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Han Solo is pretty much the main character of EPISODE VII; Delay Likely

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I'm pretty sure that movie was supposed to be the passing of the torch to Mr. I'm Not Famous.


I'm absolutely fine with Han Solo being the lead in the first sequel, but the young ones should be the heroes in the next 2 films, under the guidance of skylwaker.
oh and solo should die in the first sequel.

it probably helps that I really like Harrison ford, both in interviews and his movies, even if he certainly doesn't seem to care lately.


I really hope not... If it should focus on any of the old cast it, should be Luke, with support from Han and Leia for this movie.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
It sucks about ford but part of me feels like it can't be anything but good if this movie has more time given to it to make things right. Of this movie bombs I'm pretty sure Star Wars will never recover as a franchise. Not after the prequels.

Star Wars is still selling billions of dollars worth of merchandise even after the prequels. If those terrible movies couldn't damage the franchise nothing will, people will always love lightsabers, droids, X-Wings etc.

Anyway, we knew about Ford being the most prominent of the established actors a long time ago, that's the reason he signed on to do the film. Han Solo will be the bridge from the OT to the new film, and presumably the younger actors will become the focus in the sequels.


He's too old for this sith?

Even if he is the main character, doesn't mean he is jumping around in lederhosen shooting everyone. He could just be a lynchpin and the action revolves around him. tbh he doesn't do a lot of action in the OT, a bit of running but thats about it. The rest is him being all charismatic.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
There's no way in hell they're putting a 70~ old man as the frontrunner for the revival of a multibillion franchise aimed at children. They can't be that stupid.

Even people who started with the prequels are mostly adults now.
And Liam "Action" Neeson is 62.
If anything, the idea that every movie has to be about a young male is what's stupid.


Super Member
"Some fans recover from the prequels! :D

..... only to jump off the cliff again when they get a sniff that fucking HAN SOLO might play a significant role in the new film". :(
He's getting a ton of screentime now because he's gonna die and can't come back as a Force ghost.



Guy's you may not believe me but I swear on my life this is true.

My friend works at pinewood studios and today he sent me a text message saying exactly this:

Firstly I asked pics or it's not true about the stuff he had seen then he sent me this text:

"Ha. I'll get fired if pictures emerge mate. Plus security literally stare at you all the time. Out of the main room you are over looking a charred set. Huge gates, ruins and burnt rubble. Storm troopers are everywhere and a lone Jedi is fighting with a purple light Sabre against a storm trooper with a kendo stick type thing"

Sounds cool and I do believe him, but production does go on on set.

Interesting who this lone jedi is with a purple light sabre. Fighting a storm trooper with a sword of some type.

I will save this post and look back at it when we see the film to work out what this part is.


Guy's you may not believe me but I swear on my life this is true.

My friend works at pinewood studios and today he sent me a text message saying exactly this:

Firstly I asked pics or it's not true about the stuff he had seen then he sent me this text:

"Ha. I'll get fired if pictures emerge mate. Plus security literally stare at you all the time. Out of the main room you are over looking a charred set. Huge gates, ruins and burnt rubble. Storm troopers are everywhere and a lone Jedi is fighting with a purple light Sabre against a storm trooper with a kendo stick type thing"

Sounds cool and I do believe him, but production does go on on set.

Interesting who this lone jedi is with a purple light sabre. Fighting a storm trooper with a sword of some type.

I will save this post and look back at it when we see the film to work out what this part is.

This thread pisses me off. Can't believe people are upset about continuing the story with the original cast after that shit fest prequel trilogy we got with all of those 'fresh faces'

I've said it before, and I will without any shame say it again: even if the prequels were a lot better, people would still hate them. It really didn't matter how good or bad they turned out. With this new movie there are scant details and nothing concrete outside of rumors and speculation, yet this thread is full of "JJ is fucking this up" and "this sucks, I'm out" and so on. It really does detail the canvas quite clearly and it's difficult if not impossible to take people seriously. I'm all for criticism... when there's something real to criticize.


I don't know why they can't make the character break his leg in the movie or something...

Wait, this is probably what they're going to do.


Am I living in some kind of bizarro universe where Han Solo is uncool now?

Or probably I didn't get the memo.
I for one just don't want to watch a movie starting an aging Han Solo or any of the other older actors. If it is just a bit part (where are they now thing) I'm cool.
the best idea would have been to have the original cast as supporting characters. they can still play a major part and have a lot of screentime but i don't want this to be han solo's movie of all people.

even the old movies weren't his. even if he shined.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I've said it before, and I will without any shame say it again: even if the prequels were a lot better, people would still hate them. It really didn't matter how good or bad they turned out. With this new movie there are scant details and nothing concrete outside of rumors and speculation, yet this thread is full of "JJ is fucking this up" and "this sucks, I'm out" and so on. It really does detail the canvas quite clearly and it's difficult if not impossible to take people seriously. I'm all for criticism... when there's something real to criticize.

You can say it without shame, but you'd still be incorrect. The world was absolutely bonkers when the news that prequels were being made existed. People lined up weeks in advance for tickets, national news sources covered it and fans were going batshit - full cosplay at work, giving interviews in character. Almost nobody had any inkling that Lucas could even do any wrong with Star Wars.

Not that you're wrong about people criticizing the new movies based on literally zero confirmed information.
You can say it without shame, but you'd still be incorrect. The world was absolutely bonkers when the news that prequels were being made existed. People lined up weeks in advance for tickets, national news sources covered it and fans were going batshit - full cosplay at work, giving interviews in character. Almost nobody had any inkling that Lucas could even do any wrong with Star Wars.

...just like there will be bonkers level of hype for these new ones. There already is. Yet people are still not just being skeptical but completely writing off the film already. Also what you explained is exactly why. People are batshit about Star Wars and therefore overly critical about it in addition to having their own scenarios plotted out in their heads and if it doesn't sync up with what they wanted, it sucks. Even if the prequels had better acting or dialogue or whatever people would still bitch about the story direction or numerous other things.

"Anakin shouldn't have been a child in the first one! The fighting is too flashy! The environments are too clean! They made Jar Jar Band-Aids!"


Han is probably going to be the Pike of this movie, except instead of being captured by the villain, he'll probably be killed off.


Jesus Christ. Han is one of the only characters I liked in the original trilogy, and now I'm seeing Star Wars fans freak out at the idea of him being the lead of the first movie of the trilogy? I've seen it all.

I guess I have three underlying reasons for this.

1. Ford hasn't given a shit in over a decade. And he certainly has no reverence for this role, so it's not like he's doing this because he wants to "do it right."

2. I think Han works better as a foil than as the main protagonist. His "journey" was largely wrapped up by the end of ESB.

3. While Han might be loved by the masses, most SW fans I've come across prefer Luke.

... And I'm with them; I'm more interested in what Luke's character is up to and where his story goes. I feel like I already know what I'm going to see with Han; he'll be a grump and it'll be endearing or something.


Unconfirmed Member
This thread pisses me off. Can't believe people are upset about continuing the story with the original cast after that shit fest prequel trilogy we got with all of those 'fresh faces'

A big reason Star Wars was a success was because of those actors. This is insane, it was a Star Wars fan's dream for years to have the original cast reunite and make another movie, and now it happens and all I see is people bitching about it, calling to drop Han fucking Solo no less.

Ford's cranky old ass is exactly what Han would be so it will be perfect if he just gets up there and plays himself. Damn..

It's frustrating to see people so unwilling to accept change. While I would like to see some of the old cast, prioritizing them over new characters for all three movies would be asinine. I can't believe you think that introducing new faces is what makes a movie shit. Episodes I, II, and III had crappy scripts and terribly developed characters. Everything was a fucking joke (albeit I enjoy the movies quite a bit). You can't just say that because there are new faces that the movies are doomed. There's something called a script that actors are bound to, some more or less than others.

And as a matter of fact I think the best actor of all six Star Wars movies is in the new trilogy, and that's Ewan McGregor, or Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
...just like there will be bonkers level of hype for these new ones. There already is. Yet people are still not just being skeptical but completely writing off the film already. Also what you explained is exactly why. People are batshit about Star Wars and therefore overly critical about it in addition to having their own scenarios plotted out in their heads and if it doesn't sync up with what they wanted, it sucks. Even if the prequels had better acting or dialogue or whatever people would still bitch about the story direction or numerous other things.

"Anakin shouldn't have been a child in the first one! The fighting is too flashy! The environments are too clean! They made Jar Jar Band-Aids!"

You got two different things going on here. Yes, people are bitching incessantly about movies we know literally nothing about. No, people were not doing the same (en masse) about the prequels before they launched. You can't say people would have been hyper critical of the prequels if they hadn't been terrible, because frankly, all they had to be was okay and fans would have treated them like the New Testament.
You can't say people would have been hyper critical of the prequels if they hadn't been terrible, because frankly, all they had to be was okay and fans would have treated them like the New Testament.

I think we're getting down to it with this right here. While I'm not going to call out the masses or question anyone or say that complaints aren't valid, well, I've seen countless films that are horrible, and I wouldn't put the prequels on that level. I do think they were okay; Episode II was the worst, but I still thought they had good stories and there was a lot of fun to be had. I don't see them as bad movies. I see them as problematic adventure movies just as I see the originals with points of frustration but also points of quality entertainment.

So, I personally do think they were at least okay movies but people acted like Lucas splashed battery acid on their faces. I'm sure many are going to quote this and say that he in fact did, but I think there's a huge difference between the prequels and legitimately awful movies. I think Transformers 2, Van Helsing, G.I. Joe Retaliation just to name a few are legitimately terrible movies. The prequels run circles around shit like that. That's why I'm saying that the prequels were going to take at least some level of heat regardless. There's going to be tons of hype for the new ones just as there was tons of hype for the prequels, but that doesn't mean that people are going to be level-headed about it.

It's Star Wars, and despite the hype, the pedestal that people put the originals on and the sheer expectation combined means that any film going forward is going to be put under a fanboy microscope and scrutinized to hell and back.


I'm not surprised...JJ changed the script to focus on all these old farts and given the level of fandom Han Solo has, we should've expected him to be the main character. This movie probably won't be the best of this new trilogy.
the best idea would have been to have the original cast as supporting characters. they can still play a major part and have a lot of screentime but i don't want this to be han solo's movie of all people.

even the old movies weren't his. even if he shined.

It couldn't work like that. It's a direct sequel. You need the old to hand over the reins to the young. This first movie was always going to be a transition movie. Luke will take a support role in the future though.


The major takeaway from these spoilers is that Luke is missing and we will get the fan desired mysterious reveal "pulls down cloak to see face with a beard" for him (similar to ROTJ).
It also means that there is probably not a big Jedi Academy in full swing, probably just the 2-3 apprentices that Luke had before he went missing.
Luke obviously is off to figure out the riddle where these "Jedi Hunters" come from.
There will probably be a scene of him dueling samurai style on some mountain top when the Millennium Falcon swoops in and you get direct eye contact between him and his buddies in the cockpit.
There's no way in hell they're putting a 70~ old man as the frontrunner for the revival of a multibillion franchise aimed at children. They can't be that stupid.

I'll bet you cash money he dies at the end of VII.

Also, something just occurred to me... how did Darth Vader not figure out Leia was his daughter, like, way way sooner. She was an adopted princess. Her mother, a queen, died giving birth to her. Right around the time Anakin's wife died. And by ANH, it was clear they had at least a familiarity with each other.
I know the prequels made Anakin out to be a moron, but was he really that stupid?
I read a rumor in the Inquirer about how JJ plans on just filming grumpy Ford tending to his garden for two hours with assistance from that grumpy alien from the set video.

I'd be far more excited for this movie if this were in fact true. Just cast Clint Eastwood as his neighbor and reboot the Grumpy Old Men movies.
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