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IGN: Ranking All 8 Spider-Man Animated Series

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Is the 1994 cartoon which had a lady who summoned different Spiderman from different worlds to save the fate of the world/or Marie Jane, and in the end MJ´s turns out to be a water clone or something like that?


Spectacular has some of the greatest actions scenes in cartoon history. At first I was turned off by the art style. But the animation is excellent. It's a real favorite of mine

Mike M

Nick N
'94 Spider-Man was awful, even at the time. Terrible CGI, wildly inconsistent framerate, abysmal pacing ("Neogenic Nightmare: Part 17"). The fact that it was around the same time as the ridiculously good B:TAS just made it look even worse.


Yeah I loved the 94 spider-man cartoon as a kid but, like everyone has said, it doesn't really hold up to viewing today.
I doubt kids in the current era would even like it compared to the much better animated and scripted shows they have now.


Ehh, despite the choppiness, I loved the characterization in the '94 Spiderman. I'd rank it above the 90s X-Men.
What a bizarre deal with Spider-Man 1981... I remember SM & His Amazing Friends, but not the other show from the 80's. After looking it up on wiki:

-They were on at the same time. Like, the first episode was on the SAME day (Sep 12, 1981) for both shows.

-One was on NBC, the other was syndicated.

-The voice actors were different... but the background music was the same! So were the animation models, BGs, and even the title screen:



But the episodes were different, and Iceman and Firestar weren't in the suffix-less Spiderman. BUT, SM&HAF did use some footage from SM in one of the later episodes.

One was on for 24 episodes, the other for 26. At the same time, basically, but on different channels.

Weird stuff.


They got the number 1 right that's for sure.

Now it's time to go cry because Disney cancelled it to replace it with Ultimate. I'm still sad about it.


Ehh, despite the choppiness, I loved the characterization in the '94 Spiderman. I'd rank it above the 90s X-Men.

Yeah X-Men turns to complete and utter crap after season 3 or 4. I'm pretty sure by the last season they literally had no budget yet either since the art style becomes demonstrably the worst in the series. There was an episode with some bumpkin with rocket superpowers that barely looked animated. Spiderman reused footage like hell but at least it maintained a consistent visual style for the most part and attempted to have serialized stories.


Seriously, the 1994 series has aged so terribly.
It was my favorite thing back in the day, but I just can't watch it now.

Spectacular is always amazing though.


1994 series was my favorite cartoon growing up so I'll always have a soft spot for it, even though I'll be the first to say the animation doesn't hold up very well. Spectacular is flat out amazing though and is easily the best Spider-Man cartoon ever.

Weird little fact:
Did anyone ever notice that in the 1994 cartoon that Spider-Man never punches any of his enemies, but instead almost always uses his webs to bind or throw them? Apparently Fox had some serious censorship rules in effect back then that prevented animators from depicting Spider-Man from throwing punches, among other ridiculous shit like not breaking glass or hurting pigeons when he lands on a rooftop. Yes, That last one is absolutely dead serious.

Mike M

Nick N

Weird little fact:
Did anyone ever notice that in the 1994 cartoon that Spider-Man never punches any of his enemies, but instead almost always uses his webs to bind or throw them? Apparently Fox had some serious censorship rules in effect back then that prevented animators from depicting Spider-Man from throwing punches, among other ridiculous shit like not breaking glass or hurting pigeons when he lands on a rooftop. Yes, That last one is absolutely dead serious.

Which is weird, because it was out at the same time as X-Men and Batman (on the same network, no less).



Granted, that Batman gif was after it jumped to WB, but I'd be surprised if Batman turned out to have never taken a swing at anyone in the original incarnation.
94 was the best in my opinion. I was never a comic book reader since there were no shops near me and my parents had no idea about that kind of stuff, but I watched the 94 Spider-Man cartoon religiously. I would tape it on my VCR while I went to karate on saturday mornings and watch it as soon as I came home.

The Venom symbiote arc is what I will compare all future iterations to. It's probably what made Venom such a fan favorite for so many people, including myself.

Edit: I just remembered how it introduced so many villians and how they had the action figure line based off of the show. I lived for collecting those things. I had Scorpion, Carnage, Chameleon... ahh, good times.



Granted, that Batman gif was after it jumped to WB, but I'd be surprised if Batman turned out to have never taken a swing at anyone in the original incarnation.

It also had something, even more ballsy


Not pewpew laser ones.
Spider-Man 67 takes a shit on all of those except for spectacular.

Also it had easily the best JJJ (aside from the GOAT raimi one). That's probably my only issue with spectacular, their Jonah kinda sucks


Is the 1994 cartoon which had a lady who summoned different Spiderman from different worlds to save the fate of the world/or Marie Jane, and in the end MJ´s turns out to be a water clone or something like that?

It was the other way around, actually. Spider-Man found out that the MJ he married was a clone accidentally created by Hydro-Man, and so Madam Webb recruits him to save the multiverse in exchange for her taking him dimension hoping to go find the real MJ, who had been missing for a good while at that point.


94 Spiderman was my favorite. Hasn't aged as good, but I enjoyed it a ton in the day. I still appreciate it now as well. Still has some of my favorite voice actors - Felicia Hardy, MJ, JJJ, Kingpin, and Peter (among others). And I greatly enjoyed all the Marvel guest characters on the show. I also loved that they aged Peter up a bit in the show. I didn't really care for "high schoolers with attitude and drama" back then in my cartoons and even less so now.

Of course, the censors were killing the series ("PLASMA!"). Especially when you compare it with motherfucking Gargoyles on ABC which was airing at the same time. I mean, even as a kid it was obvious something was up (but even I didn't realize that Spider-man never actually threw a punch).


Spectacular has some of the greatest actions scenes in cartoon history. At first I was turned off by the art style. But the animation is excellent. It's a real favorite of mine

I think the art style is great. (glad you ended up liking it anyway ^__~)

Very unique, and it has a memorable style. Something that a lot of Western animation is lacking. The character designs sacrifice extra detail, and that gave them more of a budget for the animation. The designs are very nice anyway, each of the characters primary features are highlighted very well.

Spider-Man 67 takes a shit on all of those except for spectacular.

Also it had easily the best JJJ (aside from the GOAT raimi one). That's probably my only issue with spectacular, their Jonah kinda sucks

Every JJ sucks compared to JK the GOAT Simmons.
It was the other way around, actually. Spider-Man found out that the MJ he married was a clone accidentally created by Hydro-Man, and so Madam Webb recruits him to save the multiverse in exchange for her taking him dimension hoping to go find the real MJ, who had been missing for a good while at that point.

And we never found out if he found her! Damn cliff-hangers.


94 spidey was the best. I tried watching it recently and MAN is it crazy. Its kike the animators had ADHD or something it wad so choppy


1994 is definitely the best.

I wouldn't say it's the best, but I'll be damned if I don't still hear Christopher Daniel Barnes' voice when I read Spider-Man comics even to this day.

Not to discredit a number of the other great VAs Spidey's had over the years, but Barnes' was the perfect voice for the college-aged Parker, in my opinion.
For me personally, spiderman and his amazing friends is top runner. I remember being a kid and totally loving that show. That was Saturday morning cartoon heyday in the 80s.

My number 2 is spiderman 94 since it did actually have very very long story arcs that I liked.

Spectacular I liked definitely but, to me, it's not the number 1. I think it was great in that it had the entire cast and Peter is actually a kid. It lacked the charm the 2 I mentioned earlier had. Plus the symbiote story I did not really like so much and I don't really like how Venom was handle in either series tbh. Maybe just the art and design of this show is why I can't rank it as high as the other two.

However spectacular is better than ultimate and unlimited(which I hated, great theme though).


List sounds about right.

Despite its repetitive animation and constant recap, I still think 1994 holds up a lot thanks to its fun scenarios and characterizations.


Unconfirmed Member
Spectacular is the best incarnation of Spider-Man ever. Think unlimited was somewhat fun and 90s is wrapped in (super strong and amazing) nostalgia. It ain't quality but it's perfect cheese.

Ultimate is hard to reconcile mostly because it came after Spectacular. It has pretty bad lows and some solid highs that are few and far between. Not consistent at all outside of pretty slick animation.


My thoughts on the list:

Spider-Man Unlimited
I thought it was alright. Does it deserve to be at the bottom of the list? Nah.
It did have some neat ideas though it was a bit weird in spots.
Also kinda short (12 episodes I think?).
(I did kinda like the suit, then it makes you wonder why the hell he didn't make that sooner.)

Spider-Man (1967)
Spider-Man (1981)

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
I remember watching this on Sunday mornings.
It's alright, with it being pretty goofy among other things.
Definitely worth a watch if you got time.

Ultimate Spider-Man
I tried to watch this on Netflix sometime back, but yeah...it's pretty awful.
It looks nice, but it was a bit off-settling to watch.
Especially with the random interrupts a la Family Guy (and the like).

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Man, I barely remember watching this one.
I watched a few episodes of it, but I really didn't care for it.
The art style is wonky as hell.

Spider-Man (1994)
Many people's #1 without a doubt. I really enjoyed it as well as a kid.
Going back for a rewatch though...it really hasn't aged well and it doesn't help that there's lots of random cuts and other oddities (as mentioned earlier in the thread).
Had some cool (and long) arcs though.

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Just got through watching the entire series sometime back.
It's really pretty good. Initially, when I first watched it, I didn't really care for it, but it kinda grew on me over time.
Lots of good fights and whatnot (especially vs the Sinister Six; that's a must-see).
Shame that it kinda ends on a cliffhanger though. :(
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