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Is Rockstar the one developer that hasn't been effected by progressive politics

Jon Neu

Despite have been voted all my life to left wing parties (some of them are even considered radical left parties), turns out I'm a member of the Alt-Right.

And let's remember what he thinks the Alt-Right is:

"Alt-right" is what the news media calls Nazis because the news media is too politically correct to call them what they are.

So turns out I'm a nazi!


Pretty sure "Alt right" is the common vernacular. Much more so than stuff like meninist or MRA or any incel or any of the other weird labels they use to describe themselves.

I recommend giving this definition of alt-right, from the Southern Poverty Law Center's site, a quick skim:

The Alternative Right, commonly known as the "alt-right," is a set of far-right ideologies, groups and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization.

Based on that definition, I fail to see how the poster you are talking about qualifies as alt right


Isn't this literally about the political correctness and social justice undermining "their" video games?
I may be wrong, but I don't think so. There is a pretty big difference between advocating for a white ethnostate and expressing dissatisfaction with what a lot of people perceive as pandering to, and taking advantage of for personal gain, the political issues and climate of the day.

I think there is an underlying reason for the taking of sides (division) that has become such a prominent feature of any kind of discussion in America today, and it's not really because the majority of people on either side are really advocating for anything that is inherently wrong or immoral, but because the issues are both a) inherently clouded and deep rooted and b) the discussion itself has legs (the internet, mass media, widespread abuse of those things by foreign governments for nefarious purposes) that discussions like this in the past (for example, civil rights in the 60s) haven't really had to contend with.

I think it's something that will sort itself out with time. In the mean time, I would rather take it on as a civil discussion instead of trading blows.
I may be wrong, but I don't think so. There is a pretty big difference between advocating for a white ethnostate and expressing dissatisfaction with what a lot of people perceive as pandering to, and taking advantage of for personal gain, the political issues and climate of the day.

It's the same root issue of people being taught their sense of being and what they identify with takes some sort of ordain preference over everyone else. It is important that this behavior is disavowed, whether we are talking about political settlements or just videogames.

Jon Neu

Isn't this literally about the political correctness and social justice undermining "their" video games?

There isn't "their" videogames, there are videogames.

A medium that is being targeted by SJW for propaganda and self service of their political agendas. Criticizing that doesn't make me an alt right, the same way critizing Israel doesn't make me a sympathiser of Hamas.


This is super bizarre. It's like people have completely erased the 2000 period, in which every church and soccer mom was trying to get these games banned.

Church and soccer moms are the mass media now? Or where? Because I also remember those were treated with a disdain that left-leaning media is not treated when making accusations from their view-point.
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Grand Vizier of Khemri
Staff Member
There are some good discussion points here, lets try not to lose sight of them in handbag matches. Throwing 'SJW' and 'alt right' at posters instead of addressing their points in not acceptable conduct. If you feel the need to get personal with another member, then step away from the thread.


Neo Member
I have played Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 and The Last of Us. I don't see any left wing bias in those games, where does the charge come from?

Handy Fake

Just my tuppence worth for this thread:

I've never really had any issue with any of these "progressive politics", as they've been called. I'd go so far as to say I'm apathetic.

I'm 38 years old and I've seen the world change a lot as I've grown up. I've seen racism decline (and then in some circumstances resurge, but that's another topic entirely), I've seen seen Alan Turning receive an official pardon for being "homosexual" (how dare he in the 1940s), I've seen homosexuality, and indeed a range of 'sexualities' become accepted. Mixed race marriages become commonplace, same-sex marriages become the same.
I've watched as unhappy people have finally been able to be themselves without the wailing and gnashing of teeth that used to go with it. I've seen uplifting stories of communal acceptance where in the past there'd be suspicion and hatred.

The world has changed as I've looked on, and for the better.

There will always be a pushback to change, and a lot will be met with intolerance, hatred and fear. I understand this completely. Alien concepts to some are scary and I'd never chide nor talk down to someone for expressing that.

However, I think people need to step back, forget about agendas, forget about labels, and think about the world as it is now. Using TLOU2 as an example, I understand folk thinking that "homosexuality" may be being pushed down our throats, that we're being made to accept this, that they're using this game as a carrier to further agendas.

Personally, I don't care. Not even that. As said, I'm apathetic. This is the world now. People you see on the street will be gay/straight/other. People you see on the street will be white, black, hispanic, asian etc. These people will be in love with someone else, and that relationship may not tally with your idea of "normal", but that's how it is in the world now. It's normal, and people are happier for it.

So when such things pop up in a game, why is it an issue? I may be naive, but to me you may as well complain that a game is taking place at 6 in the morning before you've had your coffee. You may not agree with it, but it exists and life moves on without it impacting you a jot.

Again, using TLOU2 as an example - I understand that folk may be actually having issues with the "love story" aspect of the game. I can understand that also, but that's not an agenda issue. That's a narrative issue. Personally I don't want to play a love story (not that I think it will be), but certainly the identities of the couple involved shouldn't - nay doesn't - matter.

In short, as this has been a bit of a stream of consciousness post, I think people see agendas, SJW-ing, Alt-Righting etc. because they're so accustomed to having to rail against change. People who have issues with things been pushed on them rarely have issues with the "agenda", it's usually an underlying issue OR they simply feel the need to rally against something they see as different for the sake of it.

There's nothing here to be scared of. It's a story set in a time when we're more human and more accepting of ourselves. Or, should I say, a story written in a time when we're more human and more accepting of ourselves. Enjoy the story as you would enjoy a walk in the park - watch the world go by, empathise where you would, disagree when you would. There are no agendas, there's just life.

tl;dr: Meh.


Note to self: Never challenge Alt Right posters on their thoughts or try to make any sense of them.
Words like alt right and Nazi has really lost its meaning due to it being used for literally anything and anyone. The moment you start calling someone a Nazi or alt right is the moment that it’s clear that having a conversation or debate with you is pretty much useless
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Why are people that use words like "PC" and "SJW" so adamant that things they don't like not appear very often in media?

Seems hypocritical.

Comically hypocritical, actually. I get a kick out of reading the apparent lack of self-awareness.

Because in reality, they are as much a snowflake as the people that they call that out to. In truth, there isn't any such thing as a snowflake. We all get affected by certain things and have opinions on them. But for some reason in America, only one side gets identified negatively for spouting their opinion and then being called "SOFT".


Neo Member
THIS!! People calling one side SJW is mind blogging when you think about. All political sides have SJWs the only difference is which side of the debate/argument they are on. Side note the question "Is Rockstar the only developer" is hard to take seriously when you consider HOW MANY, developers are in the industry at the moment. The answer is simply no of course not. However, imo they don't adhere to current politics because they are ahead of the curve. They have always have been. Red Dead Redemption was loaded with not only breaking the myths of the west but a load of satire too.
THIS!! People calling one side SJW is mind blogging when you think about. All political sides have SJWs the only difference is which side of the debate/argument they are on. Side note the question "Is Rockstar the only developer" is hard to take seriously when you consider HOW MANY, developers are in the industry at the moment. The answer is simply no of course not. However, imo they don't adhere to current politics because they are ahead of the curve. They have always have been. Red Dead Redemption was loaded with not only breaking the myths of the west but a load of satire too.

Been saying this since the first page of the thread.
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