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handytips.info Rumor: Microsoft to 'reintroduce' Xbox1 @ event/may lower price to 399

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Microsoft will ‘reintroduce’ the Xbox One in a live press event that is intended as a fresh start in their relationship with the media and consumers. They will directly address the concerns about the Xbox One and start generating positive momentum in time for the November launch.

According to an inside source after the E3 conference there was a massive and frantic ‘internal review’ of every aspect of the Xbox One compared to Sony’s direction with PlayStation.

The 24 hour check-in and disc-DRM policy was reversed to prevent the negative press becoming so widespread that it damaged the Xbox brand. Every other criticism has also been examined to see if it can be improved. Multiple changes have been made and Microsoft feel confident in a product they know the public will respond well to.

There have been discussions about creating price parity between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 by reducing the Xbox One price to $399/€399. Conversation has centred on bigger losses per unit sold versus loss of sales traction.

Microsoft will make public their plans for Gamescom later this week. It’s expected they will be hosting a press event presented by Phil Spencer, the vice president of Microsoft Game Studios and Phil Harrison, the corporate vice president of Interactive Entertainment.

As it seems that the Gamescom showcase event is press only and not public, I guess, if this rumor is true, this would be a dedicated event.
That sure is one handy tip!

Edit: Back on subject. I really doubt they will lower the price. They're already going to be selling a gazillion of these things at $500, why throw away money? They may do an early price drop late next year but that will depend greatly on how first-year sales are going, which nobody can predict right now.

As for the "reintroduction" they've been doing a great job post-E3. Just continue the good press and ride it out until launch. Can't wait for Gamescom!


This just reeks of being desperate, if true.

But hey, I'm all for competition though. I'm glad to see that the other companies are changing their policies in order to compete.
This would be hilarious.

It would make it more tempting but I'll at least wait until they further solidify their plans because they really don't have a clue at the moment.


Gold Member
Why wouldnt they have done this at the same time they changed the DRM then and made an even bigger splash? I think we wont see anything till after Chrstimas price wise.


drm woops just kidding
shitting on indies woops just kidding
$499 woops just kidding

at least they're fixing mistakes, but they haven't given me any reason to trust them for a while.


I think it's evident that the whole article is just pure speculation based around the fact that Microsoft is having a gamescom event on august 20th. There is no source for this.


A "reintroduction" of a product rarely goes well. I'm taking this with a huge grain of salt. I will also flat out deny any chance they will reduce the price to $399. No way, no how.


I always thought that Mattrick leaving is the perfect cover for this.

I'm sure they will sellout this year regardless of $399 in the US, but 499 Euro's might not guarantee sell through.

They could wait until march to drop the price, but I think this move would be as much about price as building good will and generating positive word of mouth. Things which haven't been good to Xbone so far.


Backtracking like a mother.
This will be a very interesting year with two competing consoles. Now if Nintendo drops they're console by $50, it'll look a hell of a lot more appealing to families looking for a new console this year.
all the handiest tips come from handytips.info

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