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Is it considered effeminate to use a straw?

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I almost posted the scene with the brain bug from Starship Troopers but I don't really know if it's female or male so I'm not sure it supports my point.
2 weeks ago I was on a business trip with a Colombian coworker. We stopped by a Mexican restaurant for lunch. We sat down, ordered drinks and I noticed the server didn't offer straws. I HATE the idea of my lips making direct contact with a cup that's been used by potentially thousands of people. I made a comment to my coworker and he flagged down our waiter in Spanish. He apologized (in Spanish) and explained to my coworker that some men get offended when they offer straws because many find it effeminate.

This is the first I've heard of such a thing.

I have no beef with the effeminate, but I never associated it with requesting/using a drinking straw.

You never drink draft beer or do you use a straw in that situation as well?
Somewhat true that some find drinking from a straw effeminate, but who cares in that aspect. My family and I are colombian and my dad always tells me to not hold my straw with my index finger and thumb as I drink as "it makes me look like a lady". But drinking out of a straw by just using my mouth never bothered him and it's fairly common in the coast since you're in beaches and cans might have like sand on them.

So it entirely depends on the individual and whether he's trying to hide something.
You can see it in a lot of media involving "old school" people. The Sopranos had a few jokes about this and I want to say a few other mafia movies did too.

You see it in a lot of older writings as well. Sex was all about getting a man off, and until recently it wasn't considered "manly" to take the woman's pleasure into consideration at all.

Just shows what bullshit the whole concept of "manliness" is to begin with.


Really Really Exciting Member!
really? Oh some guys are really really ashamed to admit this. And some don't even do it.
I think in some cultures it's a real nono

Fucking ridiculous if you ask me.. but whatever.

In that case, I'm glad to be "effiminate". Screw being "manly" if I have to stop doing this.
You know what they say, if you'll suck on a straw you'll suck on anything. I've also heard this logic applied to cunnilingus which is so hilariously ironic for obvious reasons but these aren't intelligent people we are dealing with.

Ivan 3414

That's the first time I heard that doing this might not be "manly".

I won't name names but years ago a certain group of people thought eating pussy was nasty and "bitchmade" but that's changed almost entirely in recent years.

Even eating ass is coming around.
I often use a straw for the sole reason that I have a large mustache and drinking from a glass means it soaks up the liquid like a sponge. It does have the added bonus that you drink slower so you can make a drink last longer though. But don't drink neat whiskey with a straw though, people will give you looks.
I often use a straw for the sole reason that I have a large mustache and drinking from a glass means it soaks up the liquid like a sponge. It does have the added bonus that you drink slower so you can make a drink last longer though. But don't drink neat whiskey with a straw though, people will give you looks.

I'm the opposite. For some reason, I consume more and more quickly when using a straw.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I often use a straw for the sole reason that I have a large mustache and drinking from a glass means it soaks up the liquid like a sponge. It does have the added bonus that you drink slower so you can make a drink last longer though. But don't drink neat whiskey with a straw though, people will give you looks.

This too.

Now that I think about it....it would be nice if I could a straw to eat pussy...mustache n all...

Got complaints about the beard before too....


Yes, it is considered effeminate. Just as ordering a white wine spritzer with a little umbrella in it is effeminate. Just as ordering half a pint marks you out as a lightweight. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to do these things though.

Is it considered effeminate to use an umbrella?
Yup, unless you're wearing a suit.
Yes, it is considered effeminate. Just as ordering a white wine spritzer with a little umbrella in it is effeminate. Just as ordering half a pint marks you out as a lightweight. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to do these things though.

Yup, unless you're wearing a suit.

I don't know, the girly stuff accentuates my masculinity


I don't know, the girly stuff accentuates my masculinity
I can rock a G&T and remain utterly masculine throughout. Even a mojito poses me no problems. White wine spritzer? Nah. I'd be running* home to do whatever it is that women do before I'd finished my first glass.

*it would be that girl kind of running too. The kind where the limbs spend more time travelling side-to-side than they do forward and backward.


When you go to a drive through and they give you a drink with a lid and a straw, do you peel it off? Even when you're alone in the car?

Ah ha! I just remembered the only time I use a straw - McDonald's drive through so there is an exception :)

But to other people asking about my stance - I dunno, it's all gonna go down the same way and I find drinking without straw much more satisfying.

Handling a straw just feels...I dunno, "girly" to me? Perhaps I'm brain damaged?
Yes, it is considered effeminate. Just as ordering a white wine spritzer with a little umbrella in it is effeminate. Just as ordering half a pint marks you out as a lightweight. It doesn't mean you're not allowed to do these things though.

Yup, unless you're wearing a suit.

Lol, none of what you said is considered effeminate. Holding an umbrella? Fuck outta here.


At restaurants, I rarely put my mouth on their glasses, so if someone wants to cat call me while I'm using a straw, they can go right ahead.
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