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How Do You Feel About XBox 360 Live!


People who say that PC gaming has been doing what Live does obviously have no clue as to all the features Live has. They just spout off, having never used it at all - or hardly at all.

Don't judge it or comment on it until you've spent a few solid days exploring all of it's options.
araganekyassuru said:
nowhere did I say PC online gaming is better because it's free, that's not why it's better..

what I said was that I don't get the Live hype when you've been able to do whatever Live does on PC, for over 10 years and for free

a large audience paying money to play a game that is totally new and unique (even tho that wasn't my point to begin with..) got nothing to do with it

I'll be in to tuck you in later, pun'kin.

You obviously have no clue what your talking about anymore. The doctor has your number.
TekunoRobby said:
araganekyassuru next time use Counter Strike: Source as an example of a larger PC audience that doesn't have to pay a dime to play online.

why use the crappy game css as an example when 1.6 is being played by way more people?

and wow costing money or not has nothing to do with me not getting the Live hype nor it having more people playing than any console online has combined


Dr_Cogent said:
People who say that PC gaming has been doing what Live does obviously have no clue as to all the features Live has. They just spout off, having never used it at all - or hardly at all.

Nail, head, hammer.

Dave Long

araganekyassuruwhat I said was that [b said:
I[/b] don't get the Live hype when you've been able to do whatever Live does on PC, for over 10 years and for free

Just shut up, dude. IT'S NOT THE SAME!

I've been a PC gamer for years. I write about PC games for a mag. Xbox Live and the new 360 functionality is NOTHING like playing games on a PC. I only wish PC games had all the coolness and the integrated features of Xbox Live 360. Stop trying to be some kind of authority on something you clearly know zilch about!


XBL is a great, great thing...

but I just don't see the casual giving a shit that much about the social functions. They have real life for social functions.

You think casuals care about comparing achievements?

I'd say what the casual really will dig is not the communication features, but the downloadable content around the pick up and play XBL arcade...if the pricing stays as low or goes lower.

Devices like the IPod and TiVo have successfully demonstrated what the casual would like to be integrated into a media/gaming device in my opinion.

Casuals will own the console market from now on. From a business perspective, more things need to be emphasized that cater to their needs.


araganekyassuru said:
you've been able to do whatever Live does on PC, for over 10 years and for free

You keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will become true. But if you stop lying, maybe you can truly become a real little boy.


Professor K

m0dus jr
Apharmd Battler said:
As do I find myself checking my 'Friends List' here at wrok to see what my pals are up to. It's freaky when you at home in the middle of the day and friends calls you on the phone from work and asks, "So I see your replaying the warehouse level in Condemned, still looking for all those metals pieces huh?". And the competition it creates due to leaderboards and acheivments is crazy. The reason I'm playing Geometry Wars is because I see friends of mine with insane scores. And I think if HE can do it, I know I can.

God, I think I'll have to be committed when Street Fighter 2:Hyper Edition is released on XBLA. That could be the start of something huge for the service. <Apharmd Battler desperately tries to maintian his composure>

See, I haven't really gotten into it yet like I did on XBOX. Ghost Recon 2 will be a different story. I think I'll crack open Condemned this weekend too.
Dave Long said:
Just shut up, dude. IT'S NOT THE SAME!

I've been a PC gamer for years. I write about PC games for a mag. Xbox Live and the new 360 functionality is NOTHING like playing games on a PC. I only wish PC games had all the coolness and the integrated features of Xbox Live 360. Stop trying to be some kind of authority on something you clearly know zilch about!

yeah why have the ability to kick and ban players from a server when you can't on Live, for example...

you're right, Live features that isn't there > PC online!!


araganekyassuru said:
yeah why have the ability to kick and ban players from a server when you can't on Live, for example...

you're right, Live features that isn't there > PC online!!

Gepetto is weeping now.


demi said:


I've been PC gaming since the 80s. I've been gaming online on the PC ever since around the Doom days. But apparently, I as well as the rest of you guys, don't know as much as Pinocchio.
Dr_Cogent said:

I've been PC gaming since the 80s. I've been gaming online on the PC ever since around the Doom days. But apparently, I as well as the rest of you guys, don't know as much as Pinocchio.

He called Dave Long a bitch!

Dave Long

araganekyassuru said:
good boy, now have a cookie

it's worse than a PC

You really have no clue.

One of your earlier posts mentions Korea. Is that where you live? If so, I can understand why your view is so completely skewed and out of touch. You probably wear Blizzard underpants.

Dave Long

araganekyassuru said:
name 1 thing that Live can do that PC can't and I'll remove myself from these forums

Allow you to access a list of Friends, see what each of them are playing, and then invite into any online game you own at any time right from a menu within the system itself.

Professor K said:
You can't play Halo 2, DoA4 or PGR3 online on a PC. Now, BEGONE!!

myeah I was talking about features, not specific games

Dave Long said:
Allow you to access a list of Friends, see what each of them are playing, and then invite into any online game you own at any time right from a menu within the system itself.


xfire says hi


araganekyassuru said:
name 1 thing that Live can do that PC can't and I'll remove myself from these forums

Um, I can name quite a few.

1. It's all integrated into every single game. It's not disparate like the PC space is.
2. You can provide feedback for every person, and this affects their reputation.
3. You can see what others are playing, no matter what game you are playing, without having custom software installed to do such a thing. Everyone who is on live and is your friend can see what all their other friends are up to - all the time. No special configuration required.
4. You can communicate with others via headset without special software/configuration/drivers...
5. You can compare your achievements against others online and see what they have accomplished that you haven't.
6. You can leave messages for your friends, both text and voice, for them to retrieve later within a single unified environment.

I could list so much more, but I don't care to. The PC space is a big disparate mess compared to Live which is all integrated as a whole and is very easy and intuitive to use.

Now leave please.

Dave Long said:
You really have no clue.

One of your earlier posts mentions Korea. Is that where you live? If so, I can understand why your view is so completely skewed and out of touch. You probably wear Blizzard underpants.

Dr_Cogent said:
Um, I can name quite a few.

1. It's all integrated into every single game. It's not disparate like the PC space is.
2. You can provide feedback for every person, and this affects their reputation.
3. You can see what others are playing, no matter what game you are playing, without having custom software installed to do such a thing. Everyone who is on live and is your friend can see what all their other friends are up to - all the time. No special configuration required.
4. You can communicate with others via headset without special software/configuration/drivers...
5. You can compare your achievements against others online and see what they have accomplished that you haven't.
6. You can leave messages for your friends, both text and voice, for them to retrieve later within a single unified environment.

I could list so much more, but I don't care to. The PC space is a big disparate mess compared to Live which is all integrated as a whole and is very easy and intuitive to use.

Now leave please.





BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
XBOX Live is the reason I continue to play games. Although there are great single player experiences out there, I enjoy nothing more than kicking back on the couch sharing some good times with friends. Can't wait for GRAW, The Outfit, More PDZ Maps, etc.


Tag of Excellence
araganekyassuru said:
why use the crappy game css as an example when 1.6 is being played by way more people?
I guess? I should have just said Counter Strike as a catch-all for all the different versions.

I don't get these polarized opinions, I've been gaming online on the PC for 15+ years and I still love Xbox Live. Microsoft doesn't exactly offer anything new when you analyze the service's functions on an individual basis but the way that they've managed to integrate it all together in a seamless and headache free interface and make it work across the entire platform for every single game released for it is what makes it so special.
Dr_Cogent said:
1. It's all integrated into every single game. It's not disparate like the PC space is.
2. You can provide feedback for every person, and this affects their reputation.
3. You can see what others are playing, no matter what game you are playing, without having custom software installed to do such a thing. Everyone who is on live and is your friend can see what all their other friends are up to - all the time. No special configuration required.
4. You can communicate with others via headset without special software/configuration/drivers...
5. You can compare your achievements against others online and see what they have accomplished that you haven't.
6. You can leave messages for your friends, both text and voice, for them to retrieve later within a single unified environment.

the thing is you can do all those things on a PC, doesn't matter if you need "outside" software to do so


Dr_Cogent said:
Um, I can name quite a few.

1. It's all integrated into every single game. It's not disparate like the PC space is.
2. You can provide feedback for every person, and this affects their reputation.
3. You can see what others are playing, no matter what game you are playing, without having custom software installed to do such a thing. Everyone who is on live and is your friend can see what all their other friends are up to - all the time. No special configuration required.
4. You can communicate with others via headset without special software/configuration/drivers...
5. You can compare your achievements against others online and see what they have accomplished that you haven't.
6. You can leave messages for your friends, both text and voice, for them to retrieve later within a single unified environment.

I could list so much more, but I don't care to. The PC space is a big disparate mess compared to Live which is all integrated as a whole and is very easy and intuitive to use.

Now leave please.



japanese name i cant even remember said:
the thing is you can do all those things on a PC, doesn't matter if you need "outside" software to do so

I think it's more of the fact that Live is all in one sexy simple little bundle, whereas PC makes you traverse the scary corridors of the internet to achieve the same goal...

Dave Long

Professor K said:
Seriously, keep the guy around. He's funny and he's not really being a jerk, just stubborn.

He's the one that said he'd leave if we provided the goods. We have. He should go.


Dave Long said:
He's the one that said he'd leave if we provided the goods. We have. He should go.

I'm sure we all knew when we read that, that he would never admit he was proven wrong and never really meant what he said.

Dave Long

Dr_Cogent said:
I'm sure we all knew when we read that that he would never admit he was proven wrong and never really meant what he said.

Oh, absolutely. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try to hold him to it. :)


Xbox live on 360 is great. The only problem is it confirms two facts for me:

1) I don't enjoy communicating with people I don't know.

2) I really suck at most multiplayer games.


araganekyassuru said:
the thing is you can do all those things on a PC, doesn't matter if you need "outside" software to do so

#2 cannot be done. It's impossible. It would require a unified system shared by all PC games. Nice lie.


Drey1082 said:
Xbox live on 360 is great. The only problem is it confirms two facts for me:

1) I don't enjoy communicating with people I don't know.

2) I really suck at most multiplayer games.

It's not so bad when you're part of a good community, it's all in good fun.

Professor K

m0dus jr
Dave Long said:
He's the one that said he'd leave if we provided the goods. We have. He should go.

I know, but he's so cute. Like a li'l kid trying to wrestle with you by clamping onto your leg and growl about how he's gonna bodyslam you.

Professor K

m0dus jr
Drey1082 said:
Xbox live on 360 is great. The only problem is it confirms two facts for me:

1) I don't enjoy communicating with people I don't know.

2) I really suck at most multiplayer games.

Props for the ol' school Sox logo. You're not a bandwagoneer, are you?

I'm a south sider. Where you from?
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