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How Do You Feel About XBox 360 Live!

Ignore the posturing and enjoy the Rinoa-Cutscene levels of rosiness for the future of XBLA360.

Just a suggestion, as if I didn't know where there conversation was headed.
araganekyassuru said:
person B can be banned from servers in loads and loads of games on the PC (cheating included)

This thread is already a classic.

This line here just shows how comepltely clueless he is about Live.

Who gives a shit about being able to ban someone "on demand" when all I have to do is press a couple of buttons and I'll never be matched up with that person again?


I just got done playing a co-op game of Chaos Theory on one of the new maps on Xbox Live with TekunoRobby! He had a X360, and I used my regular Xbox.

Thanks to the wonders of this glorified unified service, we played a smooth game without a hitch across our two systems, no having to converse between AIM, no having to find a good reliable server to log in and play on, just send a friend invite and we're good to go!

And for some reason the Xbox 360 made him sound manlier than he actually is too.


Just a shame that I had to sacrifice my life in the name of America.

It's all Robby's fault really.

I remember when Tivo came out there were a bunch of idiots who kept screaming that a VCR was just as good, you could do all the same things.

Those who claim that PC gaming does what Live does are falling into the same flawed line of thinking.

Someday they will 'get it'. But they'll still cry like babies that it isn't free.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I like that the 360 finally ushers in legitimate, endorsed game downloads for a console OOTB, moving well towards the "gaming jukebox" I've longed for consoles to become for generations. I'd love to be able to rip retail discs to the hdd too, but XBLA stuff and demos of retail games are a good start.


Maybe the argument should be can the average gamer (read 'casual') differentiate the pc's online space from XBL...

...or even better--do the apparent similarities scare people off?


TheBig14 said:
Maybe the argument should be can the average gamer (read 'casual') differentiate the pc's online space from XBL...

Actually, that's precisely what the 360 does. It's the hardcore nerds that can install many different 3rd party programs, buy the extra hardware, and go outside the game into other community websites to achieve the same functionality that 360 provides seamlessly out of the box. All of those features are intuitive and easy to use on the 360, whereas they're invisible to the casual PC gamer. That's what the stupid hardcore PC gamers can't see because they are unable to step outside of their own perspective. Guys like Borys who are super hardcore PC gamers see the benefit of 360.


I'm late but the thing I like most about my 360 is the whole Marketplace. I mean, buy new themes? I can easily give in to that if they are nice. I have the Halo 2 theme now but I would really like a Too Human one since thats the main reason I bought the machine. Anyway, hats of to MS! Online gaming is indeed the future.


rastex said:
Guys like Borys who are super hardcore PC gamers see the benefit of 360.

I don't know how I fit into your post :lol but anyway, Live pros:

- hasslefree
- unified
- across-all-games
- always works

I KNOW Live's a great system and I never even owned a Xbox.

Microsoft knows its shit when it comes to networking.
I was about to say.

That's so wicked. The best GW player on Earth has a 200 gamerscore. See kids? It's not about the number, it's about the points themselves.


I would like to try out the multiplayer with PDZ as I think for all its problems, the game is really pretty fun (rental). Is there a group around here that plays PDZ a lot? I'm such a loser I have no achievements or gamerscore yet, but hopefully that will change in the next week or so.

I've just been screwing around with the streaming functions and playing GW and downloadable demos.


Jonnyram said:
I was surprised how good it was, and it makes me a big fan of the console.
The ability to compare scores is great for competition, and I'm also a big fan of the achievements. It just adds that much more incentive to not give up if you can't get it right first time.

hyp is #1 on mine.

3.9 mil FTW! i can't seem to beat it though =[. the game gets ridiculous at 3+ million. expect at least 6+ red stalking bitches at a time.


MrAngryFace said:
I get upset when 1 stalking bitch gets sent after me :(

quick tips... turn up your audio and recognize the sound it makes when it spawns. secondly, let him follow you and when he's about to hit you, move outta the way and shoot his ass.

Last Hope

Nice interface.

It is about time we can send messages, that should have been there since day one.

Voice quality sucks.

Chat is nice in the sence that you can chat anyone durring a game but you can only get one in and that sucks. There should be a dashboard chat where you can get 16 in to a room, even if it only works on the dashboard.

Arcade is a neat feature but if games start getting expensive like I bet they are, then it won't be so great.

Achievements are a gimmack but I am not one to fall for it. They would be better if developers handed them out right. Most of the games just give you one after you beat the game. They are supposed to let your friends track your progress and they can't do that with this dumb system.

Professor K

m0dus jr
marc^o^ said:
Interesting read:
Xbox Live Arcade GM Jabs Nintendo, Sony

Did anyone say arrogant? Nintendo and Sony haven't showed their cards yet after all.

Why shouldn't MS be arrogant. They took the baton from Sega and ran with it. They reaped the benefits of dedication to XBOXLive by having it available from day one for all 360 users. Nintendo and Sony are ridiculously (especially in Sony's case) playing catchup. And trying to do it without looking like they're blatantly copying MS.

Arrogance is warranted here IMO.
krypt0nian said:
Again you are wrong. You can be banned for behavior on LIVE.


That animated gif is to funny!! :lol


MrAngryFace said:
more tips more tips. I seem eternally stuck at 250k

in regards to the different guns... for the quick needle weapon, i usually slowly move it in waves both left and right while shooting forward. this tends to clear my path when i need to get out of a sticky situation.

when using the high powered plasma weapon, use the same method above but stay at a reasonable distance from your targets while waving the gun left and right.

for the pesky green boxes, lead them to one of the four perimeter walls. slam them against it by moving in the direction of the wall whilst shooting them with your weapons. once again, try not to shoot straight, but in left or right waves. just don't get trigger happy and shoot all over the playing field. use subtle left and right movements...

hope that helps.
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