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How can anyone hate Christmas music?

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November, December, and First half of Janurary are the only times that's okay to listen to Christmas Music. Anything out of this timeframe is unacceptable.


I worked retail for 2 years about a decade back. The songs still ring in my head and fill me with dread.

If I'm drunk I'm cool though.



But yes, for all his fine songcraft, Paul McCartney screwed the pooch on that one.

In general, it's the repetitiveness, the everywhereness, and the oldness that gets to me. Mariah Carey's song is almost a breath of fresh air, but I promise you people will be complaining about it being everywhere ten years from now if they aren't already. And I'm not a religious person, but it's the secular songs that tend to be the most annoying. Gimme "Silent Night" over "Baby It's Cold Outside", please.


I love the shit out of Christmas music, but I can understand how someone might dislike or even hate it. Especially if you're not of a faith that observes Christmas.

Not the best Christmas song, but one I love below. I was about 19 years old which means this was around 1984 or so, was driving in NYC very late at night, no one on the streets for the most part. It was a few days away from Christmas and a very light snow started falling and this song came on the radio and it was all just magical. The empty streets, the soft snow falling, I was young and cruising, the music, all came together for a moment I've never forgotten.



Depends. I can handle it in doses. When I worked retail though? Fuck that. They played it nonstop from Black Friday (one year it started even earlier) to Christmas and it was awful.


I like Christmas music maybe 6 or 7 days any more it gets annoying

so that gets saved for:
Christmas shopping (0-2 days depending)
icing cooking/other baking
christmas eve
christmas day
picking out a tree
st nicholas day


Starts from November, so more than one month of the year. And it's the same stuff every single day. Red, green, white, and bland pop songs. Can you not see why that can be infuriating?

Not all Christmas music is pop. And where are you people going where you are barraged with it all the time? I only hear it when I actually play it at home.


It's constant, it's everywhere, it's the same 10 songs over and over again, and it gets stuck in your head even when it isn't this time of year.

On top of that you got people who want to start listening to it in August because "it's that time of year!" (I'm not even kidding, I KNOW people who want to celebrate Xmas as early as August...)
It's the one kind of music I can hear 10 million times and still like it. Even having worked retail with a finite number of songs on loop. Even shit bands doing Christmas music I rarely mind.

The only Christmas song I can't stand is that McCartney one Wonderful Christmas Time with that shitty synth. Fuck that song!


The welcome wears off after a week, to be honest. I work retail but I don't hear any of the PA music where I work in the store




But yes, for all his fine songcraft, Paul McCartney screwed the pooch on that one.

In general, it's the repetitiveness, the everywhereness, and the oldness that gets to me. Mariah Carey's song is almost a breath of fresh air, but I promise you people will be complaining about it being everywhere ten years from now if they aren't already. And I'm not a religious person, but it's the secular songs that tend to be the most annoying. Gimme "Silent Night" over "Baby It's Cold Outside", please.
I guess I can understand retail workers... but like... I just don't know about everyone else.

Hating Christmas music is like hating Christmas itself. And hating Christmas doesn't make sense to me either. I say that as an atheist by the way. I love the decorations, the atmosphere and spending time with my family. Christmas is my favorite holiday. The mythology and tradition of the holiday is a lot of fun

A big meh for the most part.

Christmas music wouldn't be so bad if it didn't start on fucking november first and continue until january first. It's inescapable and when I've heard the same song 200 fucking times before I even go to see my family, I don't ever want to hear it again.

So help me god if you play a christmas song before halloween I'll throw your soundsystem into the street.


I don't like the pop songs (or even worse, Christmas tunes written ages ago and arranged in a pop style). They sound tacky and dated. In contrast, hearing stuff like "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night" with an orchestra and/or chorus is wonderful.

Dr Prob

Have you ever worked in retail or a customer-facing job with muzak?
If not it makes sense why you don't dislike christmas music.

Dude, the very first sentence in the OP addresses this!

Now I'm not big on "I like this/how can anyone not like this?" stuff. There are lots of reasons people might not like a thing. It's life. That said, I do like some christmas music. Like this:


Has it all. People blowing into horns and shit, George Will clapping that wooden thing. Why is he there? Weird, but I like this song. And that one where Christina Aguilera is YELLING about christmas, that's good too.


I work in retail. I fucking hate it, it's already started too.

Although this year I'm not sure if I'd rather listen to garbage Christmas music, or garbage Maroon 5 or garbage Taylor Swift music. I actually think Christmas music wins this year.
I don't mind some, actually, I enjoy a good bit, but what pisses me off is when I hear the same songs sung but multiple artist throughout the day. For example that Christmas rape song, baby it's cold outside, or whatever the name is.
I don't mind christmas music for the first few days.

After that I hate it because you end up hearing the same songs for the next month.


I can see how people can hate it since it's the same batch of songs, but when you only hear it for about a month in the year the novelty is still pretty special. Also, some of the great singers like Sinatra and those guys get plays on the radio on some popular stations, unlike the rest of the year

For me, nothing will ever match the atmosphere of Christmas time. The world kind of changes for a month, in my eyes. Everything seems a bit more magical and fun than it should. I don't even know why, it's probably something to do with how Christmas was treated by my parents growing up.
I like Christmas music as long as it's being played at CHRISTMAS TIME. Like, don't start playing Christmas songs at the beginning of freaking November. Black Friday should be the absolute earliest that Christmas music is being played.


Which is why the Black Mirror Christmas special is bloody amazing. Sickeningly sweet satire.


Is that Jon Hamm?

I need to check this out. I'm guessing there's a series behind it I'd have to watch to make sense of it?


Not all Christmas music is pop. And where are you people going where you are barraged with it all the time? I only hear it when I actually play it at home.

I think the biggest issue is as society has changed what is acceptable to play has changed so in reality mostly what you will hear is the same small selection of pop Christmas music which ends up generally being a love song spiffed up to be Christmas like rather than an actual Christmas song.

Its all about the "Safe" songs to not offend anyone.


The more my ears are assaulted with it, the more I hate it. At the beginning of the season, I like it. It's grand. Then it gets stuck in my head. Then I keep hearing it, and nope.

Not all Christmas music is pop. And where are you people going where you are barraged with it all the time? I only hear it when I actually play it at home.

Seriously? You don't hear it on TV, on the car radio, in stores, restaurants, etc.? You must be a hermit or something.


I'm trying to find a very specific version of the song "This Christmas," but I ain't having luck. I enjoy the original version but the version I'm thinking of is newer. It ain't the Chris Brown version.


EDIT: BTW, the fucking (screenshot) music video I just posted is crazy, so many classic Christmas images. Like Harry Potter and Pokemon :/


I guess I can understand retail workers..

You guess? Buddy, I have to listen to this shit for 40-60 hours a week, from early October to January 1st. There is no need to guess.

Even beyond that though, the worst part of (most) Christmas music is the teeth-gritting candy-coated eternal happiness of it all. It's the musical form of ice cream sundaes for three meals a day. Wonderful Christmastime has already been brought up, but it is the perfect example for this. (And yes, there's Christmas music that doesn't fit this stereotype, but they don't play it in retail.)

What makes it all even worse is the holiday retail mindset. Managers, employees, customers, all on the shortest fuse possible, people screaming and shoving each other. Combine that with the sugar overdose of the background soundtrack and the end result is surreal.


you can't put a price on sparks
They're not musically pleasing

They're all super into selling you the commerciality of the holiday

New music is nowhere to be found

It's the same music from the fixking 1950s that keeps getting played
It's the same songs, played over and over, and it is as though people forget there are other songs out there. They're fine for a few times, or on occasion, but they get played to the point where it's tiresome to hear them pretty much on a loop after almost a month of non-stop play.
It's not the concept of Christmas music on its own, it's just that it's the same few songs and it's so creatively bankrupt that it's ridiculous.

If there was a new lot of Christmas songs each year like there is for every other genre of music, and if those songs are what got airplay, I imagine nobody would have a problem with it.


What makes it all even worse is the holiday retail mindset. Managers, employees, customers, all on the shortest fuse possible, people screaming and shoving each other. Combine that with the sugar overdose of the background soundtrack and the end result is surreal.

Just the thought of a big Christmas Best Buy riot underscored to "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" makes me giggle. Surreal as hell.


Fail out bailed



Worked at sears from age 16-21. Now im 32 and a long way from ever going back to retail and yet xmas music still triggers some kind of ptsd. I doubt ill ever enjoy it. A lady in my office plays it out loud in her cubicle to everyone else's enjoyment and i just put my headphones on.
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