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IGN blames Nintendo for not making Splatoon a mascot-platformer


Has anyone actually read the article? He's only asking for a proper singleplayer campaign as they've focussed on the multiplayer part of the game.

Not really that much of an article, but the outcry in this thread is rather stupid.

The guy is speaking from a viewpoint of someone who already owns other consoles and wants something different to play on the Wii U and has the Wii U in the capacity of a secondary console which satisfies those needs.

That's exactly the opposite of the type of advice Nintendo needs really and exactly who not to listen to and the guy probably would see it as well if he wasn't so wrapped up the context of his own situation.

What Nintendo needs is the ideas to make the Wii U into a halfway primary console at least, something you could own without owning anything else and be satisfied - something which the Wii U miserably fails at. The author needs to pull his head out of his arse for one minute and actually look at the commercial landscape a little. This op-ed is junk and the guys opinion is junk.
Perfection. /thread


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I would die a happy man if someone made a new 3d banjo or jak style open level wander platformer. Or even Mario 64 style. God I miss the n64.

Nintendo should do it since they're the best at it.



I've not seen that gif before and I'd like to thank you for posting it.

I swear IGN are never happy with whatever Nintendo does. If they make a new platformer they're sticking with the same stuff, but they make something new and somewhat innovative and they just want it to be a platformer again.

I'm so confused.
IGN gotta IGN I suppose.

I miss the Matt Cassamassina days. He loved Nintendo dearly, but was critical of them in ways that made sense.
Man, I miss the days when Nintendo released mascot platformers. Now it's all "deep narrative" this, and "Citizen Kane of gaming" that.

No wait, that's not right


I typically enjoy what Marty has to say but I couldn't even finish that article. Complete garbage.

"Hey you know this game? I wish it were another game."

Games journalism everyone. I don't like this thing!
He's got a point. Shooters are over saturated. Nintendo could have done something way more interesting with those characters and concepts than a 4 on 4 shooter. We have yet to see a 3D platformer on the Wii U, so I don't know what you people are talking about. You want MORE shooters? Jesus.


He's got a point. Shooters are over saturated. Nintendo could have done something way more interesting with those characters and concepts than a 4 on 4 shooter. We have yet to see a 3D platformer on the Wii U, so I don't know what you people are talking about. You want MORE shooters? Jesus.

Err Super Mario 3D World isn't a 3D platformer?
He's got a point. Shooters are over saturated. Nintendo could have done something way more interesting with those characters and concepts than a 4 on 4 shooter. We have yet to see a 3D platformer on the Wii U, so I don't know what you people are talking about. You want MORE shooters? Jesus.

3D World is a 3D platformer and god help me if you say some shit like 2.5D


I don't recall ever being disappointed or, more accurately, confused by Marty Silva's take on something. But I am quite bewildered by this one. Splattoon is exactly the kind of thing Nintendo needs to be doing as their relevance in the industry they helped popularize wanes.

I guess everyone has an opinion, though. I vehemently disagree with this one.

"Hey you know this game? I wish it were another game."

Yeah this is a big problem for game journalists nowadays and an even bigger one for core gamers, if you ask me. Really awful trend that has sprung up over the years.


Shooters are over saturated. Nintendo could have done something way more interesting with those characters and concepts than a 4 on 4 shooter.

Please point me to a shooter that's similiar to Splatoon. Just because you shoot things in games doesn't make them similiar.

We have yet to see a 3D platformer on the Wii U, so I don't know what you people are talking about.

Sonic Lost World? Super Mario 3D World?
"Hey guys we need content for our Wii U section!"
"What about Splattoon, that game looks interesting, new IP and Nintendo doing the shooter genre"
"Nahh, they should have done a platformer with those characters, ya know, now they are chasing the shooter trends!!"


No it's not. It's a 2D platformer on a 3D plane. The irony of the title alone is heart wrenching. There's no world involved. It's homogenized Mario recycled yet again--with cat suits.


Just think about what you wrote: "No it's not (a 3D platformer). It's a 2D platformer on a 3D plane."


The reason Nintendo doesn't make collectathon open-level platformers anymore is quite simple: Super Mario Sunshine.

There's half of a good game there, the other half is probably among the worst of anything Nintendo has made.


Just think about what you wrote: "No it's not (a 3D platformer). It's a 2D platformer on a 3D plane."

Not to mention that 3D World has better level design than the two open-style (64, Sunshine) games...


provides useful feedback
To be fair it's just one person's opinion so it's not like this is IGN endorsed or something. It's pretty dumb, though, to jump on Splatoon for this - finally a brand new IP with the same push behind it as a Mario or a Zelda game (in a genre that's popular these days) and he wants yet another platformer instead.

He's got a point. Shooters are over saturated. Nintendo could have done something way more interesting with those characters and concepts than a 4 on 4 shooter. We have yet to see a 3D platformer on the Wii U, so I don't know what you people are talking about. You want MORE shooters? Jesus.

Check on Mario 3D World first before lambasting other people.

EDIT: Oh apparently you don't know what you're talking about in the least, never mind then.
I'm not saying it's a bad game; it's a great game. But it's not in any way a "world." It's a marginal step up from what they've already done in 3D Land and NSMB in terms of creativity.


It is not Nintendo that needs to do a 3D Platformer with Mascots.... it is EVERYONE ELSE

Looking at you, RARE ¬¬


I'm not saying it's a bad game; it's a great game. But it's not in any way a "world." It's a marginal step up from what they've already done in 3D Land and NSMB in terms of creativity.

You know what "World" in the title references to, right? Super Mario 3D Land on handheld and then Super Mario 3D World on home console.

Or Super Mario Land on handheld and Super Mario World on home console. It's a world in similiar way. I'm suprised to hear that you found a way to quantify creativity. You should patent that shit.


Neo Member
No it's not. It's a 2D platformer on a 3D plane. The irony of the title alone is heart wrenching. There's no world involved. It's homogenized Mario recycled yet again--with cat suits.
So it's not a 3d platformer but is instead a 3d platformer. Okay then.

Anyway, as much as I love Nintendo, not all of their games need to be platformers. Splatoon is honestly a breath of fresh air both for a Nintendo game and for shooter's as a whole.


provides useful feedback
I'm not saying it's a bad game; it's a great game. But it's not in any way a "world." It's a marginal step up from what they've already done in 3D Land and NSMB in terms of creativity.

Actually you said it wasn't a 3D platformer, which it is. A platformer on a 3D landscape that you can move in all three axes by your own free will is a 3D platformer.


Just to be clear, SM3W is a 3d platfomer, it's also a great game. But it's not the game some of us want, that doesn't mean anything for the game itself. It's just different. Diffrent to the likes of SM64, DK64, BK, Jak & Daxter etc...


Neo Member
By the way, I hope the writer of this article writes an article about every upcoming game that they played and how it's not a 3d B&K platformer. Otherwise it seems unfair to hold this against Splatoon only.


Alright OP, you gotta relax.
1. Marty Silva is not IGN, he is an IGN editor. It may be published on their site but that doesn't make it representative of their whole site.
2. People are allowed to have opinions. If it's different than yours, there's no need to react so harshly. The tone I got out of this thread was that you're apalled by the idea that someone could think this. It's ok! Nintendo didn't do it this way, so you get it the way you like.

It's gonna be ok.
Actually you said it wasn't a 3D platformer, which it is. A platformer on a 3D landscape that you can move in all three axes by your own free will is a 3D platformer.

By technical standards, by definition, yes. What I meant is that it's the exact same tired concept that Nintendo has been using for Mario games for the past six games now. Start at A, run to B, grab the flag. Essentially, it's the the same, even if you're able to marginally explore three axes.
I very much like the character design lol plus ninty did say that they were gonna include single player in some capacity so let's see what happens.


Hey, you know Driveclub? Wouldn't it be better if it was a new Crash instead?

That's basically the article's point. Sorry, no sense at all. Complain about the lack of your favorite game/genre all you want, but do not use a brand new innovative and unusual game as cannon folder.



why didn't he just make an article about how he likes platformers more than shooters. that's pretty much all it boils down to.

Splatoon ain't your scapegoat bruh!
I... actually remember that episode. :)

I remember that after he punched the guy he wondered how the hell he was going to get out of the appart.

"priorities, mickael "

Anyway , this article is bogus on several levels

First splatton is something new , This is a good thing.
Why make it another platformer ? Nintendo has plenty of them , mario , yoshi , kirby , wario, peach, dk .. what's the point ?

the game has plenty of platforming , heck , making your way around by changing and block each possible path is the way to victory... you can't win in splattoon if you're not mobile and moving because shooting create your path . It's an entire different approch than a normal 5 vs 5 in COD .

WHY WASTE THIS IDEA on another platformer ?
I know this is an opinion piece , but ...NO , just NO
While the notion of the article seems a little silly, I won't lie that I would have probably preferred another 3D Platformer to a shooter, especially if said 3D platformer was more in line with the 2010 and earlier 3D Marios.
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