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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Super Sleuth
that priest 2 mana card is pretty situational. Can't just throw it down on curve and expect it to make an impact.

You absolutely throw it down on curve because you have nothing else to throw down on curve and if you can get it to proc you are getting really good value.

I don't think it procs all that often but i don't know that it needs to.
I see it as a sort of midrange or aggressive card. Might be good enough for control, but more of a anti-aggro tech maybe surpassed by that 2/6 and I don't really rank that too high tbh. It's a good talonpriest target... it has at least that going for it. It's good for helping keep aggression up while keeping health values high I suppose, but you're more likely to play a 3 drop than to heal it I think. Sorta like an inspire type card when you hero power it. That said, if it was inspire, it would be absolutely better. But it's far from that.

Seems good enough for punishing most 1 drops. And it's not like your opponent is gonna play a 2 attack minion once it sees this played. And it's only 2 attack that doesn't really scale at all if you ignore it. It's not like keeping a sorceress apprentice or a spell power minion up. And what can't deal with a 3 health minion appropriately on turn 2? Maybe paladin who doesn't care (as much).

Is it good enough for resurrect priest? Probably not. Good enough for dragon priest? I don't think it's insane to run a non-dragon or non-dragon synergy card, but I don't think dragon priest has the room for this either.

Some kind of token priest? How does priest even leverage tokens? They really can't. Hell, even warlock and mage can't leverage tokens so you can't even discover a tool.

What deck even uses this? Control? Aggro? Maybe a new midrange archetype that currently doesn't exist that isn't resurrect.


Unconfirmed Member
Kabal Talonpriest makes 2 drops in priest way more valuable as a whole.


This feels like one of those cards that everyone is going to lose their shit over but won't turn out to be that good in practice. The Priest version of Menagerie Warden, if you will.


This feels like one of those cards that everyone is going to lose their shit over but won't turn out to be that good in practice. The Priest version of Menagerie Warden, if you will.

Card is good but nothing to freak out, I mean we already see token druid goes apeshit.. this is nothing compared to it, far harder to trigger but its does provide priest a little help to fight in the board to reduce aggresion in early game.


Unconfirmed Member
into you're playing wild and none of this matters anyways

Into you clearly don't play Wild because, a great 2 drop is something Priest doesn't have there either

This into Velen's is amazingly good and with that new 3 drop being straight up better than Dark Cultist (excepting with N'Zoth but you probably weren't hoping to get that guy back anyhow so no big loss), we are looking good for a really strong early game for Priest. Which in turn will fuel their ability to run all kinds of stuff later game.

I'm liking this set and some of the Wild implications. Dirty Rat is really good in control matchups to screw people out of their saved plans when you can deal with them, Kabal Talonpriest is again pretty much power creep on Dark Cultist, and more redundancy just makes the likelihood of that new Legendary working in a Reno/Kazakus deck. Priests in Wild should be pumped. In Standard, they might be playable too.


Unconfirmed Member
yall mofos need to read the text, effect not trigger when you heal another minion

A playable 2 drop that isn't Wyrmrest Agent is something I would consider with almost any text. I have run Haunted Creeper, Flame juggler, and other janky stuff in the past. If the text is even conditionally useful, I'll take it.


new priest card looks interesting...

Modified my reno paladin for rank 8 and beyond, because the meta is different here. 6-1 so far, but that can change in an instant.

EDIT: might take out N'zoth because he is a dead card in my hand 90% of the time.

Tinkmaster is MVP against control decks.

interesting deck. yeah nzoth....

Blew threw 3200 dust to craft Malygos and Von Cleef

Maly Rogue is so fun when it works lol
good investment


Been traveling so didn't have a chance to comment on the new cards.

The new 5 drop is interesting but hard to figure out where it fits. Too late for aggressive decks, seems more usable Rogue decks.

New Priest 2 drop is very good but not broken. Honestly one of the more tame Priest cards. The new 3 drop makes it stronger than it should be. I think the 2 drop belongs in a new archetype of Priest deck that's more Heal and Midrange based. It's hard to fit into Dragon and Control Priest decks but Dragon Priest might use it anyway as their second 2 drop.

And yeah you have to heal the minion itself, not anything else. It's not even as powerful if that effect was an Inspire, you have to find a way to damage it and make it survive first. That's what makes it non broken although it makes any buff card in Priest like Power Word Shield really strong.


New card reminded me of Shadowboxer.


It's better, though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The text on Mana Geode is at least 3 times more powerful than the text on Shadowboxer.


Into you clearly don't play Wild because, a great 2 drop is something Priest doesn't have there either

This into Velen's is amazingly good and with that new 3 drop being straight up better than Dark Cultist (excepting with N'Zoth but you probably weren't hoping to get that guy back anyhow so no big loss), we are looking good for a really strong early game for Priest. Which in turn will fuel their ability to run all kinds of stuff later game.

I'm liking this set and some of the Wild implications. Dirty Rat is really good in control matchups to screw people out of their saved plans when you can deal with them, Kabal Talonpriest is again pretty much power creep on Dark Cultist, and more redundancy just makes the likelihood of that new Legendary working in a Reno/Kazakus deck. Priests in Wild should be pumped. In Standard, they might be playable too.

oh im sorry, what i was getting at was that wild is wildly irrelevant.

Honestly the biggest problem with geode is it just gets eaten as a 2/3. It takes a waraxe, it takes a trade on board, or a buff from zoo, if you're not playing it into an empty board it probably just dies. I sincerely doubt that straight-up face decks are going to be popular with this expansion so how do you get value out of that card text coining on 1 or playing on 2? It's more challenging than you might think


Just going to put it out there that people are overhyping Mana Geode. Those who know I'm right know I'm right, that's all I'm going to say.


Just going to put it out there that people are overhyping Mana Geode. Those who know I'm right know I'm right, that's all I'm going to say.
I don't know what this means but people are going are going gungho about all the Priest cards anyway. It's to be expected.

I don't think this card is that insane either. It's good though and might be good enough to see play and sometimes it might ball out of control and you will cry but otherwise it's not broken.


mana geode isn't THAT good

it's got a cool effect that you're almost never going to get to use
mana geode isn't THAT good

it's got a cool effect that you're almost never going to get to use

This 2-drop won't rock the world but it fills a slot that is empty in priest decks. Priest has often had to resort to running neutral 2 mana minions if we wanted to have something to play on turn 2. Other than SW:D I mean.


mana geode isn't THAT good

it's got a cool effect that you're almost never going to get to use
It'll be pretty easy to use if you can follow it up with a PW:Shield or Talonpriest and it's an early drop that needs to be removed because of its ability, which isn't really something that Priest has ever had.


Some of the new cards look fun and all, but I haven't played Hearthstone in maybe a month or so? Feel like Shadowverse with a sprinkling of Eternal pretty much satisfies my ccg needs.

Maybe I'll get it another shot in a few weeks...


Mana Geode is ok. And an ok priest card is bombastic news. It doesn't fit into all priest lists. It's a great 2-drop in arena, but I'm in awe once again at the Blizzard arena balancing.

It's a fucking epic.


I really like the fact if Mana Geode seeing play its not gonna made Priest had dominant early game.. its just good enough to fend off aggresive start. Its force opponent flame imp trade into this for example.


did I say they were gonna give Priest the Shaman treatment when they said something along the lines of ''oh, Priest sucks now? We had no idea! I guess we'll fix the class in the next expansion! [which it's already an hilarious statement on its own]" ? I think I did. it's not like anyone is expecting an healthy balanced meta anyhow.

the 3 drop aka a *most of the time* better Dark Cultist needed a 2 drop, here's the 2 drop. and I don't think this 2 drop is just ''ok'', it actually seems quite good, you're forced to remove it because if you don't, well, enjoy Priest having a board until you AoE clear everything, or until you just lose because you didn't remove it.
it's definitely not the strongest Priest card they've shown so far, but still really good. the dragon cards will probably make dragon Priest tier 1, or close enough. (there might be more dragons coming, too)
Potion of Madness is another card which has the potential to be broken and make many people prep concede the next turn in tears. the legendary has also the potential to be insane in a Shadowform RenoPriest deck. I'll be happy to eat the crow when the new meta establishes since I don't like to play / play against Priest, but I doubt I will.


did I say they were gonna give Priest the Shaman treatment when they said something along the lines of ''oh, Priest sucks now? We had no idea! I guess we'll fix the class in the next expansion! [which it's already an hilarious statement on its own]"? I think I did. it's not like anyone is expecting an healthy balanced meta anyhow.

the 3 drop aka a *most of the time* better Dark Cultist needed a 2 drop, here's the 2 drop. and I don't think this 2 drop is just ''ok'', it actually seems quite good, you're forced to remove it because if you don't, well, enjoy Priest having a board until you AoE clear everything, or until you just lose because you didn't remove it.
it's definitely not the strongest Priest card they've shown so far, but still really good. the dragon cards will probably make dragon Priest tier 1, or close enough. (there might be more dragons coming, too)
Potion of Madness is another card which has the potential to be broken and make many people prep concede the next turn in tears. the legendary has also the potential to be insane in a Shadowform RenoPriest deck. I'll be happy to eat the crow when the new meta establishes since I don't like to play / play against Priest, but I doubt I will.

Yeah it needs to be removed, much like Juggler. The 3-ass means it can live every now and then even without a buff.

Its viability completely depends whether Priest can assemble a deck that support these kind of "vanilla" drops or do they need to play full dragons, or full control.


it's probably not gonna be played in dragon Priest since the deck already has good 2 drops with dragon synergy but it could definitely be played in pretty much any other Priest deck.


it's probably not gonna be played in dragon Priest since the deck already has good 2 drops with dragon synergy but it could definitely be played in pretty much any other Priest deck.

In a pure control deck it doesn't necessarily work that well. If priest still gets overrun in the early game, then yeah this guy will help. If not, then a value-drop like Curator is better.
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