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I feel like I'm the only gamer that doesn't get Metal Gear Solid

I'd agree that the stories have always been convoluted and terrible. At least they don't jam a bunch of text at you just to save games anymore.

The acting became tolerable when they switched to Kiefer, so that's something,

Bold One

Statement stands! MGS3 ends pretty amazingly though. I never was really able to get into Big Boss. Solid Snake's story is just so much better.

yeah, I really loved MGS3, but BB is not as interesting as Solid Snake for me.

its why I never played PW and wasn't all that hyped for PP. I just finished GZ, so hopefully I am prepared for MGS5 one last ride.

OP I know how you feel, some popular games have just never resonated with me, nothing puts me in a coma like Minecraft and Zelda


Oh I get Metal Gear Solid, but I never became a massive fan. I did and still enjoy the third game a lot (mostly for it's James Bond-esque fee) but the others are... strange to me. The original is cool, but surpassed by the third game. I still need to play MGS2.

But eh I think Metal Gear Rising makes the most sense


Hey dude, it's ok. I don't like or enjoy W3. It's still a game and while every game works. it has to speak to some part of us. I loved the first and second MGS, Didn't like 3 or 4. But I'm having a blast with this one. Feels more mature I think. More respectful to me. I think...


This series has so many memories with gamers, and I've tried to get into this series numerous times. Beat MGS on PS1, and while it was OK, the story just lost me, and wasn't all that interesting. Picked up MGS2 after a few months of solid reviews, good word of mouth from my local game shop, and yeah.....terrible story, gameplay was ok, just never really grabbed me. Started 3, played it about halfway through, and stopped.

I've seen the praises of 4, and 5 looks to be high rankings again. I just don't see the love of the series that other people do. I feel like I'm missing out, any other gaffers feel this way?
Honestly you and I have the exact same (and I mean exact same) experience of the series. I quite enjoyed 1, 2s story was just....I mean, I thought it was terrible. Got bored half way through 3 so didnt pick 4 up.

I dont get the series wide acclaim.
I own the first three on PS3 as I've tried again to get into the series, although have always been reluctant due to the talk of lengthy cut scenes (which I can't stand in games).

Three or four occasions I've tried to get into MGS but the controls just stop me about 2hrs in, every time.


You're not alone OP. I just play the games for the fun experience and to dick around with the enemies. Love how you can tackle each section in a dozen diferent ways.
I don't really care at all for the story. Only have a vague general idea but couldn't care less of the specifics. I even skip most of the cutscenes as they start working on my nerves after a while.


I love MGS and its still one of my favourite games. However that was the 18 year old me and Im sure I'd probably be bothered by all the long winded meaningless codec conversations. I know I was during MGS2 and I was only 22. That love story thing between Rose and Raiden was the worst. MGS2 I also feel like Kojima was trying way too hard in telling an emotional story and bombed out completely. Somebody should have reined him in.

I'm playing through MGS3 right now and its more focused but still feels like its written by an amateur.

Honestly I'm a bit shocked there are SO many MGS fans, i get that solid snake is the ultimate bad ass, but the story in 2 is horrendous and it doesn't sound like it gets any better in MGS4.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Don't worry, you'll all be shipped to Zanzibar land and implanted with bombs free of charge.

Just don't go out of range.


Tried playing the older games (1-3) when they were released, but always ended up giving up after 2-3 hours. The constant fighting with extremely poor controls and (especially) the over-the-top anime-style story was just not for me. I have Ground Zeroes waiting on Steam, and will probably give it a go any day now.


I've tried all The Witcher's many times and I don't like them. Same with Fallout.

Some games just don't click with you and get awesome reviews and a lot of praise, and others review like shit and you love them.

Play whatever you like


Took me a while to get into the game series as well. It's was more of a matter of age for me. Couldn't proces so many side stories and betrayal from almost every single person you'd meet throughout the games...
I can also understand that sometimes your more busy with listening to tapes/calls than playing the game. I'm quite certain that some people lose interest here. All you can is listening, because there's nothing to really look at while you do so. At least it makes it easier to focus on the complex story.

My young mind simply couldn't keep up with everything yet.

All you have to know is that it's extremely over the top, more than anything ever was, and you either like it or you don't. And that's completely seperated from understanding it, as I once didn't.

Hopefully the game fits in my mailbox, seeing I pre-ordered it and got some crappy flash light with it that I'm not interested in.Pre-ordered because I didn't want to have to run to the store and pick it up after work.


It just isn't a very good game series. It controls poorly, is technically lacklustre, has stiff animation and constant interruptions for those awful, tedious cut scenes of wankery. MGS4 is truly one of the worst games I've played in years, it's just drivel.

The music is good though.

I liked MGS1 back in the day.
MGS is my favorite game series, and I don't get it.


Why do people need to get things? Why do people feel like they need to be a part of every hype movement? This is becoming routine.

New game in a series is getting ready to come out, all of the fans are hype, all of the non-fans are left behind, shrugging their shoulders, "I just don't get it." People, it's OK to not get it, it's OK to not like it. Don't feel like you need to get something just because people are hyped about it.
It just isn't a very good game series. It controls poorly, is technically lacklustre, has stiff animation and constant interruptions for those awful, tedious cut scenes of wankery. MGS4 is truly one of the worst games I've played in years, it's just drivel.

The music is good though.

I liked MGS1 back in the day.


Perfect post.

Still the best thing in all mgs: https://youtu.be/6miaTf1gF4g


It's one of the best series of games of all time but it's not for everyone. I feel that way about a lot of games too, for example I despise the episodic game trend leaking into games where it doesn't make sense, I.e. previously on Until Dawn, that kind of bullshit. It doesn't make any sense, if it was an actual episodic game sure but not when it's a full retail release. I also completely hate almost all macho Doritos bro extreme shooter games, so yeah, some game types just only resonate with certain people. I think I've actually met more people irl who dislike MGS than like it, so I always felt like I was in the minority for loving it so much. Funny how on the internet MGS is so popular but I don't meet many fans out and about.


I've always thought the games were okay, but was never blown away by them. I take that as an indicator of my general dislike of stealth gameplay. In fact for my money Far Cry does stealth better than Metal Gear.
its okay - not all games are for all people. First Person Shooting games leave me cold. A new Madden is out you say. What's that I say. You don't like a game you don't like a game. Easy as that.


Gold Member
seriously, as beautiful as the game's are, i still don't get grand theft auto. whatcha gonna do? tho i gotta admit: if i'm gonna get a series, i'd rather it be mgs than gta :) ...
I adored MGS1 back when it came out. I mean I properly obsessed over it, as did all my friends at the time. But then MGS2 happened and ever since the series has completely lost me. For someone who doesn't know how to tell a story, Kojima sure does devote a lot of time to telling one. Beyond the incomprehensible plot developments, the scenes of nothing but exposition that refuse to end and the hamfisted dialogue that doesn't show a hint of nuance, what really turned me off the series was the melodrama. There's a right way and a wrong way to do melodrama, and MGS1 erred on just about the right side of it, but 2 and 4 make your average Spanish telenovela look about as restrained as an Ozu movie in comparison. 2 was just embarrassing. The codec conversations between Raiden and Rose, any scene involving Emma and Otacon's incestuous confession that CAME OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE! I've never cringed harder playing a game than that one.

So I can quite happily pass on MGS5, knowing full well I'll hate it regardless of the lather gaming critics have gotten themselves into over it. And it's not like I want to give Konami any of my money anyway.


Metal Gear is awesome, but totally not for everyone. I like it because it never tries to be ironic or anything, it clearly comes from the heart of the creators and it's not often you see something that raw in a popular game series, that's why the whole thing with Kojima has been such a big deal. I find the gameplay to be fun and often challenging, and the cutscenes are really awesome, music is great, and the Yoji Shinkawa art is some of the dopest stuff ever.

You can like it or dislike it, whatever, but I don't understand why a thread like this is necessary. Especially under the "I feel like I'm the only one" guise. I get that the new one is out and the fanbase is as excited as ever but opinions n stuff, guys.
You are not the only one.

I've played 1, 2, 4, and ground zero.

The first one I thought was pretty great for its time from a gameplay perspective but from a story perspective it lost me. The second one had a lot going for it but the bait and switch really hampered my enjoyment of the game. I ended up finishing it and by the time I got to the end I was so dam confused as to what was going on. I thought i was playing a militiristic stealth game but it took some weird mech fantasy approach. MGS4 was just awful IMO, a long confusing convoluted intro combined with what seemed like some decent gameplay that kept getting side tracked by story which I didn't care for, I never played more then 3 to 4 hours of the game before trading it in. Finally I loaded up ground zero watched the intro and played for about 15 minutes before a quit the game and realized it wasn't for me.

I usually always check out highly reviewed games but I will not be touching MGS5.

TdLR the gameplay can be fun at times but the story is confusing and convoluted and takes over at times. I'd rather play a splinter cell ga me.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
MGS4 is truly one of the worst games I've played in years, it's just drivel.

I really wouldn't judge the series based on 4. It's a confused mix of fanservice and pandering, it isn't a good jumping back in point. You basically missed out the best games in the series. :)


Honestly, I'm surprised Metal Gear has the mainstream appeal that it has. It's such a strange mix of melodrama/humour/off-the-wall that I would have thought it would turn the majority off it. Yet it nearly single-handedly supports Konami's digital entertainment division.

I adore every game in the series, and I'm glad that so many others appreciate it too. But it's not strange to not "get" it -- it's not straightforward and appeals only to particular sensibilities.


for me was same as you like 3 or 4 weeks ago, a friend told me give another chance. soo i started again with mgs1, completed 1, completed 2, now im playing 3 and i love the saga.


I'm trying to get into it. I started playing MGS1 and got stuck in the first shootout? Super, super embarrassing that I keep dying.

Gun Animal

The most MGS has ever sold is 7 million copies or so, so that there are probably around seven billion, nine hundred and ninety nine million people who don't care about metal gear solid. Op is amoung them.


I loved MGS for years, since the very first day we met on PS1. But everything post MGS3 really pushed to the test this love because whle gameplay was still nice, everything else started to drop in quality. With MGSV I'm pretty afraid I'm done. It's been a fun ride and it will for a while with MGO, but I just can't deal with rubbish writing and dialogues anymore, nor with idiotic twistes and the unlimited ego of a single man.

MGS2 represents everything wrong with videogame storytelling. MGS4 makes it worse, but at least it's a good game.

I'm confused here..


I think each Metal Gear is different. There is at least one game that connects with everyone. MGS 2, or 3 might not be for you. Maybe you are an MGS1,Mgs4, or Peace Walker type.
You're not the only one OP. Everyone has their games they like and dislike, and huge franchises are not exempt from this.

I can't stand the MG series. I love the Zelda series (mostly..); some people hate that franchise. Just like some people "don't understand" Halo, or Resident Evil or Final Fantasy or whatever.

Just like what you like and don't sweat what you don't.
You aren't the only one OP. I beat 4 but watched my dad, when I was younger, beat 1-3 and I still don't get the story. I'm going to play V for the hell of it, but it was never a franchise that made me drop everything and sing the high praises. Metal Gear Solid imo is an acquired taste. It's not an easy game to play and it's not easy to beat either lol


I think you just need to accept that the MGS series is dumb B-movie trash. It's the eccentric weirdness and ridiculous characters that make it good. Don't take it seriously and you'll be fine.
I can honestly understand why someone would dislike the series. It's a rocky thing, especially when you've already seen through the shoddy veneer of seriousness that is inherent in most of the games.

Just don't play it for the asinine plot, crappy writing, or paper-thin characters. The gameplay is satisfying enough to trudge through what passes for the trappings it's wrapped in.


I played the one on ps3
I had fun kind off, it was a sniping simulation basically where I non lethally put people down.

Outside of that I have zero hype or interest in the new one, will probably get it when it goes free or $20


I would expect MGS to be a highly divisive series, with people loving it, and some not understanding it at all. It's a series with a very strongly stated identity. It doesn't back away from what it wants to be. That's abrasive to some people, but it's also part of why the series is so good.


Sort of the same although I enjoyed the gameplay., the story is the part I can't tolerate. I don't understand how you can take it seriously, or if you think it's popcorn fluff I don't understand how you can stay interested for those long cutscenes.
I loved MGS for years, since the very first day we met on PS1. But everything post MGS3 really pushed to the test this love because whle gameplay was still nice, everything else started to drop in quality. With MGSV I'm pretty afraid I'm done. It's been a fun ride and it will for a while with MGO, but I just can't deal with rubbish writing and dialogues anymore, nor with idiotic twistes and the unlimited ego of a single man.

I'm confused here..

Both games have laughable stories (MGS4's cutscene indulgences got so bad that I just started skipping them during the second half of the game) but the gameplay portions of 4 are much better designed in my opinion. The switch to a free camera and the improved movement/shooting mechanics make it a more enjoyable stealth action game, which is really what I play them for.

Edit: I've always felt that MGS2 was one of the most overrated games ever, largely because it came out right when the GCN/Xbox came out so I wasn't that impressed by the graphics, and Substance (the version I own) came out around the same time as Splinter Cell.
I don't get the love for The Last of Us, Assassin's Creed and countless other Western game darlings on console either, but that's what opinions are there for. Just play what you like and don't it get to you. And I say that as a massive Metal Gear fan, it's fine not to like it.

Both games have laughable stories (MGS4's cutscene indulgences got so bad that I just started skipping them during the second half of the game) but the gameplay portions of 4 are much better designed in my opinion. The switch to a free camera and the improved movement/shooting mechanics make it a more enjoyable stealth action game, which is really what I play them for.

Edit: I've always felt that MGS2 was one of the most overrated games ever, largely because it came out right when the GCN/Xbox came out so I wasn't that impressed by the graphics, and Substance (the version I own) came out around the same time as Splinter Cell.

Act 3 was atrocious, though. Act 4 was driven purely by nostalgia and was badly designed and Act 5 was pretty much on giant cutscene with tiny gameplay portions in between. Yeah, no, MGS2 was better designed simply because there was more gameplay than MGS4 and was actually a stealth game unlike MGS4.
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