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IGN blames Nintendo for not making Splatoon a mascot-platformer

I thought a unique 5 vs 5 multiplayer shooter coming from Nintendo was a pretty unique mix of the Nintendo formula. I'd even say it's a bit of a risk, but Splatoon has really warm reception by many I thought. Hmmm.


There is a reason the gaming press is irrelevant for a good chunk of the gaming community, and that reason is not mock elitism or whatever else we may be accused for.


This makes no sense. Nintendo even emphasised the point about the characters being design after the fact, in order to match the gameplay they had designed.

People don't understand that they design the game concept first and add characters later.


Yeah, because Nintendo doesn't have enough "single-player" / "mascot-platformer" games, that aren't multiplayer / shooter games.

Yeah, very nice idea..... NOT!


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Selective quoting by the OP. The article is talking more about how he wishes the paint traversal mechanic was used in a singleplayer game, which doesn't strike me as an absurd thing to wish for.
I understand what he's trying to say and from a multi-platform gamer's point of view I also understand the competitive shooter fatigue, but why is it always Nintendo that gets these remarks? Why not do it on Evolve for example? People are always projecting their shitty desires on whatever Nintendo does. The guy can have all the opinions he wants, but I won't let him hide behind them. What they're doing (AGAIN) is setting a certain atmosphere around Nintendo which they generally never set with anything else.


Tbh, I would much prefer this direction to SM3DW, it looks like Sunshine 2. It's ironic, because I remember hating Sunshine at the time. Lowered standards, and all that.



As cool as I think a return to a non-Mario 3D platformer would be for Nintendo, Splatoon is them doing something they've never done before, which is really welcome IMO.
Ha ha.

Nintendo makes new game with existing characters, but which could have been a brand new IP with new characters : "Nitnendo y u no make new IPs?!!"

Nintendo makes a brand new IP with brand new gameplay and characters : "Nitnendo y u no use your existing characters to do the same thing?!!".

This is getting silly. Seriously. Especially since Nintendo already confirmed there'd be as much SP content as MP.

It's reaching the point that people just bash nintendo cause they're nintendo.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I get that he wants a 3d mascot platformer with Splatoon's gameplay, so why not wish for a spinoff platformer game based on the main Splatoon title, instead of wishing that the main Splatoon game itself is a mascot platformer?


I get that he wants a 3d mascot platformer with Splatoon's gameplay, so why not wish for a spinoff platformer game based on the main Splatoon title, instead of wishing that the main Splatoon game itself is a mascot platformer?

Exactly. Splatoon doesn't have to remain a shooter ip, it can evolve into anything. But wishing for this particular game to be something it's not is beyond stupid. It happened to Zombi U, it happened to other games. You can't judge a game for something it's not.

Game Guru

I wish Splatoon were a single-player, character-based platforming adventure akin to Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and the original Jak & Daxter.

If Nintendo wanted to make another 3D Platformer, the could make another Mario game. This is a Shooter game because Nintendo is in need of a Shooter franchise.
I like the idea of Nintendo adding their own unique whimsical/cartoony/"platformery" twist to genres that are generally more gritty, realistic, and grounded. It's something that I hope they will continue to do in the future.
I love platformers (it's one of the primary reason's why I care about Nintendo's software ecosystem), but I like Splatoon just the way it is and I'm excited to get my hands on it.

...It would be nice to get a new "AAA" 3D platformer IP from the big N though.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Has anyone actually read the article? He's only asking for a proper singleplayer campaign as they've focussed on the multiplayer part of the game.

Not really that much of an article, but the outcry in this thread is rather stupid.

Here's a direct quote from the article
I wish Splatoon were a single-player, character-based platforming adventure akin to Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and the original Jak & Daxter.

And the article title

I dont see why anyone will interpret that as just requesting Splatoon to have a proper single player campaign
Typical silly IGN trash. I can sympathize pushing for more 3D platform adventures, even if I'm not a huge fan of B&K. Using Splatoon for this is just horribly misguided since it's probably one of the few new Nintendo titles that is both an IP and features gameplay previously unseen in Nintendo games.

Has anyone actually read the article? He's only asking for a proper singleplayer campaign as they've focussed on the multiplayer part of the game.

Not really that much of an article, but the outcry in this thread is rather stupid.

Have you?


I want splatoon
i want a new mario 3d plataformer, more mario 64 than mario galaxy or 3d world

(Please, no more time limit)


Fuck Nintendo, I wanted splatoon to be a kart game with Mario and his friends. Iwata should resign for this.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Has anyone actually read the article? He's only asking for a proper singleplayer campaign as they've focussed on the multiplayer part of the game.

Not really that much of an article, but the outcry in this thread is rather stupid.

Didnt they already confirm SP?


"I wish Splatoon were a single-player, character-based platforming adventure akin to Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and the original Jak & Daxter."

You know I wouldn't mind Splatoon IP to expand to that direction later but the way he suggests that should be the game that was made instead of Splatoon makes me sick.
Splatoon is fresh and exciting to me, I'm looking forward to playing it. Changing it into mascot-platformer #51 wouldn't do it any favors, screw anyone who thinks it should be.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Really? Does this make sense to you? To me, it doesn't. Nintendo get's called out hundreds of times a day for sticking to the basic formula and now when they actually do something new, they should've done another freaking mascot-platformer?

I don't think those two quotes make a lot of sense when put together, but
1) I'm mad as hell at Nintendo (and Rare) that they just stopped making collectathon platformers after Mario Sunshine (Banjo-Tooie for Rare) since it's my favourite genre
2) I'd prefer a collectathon over Splatoon
3) I'd buy a Collectathon, but there is no way in hell I'll buy Splatoon (I hate shooters and I hate online)

Though I still think Splatoon is a nice and fresh idea and deserves to be made. It's just not something I'd pay any money for.


I'll take what we have thanks. It's one of the most original things Nintendo have done for a while and it looks like a blast to play.

It's reaching the point that people just bash nintendo cause they're nintendo.
We reached that point a long time ago.


IGN and almost all "gaming journalism" in general are a joke. Basically simply ignore them and don´t give them any clicks/money.


The LAST thing I want from Nintendo is another stinking platformer! I've been playing them since the NES, and quite honestly, have gotten bored with them, as they're cranking out way too many.
Very happy to see them go a different route with Splatoon, even if I don't see it being a big hit for them.


What? No. Splatoon looks like a blast, Nintendo needed a game like that. At least to grab my interest.

Of course I do wish we had more 3D Platformers, the world needs them. These two things are just not related.. At all.


Has anyone actually read the article? He's only asking for a proper singleplayer campaign as they've focussed on the multiplayer part of the game.

Not really that much of an article, but the outcry in this thread is rather stupid.

No it's not.

Have YOU read the article? lol

That guy is saying how there's enough competitive shooterse out there. Lol, this one is made by Nintendo for the Wii U, on which shooters in general are lacking. He names 7 FPS's and 6 of them are not on Nintendo platforms/Wii U.

He needs to do some research before writing an "article". He says he HOPES there will be a SP mode. Nintendo already confirmed there will be one. What a fail of an article. Blame him, not the people here disagreeing with him. That is stupid.


Can't wait to see how it could have been inspired by Dark Souls next! In all seriousness, I don't really get why they would make a statement like that. I thought it had been confirmed that there will be a single player mode with the game that could be what they want, just with new characters, but I might be misremembering things. For all the shit people give Nintendo for not having new ideas, this is pretty funny though.

I do like the idea of using those mechanics in some platforming levels though. Hopefully Nintendo just goes all out and does some crazy stuff, single player and multiplayer, with the game.
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