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I decided to try it out after seeing to much talk about it.

I asked for a refund after close to an hour. Under the tits and ass there is actually a "okay" Metroidvania style game. However, it is actually quite frustrating. To save you need to go to specific save rooms (nothing new there) but in order to save you need to use floppy disks that you find in the game and they are a limited resource. So you can only save when you think its okay to do so and you wanna spend one disk on it. Everything in the game is actually a limited resource, so if you shoot that bullet, its gone forever, if you use that medpack, its gone forever, it is totally possible to get as far into the game and realize it is impossible to continue because you have lost too many resources.

Then there is the metroidvaniaing..ish....thing... game. The complex seem pretty big and the store page does say its 160 rooms, the problem is that there is a lack of a map and unless you start drawing or have a phenomenal sense of direction you're gonna get lost quickly cause the game wants you to go back and forth all the time whenever you find something.

It was more frustrating than fun honestly, I commend their attempt on making a more "old school hardcore" game though. Also it is kinda obvious that they want the big selling point to be the ass.


Look at the bright side ... anyone talking about videogame objectification of women can just show some footage of this game and people will totaly understand, because this is textbook example, the "women being objectified in gaming 101"

No it's not a good example.
People are allowed to make games with sexual themes and visuals, and at least this game doesn't seem like it's trying to hide it or be coy about it.
Unlike Kojima with Quiet and other such examples.

Infact, the problem with objectification or sexualization, is the widespread and casual use of it, not these extreme examples that are essentially centered around it, like an erotic game would be.
But this is the old DoA and Bayonetta discussion.
There is a stark difference between saying "i want to make a game about a sex robot with big tits" and "I want to make a gritty fantasy RPG with dragons and battles, but all women should wear sexy outfits for no reason".
The first one isn't a problem, and will always be a niche, the second one is a problem, and is an epidemic.

So no, this is not a good example at all.


^^^ Completely agree.

I wonder what the game equivalent of clickbait would be called. I mean, this is obviously made in the such a way to get people talking about it, and it apparently worked.


No it's not a good example.
People are allowed to make games with sexual themes and visuals, and at least this game doesn't seem like it's trying to hide it or be coy about it.
Unlike Kojima with Quiet and other such examples.

Infact, the problem with objectification or sexualization, is the widespread and casual use of it, not these extreme examples that are essentially centered around it, like an erotic game would be.
But this is the old DoA and Bayonetta discussion.
There is a stark difference between saying "i want to make a game about a sex robot with big tits" and "I want to make a gritty fantasy RPG with dragons and battles, but all women should wear sexy outfits for no reason".
The first one isn't a problem, and will always be a niche, the second one is a problem, and is an epidemic.

So no, this is not a good example at all.

So because it's blatant objectification, what with the character having no personality or face and just being an object with breasts and ass, it's not objectifying?

If this character was replaced with one of the Portal 2 robots nothing would change except it wouldn't be a faceless sexbot walking around. At least in DoA or MGSV with Quiet they are actual characters even if there is no real reason or excuse for their clothing they at least have more effort put into them being characters and fitting in the world than literally faceless woman.

Where are the actual sexual themes in the game? Does it explore sexuality? Does it have a reason for sexy woman robot to be this way? No? She is just there literally so threads like this exist and people go "daaaaamn giiiirl, you thick! I'm going to buy this now because I need me some fat ass in my games!". They aren't even pretending there is a reason for it.


So because it's blatant objectification, what with the character having no personality or face and just being an object with breasts and ass, it's not objectifying?
Where did i say that? Objectification is a neutral quality, it is only negative in (specific) context(s).
In fiction especially, objectification is a needed tool, for example (not all characters are fleshed out, and not all of them are "characters", many only function as narrative "objects" to further a plot point).
Game characters are transformed into "objects" all the time, albeit not always of a sexual nature, from hollow avatars, to merely functional npcs.

Meanwhile trying to pass your out of place objectification as something more (Quiet) is dishonest, and since "hidden", more easily widespread.

They aren't even pretending there is a reason for it.
There doesn't need to be.
You don't have to ask permission to depict sex or sexual things.
Since this game is so incredibly overt about it, and doesn't really sport any other standout characteristic, it's hard for you to argue that this wasn't a central design element from the start.
Moreover, trying to find a bullshit reason to justify and dignify your decision to show T&A, is just horrid dishonesty, and should not be encouraged.
Mean what you say and say what you mean.

And yes, Quiet falls under both of the above negative connotations: Design being out of place in an otherwise pretty serious game, with a long running history, and being justified by bullshit explanations.
Honestly, if I HAD to do something like this for whatever reason I'd make it a game-wide "escort mission simulation" with the protagonist being designed as a sexbot but also a bodyguard, having to protect a robot simulating a client and tending to "his" urges through motions that resemble sex acts but with no actual explicit parts shown (implied to involve AR aspects that the player can't actually see, it'd probably look more weird than titillating), and the player can decide whether the protagonist can embrace her role or consider it demeaning and try to escape. If nothing else, it'd probably have more to say than this game ever does.
The boobs are a little too big, but what really kills it is the total lack of a face. That made it go from potentially sexy to off-putting and creepy.



If it was an actual game about a sexbot developing sentience and trying to escape somewhere I would be 100% down with that.

But it doesn't look like that's the case and it's just really, really offputting.



Quality laugh
Played this at a friend's house the other day, and I genuinely liked it! I actually enjoy the characters design, and the over-exaggerated camera framing of all your movements (especially the crouch and backstepping animations) to emphasise on your characters..."generous" assets had me laughing at quite a few points! The platforming is interesting as well, much more grounded and realistic than most other games, game doesn't even tell you what to do so figuring stuff out is fun. It's slightly metroidvania-ish with doors in previous areas that you can't open until later and tons of hidden rooms with bonus resources like ammo and healing items.

Game even uses a Resident Evil style ribbon system to save as well, which was weird to see!


No it's not a good example.

There is a stark difference between saying "i want to make a game about a sex robot with big tits" and "I want to make a gritty fantasy RPG with dragons and battles, but all women should wear sexy outfits for no reason".
The first one isn't a problem, and will always be a niche, the second one is a problem, and is an epidemic.

So no, this is not a good example at all.

Your post falls apart because we don't know if the bolded is the case.

Look at it from the point of view of someone who has never played a game in their life. The player controls a character who is walking around a sterile, hostile sci-fi environment. The environment and the player's actions look serious and there's nothing 'sexy' or tongue in cheek about them. And the player-character is a faceless android who, for no apprent reason, has giant tits and ass and hyper-sexualised movements.

The display of super-sexualised female qualities (for apparently no reason) is at odds with (as far as we can see) everything else in the game. Just why? I don't think it's far off the Quiet example at all, but perhaps not as extreme because MGSV has lots of normally clothed (mainly male) characters.


Your post falls apart because we don't know if the bolded is the case.

Look at it from the point of view of someone who has never played a game in their life. The player controls a character who is walking around a sterile, hostile sci-fi environment. The environment and the player's actions look serious and there's nothing 'sexy' or tongue in cheek about them. And the player-character is a faceless android who, for no apprent reason, has giant tits and ass and hyper-sexualised movements.

The display of super-sexualised female qualities (for apparently no reason) is at odds with (as far as we can see) everything else in the game. Just why? I don't think it's far off the Quiet example at all, but perhaps not as extreme because MGSV has lots of normally clothed (mainly male) characters.

As i said in the subsequent post, MGSV doesn't come out of nowhere, it comes from a history of games with a pretty serious tone (and some humor scattered throughout), moreover, even the game itself, it maintains a straight and serious tone for anything that isn't a woman that needs to be sexualized for no reason (again, aside from a couple of humorous moments here and there).
On top of that Kojima came out with his bullshit excuses, trying to dance around the fact that Quiet was out of place, the tits zoom ins on the zombie ladies were out of place, PAZ's costume was out of place.

Now clearly i have no idea what was going through the head of the developers of this game, but when the only stand out and remarkable thing about it, as well as the only thing that doesn't look just lifted from a Unity Sci-Fi pack, is the main character having a huge ass sticking out and walking on 12" heels, i think it's not that wild of an assumption to make, that the sexy aspect was a very central point behind the game's visual design from the inception.

I'm not calling that design genius or even good, but it's far from being the fly in the soup that something like Quiet can be for MGSV.

To put it another way, and taking the outsider perspective you mention:

It is very possible for someone to see a MGSV trailer, get the game, enjoy it for what it is, and then get hit in the face by that Quiet shit out of nowhere, leaving with a bad taste in their mouth.
Conversely, there is really no way you stumble into this game (or Bayonetta, or Dead or Alive Xtreme) and get caught by surprise, by the sexual elements.
It's front and center, and not trying to hide it or justify it as anything more than what it is.

Beyond that, anyone is free to criticize the art-style and design choice all they like, like they are for any other game.

But to say that this is the perfect poster child for the battle against bad female representation in gaming, is just misguided.
It'd be like using niche exploitation films, to make the same points about cinema.
As i said in the subsequent post, MGSV doesn't come out of nowhere, it comes from a history of games with a pretty serious tone (and some humor scattered throughout), moreover, even the game itself, it maintains a straight and serious tone for anything that isn't a woman that needs to be sexualized for no reason (again, aside from a couple of humorous moments here and there).
On top of that Kojima came out with his bullshit excuses, trying to dance around the fact that Quiet was out of place, the tits zoom ins on the zombie ladies were out of place, PAZ's costume was out of place.

Now clearly i have no idea what was going through the head of the developers of this game, but when the only stand out and remarkable thing about it, as well as the only thing that doesn't look just lifted from a Unity Sci-Fi pack, is the main character having a huge ass sticking out and walking on 12" heels, i think it's not that wild of an assumption to make, that the sexy aspect was a very central point behind the game's visual design from the inception.

I'm not calling that design genius or even good, but it's far from being the fly in the soup that something like Quiet can be for MGSV.

To put it another way, and taking the outsider perspective you mention:

It is very possible for someone to see a MGSV trailer, get the game, enjoy it for what it is, and then get hit in the face by that Quiet shit out of nowhere, leaving with a bad taste in their mouth.
Conversely, there is really no way you stumble into this game (or Bayonetta, or Dead or Alive Xtreme) and get caught by surprise, by the sexual elements.
It's front and center, and not trying to hide it or justify it as anything more than what it is.

Beyond that, anyone is free to criticize the art-style and design choice all they like, like they are for any other game.

But to say that this is the perfect poster child for the battle against bad female representation in gaming, is just misguided.
It'd be like using niche exploitation films, to make the same points about cinema.
Here's the problem: some people are reporting that the game is actually ok. So if the original intent was just to create some masturbatory porn then they kinda failed. They put some work into wanting to make a compelling game. If they had put some thought into their sexy female character they could have had something interesting. It's wasted potential.


Here's the problem: some people are reporting that the game is actually ok. So if the original intent was just to create some masturbatory porn then they kinda failed.

What do you mean? A "masturbatory game" can't also be fun to play? Bayonetta is one of the best action games ever made, and features sex front and center (albeit in a comedic fashion).
Even Extreme Beach volleyball (only played the first one myself) was pretty fun in being a volleyball game (it was no Beach Spikers, but still...).

I'm not arguing that a game with sex as a strong visual focus has to be a running joke or intentionally shit game, i'm saying to just be honest about what you're doing, and the problem with sexualization in gaming is people really aren't.
That's why you have bikini armor in otherwise straightforward games, not because of niche shit like this.


wait are the defenders of this game andy kaufmaning us or do the legitimately enjoy the game? also, why do they always have furry related avatars?
The main character has a great body. Love those curves. The robot face is a bit off-putting. Almost like its going into some kind of "artsy" territory.
I love games with sexy girls, so I'll keep an eye on this.
What do you mean? A "masturbatory game" can't also be fun to play? Bayonetta is one of the best action games ever made, and features sex front and center (albeit in a comedic fashion).
Even Extreme Beach volleyball (only played the first one myself) was pretty fun in being a volleyball game (it was no Beach Spikers, but still...).

I'm not arguing that a game with sex as a strong visual focus has to be a running joke or intentionally shit game, i'm saying to just be honest about what you're doing, and the problem with sexualization in gaming is people really aren't.
That's why you have bikini armor in otherwise straightforward games, not because of niche shit like this.

I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Some people want it both ways. For all we know the creators are trying to pull some "don't judge a book by it's cover" motive.

It's fascinating we are having this deep discussion on this game. lol


I think it's a lot more complicated than that. Some people want it both ways. For all we know the creators are trying to pull some "don't judge a book by it's cover" motive.

It's fascinating we are having this deep discussion on this game. lol

Well my point simply is "niche products like these, aren't a good demo of the problem with female representation in the industry".
I have no interest in the game itself (i think it looks bad and off-putting, myself) and am not really judging it on that ground, i was responding to a very specific post.


That outrageous character design gave this game more attention that it deserves. I watched Jim Sterling's video on it and it looks like a game where the challenge is figuring out how to actually play the darn game.

I gotta admit, though having the healthbar displayed on the character itself is a smart move, it reminds me of Dead Space. I also like the idea that you can distinguish some death pits and dangerous areas by placing dead bodies in them.


The worst imo is the face. Removing the face just reduces this being (that they're saying was once a human) to an object for pure pleasure. It's disgusting. I like curves so I can't help feeling -something- faint when that gif keeps popping up in this thread, but that makes me feel disgusting too. A mutilated, de-personified sexobject, why was this created? :(
That outrageous character design gave this game more attention that it deserves. I watched Jim Sterling's video on it and it looks like a game where the challenge is figuring out how to actually play the darn game.

To be fair, it's really only climbing down ledges that's a bit obtuse until you figure it out and then it's surprisingly intuitive (back facing towards the ledge, crouch, and then press crouch again). The real challenge is conserving your save disks and ammunition while trying to figure out where the hell you're going, where the shit you need to get is, and, well, not dying.


If it was an actual game about a sexbot developing sentience and trying to escape somewhere I would be 100% down with that.

But it doesn't look like that's the case and it's just really, really offputting.

I'm not defending the game or making a specific point about this game or the character. I was simply answering the question the person I quoted posted.
You know it's almost impossible to talk about gameplay on gaf when there are tits in a game bigger than c-cups.
Maybe if it's an already established series like Senran Kagura with a decent following and it's anime styled so most people ignore it out of principle.
It's actually nice to see a game looking like this on steam has a really good rating.

You realize the only reason this game has good reviews is because 90% of them are jokes about the main character, right?

Last I checked I saw one serious review that actually discussed the gameplay and it ended with a "Not Recommended" verdict, unsurprisingly.
If I had to take a wild guess as to how the development of this game went, the guy made the game with a placeholder character model not really knowing who the protagonist should be, and then when he realized he would probably make zero money and his game would drown in the sea of new games coming out on Steam every day, he decided to give it a "unique" selling point that would catch people's attention.

Clearly it worked, this thread wouldn't exist were it not for the protagonist's design.


It's like Metroid Prime?

*Watches first thirty minutes*

Jesus this looks like janky garbage. Did you really have to compare this shit to my favorite game OP? It's not doing Haydee any favors.
It's like Metroid Prime?

*Watches first thirty minutes*

Jesus this looks like janky garbage. Did you really have to compare this shit to my favorite game OP? It's not doing Haydee any favors.

Honestly, it's more like Metroid 1 and Tomb Raider mashed together with Portal's basic aesthetic. The jank is honestly overstated compared to the more frustrating parts, such as the lack of a map.


Junior Member
Love how the trailer downplays the Tit and Ass aspect to it by filming haydee in dark environments or just plainly panning the camera away when she climbs.

They know radical feminists will go apeshit about this. But they also know that radical feminists don't actually play games and just watch trailers to get mad over the boob and butt. Smart.


That's embarrassing, and this is coming from someone with platinum trophies in three Senran Kaguras, DOAX3 and Onechanbara.

The dev is a genius though. It's both a joke and a smut game, and those always sell enough compared to how much it cost to make them.


A very awkward TPS.

And I mean gameplay and platforming. It was ok... at the time.
It was so awful. You played as a woman in skin tight lycra. Your dance moves made you shoot lasers out of your hands at enemy robots.

Gameplay was terrible. It was basically a game made so you could look at the main character's ass the entire time. I think it had an unlock costume that basically made her wear nothing, IIRC.
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