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Indie Games 2014 [March] Now Voting - Post 651!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Apexicon is hitting Kickstarter (again) on March 24th

Yeah I wasn't interested in Cogmind at first, due to the visual style, but reading through the devlog, now I'm anticipating the game

Weapon effects

It seems to be a rather standard roguelike in most parts though, which I thought you werent suuuper into? You really need to dive into classic roguelikes at one point ô.o

Make it a weekend project or something. :p
It seems to be a rather standard roguelike in most parts though, which I thought you werent suuuper into? You really need to dive into classic roguelikes at one point ô.o

Make it a weekend project or something. :p
idk, it's just a silly personal thing. I'm just not really into old-school ascii graphics.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
idk, it's just a silly personal thing. I'm just not really into old-school ascii graphics.

Even the classics dont necessarily come with Ascii only though:

My favourite was ADOM, where I am eagerly anticipating ADOM 2 with the graphical tilesets, but there are plenty classic Roguelikes with proper graphics. If we are talking strictly AScii, Brogue is rather nice to look at (And I mean for a Bro[Force] Player like you..) :

And haha, cute comparison:
Dungeons of Dredmor is like swimming in the shallow-end with water-wings and someone holding your hand. In normal water.

Other Roguelikes are like swimming in the deep end with sharks attacking you, while you are being shot at from the stands by a group of soldiers with large calibre weaponry. Also, you can't swim and you swimming in Chunky Vegetable Soup.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Some quick impressions because I just want to get through the list before the voting starts:

Roche Fusion: Highscore shmup with randomized enemy patterns and level upgrades. I am not a big fan of randomized enemies in shmups, but the powerups are fun. Shooting black holes at enemies simply doesnt get old. Still nowhere near the best in the genre because of the random elements and the easy way of cheesing even bullet hell-ish patterns by baiting all shots to one side and then flyting to the other. I sort of like it, but it wont get much playing time from me.

Space DM (working title): This is an alpha that actually deserves the alpha title. Unstable, crashs, horribly oversized UI elements.. I didnt actually manage to try the actual game. Not the version this should be judged on if the dev keeps improving it.

Standpoint: Portalesque Puzzle Platformer that allows you to switch gravity. The puzzles might be better and more intricate in the upcoming full version but it felt a bit cliched and .. boring, mostly due to the similar art and level design. Plenty of 3D puzzlers that seem to offer a more interesting foundation.

Super Mega Bob: Seems like a rather simple action platformer (without actually having platforms). Not much wrong with it at first glance other than it seeming a bit simple and I am sort of getting "my first video game"-kinda vibes from it. Its not really bad, just not all that interesting either.

The Everloom: Cool world to explore with random and weird NPCs and world mechanics. Unfortunately, the gameplay itself didnt amount to much more than fetch quests that sends you between the admittedly intriguing characters. Seems like a bit of a waste.

Trish: Extremely simple shmup that distinguishes itself basically only through its simplicity in design. Moving sidewards and a shoot button that might as well be on auto-active. The enemy shoot patterns vary a bit, but nothing that will stick with my memory for too long.

Trap Them - Remote Control: Very smart and refreshing idea to turn his puzzle game into a puzzle shooter. The game doesnt lose any challenge, and seems to be even a bit more focussed than before because you arent as busy preparing the level setup meticulously with your little character and can just mouse-chisel it away. Still a very smart game held back by alienating graphics.

>----------< Highly Recommended >----------<
1. Card City Nights
2. Cubesis
3. Glitchspace
4. Nothing to Hide
5. Black Ice
6. Lennas Inception
7. Mirage
8. Cosmochoria
>----------< Recommended >----------<
9. Banished
10. Principia
11. Box Out!
12. Trap Them - Remote Control
13. Probably Archery
14. Heroes of Steel
15. Blue Saga
16. Action Painting Pro
>----------< Decent-ish >----------<
17. MagicMaker
18. Roche Fusion
19. Lift
20. The Everloom
21. Izbot
22. Standpoint
23. KiloBite
24. Clockefeller
25. Super Mega Bob
26. Painters Guild
27. Bosses Forever
28. Astrovoid
29. Maverick Bird
30. Trish
>----------< Bleh >----------<
31. Magic Book
32. Offworld
33. Guild of Dungeoneering
34. Grabbles
35. HOMEunculus
36. Cubrick
37. Goofball Goals
38. Cloudbase Prime
39. Space DM

Back to Final Fantasy X. I'll check out the rest (TesserAct, Underdusk, Walk, Whitewash, Xaxi and Yelaxot) over the rest of the weekend. If anyone wants more in-depth impressions on any of these, let me know and I'll put a focus there.


Just a heads up that I've got a new build of Cosmochoria up which fixes a few things, streamlines some others. If you haven't tried it out, please do! It's a 'pick up and play' ie no major commitment required -- just float around and plant some stuff / kill some stuff / unlock some stuff.

Web: http://www.cosmochoria.com/#play
Win: http://www.cosmochoria.com/presskit/cosmochoria-win.zip
Mac: http://www.cosmochoria.com/presskit/cosmochoria-mac.zip
Linux: http://www.cosmochoria.com/presskit/cosmochoria-linux.zip

I lost it at the tall Goat and the release date seems fitting for this game, also if you didn't already you may want to include Bear Simulator on you Kickstarter thread.
I saw that. Is that a real game? I mean, the screenshots look so fake, like low texture bear paws photoshopped in a different game. Wasn't sure if it was a scam campaign or not. But given the overall response, I should probably add it
I saw that. Is that a real game? I mean, the screenshots look so fake, like low texture bear paws photoshopped in a different game. Wasn't sure if it was a scam campaign or not. But given the overall response, I should probably add it

They said the bear still need some work to walk like a real one, currently it's a bear model walking like a human.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Second to last OP impressions, TesserAct:
Another portalesque 3D puzzle platformer. This one is actually good and has some interesting ideas that revolve around water that I havent seen like this much yet (sort of like the Portal 2 fluids). This project is still currently on IndieGoGo with a very humble 500$ goal and it might not make it, which is very unfortunate: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tesseract
The game can look really pretty with the occasional weirdly low res texture and it also plays generally rather well. They didnt do themselves a favor with the pacing of the demo though. They started the demo with a series of precise 3D platforming challenges which took me a few retries because... platforming in 3D, but the ideas later on that revolved more about figuring out how to do it, instead of pulling that off actually seemed rather rewarding. The story also seems rather intriguing. I'll definitely revisit a full version.

Into the Underdusk:

I really like this one. Solemn exploration game with metroidvania style level progression. Its all very simple, but still very well designed in that you can unlock shortcuts to other level areas with the proper abilities. The game also seems quite big (will probably take 2-3 hours to finish it) and I really like the overall artstyle which has some outlandish enemies/elements to it that mystify the game. To a lesser extend, it also has some smaller moments in which you are tasked how the world exactly works, but its mostly rather familiar to anyone ever playing a platformer.

Still the exploration elements are VERY well done with some interesting levels ideas that will surprise the player. Due to the quick upgrades, it never has much downtime either and feels fresh throughout the whole experience.

Incredibly simple "Walking simulator". The graphic artstyle and animation of the grass is generally really nice, but the whole depth of field effect is really stressing on the eyes and inconsistent, not very well integrated over all, which makes this more painful than relaxing. Since there isnt much of a game here, the only redeeming factor of graphics and relaxing exploration is kinda not well done enough. Too bad.

>----------< Highly Recommended >----------<
1. Card City Nights
2. Cubesis
3. Glitchspace
4. Nothing to Hide
5. Into the Underdusk
6. Black Ice
7. Lennas Inception
8. Mirage
9. Cosmochoria
>----------< Recommended >----------<
10. Banished
11. Principia
12. TesserAct
13. Box Out!
14. Trap Them - Remote Control
15. Probably Archery
16. Heroes of Steel
17. Blue Saga
18. Action Painting Pro
>----------< Decent-ish >----------<
19. MagicMaker
20. Roche Fusion
21. Lift
22. The Everloom
23. Izbot
24. Standpoint
25. KiloBite
26. Clockefeller
27. Super Mega Bob
28. Painters Guild
29. Bosses Forever
30. Astrovoid
31. Maverick Bird
32. Trish
[I}>----------< Bleh >----------<[/I]
33. Magic Book
34. Offworld
35. Guild of Dungeoneering
36. Grabbles
37. Walk
38. HOMEunculus
39. Cubrick
40. Goofball Goals
41. Cloudbase Prime
42. Space DM
HonorBound - ???


Honourbound is a 2D, side-scrolling beat ‘em game focused on dynamic and visceral combat in a feudal Japanese setting.

Daedalus - 2014 (PC, Mac, Linux)


Daedalus is a multi-player top down arena shooter. It is inspired by games such as Quake 3 and Unreal tournament in terms of game modes and gameplay, and also by the old Alien Breed games for the top down 2D view.

Turnover - PC


You play a desk jockey who becomes caught in the middle of an armed, corporate takeover attempt. Instead of sticking around for a resolution, you make a desperate attempt to escape the madness. Armed with only your patience and wits, you must escape the standoff alive!

Previously Mentioned



Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The current groupees bundle (10 hours left) has the OP games Whitewash and Heroes of Steel. Additionally a 20 hour RPG called Skyborn and Legends of Aethereus. Didnt someone here like that game?

Its also pretty expensive usually. You can grab 5 games for $2,50,including the $25 game Legends of Aethereus

Anyway, link: http://groupees.com/bab8


The current groupees bundle (10 hours left) has the OP games Whitewash and Heroes of Steel. Additionally a 20 hour RPG called Skyborn and Legends of Aethereus. Didnt someone here like that game?

Its also pretty expensive usually. You can grab 5 games for $2,50,including the $25 game Legends of Aethereus

Anyway, link: http://groupees.com/bab8

Thanks, I bought the bundle.
Afterimage - ????


It's a tech-noir themed, 2D isometric action-adventure game. The inspiration is derived from our interest in tech-noir themed movies and anime from the 80s and 90s.

Engauge - 2015 (PC, Mac, Linux)


Engauge is a 2D action platformer filled with revengeance, ruffians and robots!
The game follows Mainbot, a dashing everybot protagonist typical of adventures. His goal? Break into a high-security prison and avenge the friends he lost to the nefarious big bad!

Project Maiden - 2014


Project Maiden is a narrative focused puzzle-platformer where you must lose your powers to survive.
You start with all (or most) of the powers and abilities you'll have in the game and each level you lose one of those powers. You choose the order in which you play the levels (Mega Man style) so you don't have to give up your favorite power right away. You will, however, face the Final Boss with only the core mechanics and exploits you learned in the course of the game.

Hack or Die - ????


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
And final OP impressions:

It seems a bit... weird? Its a 3D puzzle platformer (again) and looks actually quite great, but the puzzles itself at least in the beginning really arent interesting and amount to building towers of boxes with an incredibly wonky physics system and randomly pressing buttons until shit happens. It might get better later one and my first impression wasnt exactly the best one, but my game glitched out and leaves me unable to carry any more boxes and I have no sizeable motivation going through the first 30 minutes again.
From the trailers, it looks like there is an interesting game to be found here, but I am currently not in the mood to find it.

Orihaus managed to make create another alien seeming world and visually, it might be his best so far. Going by the description: "A virtual memory palace of sorts, designed to teach Aliceffekt's Conlang Traumae, and examine the possibilities of learning and memory in interactive virtual environments.", it sort of seems like there is more to this world than just the visual aspect, but I couldnt figure/decypher that part of the game yet. As it stands, it still works as an incredibly cool/pretty/weird visual experience, which is what I expect from him anyway.

Competent and nice to look at 2D platformer that doesnt seem to have many issues. There is a demo to check out, and if you have an urge to play a classic platformer with some puzzles thrown it this is probably a pretty good choice at the current sale price. I have some slight issues with the jumping and movement, mainly the nonexistant momentum and that some rules of the game world dont seem to be well enforced like the "You can jump on things if they dont look spikey!", and then meeting an enemy 5 minutes later which didnt look spiky, yet I couldnt jump on it. Still, despite the smaller issues I had with it, good platformer in a HUGE world and lots of additional abilities to unlock. Its sort of similar to Underdusk but seems a bit... less focussed, which is why Underdusk gets my platforming vote even if Yelaxot is the way more expansive game and also looks prettier.

>----------< Highly Recommended >----------<
1. Card City Nights
2. Cubesis
3. Glitchspace
4. Nothing to Hide
5. Into the Underdusk
6. Black Ice
7. Lennas Inception
8. Mirage
9. Cosmochoria
>----------< Recommended >----------<
10. Banished
11. Principia
12. TesserAct
13. Box Out!
14. Xaxi
15. Trap Them - Remote Control
16. Yelaxot
17. Probably Archery
18. Heroes of Steel
19. Blue Saga
20. Action Painting Pro
>----------< Decent-ish >----------<
21. MagicMaker
22. Roche Fusion
23. Lift
24. Whitewash
25. The Everloom
26. Izbot
27. Standpoint
28. KiloBite
29. Clockefeller
30. Super Mega Bob
31. Painters Guild
32. Bosses Forever
33. Astrovoid
34. Maverick Bird
35. Trish
>----------< Bleh >----------<
36. Magic Book
37. Offworld
38. Guild of Dungeoneering
39. Grabbles
40. Walk
41. HOMEunculus
42. Cubrick
43. Goofball Goals
44. Cloudbase Prime
45. Space DM

Kinda surprised Banished still made my voting top 10, though to be honest it does deserve being on there, despite all of its flaws. Also, let me know if that voting list clogged up the thread too much. In that case, I'll just keep it to myself for the next thread and post it once when I am done with the whole thread. I sort of liked that I could give an impression where I'd rank the game compared to the others this month, but maybe others found it nonsensical :p


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Unity is pretty neat. I watched a few tutorials and didnt really do much yet but kinda cool how you can get a basic setup working with very few programming lines:

(a character running around and spawning arrows, didnt get to moving the arrows yet).
Can someone remind me of the what the name of the free flash game was about the male gay couple, was set in a park, about loss, painterly look, gave a really interesting perspective on relationships...?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Can someone remind me of the what the name of the free flash game was about the male gay couple, was set in a park, about loss, painterly look, gave a really interesting perspective on relationships...?

I think I know which one you mean, I'll see whether I can find it.

Also, progress with Unity!

I really should have tried it earlier, its a really handy tool. I am surprised I am getting along with it so nicely considering I never did any 3D programming so far.

Dabbled shortly with Blender to create something that sort of resembles an arrow:

My first 3D model, so it looks expectedly... simple, but hey. Good to know I can create 3D assets myself and integrate them.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Can someone remind me of the what the name of the free flash game was about the male gay couple, was set in a park, about loss, painterly look, gave a really interesting perspective on relationships...?

That one?

Fragments of Him - Free (PC, Browser)

I think it may be my favourite Ludum Dare game I tried this time. It's about how we deal with a loss of someone dear to us, how we deal with grief and despair by removing all the things from our lives that might remind us of that person. It's a great concept, that I hope, will be continued in the future.




Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
If I wanted to learn 3D programming, what would be the good approach?

I'd like to start doing specific 3D development, individual projects, like realistic snow (like in that Disney snow video), real-time GI, PBR materials, etc. It's complex stuff but of course I'd start with the basics.

You probably should ask that in the Indie Programming thread as most here are not programming experts, but from what I see with Unity, its really handy to dip your fingers into 3D programming, but I assume if you want to work on complex structures something more powerful with less overhead would be more useful. Just out of curiosity, if you are getting an answer to that in the Programming thread, let me know please.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Cubesis got an update with 10 more levels and some improvements I suggested to the dev and beta-tested for him a bit (path planning mainly).

I'll try to make a video of it next week for my YT channel now that some kinks were ironed out.
Some Upcoming games from February and March have released

Paragon - $4 (PC)


Paragon is a game about navigating your ball around mazes, collecting shiny things, and narrowly escaping deadly spikes.Jump off of rails with precise timing to gather all the treasures, while avoiding death via impalement. Try not to stay on one rail for too long, the less you hesitate, the better your score!

Friction - Free/Name your price (PC)


A funky space shooter consumed by neon excellence.
You play as a spaceship plunging down a black hole as alien ships bombard you with glowing bullets. With no apparent ability to fight back, you must find a way to charge up your gun and make it out of the black hole alive.

BeatBlasters III - $9.99 (PC, Mac, Linux)


BeatBlasters III is a platformer, puzzle and rhythm game all wrapped into one.
Play as Joey or Gina and defeat the tyrannical butcher prohibiting music in Accapella City. Use their powers to help the denizens of the land on their adventure back to the city.

And I discovered this game through the TIGForum Magazine

Pilota - $3.99 (PC)


Pilota is a casual top-down flying game with an anaglyph 3D mode.
Explore a large 2D pixelart world, or put on your red-cyan glasses, activate 3D mode with one click and watch your aircraft climb and pop out from the screen. The game has a realistic flight model: you have to take off and land, plus you need to monitor your speed, altitude and fuel as these parameters change during maneuvers. You can try out 40 vehicles and do missions just like in real life: dust crop fields, extinguish wildfires, carry passengers, win air races and many more!
Escape Goat 2 is out, seems like a big upgrade from the beta and is pretty damn amazing.

But of course I'm stuck on 9-4. If anybody works it out, I'll be your friend.

Edit. Worked it out. I love me.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Apparently there is a small indie publisher trying to get Indies published on Consoles. GameMaker/ Unity be best since those have easy export functions for those platforms.

Any suggestions?

Will do some checking on that later but some suggestions would be helpful.
Escape Goat 2 is out, seems like a big upgrade from the beta and is pretty damn amazing.

But of course I'm stuck on 9-4. If anybody works it out, I'll be your friend.

Big upgrade over the original? I sorta liked what EG1 was going for but must admit I got bored of it well before the end.
Big upgrade over the original? I sorta liked what EG1 was going for but must admit I got bored of it well before the end.

I'll write up some more thoughts when I finish it. But in short, it is pretty similar to the original game. There are a lot of new tools/puzzle types but I don't think they add an awful lot.

So short version is, a much more polished version of the original. I loved that, but I don't necessarily think it'll convert you.


So I got around to playing some of the games that I bought from the list in the OP.

Card City Nights is super rad; tons of content for how much you pay but just like Ittle Dew I'm just not a huge fan of the aesthetics, doesn't stop it from being a great game though. nice break from something like Magic.

Tried out Cloudbase Prime and I don't really feel like there's a lot there yet. I like the idea of moving platforms around though maybe if there were hexes that could move horizontally? I imagine there are some cool puzzle opportunity there. Do feel powerful shifting whole areas though!

I really liked the idea behind Trish, though things just felt a bit random. I'm not an incredible SHMUP player or anything but I always feel like half the game is working out what the bullet patterns are and stuff and after the first half it becomes impossible for me to predict where to be. Really love the idea though, so much so that I started making my own based on it.

A lot of really quality stuff is free this month so I'm going to try a bunch of things out. Will probably end up buying Glitchspace and Drunken Robot Pornopgrahy too, super cool ideas in both.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
A lot of really quality stuff is free this month so I'm going to try a bunch of things out. Will probably end up buying Glitchspace and Drunken Robot Pornopgrahy too, super cool ideas in both.

Your impressions seem pretty much in line with mine, maybe you want to take a look at Cubesis, Lennas Inception and the other stuff I recommended above in my list :p

But man, Glitchspace is really damn cool.
Your impressions seem pretty much in line with mine, maybe you want to take a look at Cubesis, Lennas Inception and the other stuff I recommended above in my list :p

But man, Glitchspace is really damn cool.

I played Lennas Inception past night and for me it felt like a Zelda clone with some different mechanics, but from your posts you sounds like you enjoyed it, so I'll play it a bit more before forming my opinion.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I played Lennas Inception past night and for me it felt like a Zelda clone with some different mechanics, but from your posts you sounds like you enjoyed it, so I'll play it a bit more before forming my opinion.

It is a classic Zelda clone with some different mechanics, which is exactly what I enjoyed about it. It might just be me, but I like the idea of making these randomized version for more classic games, say a randomized Pokemon-like game, or a fully randomized RPG in the vein of FF1-2. Lennas Inception is that, just for Zelda. I got the impression that the dev didnt quite go far enough for my taste and that I'd love more different stuff included, but the overall progression is already pretty well done.

I also need to get back to Black Ice and see whether it was just my initial 60 minute impressions, but I really liked it. Seems like others didnt enjoy it as much though.
Betrayer - $19.99 (PC)


Betrayer is a first person action adventure game that takes you to the New World at the turn of the 17th century. The year is 1604. You sailed from England expecting to join a struggling colony on the coast of Virginia. Instead, you find only ghosts and mysteries. What catastrophe blighted the land and drained it of color and life?

Another Early Access game has been released, should be a good one! There is currently a 10% off discount until the 31st.
Im sorry if this isn't community minded but shit like that infuriates me. Bums me right out.

I voted. i voted fuck no.

As a developer, how does a game like this even get into a batch to be greenlit? Shouldn't there be some type of requirement to even be considered?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
As a developer, how does a game like this even get into a batch to be greenlit? Shouldn't there be some type of requirement to even be considered?

Hm? Its depending on the publicity games get & people voting for it. Getting ON greenlight however is just a matter of paying the 100$ for the listing (or whatever the amout is).

Or maybe I misunderstood your question.


As a developer, how does a game like this even get into a batch to be greenlit? Shouldn't there be some type of requirement to even be considered?

Just as Toma said. If they pay $100 they can list it on greenlight for votes. If enough people jokingly / ironically / or even sincerely vote yes for this, then it will appear on greenlight. I've been really frustrated with stuff like this because it seems when it's done deliberately bad, it actually stands a chance at being greenlit simply due to the fact that people jokingly vote 'yes'.

Call me jaded.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Feels good to have the games played before the voting :p I'll try working on the Cubesis video tonight.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Edit: End of the page, argh.
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