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I regret buying Battlefield 1 over Titanfall 2

To this day I still haven't found a CTF game. Even waited 10 mins max at times. This was a week after launch.

And I love CTF on TF.
No probs on ps4. Play ctf on mixtape all the time. I think the ctf and mixtape playlists don't search from the same pool so it's even less if you are searching for ctf only. They are working on fixing it.You can change servers if having problems finding games on your local one


To this day I still haven't found a CTF game. Even waited 10 mins max at times. This was a week after launch.

And I love CTF on TF.

Sarcasm. :)

But actually, I'm surprised they green lit tf3 considering the huge drop off that has already happened.
Yeah, that sucks guys sorry. Don't know about yesterday but the least populated game mode is CTF and the day before there were a little over 1,000 in that (PS4). Every other game mode as a match ends hit triangle and your already loading into a new match takes around 10~15 seconds from the end of one to boots on the ground and running in the next (Y on Xbox, nice little tip).


Unless you're on the Timbuktu or Siberia servers you get into games within 30 seconds on PC too, maybe not for something like Free for all, but amped hardpoint and attrition definitely. The waiting around in menus when playing BF1 is horrendous, something I'm glad TF2 hasn't had a problem with even with the smaller playerbase. Dice needs to do something about that.

Yep. Getting into games is a snap here. And I regularly back out and stay on the same menu to take time customizing or whatever and then pop right back into another game in seconds. Clean and smooth.
Valtýr;226706097 said:
I like both but I don't think Titanfall 2's multiplayer is very sustainable. It's good for short stints but I don't see a long-term desire to continue playing. Whereas I can see coming back to BF1 for months.
Well considering a game of Operations can, literally , last for months...
I chose TF2 over BF1 despite never playing the original TF and being into the previous BF games.

The historical setting vs sci-fi was a big reason but also the positive impressions and my curiosity made me pick it instead. It was also $35. I've probably split my time 80/20 multiplayer to campaign so far and am enjoying it. It's super easy to jump in and out of.


It feels like between Overwatch, Battlefield 1 and TItanfall 2 there's a good spectrum of FPS experiences. Each one offers something different for solo and group play.

Overwatch - actual feeling of gunplay is mediocre, but great opportunity for strategy and synergy. Depending on the character, good movement too. Picking the right classes at the right time, communication and timing. A real game where one has to pick the right class in relation to everyone else. Not a great deal of randomness. Not much fun solo.

Battlefield 1 - better gunplay, but less chance for tight coordination and timing. But more scope for fluid gameplay and improvising with friends on the fly. What flag to hit and when, who's picking a medic and who's dropping ammo. Lots of randomness and cool things happening *to you*. More fun solo, but still needs a team.

Titanfall 2 - much harder to organise well-timed tactics and so fast-paced that picking out specific load-outs and trying to coordinate ahead of time is difficult. Fantastic movement and gunplay and lots of excitement, but not so much randomness. Death match seems most popular mode, so cooperation is more likely to be 'Here's a battery!' or 'Behind you!'. Best game for solo play and *you* doing cool things.


Yep. Getting into games is a snap here. And I regularly back out and stay on the same menu to take time customizing or whatever and then pop right back into another game in seconds. Clean and smooth.

Yeah the snappiness and ease of use of the menus as well as getting into and out of games quickly is so nice and so underappreciated I feel, especially coming from Overwatch where matchmaking could take 2-4 minutes or BF1 where it was menu and loading hell.
Not sure you understand what literally means.
Lol. It might as well be... Made the mistake of telling my girlfriend "One more game" when i tried operations for the first time. We had a dinner to get to and i'm sure i will still hear about it for months to come. They never forget...

Hari Seldon

I have them both but I definitely vastly prefer BF1 multiplayer over TF2. I do not like that COD formula at all and I regret buying TF2 outside of the single player campaign.
Own both. BF1 is garbage compared to TF2.

Why? Because for the most part in TF2, I can control the deaths I take. Obviously there will be times when you spawn at the worst time and place or get into a fight and 2 other enemies are with the one you just killed. But really, I don't have to put myself into any positions that will instantly kill me if I don't want too. I do it all the time regardless because I want to get to killing asap, but if I took different approaches, I can get around without being somewhat spotted and killed.

But in BF1, well the story in that game is just you getting fucked. All the time. Vast open spaces to be sniped. Check. Tanks all over the place to murder you. Check. Massive amounts of enemy players in all directions. Check. Try to hide andsfnasdkfalsdj building explodes.

So much in BF1 I feel I have zero control over. It never felt that as bad say in BF BC2. Maybe I remember it differently.

Regardless, I can't put these numbers up in BF1. But in TF2... seems to be a no brainer:

How do you check Titanfall 2 stats?


I somewhat regret my TF2 purchase. There's definitely no doubt about that TF2 has the better singleplayer, but I couldn't get into the multiplayer at all. I played quite a lot of TF1, but this just didn't click with me at all.

Got around 150 hours in BF1 now and I'm still having a blast with it.


Lol, why does this thread feel like a console wars thread for FPS games? Has it always been like that with BF and COD?
Always, it's dumb. One side won't admit it was influenced by the other, etc.

It's really dumb for us a consumer to because EA as a business doesn't give two shits which one you enjoy more. They have there bases covered.


I don't understand why anyone bought reskinned BF4 BF1 at all

I think this is my biggest disappointment. Especially with all of the automatic weapons. If you are going to make a WWI game make a WWI game. Don't give us weapons that were not really used.
I think this is my biggest disappointment. Especially with all of the automatic weapons. If you are going to make a WWI game make a WWI game. Don't give us weapons that were not really used.

This doesnt make sense.

The weapons were used, widely too nearer the end of the war anyway.

Whilst I agree BF1 gameplay wise is way more like WW2 game in its design.

You cant control weapons and gadgets players choose and use once you give them the options.

But I am glad it exists. The next iterations of FPS games are gonna be interesting as Battlefield has broken the AAA FPS mold. Thank god. We need more options and eras.


You need to take into account launch content mind. I believe there was murmurings that TF held back content in order to 'release' free DLC...kinda like a publicity stunt.

Just like the "free Map" we get for Battlefield 1?
Kinda like... a publicity stunt?


Conversely, I'm glad I bought BF1 over Titanfall 2.

I don't understand the point of threads like this one. You prefer one FPS over another. Two shooters that don't have that much in common. Isn't that the whole point of both games existing?

The Dude

I somewhat regret my TF2 purchase. There's definitely no doubt about that TF2 has the better singleplayer, but I couldn't get into the multiplayer at all. I played quite a lot of TF1, but this just didn't click with me at all.

Got around 150 hours in BF1 now and I'm still having a blast with it.

My exact experience. And like I said I wish I could get into tf2, I don't buy games just to shit on them. I am one of the most easy going gamers out there, but call of duty and anything that is in relation to it falls so flat.


How do you check Titanfall 2 stats?

I am at work currently but i believe it is under CUSTOMIZE -> STATS.

Other thought though, reading this thread and other TF2 threads, so many people said "Would have bought the game but the fear of a low population count got me to go with BF1 (or Overwatch or CoD)."

I wonder how the TF2 population count would be if all those people actually bought the game instead of allowing doubt to creep in?

Very much sounds like people let doubt/worry/fear dictate their experiences in life. Could be said for so much going on in this world politically as well. ^_^


My exact experience. And like I said I wish I could get into tf2, I don't buy games just to shit on them. I am one of the most easy going gamers out there, but call of duty and anything that is in relation to it falls so flat.
I'm still curious as to your thought on the simplification of BF franchise as a whole.


My exact experience. And like I said I wish I could get into tf2, I don't buy games just to shit on them. I am one of the most easy going gamers out there, but call of duty and anything that is in relation to it falls so flat.

But why did you buy a CoD "clone" in the first place if you can not get into that kind of games anymore?


I don't understand the point of threads like this one. You prefer one FPS over another. Two shooters that don't have that much in common. Isn't that the whole point of both games existing?

Yeah sure but if you don't find his opinion interesting you could've always avoided this thread. I guess the OP just wanted to use this medium as it's intended to be and start a discussion or share his feelings.


I bought both at their respective launch dates.

BF1 play time: 65 hours

TF2: 3 hours

Safe to say I disagree with you, OP. I found the TF2 gameplay to be shallow compared to BF1.
Man whats up with all the strange love for BF4 all of a sudden? Is it just that it was most peoples first forray into 64 player conquest? BF4 was NOT a great game people, and I say that as someone who's bought every single battlefield since 1942.

I really don't understand the retroactive praise, the game was decent but going by this thread you'd think it was the most tactical FPS bursting at the seams with depth...when in reality it was a poorly, poorly balanced multiplayer game with an over abundance of worthless customization. I'm glad that BF1 went simple in comparison, the sheer amount of weapon unlocks and stat-changing variables were utterly ridiculous. Lets not forget the laughable commander addition, which for whatever reason usually meant one team had a commander and the other didn't...and could you guess which team won that fight 80% of the time? Absolutely poorly balanced and I don't understand how anyone could praise it with a straight face.

As for TF2, I enjoy it a lot, but unfortunately they have some severe server problems as myself (and hundreds of others on the net) are unable to complete a single game of matchmaking, we get booted to the main menu with a "connection to server loss" screen, and Respawn hasn't even acknowledged the problem yet, so just on that alone I'd have to give the edge to BF1, for at least I've been able to complete 50+ hours worth of matches. Unfortunately the TF2 community will be dead by the time respawn allows me to actually enjoy their fun game, I'd probably be steaming if I didn't enjoy the campaign as much as I did.


i wonder how many marketing ninjas are posting threads like this on neogaf to promote their game. i regret many things, buying a good game over another good game is surely not one of them.


But why did you buy a CoD "clone" in the first place if you can not get into that kind of games anymore?

Yeah sure but if you don't find his opinion interesting you could've always avoided this thread. I guess the OP just wanted to use this medium as it's intended to be and start a discussion or share his feelings.
I guess it just seems like the opening post for this thread is an extremely subjective and broad place to start from.
i regret many things, buying a good game over another good game is surely not one of them.
This right here.
I have all 3 "Pillar Shooters", COD, BF and TF. Played and beat all campaigns. Put a considerable amount of MP time on all 3. BF is great, but TF is more fun and doesn't have a season pass. This means I will be more likely coming back to this game if it keeps getting support from Respawn (which they said it would).


I have all 3 "Pillar Shooters", COD, BF and TF. Played and beat all campaigns. Put a considerable amount of MP time on all 3. BF is great, but TF is more fun and doesn't have a season pass. This means I will be more likely coming back to this game if it keeps getting support from Respawn (which they said it would).
I do hope this game ends up having a long tail. Respawn should be rewarded for their efforts. EA had not made it easy for them by saddling TF2 with that release date, where sales were pretty much guaranteed to be cannibalized.

The Dude

But why did you buy a CoD "clone" in the first place if you can not get into that kind of games anymore?

Because I played the hell out of the original TF and was hoping for more of the same here.

And to the guy above, I'm not worried about simplifications.... Battlefield is deep enough for me to have plenty of enjoyment. I don't pound my chest for what game is the deepest, I just enjoy fun video games.
The amount of opinion stating as if it were fact in here is really really odd to me...

I own all 3, I'd rank them thusly:

Campaign: CoD
Best balance of the two: Titanfall 2.

It has the second best campaign and the second best MP to my mind, which I can see a real argument makes in the best value if you can only get one of them. I don't care for CoD's MP at all this time around, and I found BF1's campaign frankly bad. TF2 is a pretty close runner up on the campaign front as well, I had a slight preference for CoD but both were really good.

Everyone has opinions, many of you will disagree with me. But lets not go around stating things like "Because my choice is better, period." That's just stupid.


Because I played the hell out of the original TF and was hoping for more of the same here.

And to the guy above, I'm not worried about simplifications.... Battlefield is deep enough for me to have plenty of enjoyment. I don't pound my chest for what game is the deepest, I just enjoy fun video games.
Ok, I'll drop it. I was looking to have an actual discussion not a knee jerk reaction. BF gets more and more CoD like mechanically every iteration. There's nothing wrong with that so long as BF keeps its identity. I'm not talking about depth and I'm surely not beating my chest. I'm talking about influence which YOU brought up. Your goal post keeps moving, mind you I don't have a problem with it but I'd like to follow your logic before you move on to the next point.


I bought both at their respective launch dates.

BF1 play time: 65 hours

TF2: 3 hours

Safe to say I disagree with you, OP. I found the TF2 gameplay to be shallow compared to BF1.

The only thing I would say to this is I wonder if you knew what you could be doing compared to what you did do in the game, especially when it comes down to traversal.

I would say my first 10-20 hrs, I played the game wrong. Even though I played an epic shit ton of Titanfall 1. After my initial in-game baby years, I started to get better at the new moves and equipment that was given to the player in TF2 and started to chain more and more together. I started to limit my time as much as possible to running on the ground or being low.

Now I am performing move sets unknown to me or even capable of doing in the beginning. It's sort of like the Matrix, you start seeing the map not for what it is but for what actually there is to do in it. Each time I replay a map, I can be exposed to something new, something where I use my skills to get the advantage.

It's actually one of the best feelings in recent memory for me personally as a gamer. To see where I was when I began to where I am now and to recognize what the designers actually did with the game design to empower everything that is doable in the game.

That is why when I play a game like BF1 and say something, undeserving-ly so, as it is garbage, well it isn't garbage, its actually a fine game, but I can't say personally I get that much better over time in a game like BF1 then TF2. I feel there isn't much more I can do to get that much better with the skills of a World War 1 infantry person.

Like people said, these are two different games and I like TF2 better because it challenges me to be a better player and gives me all the tools I need to become that.

EDIT: as an example, after all my time so far, I'm only beginning to understand melee in TF2, like best time to melee when positioning vertically against an opponent or even when really close together and each person is strafing and circling each other trying to get the melee attack off. (I still come out on the losing side of those fights, feels like I am drunken boxing with someone who keeps dodging my weird fist launches.)


Trucker Sexologist
Man whats up with all the strange love for BF4 all of a sudden? Is it just that it was most peoples first forray into 64 player conquest? BF4 was NOT a great game people, and I say that as someone who's bought every single battlefield since 1942.

I really don't understand the retroactive praise, the game was decent but going by this thread you'd think it was the most tactical FPS bursting at the seams with depth...when in reality it was a poorly, poorly balanced multiplayer game with an over abundance of worthless customization. I'm glad that BF1 went simple in comparison, the sheer amount of weapon unlocks and stat-changing variables were utterly ridiculous. Lets not forget the laughable commander addition, which for whatever reason usually meant one team had a commander and the other didn't...and could you guess which team won that fight 80% of the time? Absolutely poorly balanced and I don't understand how anyone could praise it with a straight face.

As for TF2, I enjoy it a lot, but unfortunately they have some severe server problems as myself (and hundreds of others on the net) are unable to complete a single game of matchmaking, we get booted to the main menu with a "connection to server loss" screen, and Respawn hasn't even acknowledged the problem yet, so just on that alone I'd have to give the edge to BF1, for at least I've been able to complete 50+ hours worth of matches. Unfortunately the TF2 community will be dead by the time respawn allows me to actually enjoy their fun game, I'd probably be steaming if I didn't enjoy the campaign as much as I did.
I don't think people are going to appreciate BF4's depth until they get sick of using the same weapons and tactics over and over in BF1.
No snark here. I genuinely want to hear the other side. I have my opinion on the matter but would like a better understanding of the 'other side'.
Lol. Jk and giving BF1 the same treatment as "COD with mechs" I'm actually a big BF fan (They should have remastered BC2 a la MWR) but TF2 is an amazing game and makes me smile a lot more than BF1, atm.
I do hope this game ends up having a long tail. Respawn should be rewarded for their efforts. EA had not made it easy for them by saddling TF2 with that release date, where sales were pretty much guaranteed to be cannibalized.
Not to mention keeping the first game from coming to ps4.
The only thing I would say to this is I wonder if you knew what you could be doing compared to what you did do in the game, especially when it comes down to traversal.

I would say my first 10-20 hrs, I played the game wrong. Even though I played an epic shit ton of Titanfall 1. After my initial in-game baby years, I started to get better at the new moves and equipment that was given to the player in TF2 and started to chain more and more together. I started to limit my time as much as possible to running on the ground or being low.

Now I am performing move sets unknown to me or even capable of doing in the beginning. It's sort of like the Matrix, you start seeing the map not for what it is but for what actually there is to do in it. Each time I replay a map, I can be exposed to something new, something where I use my skills to get the advantage.

It's actually one of the best feelings in recent memory for me personally as a gamer. To see where I was when I began to where I am now and to recognize what the designers actually did with the game design to empower everything that is doable in the game.

That is why when I play a game like BF1 and say something, undeserving-ly so, as it is garbage, well it isn't garbage, its actually a fine game, but I can't say personally I get that much better over time in a game like BF1 then TF2. I feel there isn't much more I can do to get that much better with the skills of a World War 1 infantry person.

Like people said, these are two different games and I like TF2 better because it challenges me to be a better player and gives me all the tools I need to become that.

EDIT: as an example, after all my time so far, I'm only beginning to understand melee in TF2, like best time to melee when positioning vertically against an opponent or even when really close together and each person is strafing and circling each other trying to get the melee attack off. (I still come out on the losing side of those fights, feels like I am drunken boxing with someone who keeps dodging my weird fist launches.)
I'm gen 6, and still learning new things as well as seeing myself improve


Titanfall 2 really is the complete package. Top tier single player campaign and a fantastic multiplayer component. I'm happy WOM is working for it.
I don't think people are going to appreciate BF4's depth until they get sick of using the same weapons and tactics over and over in BF1.

Yes, the thrilling depth of lock on weapons in Battlefield 4 was just great wasn't it? All that skill required.

Sorry bud, but the game's 'depth' is purely superficial. Even just the methods for dealing with armor in BF1 has more avenues for teamwork and creative tactics than ANYTHING in BF4, me and the squad I roll with have been pinned by enemy armor countless times but we always find some creative and thrilling way to outsmart and outmanuever the enemy, the popular method is to send one guy to distract/reposition the tank while 3 of us hit it in the rear and the last two wait to pick off whoever tries to escape. In BF4 the same situation would have been completely handled by one of us with a lock-on rocket before the dude ever even got close enough to hit us...so yeah nah, in my experiences Battlefield 1 definitely promotes actual tangible moment-to-moment teamwork more than BF4 ever did.
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