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Hello Games Sean Murray will be on the Late Show with Colbert next week demoing NMS

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Very cool it went mainstream but, the demo felt rushed and they absolutely edited half the demo because he just started walking on other planets all of a sudden. If you haven't been following the game you are probably confused coming out of that. Colbert did a great job hyping the game as Sean was explaining it to him.
He did point out this was a special demo that allowed jumping to to other planets instantly, and he said in the actual game you'd have to fly in your ship.
So you think that bugs in the PC version of the game are the reason why Sean knows the release date but won't say? Same reason why they won't announc even the delay?

I think it's difficult to get a title like this ready across two platforms, and doesn't want to announce a date that could later be incorrect.


They should really just take as long as they need. Keep adding stuff to the game.

Feature creep is a thing. I think they should focus on a specific thing and accomplish it first.

Considering how enthusiast Sean Murray is about the game every time he talks about, I hate to bring up this sort of allusion but it reminds me what Peter Molyneux did with the original Fable.

Hype is good. There is nothing wrong with keeping interest and being excited about your work and the product you hope to bring to the public, but overhyping of something can be harmful.

I want to buy No Man's Sky and I hope it does live up to the reputation in each demonstration and teaser shown for the game. All of this build up, I hope it leads to a positive result and there isn't a backlash with people expectations going unchecked.

There becomes a point in time where the show and tell eventually must come to an end and the cold hard facts begin to materialize. I will be waiting until then.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
What makes the most sense is that the game isn't finished and they are taking their time to get this highly ambitious game done right with as few issues as possible.
Assuming this is the case, with such a small team, why are they wasting time with premature over hyping? Stop compiling specialized demos for 6 billion appearances and fix the main game. Then when they get their shit in order... Hype the mother fucker to no end.
He was on advertising his thing with the New Yorker for tomorrow. That was why he was on it primarily. Hopefully he gained some new interest in the game and they will show up tomorrow and/or follow the game in the future, but the demo tomorrow is the real reason.
Same applies to the event tomorrow... this is all at best useless, at worst detrimental... and it's becoming a joke.


I think it's difficult to get a title like this ready across two platforms, and doesn't want to announce a date that could later be incorrect.

The kinda thing your talking about wouldn't prevent a game from having a release window/year. I'm talking about how the release date is a "secret" or how they wanted to announce the date at E3 and "were ready to but couldn't."

Assuming this is the case, with such a small team, why are they wasting time with premature over hyping? Stop compiling specialized demos for 6 billion appearances and fix the main game. Then when they get their shit in order... Hype the mother fucker to no end.

Exactly, this is the shit you do after you go gold. Colbert looked surprised when Sean said the release date was a secret.


This is that game that I was really hyped for the first sixty seven times I saw them demo it, or show me pictures of it.

At this point, my hype is gone, and I couldn't honestly care less when it comes out.

Take a page from Bethesda and learn to not over saturate your audience with videos and coverage of your game when it's likely not even coming out for another year.


This is that game that I was really hyped for the first sixty seven times I saw them demo it, or show me pictures of it.

At this point, my hype is gone, and I could honestly care less when it comes out.

Take a page from Bethesda and learn to not over saturate your audience with videos and coverage of your game when it's likely not even coming out for another year.

Almost pretty much this.

I don't think they can take a page from Bethesda and do it that quickly though. Bethesda is announcing a game that people hype themselves up for without Bethesda even saying it's being made and already has a name for itself. So I can understand having to hype this game more cause it's new and doesn't already have a dedicated fanbase.

But... at this point he really needs to stop hyping it until he's ready to announce it. I mean at some point people will start losing interest especially if you do things like say it's coming out a certain year and then never announce it til it's so late in the year it's hard to believe it's coming out. Worse, claim in the middle of hte year you'll announce the date soon and still don't announce it. At some point it just starts feeling like they are all empty promises. And that can carry over into the game too (he gives empty promises about release, what else is empty promises?).

I really think he would have done better to at the very least admit that it is not coming out this year (I will be shocked if it is and honestly, if it is, at this point it's foolish cause he's putting it against some real heavy hitters). Or if he knows it is actually give a date. or... at the very least say you are trying to make it out by 2015 but at the moment it is unkown.

Instead of never updating the 2015 estimate, claiming you will give one soon while giving no hint of when in sight (and we are more than 3/4's of the way through the year at this point).

And really, at this point, he really should stop talking about the game unless he has a release date. And quit stringing us along!


This is that game that I was really hyped for the first sixty seven times I saw them demo it, or show me pictures of it.

At this point, my hype is gone, and I could honestly care less when it comes out.

Take a page from Bethesda and learn to not over saturate your audience with videos and coverage of your game when it's likely not even coming out for another year.

I think if the game comes out featuring the stuff they have shown and running well, the wait will be worth it.

Hell maybe the game is feature-complete and they are just optimizing and waiting for Sony to announce PSVR release date.


I also remember vaguely that there used to be a "mystique" surrounding this game before this year. Yes, main 'lore' or whatever secrets are in the game haven't been talked about, but this influx of info and footage we've gotten since E3 has slightly decreased my awe with this game since it was revealed. Which is kind of disappointing since I remember Sean saying that he admired and wanted to do something similar to how Notch just put the player in a Minecraft world with no instructions and let them figure it out themselves. I wish they stuck with that mentality as I do feel kind of spoiled with all this footage out now. Maybe they decided to go full on hype mode thanks to all those "what do you do" people - can't really blame them for that, I guess.

All in all, the demo was great and I'm still buying this game day one; I just wish we had a clue when the release was.

Murray has showed way less than you think he has, to be honest. There are entire systems such as the economy, resources, upgrading, etc. that we have not seen or have only seen tantalizing glimpses of. We have seen barely any ships or literally only two multitools as well.
Is there any way to watch a replay of the NMS gameplay demo? I tried to watch it on CBS.com but "the video you have requested is not available for your geographic region" :/


It's done when it's done. They're a small team undertaking am incredibly ambitious task, have some patience.


Being in the UK I haven't had the opportunity to watch this.

Two questions:

1. Was it PS4 build?
2. Was the pop up improved?

I missed it and don't want to have to wait until tomorrow to watch it, anyone know where I could find a recording? Even just the NMS section on YouTube or something.
Nothing new if you have watched any demo of the game ever. Heck even the planets they showed seemed like the planets in previous demos.

Sean did grand. If anything Colbert seemed out of his element trying to talk about a video game.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Also, I would be happy if No Man's Sky is released in 2016 because of Sony PSVR. I know many would be annoyed with that, but honestly, from what impressions I've heard of VR, No Man's Sky seems like the absolute perfect game to be released for it.
Here is what I don't get... why does this mean delaying the game?? why not just have a patch ready when the VR goggles are released? Nothing is stopping you from waiting until the goggles launch before you buy it. Why punish those if us with no intention of getting the goggles?


We have been expecting a release date "soon" since E3 which was the original plan for the reveal of the date before something changed last minute. Cough Strategically Delayed for VR support /Cough.

I think so. The dreams twitch stream said they were hoping for lots more news at Paris games week, including answers to the big questions people have been asking about it.

I think we'll see concrete launch details for PSVR and dreams/NMS officially announced for it (long shot Gran Turismo too).

I don't necessarily think it is being held back though. Demi's up until now have been a little rough around the edges, so it may always have been a spring 2016 game. They did show it too early though - maybe they weren't expecting the reaction they got, and now it is in watch dogs territory terms of length from first showing to release. Not good.


Here is what I don't get... why does this mean delaying the game?? why not just have a patch ready when the VR goggles are released? Nothing is stopping you from waiting until the goggles launch before you buy it. Why punish those if us with no intention of getting the goggles?

Better to have 'a brand new highly anticipated game optimised for virtual reality, which will release the same day as PSVR' than ,some old game already out getting some stupid patch to work with PSVR'


Thought that demoed better than recent demos. Colbert did a good job at moving it along. Sean also seemed more comfortable than past demos.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Better to have 'a brand new highly anticipated game optimised for virtual reality, which will release the same day as PSVR' than ,some old game already out getting some stupid patch to work with PSVR'
Except if the game was already complete months in advance, then what's the difference? It's not "a brand new game." It's an existing game getting patched as the VR is hashed out.


Gold Member
First PewDiePie, now Sean. I'm AMAZED at how videogames get such a platform, and the incredible way Colbert is handling it.

Really cool.


It looks cool, and I remain curious and cautiously optimistic, but I can't shake the Molyneux feeling every time I hear this guy talk. This keeps my expectations tempered.
Here is what I don't get... why does this mean delaying the game?? why not just have a patch ready when the VR goggles are released? Nothing is stopping you from waiting until the goggles launch before you buy it. Why punish those if us with no intention of getting the goggles?

I'm pretty sure the pipeline for the game has to optimized for that. Remember, once you're in VR headset, it is literally a different input system.


It looks cool, and I remain curious and cautiously optimistic, but I can't shake the Molyneux feeling every time I hear this guy talk. This keeps my expectations tempered.

Hello Games' studio is a walking distance from 22cans.

Perhaps we are being fiddled from beyond the grave of Peter Molyneux's career?


Dem planet variety tho


Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm pretty sure the pipeline for the game has to optimized for that. Remember, once you're in VR headset, it is literally a different input system.
Oh please, if that was the case, it wouldn't work on tvs as well. Since it's optimised for VR and not TVs.


First PewDiePie, now Sean. I'm AMAZED at how videogames get such a platform, and the incredible way Colbert is handling it.

Really cool.
Yeah it's really cool how games and their developers have been extensively featured on mainstream shows hosted by O'Brien, Fallon, Colbert and Kimmel.

The UK is more progressive towards games in some ways but we never ever get any coverage like this on UK talk shows. Even Jonathan Ross who is a big gamer never mentions them on his shows.

I think the only host who mentions games in the UK is Charlie Brooker.
Getting upset a developer is showing off their game because you can't be an adult and need to satiate yourself with a hype cycle is one of the stupidest things I've heard. They don't show footage it's "but what do you do????" or calls of it being vaporware. They show footage and suddenly they're inundating, over saturating, and spoiling you. There's no winning.


Nothing new if you have watched any demo of the game ever. Heck even the planets they showed seemed like the planets in previous demos.

Sean did grand. If anything Colbert seemed out of his element trying to talk about a video game.
If people are expecting each planet to be an entire new experience, they may be in for some disappointment. While each planet should technically be unique, I think it's realistic to expect worlds that look similar to millions of others at a glance - with all the subtle differences revealing themselves as you look closer at plant and animal life, atmosphere composition, etc.

All this subtle variety has been on display in every video to date, but the videos have never stopped to detail it for the viewer. Which I think is a very deliberate move on their part, and also the right decision.
Great interview and demo. I laughed each time something was named and the " Mine! " popped.

Still my most anticipated game of all time. As an explorer and a space junkie, dream game right here.


Getting upset a developer is showing off their game because you can't be an adult and need to satiate yourself with a hype cycle is one of the stupidest things I've heard. They don't show footage it's "but what do you do????" or calls of it being vaporware. They show footage and suddenly they're inundating, over saturating, and spoiling you. There's no winning.

The problem is they keep showing basically the same demo every time. Show something new or nothing at all, watching a guy walk around on a planet for the 100th time does no one any good any more.
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