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Halt and Catch Fire |OT| Starring Lee Pace - Sundays 10/9c - S1 now on Netflix

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The second episode earned 970K viewers and a 0.2 A18-49 rating, compared to last week's 1.19 million 0.3 A18-49. So.

Yeah, I saw that an chuckled. I guess it's going to be one and done.

It seems like it will be another show where following the ratings will be more interesting than actually watching it. Can it hit a 0.1? Inquiring minds want to know.


Hunky Nostradamus
That's Mad Men S1 territory right there......when not a single person even knew what AMC was.

That's beyond terrible.

Yep. That a well known channel like AMC (the home of the biggest drama in cable history ffs! Not to mention several other very high profile shows!) could produce a drama with ratings such as these is boggling. (no idea how well it's doing on demand, dvr, etc.)

Yeah, I saw that an chuckled. I guess it's going to be one and done.

I was thinking that AMC might still renew the show over Turn (unless they cancel both...) if the critical consensus remained relatively positive, but the impressions from the last episode (I haven't seen it yet) don't inspire confidence on that front. Of course, things are still early and AMC most likely won't make a decision until the season has ended, but it's interesting to speculate about.


Just started watching this. I saw a reporter tweet about it, thats how I learned about it. I don't think its been marketed very well.
I think AMC has to stop banking on a show becoming the next Mad Men/Breaking Bad/Walking Dead in its first season. That's why Low Winter Sun was such a huge flop. They need to plan for fairly low views early on, and get these shows on Netflix ASAP. That's what helped Mad Men and Breaking Bad keep viewership. I didn't start watching either of them until they were 4 seasons in already. They're blowing way too much money on trying to make the next big hit, when their biggest shows (aside from TWD) started with fairly small budgets.
Perhaps, but there's no reason to assume that a low-rated clunker will eventually start getting decent ratings if you just renew it enough times.

The Mad Men/Breaking Bad comparisons aren't really all that relevant. Both premiered when AMC was just making a push into scripted dramas so the standards for acceptable ratings were lower. The fact that they received tons of praise, are widely considered to be two of the best dramas of all time, and won Emmys surely helped too.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think AMC has to stop banking on a show becoming the next Mad Men/Breaking Bad/Walking Dead in its first season. That's why Low Winter Sun was such a huge flop. They need to plan for fairly low views early on, and get these shows on Netflix ASAP. That's what helped Mad Men and Breaking Bad keep viewership. I didn't start watching either of them until they were 4 seasons in already. They're blowing way too much money on trying to make the next big hit, when their biggest shows (aside from TWD) started with fairly small budgets.

Mad Men and Breaking Bad became huge hits because they were legitimately great shows (that were given time to grow, yes). Quality is the #1 thing that AMC should focus on trying to get right - forget about making the "next big thing" - first and foremost, they need to just focus on developing a show that's good.

Fire whoever needs to be fired and hire whoever needs to be hired - if FX can keep churning out good-to-great dramas year after year, then AMC can learn how to do it too. FX would have never aired something like Low Winter Sun or Turn and AMC can't afford to settle for middling shows anymore.

And if they can't make a show that's consistently good, they can at least make another show that's loud and attention grabbing like The Walking Dead. Preacher, even if it's horrible, could be huge for them given the controversial nature of the comic.

Make something good or go big - there are no other options. >:O

The title sequence give me boner

It is extremely well done.


Eh, feeling it less and less with each episode since the pilot. Feels like it's already spinning its wheels by episode 3. The Pace stuff is still engaging though.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This show just isn't very compelling. Although I am glad that Lee Pace wasn't kidding around when he said Joe would not just be a 80s Don Draper. Joe is just wearing a mask of confidence. Really starting to show that he has/had a basic plan but everything else is just him being relentless. Watching him wildly grasp at straws is intruiging but the Cameron and Gordon stuff is low tier drama.

The show is begging you to care about these three characters, but Joe is basically a sociopath, Cameron isn't charming or witty so the tortured genius act isn't selling to me, and besides growing some nuts in the pilot, Gordon puts me to sleep.

The show is also really dry. Could use some humor. Unless the shoe gag was an attempt at lightening the mood...

This had such promise in the pilot but they're losing me fast. And the preview for next week does not fill me with confidence. Low Winter Sun lost me after one episode, so at least I'm invested enough to give this a few more. But I could see bailing on this before the end of the season if this doesn't look to be going somewhere. It would be a shame too because I love the concept. And that intro!


I was happy to Gordon finally fired the guy who was the naysayer. Also it looks like in the preview that
he is bringing his wife to do the guys job.
Overall I find the show dry but its building its plot and is very good at what it is doing or at least in my opinion.


I really liked this episode. Weird, because all the criticisms given to it are all valid and yet I still enjoyed it.

I have developed a massive crush on Mackenzie Davis. So she helps the show for me a little.



I know that this is a week complaint, but I can't stand the art style. The show looks so fucking depressing. That blue/dark tint isn't doing it for me.


How is it so far? I've been intrigued by it since I heard about it.
Plus, you know...the pie maker.
Intriguing subject for a series, but the execution so far is iffy. It’s still intriguing enough for me though, the characters so far are the main draw.
I know that this is a week complaint, but I can't stand the art style. The show looks so fucking depressing. That blue/dark tint isn't doing it for me.
Yeah, needs to be a little more vibrant.


Wanted to like it but man it's weak as hell. The pacing, the story, the acting... All sub par compared to recent expectations of shows like this.

I'll still watch because I'm curious but that's it
Damn, it's not getting any better, it's getting worse. The only character I'm even remotely interested in out of the main three is Gordon. Cameron is a such a wannabe (those punks she met--lol), and Joe is just ridiculous.

Lee Pace should fire his agent.


I should love this show, it has Lee Pace is about computers and copyright infringement. Mackenzie Davis is adorable but is horridly written the entire show has not gone anywhere since the first episode... dang it.


So what exactly was the point of hooking up with the dude?

He did it to get an advantage over the investor woman. He made it clear (eye contact after) that he had hooked up with her friend so she was so pissed that she backed out of her predatory offer on their business.
Damn, it's not getting any better, it's getting worse. The only character I'm even remotely interested in out of the main three is Gordon. Cameron is a such a wannabe (those punks she met--lol), and Joe is just ridiculous.

Lee Pace should fire his agent.

That storyarc was brilliant.

For the past two episodes, Cameron thought she wanted to be a rebel.

Well, she found out exactly where she'd be.

I loved the "A job?" guy. So fucking clueless.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought episode three was an improvement over episode two, honestly. Not by much, mind, but I still think it's too early to write the series off.
This show is actually worse than walking dead was at this point lmao

I actually really like the subject matter and the time period but this ain't working for me
I actually thought this episode was a big step up, by ditching the overly dramatic stuff and getting to basics.

Joe's character is too inscrutable to be interesting, and Cameron is too much of a stereotype, so it's basically Gordon that's driving this for me. I find him a fascinating mix of tech alpha and real-life loser. And I like the dynamic with his wife as well. I really want to see their computer that bombed.

I also love the art style and the music, seems spot-on for the time period.

They've earned another episode or two from me. I've been on the brink of giving up.


I'm trying to dig this, but it's hard work. Lee Pace trying to drag two reluctant geniuses to order is just painful, and Cameron seems like some kind of geek/nerd wet dream cross between Daryl Hannah's Pris in Blade Runner and the blonde chick off Ridley Scotts 1984 apple Ad.

On the positives I'm enjoying the music.


Hunky Nostradamus
Ratings in for episode 3. Same 0.2 demo but only 765,000 viewers.

That is, I think, the lowest rated original episode of an AMC series ever - or at least since Mad Men premiered. Even if this show were receiving universal acclaim, it'd be a tough renewal with those numbers.


I still have faith in this show and I'm really enjoying it. Remember, even Breaking Bad had doubters before it got big. Don't know what the ratings were, though.

BB? not even close, even from the beginning I was enthralled with BB characters and their story..... sorry

This is DOA, IMO. It had potential to be a cool story but instead, it does not have compelling characters nor have they exhibited any hints of the story starting to be what it could have been. These three tortured souls are too much. Not an ounce of relaxed humor or relief to be found. It's being told too heavy-handedly IMO.


Just powered through all three episodes tonight. I hadn't really paid attention to this show at all. Am not sure if it's just poor advertising or what but it just wasn't on my radar.

Had I known about it I would have been viewing day one.

Intro music/credits: Fucking AWESOME.
Lee Pace: Great! Although I still miss Pushing Daisies.
Computer Stuff: Right up my alley!

Now, the problems:

Many of the hair styles aren't right. Lee Pace's hair isn't right. Cameron's hair isn't really right, too.
The ties/collars are wrong. Ties should be a bit fatter, collars a bit wider. Thinner knots came about a little bit later in the 80s.
Cameron doesn't know how to type. Chicken pecking with her index fingers looks lame.

Love the show. Really needs better advertising and promotion. I'm sure more people would be watching if they knew about it. I only found out about it because Leo Laporte mentioned it on TWiG or TWiT.
Barring a miracle, I'm done. There's a lot of potential here but there's also a lot of great shows around. AMC needs to step things up.

At least we got a cool title sequence.


I'm officially bailing. If I hear that it, somehow, is renewed for a second season or has a season one ending that is a good conclusion to the series I may come back.


Gordon and his wife are in Argo, took a while for me to realize. I'm keeping up even if its been luke warm so far. Hoping it gets better cause the subject matter is pretty interesting.
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