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How the hell Killzone survived 10 years is beyond me


Sony needed to buy the guys who made BLACK, that game still surprises me on PS2
why they didnt get those guys mix them with Guerilla technical devs and create a FUN experience.


Killzone series is like Fast and Furious for me, it's silly, it's dumb, it's fun and it ain't too serious, I actually laugh AT the series a fair bit.

I even laugh now at the twitter feed, like they actually take the lore, the weapons, the game seriously. It's laughable but I'm a fan, in an ironic wrestling fan kind of way.
I'm literally buying a PS4 primarily for KZ - that's my choice of next gen game out of what's out.


The first one looked and sound great. It was linear but not terrible. A franchise could survive like that I suppose.
Eh, it was pretty bad. There were a shit ton of glitches in that game, and the controls sort of sucked. Also the no jumping was sort of amusing.

But the Dual Shock 2 was a little awkward for shooters anyhow.


They are good at making games look good. But the games just aren't fun to me. It's like they want to add a ton of stuff to the game and make it look awesome, but forget to focus on the fun or something? I just traded it in today after beating it (and really not enjoying it that much) and not being able to get into the multiplayer.


You know what? I agree with you. The game doesn't do anything for me nor my friends in respect to other FPS out there. We tried many times to get into the game but it done nothing for us other than provide an interesting story. To be frank the game bored us.

Oh well, it does generate profit for Sony and the developers so since the market is there then it's good for business.

How is it generating profit for Sony? and considering how much effort goes into making a Killzone game, is it really worth it? Sony has killer game franchise now, such as infamous, Uncharted, LBP, TLOU...and Killzone isn't even selling that well, infact the sales have declined for KZ3 compare to KZ2.
Except Killzone isn't crap - The single player is better than nearly any FPS released in years.

And the multiplayer is phenomenal. Other MP is severely lacking in teamwork and just seems boring in comparison.

It also sells well. Topic fail.
I'm not exactly an FPS connoisseur, but I do enjoy them. Especially how the franchise just looks gorgeous and has a rough, industrial design aesthetic (reminiscent of 90s sci-fi) that's pretty rare these days.


Killzone series is like Fast and Furious for me, it's silly, it's dumb, it's fun and it ain't too serious, I actually laugh AT the series a fair bit.

I even laugh now at the twitter feed, like they actually take the lore, the weapons, the game seriously. It's laughable but I'm a fan, in an ironic wrestling fan kind of way.
I'm literally buying a PS4 primarily for KZ - that's my choice of next gen game out of what's out.

FF knew to change from street racing to heist tho

Idk if GG at this point knows what to do with KZ to that extent.
Playing through Shadow Fall right now but it's only given me two or three enjoyable sections in hours of gameplay. I've always found KZ to be a bearer of beautiful but dull 6/10 single player experiences.

I am however loving the multiplayer in Shadow Fall and found Killzone Mercenary to be my favourite of the series by some way so who knows? Potential is there but I'd expect more after 10 years, as the OP points out.


Except Killzone isn't crap - The single player is better than nearly any FPS released in years.

And the multiplayer is phenomenal. Other MP is severely lacking in teamwork and just seems boring in comparison.
How can you say that about the SP. Its aggressively bad.


Because of fucking gamers and their constant demand for shooters. Regardless of quality, they'll lap it up in droves as long as they get to shoot simulations of people.
I do like the weighty controls and unified aesthetic of Killzone 2, but didn't like how later entries walked away from that and yeah that series needs a rest.

I am hopeful of Guerrilla's supposed new IP RPG, especially with their recent hiring of John Gonzales who was the lead creative designer and lead writer of Fallout: New Vegas at Obsidian.


I agree with you.

I gave Shadowfall until chapter 6 and stopped, just ultra generic shooter with pretty graphics. Horrible story with terrible writing and just flat out boring. The visuals carried me through for a few hours and I LOVED the forest / open level but after that its just hallways and boredom.

I can see why people might like the mp though, the slowness and heavy gameplay just isnt my jam.

Trading my copy in this weekend and picking up something else......probly 3D World.

Endo Punk

I just don't understand how the AI got worse from KZ2 to Shadow Fall. Still enjoying the game though.

It's a reactionary franchise and has always been. Sony doesn't know what to do with KZ (and Resistance for that matter) so they see what works in other FPS and what the masses enjoy. Unlike Sony's other IP's that have an indentity KZ is just a blank canvas that was at first trying to get Halo sales, then COD and prob Crysis now.

Aren't you the guy that made that Knack-bashing thread yesterday? Seems a little late to the hate on PS4 first parties train that came with the review scores weeks ago.

That saying, KZ Shadow Fall is a terrible game. However KZ2 was pretty solid though, Liberation got great scores, 3 got great scores and Mercenary got great scores. Seems easy to see why the franchise is alive.

Check back tomorrow for Resongun hatin'

Nah that game is epic win.
OP......this and your Knack thread, just wow. You basically said the same stuff about Knack based on a YouTube video.....

When are you making a thread about how horrible Resogun is?

Edit = holy shit you posted right above me nearly exactly what I was thinking.....awesome....

Boss Man

I sure do miss Timesplitters. Oh if only fortunes could have been reversed. On topic though, I just can't get into Killzone, I try every time.
Yeah, I think it's totally pointless for first parties to be messing with COD-a-like ADS shooters. I wish Sony would get somebody good on an arena shooter. GG I'd like to see move onto something else. KZ isn't bad, it's just nothing special really outside of graphics. It was nice to have GG there on a launch title though, I like having something that shows the system off a bit.


Shadow Fall is a beautifully stunning looking game. Unfortunately that single player campaign is just awful. The multiplayer isn't much better.

I would say the same thing for FORZA.

In a Killzone thread you'd say that? Why is that exactly?


Don't worry, if KZSF MP numbers are any indication (500-1000 players in the most popular playlist), there won't be another Killzone or the next one will be a pretty drastic change. It's probably the least influential and regarded FPS with a budget and target of that size.

I was hoping Shadow Fall would change my opinion on the series but it just made me dislike it even more. The textbook example of a generic dudebro shooter. Other FPS games try to do something or anything that'll distinguish themselves but Killzone is just a really polished, really average shooter.

Campster described it most accurately:

Would be awesome if that art and world were being used for a better game.


How is it generating profit for Sony? and considering how much effort goes into making a Killzone game, is it really worth it? Sony has killer game franchise now, such as infamous, Uncharted, LBP, TLOU...and Killzone isn't even selling that well, infact the sales have declined for KZ3 compare to KZ2.

Eh Shadow Fall cost like 30 million to make according to official sources. It wont have to sell that many copies to make a profit (and it's selling pretty well regardless).
I feel like GG can do better than Killzone. If Killzone was a multiplatform series, I doubt it would get as much attention as it does.


Any franchise that has survived this long without a break in between have contributed to the genre or gaming in general but Killzone is just something else. Guerrilla are very lucky that Sony just don't give a fuck and spend money on first party like its nothing. Any other publisher and the IP would have been recognised as the crap it is long ago. It's such a reactionary franchise that doesn't do one thing better than other FPS games out there.

I understand Guerilla are working on a new IP and I really hope they can prove their worth. And seriously end this dumb ass Space Nazi franchise. It's getting worse with every entry either critically or with fan reception. Step up and do your job Shu. It's clear Sony doesn't have pedigree with FPS so leave the genre alone and bring back shit you know.

Do you think Guerrilla have been worth the purchase?

This essentially reads as "I don't like this game so it sucks and shouldn't exist anymore." Can't think of a better way to open a dialogue. That said, Shadowfall's SP is absolute dogshit. MP is entertaining though. It's the second best next-gen MP experience, in my opinion, behind BF4, when it isn't broken beyond belief.


What the fuck are you on mate? There ain't another shooter out there like Killzone. Multiplayer is amazing and SP has stepped up a lot with Shadow Fall. Don't like it, then don't play it. Your not king of the universe son, stop talking as if everyone has to dance to your tune.
Playstation doesn't really have any exclusive pure shooters aside from Killzone do they? They had Resistance but that series seems to be on hiatus.

I would assume that's the biggest reason the Killzone franchise continues on. Playstation only owners don't really have any other options aside from third party games like Call of Duty and Battlefield.

Any port in a storm is probably the best way to describe it. That and Killzone has always been fantastic eye candy.
The Killzone games look and feel incredible but they don't have you doing anything particularly worthwhile. If they could just ape the formula with a little more of an eye for what works and what doesn't, they'd make me a fan.

It's almost like a parody of video games, in abstract form: the developers spend millions of dollars and man-hours to craft this incredibly astonishing technical and artistic visual masterpiece, and it's called Killzone and it has you doing boring shooting things* for eight hours and then it's done.

Damn lot of potential, but the games just don't interest me outside of a jaw-drop graphical standpoint. (Note: I've only played 1, 2 and 3)

*I'm not saying Killzone should not be a shooter game. Quite the opposite; somehow Killzone manages to make those shooter things boring with repetition, blah level design and dull objectives.


I would say the same thing for FORZA.

Please tell me you are fucking joking. If it wasn't for Forza, GT would have never stepped their game up for online play. Forza series has been class with each installment. Forza 4 is filled with ton of quality content and Forza Horizon is a mixture of NFS and Forza. Haven't played F5 yet so can't comment on that but reviews are positive.
I still don't get how they haven't come up with a compelling single player campaign yet. The only thing interesting thing they've ever come up with is Visari


Any franchise that has survived this long without a break in between have contributed to the genre or gaming in general but Killzone is just something else. Guerrilla are very lucky that Sony just don't give a fuck and spend money on first party like its nothing. Any other publisher and the IP would have been recognised as the crap it is long ago. It's such a reactionary franchise that doesn't do one thing better than other FPS games out there.

I understand Guerilla are working on a new IP and I really hope they can prove their worth. And seriously end this dumb ass Space Nazi franchise. It's getting worse with every entry either critically or with fan reception. Step up and do your job Shu. It's clear Sony doesn't have pedigree with FPS so leave the genre alone and bring back shit you know.

Do you think Guerrilla have been worth the purchase?

All of this amounts to:

"I don't like this thing and I especially don't like that Sony keeps making this thing I don't like."

Well buddy, they would not be making them if this franchise did not make them money now would they? It is a business.


I feel like GG can do better than Killzone. If Killzone was a multiplatform series, I doubt it would get as much attention as it does.

I agree, the game on a technical level is great.....it feels like they did an amazing job accomplishing what they set out to do but what they set out to do just wasnt that good. If that makes sense.

The team definitely has the potential to make great games, hire a few good writers and level designers.
How can you say that about the SP. Its aggressively bad.

It really isn't.

Being the best FPS campaign in years isn't saying much, considering we get crap from the genre on a constant basis.

The SP is solid, and the gameplay has never been better in a KZ campaign. Tons of options at your disposal, more open combat arenas, and they introduce interesting mechanics/gadgets that make the title feel more like the FPS games prior to CoD which I prefer by a longshot.

Outside of very brief sections that were poorly playtested, the game as a whole is awesome. I don't get how people were so frustrated with certain levels, it's almost as if they don't really know how to play the game or just prefer a more linear rollercoaster ride type of FPS.

Don't worry, if KZSF MP numbers are any indication (500-1000 players in the most popular playlist), there won't be another Killzone or the next one will be a pretty drastic change. It's probably the least influential and regarded FPS with a budget and target of that size.

I was hoping Shadow Fall would change my opinion on the series but it just made me dislike it even more. The textbook example of a generic dudebro shooter. Other FPS games try to do something or anything that'll distinguish themselves but Killzone is just a really polished, really average shooter.

Campster described it most accurately:

Killzone is one of the top selling games of the year on Amazon US, and just charted at the number 1 spot in the UK.

Funny how you say other FPS games try and do something different -- uhh, what? Please tell me how CoD and BF are doing something different when Killzone is the only major FPS title that actually is trying something different with its gameplay mechanics.

Your comments suggest to me that you haven't played the game at all.


I'd be in the dick
How can you say that about the SP. Its aggressively bad.

Half of it is one of the best FPS of the past few years and the other half is just meh. I don't see how people hate it so much unless you're one of the people that doesn't seem to understand how to play it.
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