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Halo 5 Launch Day Multiplayer Playlist Revealed


Maybe by going over his concerns and explaining the reasons for 343s decisions? Seeking first to understand, then to be understood is a good way of going at this. One of the main problems people seem to have with 343 (me included) is that they don't seem to explain the reasons for any of their decisions. They didn't explain or give a legitimate reason for the re-design of the Jackals (no, the subgroup argument is not a good excuse. At least make them behave somewhat differently if they are supposed to actually be different), the pelican, Spartan underarmor, forerunner aesthetics, UNSC aesthetics, or Covie aesthetics; and any criticism of these is handwaved instead of explained in a clear and honest way.

The way your comment about wanting the dev to explain decisions also implies it's a matter of criticism and honesty seems like insight into your frustration.

A superficial variant among a species that's part of a galaxy-reaching coalition is one of the noteworthy criticisms you have for a studio. That doesn't sound like it needs justification on the level you're demanding. It sounds like you want things in subsequent games to always be exactly the same, even if it makes sense in that universe, and is more interesting for the people creating the art.


The salt is very real in this thread. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, HGAF is on the edge of coming back from a ban.

The list is fine, I feel like SWATnum is unnecessary, though. Guessing that'll be the rotation playlist slot.



-fuck yes to incentivizing weekend playlists and double exp again

-team doubles has far and away proved its wrote to be a permanent playlist. There's no valid excuse not to have it other than it wasn't given enough dev time. Extremely disappointing.

-no infection? Come on, that's a good playlist to have at launch. Is it even in the game?

-the lack of assault, koth, oddball etc. is far and away the biggest disappointment about this game. If it's not in by at least 2 weeks after launch the game will seriously start bleeding players. I am vey fortunate to know just how fucking incredible ctf is in halo 5, but it won't be enough to keep me around playing past 2 weeks.

-I'm okay with testing breakout in HCS

-what's the deal with radar? Is it a sprintdar?

-overall I'm disappointed with the day one playlists. This came is lacking variety and content at this point. At least acknowledge the existence of some points of concern please.

We are not far off from waiting weeks, or months till doubles, assault, koth, oddball, big team battle, and more.

I do love halo 5, having played it recently I can safely say slayer and ctf are fucking fantastic and the game is great to play, imo, but we are now trending a very dangerous line. One that is similar to 4 and mcc, all for the sake of extending engagement or because not enough time was simply put into these playlists and game types.

Sorry for the typos, on the phone.


Oh, BigShow is back?


Nah, just dropping some knowledge bombs and then I'm out.


Maybe by going over his concerns and explaining the reasons for 343s decisions? Seeking first to understand, then to be understood is a good way of going at this. One of the main problems people seem to have with 343 (me included) is that they don't seem to explain the reasons for any of their decisions. They didn't explain or give a legitimate reason for the re-design of the Jackals (no, the subgroup argument is not a good excuse. At least make them behave somewhat differently if they are supposed to actually be different), the pelican, Spartan underarmor, forerunner aesthetics, UNSC aesthetics, or Covie aesthetics; and any criticism of these is handwaved instead of explained in a clear and honest way.

No meaningful discourse is going to come from 'FUCK YOU YOU RUINED HALO' as a starting point. As for the change in aesthetics, different artists and different teams want to create different things. They make what they like the most. Just because people then don't agree with that, doesn't mean 343 is being dishonest about it.
Maybe by going over his concerns and explaining the reasons for 343s decisions? Seeking first to understand, then to be understood is a good way of going at this. One of the main problems people seem to have with 343 (me included) is that they don't seem to explain the reasons for any of their decisions. They didn't explain or give a legitimate reason for the re-design of the Jackals (no, the subgroup argument is not a good excuse. At least make them behave somewhat differently if they are supposed to actually be different), the pelican, Spartan underarmor, forerunner aesthetics, UNSC aesthetics, or Covie aesthetics; and any criticism of these is handwaved instead of explained in a clear and honest way.

Do you want them to make you a cup of tea and give you a couple of chocolate hobnobs whilst they go through there development analysis with you?

I bet you Frankie knows how to makes a great cup of tea, its how we Scots have always resolved our differences, that and the odd Glasgow kiss when needed.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Frankie's not a PR guy for 343, he is the Franchise Development Director. I actually like some of the things 343 is doing in regards to Halo (basically repairing some of the damage they did earlier). I have no issue with most of it.

What I do take issue with is Frankie basically taking a mental dump anytime he posts. Show me one thing of value that he's actually posted here in regards to Halo. One. He's in a position of power at 343 and he treats the Halo community like a mental port-o-potty, and everyone thinks its like a great gift or something. I'm okay with differing opinions, provided those positions are logically defended and explained. If you want to explain and converse, great, I'm your guy. But if your only interaction with "your" community that you supposedly care so much about is to make asinine remarks about valid concerns, I'm no longer interested in engaging in a dialogue because it's very apparent that he isn't.

lol ur dum


Maybe by going over his concerns and explaining the reasons for 343s decisions? Seeking first to understand, then to be understood is a good way of going at this. One of the main problems people seem to have with 343 (me included) is that they don't seem to explain the reasons for any of their decisions. They didn't explain or give a legitimate reason for the re-design of the Jackals (no, the subgroup argument is not a good excuse. At least make them behave somewhat differently if they are supposed to actually be different), the pelican, Spartan underarmor, forerunner aesthetics, UNSC aesthetics, or Covie aesthetics; and any criticism of these is handwaved instead of explained in a clear and honest way.

They've explained the reasons behind the playlist decisions. They've been posted in this thread... There's no reason for folks to be acting like snobby little jerks...

Folks can provide constructive criticism without the poor attitude... 343i welcomes it...

As far as your aesthetic issues... Chalk it up to having new artists... Bungie is gone, 343i is here... A jackal is a jackal. Shoot them all in the face, and then they'll all look the same...
I'm really excited to jump in Day 1. The amount of maps that are on disc will be enough to learn and keep me going for the first few weeks/months. I obviously think the launch playlists could use some slight tweaking (maybe no Breakout in Team Arena, even though I'm personally really excited for Breakout), but for the most part are completely acceptable. Some of you asking for separate Grifball and Ricochet playlists on day one are delusional.

343i are implementing these launch playlists based on more than just throwing darts at a dartboard blindfolded. They are basing their launch playlists off of population numbers as well as pro-team and community feedback. Obviously these playlists will rotate in and out frequently and we'll see the return of Infection, Doubles, Team Snipers and other favorites that I'm looking forward to as well. It would be nice to have all these playlists day one, but it just splinters the user base further and to be honest I would rather just spend the first few weeks getting acclimated to all the new maps and features.

Halo is a billion different things to a billion different people. Trying to satisfy everyone is a task I don't envy at all.


Sounds reasonable for launch. I'm sure we'll see other game types introduced in time, bring on ricochet!

Warzone assualt sounds more promising then vanilla warzone too.
Warzone Assault does sound pretty wicked, but with Oddball & CTF being my mainstays since Halo 3, I'm hoping an Objective Playlist will be added. Also, it's odd that an Infection/Flood Playlist is absent.


Can we possibly get more SWAT variation of playlists? Just turn every playlist into SWAT, no way 2 SWAT playlists is enough.


Do you want them to make you a cup of tea and give you a couple of chocolate hobnobs whilst they go through there development analysis with you?

I bet you Frankie knows how to makes a great cup of tea, its how we Scots have always resolved our differences, that and the odd Glasgow kiss when needed.

They could, you know, release a breakdown of what went wrong with MCC like they said they woul-

Oh wait, they'll never be finished patching it. Guess we'll never see it.



343i are implementing these launch playlists based on more than just throwing darts at a dartboard blindfolded. They are basing their launch playlists off of population numbers as well as pro-team and community feedback. .

Hmm yes because 343 Reach, Halo 4 and MCC all had great playlist management. Looks like they are continuing their stellar pedigree with Halo 5.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
10/10 post, Frank.

Can we get an idea on what the window will be for other game types to be introduced? Are we talking weeks before Koth, Oddball, etc are rolled out or longer?

I think they're going to start talking about schedules soon but I've been told "soon" for stuff like Doubles, so definitely weeks rather than months.
How many content creators explain why they do what they do or what they did to their fanbase? I don't like some of the changes either, but they don't need to tell you why they changed the jackals. I hate the new design, but I don't need to hear 'we did it because our artists wanted to go in a new direction', 'we feel this look makes them more menacing'.

I loved the old UNSC logo, I loved the old Mark VI, I love Marty's music, I loved the SPNKr, and I am vocal about it, but I'm not sitting here insulting the devs because they won't explain why they were changed. Criticism is one thing, saying 'FUCK YOU YOU RUINED HALO' is another.
I'm not insulting them, and that's not really a good or mature thing to do in my opinion, but the people hurling insults or complaining in angry ways shouldn't just be told to "suck it up" either in most cases. People who complain like that are most likely huge fans and that's why they are reacting that way. The best way to go about it is to understand these peoples problems, explain the reasons things are the way they are, and then speak with them about possible alternatives or compromises, not to dismiss them as "toxic". Also, the reason I think 343 needs to explain these things is because they came into a universe that they didn't create and changed a bunch of things that had been consistent for the most part without giving good reasons why they decided they should be changed. It would be like JJ Abrahms making the Milennium Falcoln smooth and shiny and then when Star Wars fans ask why he just says "we felt like it".


I still hope we get a Ranking System breakdown before launch. I am very curious what has improved/ changed since the beta. Also, I am still confused about what is ranked and not.
You're right, as a game developer, they should be exempt from the normal standards we hold corporations and companies to. If Coca-Cola releases cans that turn out to be half full, they better be on the mic getting out a press release to the world, apologizing, paying settlements and pulling all their product from the shelves until it's fixed. But if a video game company does it, we should just count our blessings that the exalted Frankie deems us worthy of dropping asinine posts on our forums.

You're the kind of consumer companies have wet dreams about.

Half full are you kidding me? 39 free maps. That's a joke of a comment.


R6 11 no SP
Battlefront 12 No SP
COD BO 3 6 maps revealed.

You are getting above and beyond content for 2015. It's just not the content you want.

I love the playlists. I want to play everything exactly the way they have it. It's all great. If they change it to what you want I'll pitch a fit and decry the games content.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Christ people, how about we get back on topic. This is why we can't have nice things.

BigShow, don't buy the game, as people have told you about Halo games since Halo 2, as you've told us a thousand times everything past Halo CE sucks for you.

The playlists are a bit sparse here, but my guess is it's a way to keep the population together until they know where it's going to sit. Also for "game working-ness" sake they don't want 50 playlists at launch in case servers go down. It seems the playlists people want that are missing will be out in a few weeks, so until then I guess we can all finish campaign and check out what is actually there, or wait a few weeks to buy.



love that these companies are finally realizing that splintering the community with map packs was always an awful idea.

make people pay for meta content like skins, special character customizations, etc.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This thread was always going to be by far the craziest. Playlists are super divisive and have caused numerous GAF civil wars over the years.

We do a lot of data driven changes and inclusions and weirdly this is one of the things that makes people mad - that they feel that large populations will "bully" the direction of the playlists, and we will make sure the popular ones are always represented, but we do want to make sure cult and niche stuff gets an airing.

We have better tools, and learned (despite BigShow's somewhat understandable refusal to believe it) a lot from the failures of H4 - but I'd also say those were more matrixed flaws than simply matchmaking content.


That's a pretty good lineup for day one! I liked the way Splatoon staggered modes upon release a whole lot, and halo has many more options to start.

Also I'd love to see infection and grifball be double exp community playlists again, I was a huge fan of that setup in halo 3!

Imo, there's more than enough options to satisfy my cravings at launch, and I pretty much only played BTB in past halo games
I don't like Breakout being included with other Arena gametypes. It looks so stupid. I was hoping I could play regular objective gametypes without subjecting myself to the crap that is breakout. Oh well.

Edit: Wait wait wait, I just noticed that Breakout has it's OWN playlist and is STILL in the arena playlist!? What the FUCK. Ugh.


This thread was always going to be by far the craziest. Playlists are super divisive and have caused numerous GAF civil wars over the years.

We do a lot of data driven changes and inclusions and weirdly this is one of the things that makes people mad - that they feel that large populations will "bully" the direction of the playlists, and we will make sure the popular ones are always represented, but we do want to make sure cult and niche stuff gets an airing.

We have better tools, and learned (despite BigShow's somewhat understandable refusal to believe it) a lot from the failures of H4 - but I'd also say those were more matrixed flaws than simply matchmaking content.

Any chance for in-game voting for the playlist cycle? Like a prompt where a message from the dev might be, but it's a call for votes on the next month's playlist options? It feels like a good way to get direct feedback from active players.
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