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IGN: Kinect only works/functions when you're standing up

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Vinci said:
Really, this is the issue. People saying, "This will be fixed," or trying to undercut this issue are missing the point: This should have been fixed long, long ago. Not now, not soon, not later.

It's equally likely that this was working before, isn't working now, and will work at launch. That's the nature of products in development.

Then again, it might not ever work. We just don't know yet.


Medalion said:
It'll be like the Wii, which lets you know how long you've been playing for and recommends you take a break :lol

I'm not saying I can only stand up for 30 minutes at a time or something. I need to sit down after less than 5.
lostinblue said:
PS2's, GC's and PS3's do it just fine too. Oh, and Xbox 1.

regular PC DVD drives, regular laptop pc drives... do it just fine, and hell; people have managed to repair their X360's who did that by polishing up some darned part... Microsoft could and should have solved this by now.

And the issue is not just "moving it" most consoles take a fall somewhere along their lives while playing a game, either pushed by the cables, a dog passing by... whatever. and when that happens not only do you want your console to endure it, you also want your darn game to do so.

No they don't. I've ruined a PS2 game (2 in fact) in my PS2 by having some dumbass trip on the controller.

This happens with all of the non top loading devices. Take a PS3 game, put it in the system, get to a point where it's spinning, then jerk it around like that dumbass in that video, I'll wait for your youtube link.
Oh well. Developers can still make a game out of the hanged man thing...
flyinpiranha said:
No they don't. I've ruined a PS2 game (2 in fact) in my PS2 by having some dumbass trip on the controller.

This happens with all of the non top loading devices. Take a PS3 game, put it in the system, get to a point where it's spinning, then jerk it around like that dumbass in that video, I'll wait for your youtube link.
My PS2 has a hard drive, I rarely if ever, use DVD's on it (I have them, but still... would be quite dumb to go try "that" right away when there's no dvd on it now) Plus, I have no crap games to try that out.

I know GC and Wii don't do that though, and that my macbook drive doesn't too.


soldat7 said:
It's equally likely that this was working before, isn't working now, and will work at launch. That's the nature of products in development.

Then again, it might not ever work. We just don't know yet.

This is a fair point, I'll admit. If this were a software malfunction that popped up during E3... well, that wouldn't be good - but if this is something that is an aberration from the hardware's normal behavior, okay. If this is just the way it is, MS is irreversibly stupid.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Karma said:
Did they show any games that you could play sitting down if you wanted to?

There were pre-canned videos. I don't recall anyone sitting down during an on stage demonstration.
sangreal said:
With the exception of Forza would any of the games they've shown even work seated? Maybe Kinectimals...

All I know is that way back when they were showing the Burnoput demo they were claiming you could even play it sitting down. And there are several promo videos clearly showing people sitting down while using it. Come on now, that sounds preposterous. I call complete bullshit on IGN.
as much as i'd love to hitch a ride on the kinect hate wagon today while waiting for my google reader to update; didn't they demo that joyride game while sitting down? supposedly worked?

also: why is psp's face blurred out? to hide his identity?
I've said it multiple times, but it bears repeating:

Microsoft doesn't have a clue what to do with Natal. Everything they've done (or haven't done) in the past year confirms this.


I think this is all blown out of proportion. You'll be so excited to just wave your way through the menus, you won't be able to sit down in the first place.


flyinpiranha said:
:lol Are you just fishing for shit? What console doesn't scratch disks if you decide to move the thing around while playing?

I mean seriously? Somebody put a youtube video up of that? :lol :lol :lol

What about discmans from 1995? Doesn't seem like a crazy request at this point...


Vinci said:
If this is just the way it is, MS is irreversibly stupid.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I've said it multiple times, but it bears repeating:

Microsoft doesn't have a clue what to do with Natal. Everything they've done (or haven't done) in the past year confirms this.

Mizuguchi playing Child of Eden was pretty amazing (video only, I wasn't there), and the best use of this tech I've seen. MS really missed out throwing teh moniez at Q? and locking that down as a launch-day pack-in with Kinect.


flyinpiranha said:
No they don't. I've ruined a PS2 game (2 in fact) in my PS2 by having some dumbass trip on the controller.

This happens with all of the non top loading devices. Take a PS3 game, put it in the system, get to a point where it's spinning, then jerk it around like that dumbass in that video, I'll wait for your youtube link.

The guy in the video didn't jerk it. He just tilted it without any strong, hard movements.


Medalion said:
Ok lazy people...lie down on the ground and have the Kinect hanging off the ceiling...

This is your only option, as my patent applications for a reclining hammock are already pending.

Vizion28 said:
The guy in the video didn't jerk it. He just tilted it without any strong, hard movements.
lostinblue said:
PS2's, GC's and PS3's do it just fine too. Oh, and Xbox 1.

regular PC DVD drives, regular laptop pc drives... do it just fine, and hell; people have managed to repair their X360's who did that by polishing up some darned part... Microsoft could and should have solved this by now.

Oh, you mean GCs, which doesn't have trays? PS3s which doesn't have trays? Regular laptop which doesn't have regular trays, but the ones where you push the disc down? PS2 slims which doesn't have trays?

Did you even read my post?

My old PS2 sure as hell scratched my audio discs when I kicked it (had that happen more than once). My old computer ate an old DVD before I bought a new one and I'm sure there are similar stories about the original Xbox - but that was such a beast noone was dumb enough to pick it up during gameplay.
All I know is that way back when they were showing the Burnoput demo they were claiming you could even play it sitting down. And there are several promo videos clearly showing people sitting down while using it. Come on now, that sounds preposterous. I call complete bullshit on IGN.

Completely off topic but I just remembered the time when IGN said that squids technically aren't animals.


Meh, MS should have added a "glove" like device to compensate for subtle movements like in Minority Report. I don't see how a camera can process "everything" especially with all the factors like lighting, space, etc.
Hugbot said:
I think this is all blown out of proportion. You'll be so excited to just wave your way through the menus, you won't be able to sit down in the first place.

If Natal is like 5 bucks.

As it stands this thing will be at least 50 dollars. 50 dollars to wave your hand in menus? Go nuts Hombre.


MS really dropped the ball with Kinect. Also, what about furniture? Does MS expect everyone's living/gaming room to be a completely clear and open space? It just isn't practical or realistic.
LittleTokyo said:
Did anyone ever think this product was a good idea?

Sure I did. I still think it would be a good idea if it wasn't being obviously rushed to market.

If anybody thinks MS or Sony trying to compete with Nintendo and expand their market is a bad thing you are either insecure or being a fanboy (are those one and the same?) :lol


Vinci said:
Actually, I believe that's a Samsung. In fact, it looks a lot like the TV I have in my living room.
The bottom of the trim gets fatter in the center of Samsungs.

At least on both of mine. That looks really geometric like a Bravia.
lostinblue said:
Oh well. Developers can still make a game out of the hanged man thing...My PS2 has a hard drive, I rarely if ever, use DVD's on it (I have them, but still... would be quite dumb to go try "that" right away when there's no dvd on it now) Plus, I have no crap games to try that out.

I know GC and Wii don't do that though, and that my macbook drive doesn't too.

It happens, and on the PS2 a lot because people moved/jerked the system. And yet again somebody names a portable device saying "see, look!".

The NGC was a top loading system with the 3ball 'click' system. The Wii will scratch if you do something stupid like in that video while a disk is moving. Almost all NON-PORTABLE NON-TOP LOADING ... I'll repeat this.


drives have this tendency. Some can handle a bump/nudge better than others but almost all will fuck up a disk if you move it like a jackass (like the guy in the video).

distrbnce said:
What about discmans from 1995? Doesn't seem like a crazy request at this point...

Good job not reading the thread. There are many different types of disk-loading systems and some don't handle bumps/nudges or some dumbass almost dropping the system on its side.

Vizion28 said:
The guy in the video didn't jerk it. He just tilted it without any strong, hard movements.

He did it quickly. Quicker than any of us would ever move a home console system with a disk spinning in it. Watch it again.

And I get it ... MS sucks ... WOOHOO FUCK KINETIC!! Seriously ... people are just looking for shit to stir up a shitstorm with. It's pathetic.


All I know is that way back when they were showing the Burnoput demo they were claiming you could even play it sitting down.

The burnout demo is a special situation, since it didn't really do body tracking, it only detected close / far objects (close & on top = hands = wheel, at the bottom = pedals).
Commanche Raisin Toast said:
as much as i'd love to hitch a ride on the kinect hate wagon today while waiting for my google reader to update; didn't they demo that joyride game while sitting down? supposedly worked?

Don't know about Joyride, but Forza showroom obviously works just fine when kneeling and squatting.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Hugbot said:
I think this is all blown out of proportion. You'll be so excited to just wave your way through the menus, you won't be able to sit down in the first place.

Good one
Vinci said:
Actually, I believe that's a Samsung. In fact, it looks a lot like the TV I have in my living room.

It also looks like my bravia :lol

I though Sony was the only one with the glass around the tv.
soldat7 said:

Mizuguchi playing Child of Eden was pretty amazing (video only, I wasn't there), and the best use of this tech I've seen. MS really missed out throwing teh moniez at Q? and locking that down as a launch-day pack-in with Kinect.

Natal was always a good START for a console idea. However from the beginning I was doubtful of two things:

That it would be a fully fleshed out bedrock for the development of all types of games


That if it were, MS would have any idea how to harness it.

Now, MS didn't necessarily have to lead the charge with game development, but it seems every second someone plays Natal at any length they find a new bottleneck. MS should at very least have known and prepared for the console addition they're trying to jam down our throats.

MS should have prepared for this, and if this is true and they let it slip, then it's proof positive that they have NO CLUE why the Wii, and by proxy, motion control gaming, is at all popular.

echoshifting said:
That was almost certainly sarcasm you replied to.

My sarcasm detector is in the shop.


I don't think the mass market will care to be honest.

..but it's certainly pushes Kinect even further away from core users (IF it isn't fixed..and that's a big if).
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