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Impossibly gorgeous "leaked" Famitsu images (WTF?!)


Never forget...



They seems fake to me... But I can be wrong.


Maybe I should already be eating crow but it all looks/feels pre-rendered (whether it's target or not) and with the first person POV and point'n'click look...it just screams Wii. Someone said something about using a right stick for camera...what? Look at the pics, they all seem to be fixed POV's, like a movie. There also appears to be a foreground/background seperation...the BG would obviously be pre-rendered and fixed, but the selectable foreground stuff would be real-time 3D objects that, once selected, can change the FMV background and overall flow of the game.

Another theory is that each game uses the same graphics engine, but in different ways...maybe each game is for a specific platform. Brave Arms looks the best visually so I'd sorta go with PS3 with that one. Second looks like a "24" type game and that could be fitting to the western X360. But looking at Chain Limit the title suggests a "chain of events" in a sorta choose your own adventure way and amoung the 3 it seems to have the most point'nclick-ness...plus the theme, it's a daddy type character who has christmas gifts, teddy bear & a daughter in some of the shots...maybe they figure that fits the Wii demographic?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Oldschoolgamer said:
Whats the story behind this?

It was from the E3 when Zelda: TP was unvieled. Some guy put this fake out on the net, and then Nintendo fans started getting giddy (me including) about all these awesome games being shown on the cube.


tHa_vIlLaMaN said:
Why are people so easily fooled, these days?

You could try to actually say what people are being fooled about, ah?

From the new descrpition they don't sound as bad. Brave Arm seriously needs to be made into an awesome action game. If it was real time then no way it looks that good. Seems to be a combonation of rendered models, concept art, and some photoshop work. Only one seems to be somewhat a point and click, the other QTE games with BA having a more action oriented style to its system.
1) Why do people still use imageshack?

2) The whole "3 outcomes to airplane propeller scenario" clearly infer FMV with your button pushes leading to one of three predetermined scenarios


pooteeweet said:
That's it? I didn't read the whole thread but what exactly is the big deal about these concept shots?

Man, you people have no souls!
Aren't we here because we love the game industry? How often do we get to see (what are almost certainly) internal pitches for games that are two years off if they're being made at all? Is there no joy in speculating about what these are and why they were anonymously posted on 2ch?

My new theory: They made four pitches, and these are the three that didn't make it through. They just couldn't bear to let all their hard work go unseen by the masses.

(And no one is being fooled about anything. We figured out these were target images on fake Famitsu pages by page two of the thread.)


Here is what I think .. They are games from the SONY/NAMCO project .


Sony Computer Entertainment International (SCE) today announced the formation of a new venture in conjunction with Namco Bandai. The goal of the company, called Cellius, will be to develop "new entertainment content" for the Cell Broadband Engine, the parallel processor architecture at the heart of the PlayStation 3.
I don't know whether they're real or not.but it all seems too elaborate to be fake, even though I don't really think those are actual Famitsu scans.

BTW they look friggin gorgeous. Not only they look good, but they also seem interesting.


I am still scratching my head about those images being "impossible", my expectations for this generation must be too high or yours too low, we will see, but what I am seeing here seems more a case of awesome art and cinematic feel than something impossible for this generation, but well, time will say.

And please, don´t compare this with the Nintendo pre E3 bullshit, it was incredibly obvius it was a fake, just check how the faked screens are copypasted in a linear form while the true pictures are deformed according to the paper (just check "too human" screen with The Movies, you will see it can´t be natural). I am sure this is legit in some way or other (I am prepared to eat crow if I am wrong).

And even if this is fake, hope some developer copies the idea of "shooting under girl skirt" movement.


Borys said:
Most believable April FOOLS ever.

After seen Crysis screens do you think this is impossible?

And so much work for a joke? come on, that is bullshit and I will keep considering that until someone confirms this is a joke.


Acosta said:
After seen Crysis screens do you think this is impossible?

And so much work for a joke? come on, that is bullshit and I will keep considering that until someone confirms this is a joke.

And if it were a joke, why would you do THREE games that contradict each other, drawing attention to the fakeness? You'd just make Brave Arm or whatever and NOT work for another week making two other fake games and trying to convince us that Famitsu is covering them with no knowledge of each other.

I don't think the OP was saying that this level of tech is impossible—just pointing out that he was aware that these were bullshots. Although some of it is stunningly impressive, particularly those crowd shots in Second. I would be VERY pleased if second-gen 360/PS3 games looked that good.
Linkup said:
You could try to actually say what people are being fooled about, ah?

From the new descrpition they don't sound as bad. Brave Arm seriously needs to be made into an awesome action game. If it was real time then no way it looks that good. Seems to be a combonation of rendered models, concept art, and some photoshop work. Only one seems to be somewhat a point and click, the other QTE games with BA having a more action oriented style to its system.
Sorry for not elaborating, but that was the gist of my comment.

The images do look good, but I think a great deal of time went into drawing and rendering them, hence not the real(time) deal.


Acosta said:
After seen Crysis screens do you think this is impossible?

Crysis characters look like SHIT next to this so yeah it's highly impossible, though anything can happen.

And so much work for a joke? come on, that is bullshit and I will keep considering that until someone confirms this is a joke.

It's April Fools. Once in a year.


Orlics said:
Wait, were these confirmed as Cellius games? This guy seems to think so:


Nope. Just fools making stuff up until they themselves believe it.

Of course, it would make some sense if that's what this was, or even that these are early Famitsu layouts for a week or two from now instead of concept images, but I'm agreeing that these are probably internal concepts of games probably not even in production yet. It also makes sense why the actual gameplay is not detailed and instead why they talk about events and overall concepts of action (I think everybody jumped at QTE without getting what the real gameplay idea is.) Thanks Takuhi, BTW, for the nice summaries.


Dragona Akehi said:
What is it with Nintendo fans these days? Jesus.


Really now. "It's a Wii game with pre-rendered backgrounds and all the Wii power used to render 3D main characters like in RE:0!"


Mau ®

They all look amazing. Although I thought ther Cellius games would be for the PSN.

I hope they are actually games though.


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)
Can people please stop calling April Fool's? Unless someone has encyclopedic knowledge of the Ace Combat mythos, world-class art talent, an entire CG team to assist them, and stealth access to Project Aces' character models for Ace Combat 6 cutscenes, this comes from Namco.

We just don't know exactly what it is. I'm still putting my money on internal pitch/presentation.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
I get a very big target vid Killzone vibe from this. we will see these scans and never see anything again and then when we do it will be so far down the line we won't really remember what it used to look like.


I'm soooooooo hoping these are from the new joint Namco/Sony venture, if so, bitter tear frosting might taste oh so sweet :)


Borys said:
Crysis characters look like SHIT next to this so yeah it's highly impossible, though anything can happen.

It's April Fools. Once in a year.

But Crysis has trees with procedural fall, lots of objects on screen and tons of effects. This one seems to put less stuff on screen so that would ease having more work on highly detailed character models.

I won´t go so far for telling this is fake or not because I don´t know. I wish is real because it looks really cool and I keep saying that looks an insane ammount of work for being a fake. One think is creating something in a clever way to make it believeable, like the Nintendo thing, other is taking what looks like a work of days just for the laugh of it. I don´t buy it.

We will see I suppose, maybe next Famitsu?
Acosta said:
But Crysis has trees with procedural fall, lots of objects on screen and tons of effects. This one seems to put less stuff on screen so that would ease having more work on highly detailed character models.

I won´t go so far for telling this is fake or not because I don´t know. I wish is real because it looks really cool and I keep saying that looks an insane ammount of work for being a fake. One think is creating something in a clever way to make it believeable, like the Nintendo thing, other is taking what looks like a work of days just for the laugh of it. I don´t buy it.

We will see I suppose, maybe next Famitsu?

um the first one looks quite a bit more impressive than crysis period...crysis is hardly the limit of graphics...these look insane...so namco + this = impossibly gorgeous


Public Health Threat
The publisher line says 'Bandai/Namco Games' not 'Sony/Namco' not 'Cellius' so why does everyone want to assume that it's a part of that? If you want to wish it as PS3 exlcusive, then fine, but don't just contradict what's written to serve your own agenda.


Frankly, we don't know much about Cellius, but I would assume they are just a developer and since Namco/Bandai owns 51%, is it not reasonable to believe that they could PUBLISH a game DEVELOPED by Cellius? Is that line the Publisher or Developer?

Their goal is to develop "new entertainment content" for the Cell, which actually would be close to what these are - not exactly full-fledged games but some form of entertainment.

On the flip side if it was Cellius (and if this was Famitsu), you'd think it would be mentioned so it's not necessarily likely that these are (possible) Cellius projects, but I don't think you can dismiss it just because some PS3 supporter brought up the idea.

Let's wait to see if anything more comes of this before we decide where they are ending up.

Also, there is one green and two blue bars on the pages, but both blue bars are different - who knows if that means anything.

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