viral marketing scheme for Navy recruitment.


So NYC GAF, who wants to play a stake out game with me on the 19th?
I would consider doing it but it's freakin' creepy!
How did this go under my nose? If I would've known about this a few days ago, I would've been on the scene taking pictures. Are there any pictures of the said event? That's definitely very cryptic; I can picture the scene being pretty chaotic.

Mashable has a bunch of pics, yeah. Including one of the random homeless guy everyone thought was "blue jay" looking totally confused.


You can't make this shit up.


I saw the post, but didn't know how far it progressed. It's kind of a shame if it's not real, even if it's some sort of marketing ploy. What if it was Episode 3?!
The fact that the code can be broken at all shouts viral alternate reality game to me. It's fun, but there's really no mystery there.

"You have been chosen by PEPSI OF AMERICA to undergo a top-secret spirit quest...DKANXOJXXXXXXXXJKSJD[888]XXXT"
Some people in the thread were speculating that it would end being up the location of a "secret" early screening of The Dark Knight Rises on the 19th.

Seems plausible.


i was following this reddit thread, but didn't stick around enough to see what the note said.

thx for the followup.


Jesus! Look at the size of that crowd! I think Hideo Kojima was on the scene too:

I would seriously consider showing up to that spot on July 19 because I have nothing better to do. Chances are that it would be a waste of time and train fare but I'm still down to do it. Will take pics if I go. This reminds me of the Times Square Forever Alone prank that several internet users showed up to and got ridiculed for last year.


Wait so was the original date (the 19th) cancelled or did they just agree to meet earlier because the rules changed?
Viral marketing for what?

Here's a nice summary/rundown of everything that has happened and been discovered so far:


Basically (ALLEGEDLY):

- OP "recieves" $50 and cryptic message.
- Reddit uncovers it.
- OP receives a message from username 2220944379 who says that rules have changed cause he seeked help.
- Reddit uncovers that the username is: 1) IP address of Department of Defense, and also if you reverse it it's a phone number.
- Someone called the number and said he has no clue WTF is happening and that it's wrong number, but later admits to being "Ali".
- Detective-Reddit finds out that it is also OP's name.
- More search shows that BASE Entertainment has a spy exhibit opening on the 19th at that location, which fits the theme of this "cryptic message".
- People show up at location; Hell ensures.
- OP gets death threats and he deletes the post.
- Some more confusing shit happens that is too much to grasp.


Long story short: Shit happened, Pitchforks came flying, no one knows WTF is happening.
Precisely. If anything, this is viral marketing fail if it is viral marketing. What the fuck am I being sold?

You'll find out, and be sorely disappointed, when you follow all the clues to their inevitable conclusion. Maybe you'll get a t-shirt with Fox's latest psychological suspense failure plastered on the front.
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