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Hannibal showrunner Bryan Fuller wants to do a Silence of the Lambs arc

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Link. Spoilers for the show of course.

Pour Bryan Fuller a nice chianti; the former Hannibal showrunner would love to “explore” the story of Hannibal Lecter with a new take on The Silence of the Lambs.

“We still hope that something can be worked out where we continue telling Hannibal Lecter stories and see The Silence of the Lambs in a way that the book hasn’t been represented,” Fuller said this week during an appearance on Blumhouse’s Shock Waves podcast. “I think the film adaptation is a perfect film, but there’s a lot of interesting nooks and crannies in that book to explore in a television series.”

Fuller’s television adaptation of Hannibal lasted three seasons on NBC before being canceled. The show focused on parts of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal novel and spent its last arc adapting Harris’ Red Dragon, but never got around to the author’s most famous Hannibal Lecter story, The Silence of the Lambs.

Things looked rather final at the end of season 3 of Hannibal, with Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) and Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) going over a cliff together, Holmes-and-Moriarty style. However, Fuller said the ending was never intended to be final, and the story could potentially continue in the form of short miniseries (a la Fox’s recent six-episode revival of The X-Files).

“There weren’t going to be any bodies found floating in that lagoon. And the whole point of showing Gillian Anderson sitting at a table with two additional place settings and her leg on the table was there was a big splash and dinner guests are coming,” Fuller said. “I think, ideally for the cast, it would be as a miniseries, here and there. Let’s do six to eight episodes of that, and six to eight episodes over here. And do it as an irregular thing.”

Released in 1991, Silence of the Lambs is one of the most lauded movies of the last 25 years, winning Oscars for best picture, best director, best actress (Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling) and best actor (Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter). There are currently no plans to continue the Fuller’s take on the material on any platform.


Purple Drazi
He can do anything he wants, he has my approval, just so long as he set up Star Trek: Discovery very, very nicely.


Watched Hannibal for the first time this month, and even though the third season was weaker than the other two, the finale was amazing and left me hankering for more.

Would be interested how they did the Silence of The Lambs. What role would Will play and amongst other things,
how would Hannibal end up back in to the asylum?


Season 3 finale was highly satisfying and landed it in a good fashion. First half of season 3 was a bit dull.
I wouldn't be against it if the same cast & team came back with renewed energy.

Sidenote: Season 2 finale was probably the finest hour of television I ever saw.
Keep talking about it Bryan, and hopefully you can find time and budget to make it happen. I'm glad he hasn't given up on this idea.

We really need it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I wonder if Amazon would be interested in doing a mini series. Probably not since they had zero interest in funding Season 4. *Shrug* I bet a Silence of the Lambs mini would attract more eyes than most of their newer shows


A shorter episode order might be the ideal way to tell a story like Silence of the Lambs, especially considering how Season Three tended to lag a little in the beginning.

I'm all for it.



Cannot wait.


Fail out bailed
Now THIS is a show Netflix should buy 2 seasons of and tell Fuller: Okay. 2 seasons. 26 eps. Make it good.
I'm down for this. Gonna be tough finding somebody similar to jodie foster for Clarice tho (and it has to be Clarice, leave graham behind now).

Maybe Saoirse Ronan?

With the main requirement for the show to be less pretentious as shit. The first half of season 3 was unbearable to watch, even worse during a rewatch.


I would probably cry if we got more Hannibals. One of my all time favorite televisions shows and also quite possibly the biggest shock to just how good the quality of this show was. I went in expect crap and came out with my jaw touching the floor.

$20 for the entire Blu-Ray box set on Amazon and I believe Best Buy currently people. Grab that shit up!

I even sent a copy to my brother and a friend this year!


I didn't realise the third season was so despised around here.

Yeah me too, and it's pretty weird.
I understand the dislike for the first few episodes, but I'm pretty sure episode 7 til the end is one of the best things I've ever seen in media.
The whole way they handeld the Great Red Dragon arc was phenomenal.
I kinda don't want this.

S3 was the perfect end to Fuller's version of that whole universe. Besides which, Silence of the Lambs always felt more like a revision of Red Dragon anyway.

I mean, if he does it, I'm all in, absolutely, because all three seasons of that television series are an inexplicable fuckin' miracle. People will look back at that in 10 years and still won't believe that shit ran for three seasons on NBC. It simply doesn't make sense.

But if it never happens, I won't be sad. He got three seasons out of Red Dragon, and basically rehabilitated all the worthwhile parts of the "Hannibal" novel while doing it.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Season 3 is cotentious but I believe it's the most fulfilling piece of television since the sopranos.
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