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ITT Sony Fanboys make believe they own 360s

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Just out of curiosity.

I got my 360 a year and 5 days ago (December 26th, Boxing Day, 2008). While I did enjoy Xbox Live to go through some coop games in the early weeks/months, I just haven't used it in the past 8 months outside of a few random party chat sessions. Since most of my voice chatting is done with Ventrilo, I don't have much need for it.

Never been a big console shooter fan, which is probably the biggest factor in my cancelling my sub. I'd suspect there are a lot of Halo/Gears players that couldn't live without it.

So how many people here are using their 360s without Xbox Live?



I don't.
I was without for about 6 months at one point, just didn't see point as I wasn't playing anything online and everything I was getting on PC anyways. Eventually I got back my sub for playing Rock band 2 with some buds online :lol


I usually play all my multiplayer games on the PC, once I got a PC that was capable I stopped buying live cards.

Actually I stopped a while before that, didn't play much other then halo with a few irl friends. Wasn't worth it anymore


it expires this month, i refuse to pay full price for it.

so barring any 12 month card deals I won't have XBL.


I probably could have gone without it until MW2. Can't get enough of it.. but other than that, I pretty much never played online for years.

But that being said, I've had Live the entire time I've had my 360 (since March 06).


Will drop pants for Sony.
If you are talking about xbox gold, nope don't have it and really do not need it. I don't play multiplayer games on my 360. I'd feel cheated if I did pay for it but never use it and I don't have many friends on xbox 360 in the first place.


I used to be, and will be again. The only thing I've ever used it for is OutRun Online Arcade, so it's probably not worth the price for me. When it expires this year, I doubt I will renew. The only reason I'd pay for gold again is if a must-have online heavy game came out that I might be into.


Hmmm I guess a few of us at least have a gaming PC, or perhaps a PS3 to play with online.

Personally, I don't need every game to be online, so I'd probably say I get most of my fill of online games on the PC. For that reason, I barely play online on both the PS3 and 360.


I don't play games online but use it for netflix streaming. Not that expensive since amazon has the 12 month for $40.


I axed my subscription around the time I got into PC and PS3 games. Paying to play shooters online is idiotic and I'm very happy with my decision. Sure, the four years I've paid for it have been fun. But not $80aud a year fun.

(Plus, Xbox exclusives seem to be either dying off or simply aren't as interesting to me anymore. Save for Fable and Alan Wake, which will likely not have any decent MP elements anyway).


I don't, play multiplayer games on PS3 and I only got it for the exclusives.

Also the lack of on board Wifi is bullshit, my router is about 4 rooms way from my multimedia center and I am not paying 100 dollars for one.
I'd had gold for 5 years until recently and I honestly don't miss it. Right now there's no online game I want to play as I have WoW and really only want to play single player games.

There is really no game on the system right now that I really want to play online. Maybe Battlefield BC2 will change that but I have Battlefield 2 to play anyway. Also Netflixk on the PS3 handles the only other thing I liked about gold.
I don't. I used to, but my credit card expired and MS have basically made it impossible for me to switch. I've literally rung up ready to sign up my number and pay them monies. But apparently because the old one was expired, my Xbox Live account is suspended. So its offline and will stay that way. Will probably try homebrew coding with it since Imma like to make the same crap 2d shooters on anything I can.


I have/had Live... But, my 360 is stuck in an update loop, so I can't actually get online. I've done everything that was suggested and it won't connect, so the money I spent on the card just went to waste.


Homeland Security Fail
I didn't have XBL for the past few months. Not out of choice though. Didn't have internet access during that time.


well whenever I use my xbox, i'm using live. As soon as my subscription ran out, I had to run to the store and get a new card. I understand why some people don't, and I haven't been using live as much lately(I got my new PC).


Never paid for it here either. I got a couple of 1 months thanks to some members here and I only used those during my Halo 3 craze. I guess 1vs100 was kinda fun but all in all it's just not worth it for me.


I gotta say...if I had Netflix here in Canada, I'd probably be keeping it. Damned fascist Canadian broadcasting companies...


For a second I thought topic was going to be about going without even Silver which sounds insane to me. As for Gold, I currently have it. I usually buy a 12 month card for $30 to $40 near the end of the term and use it when there's a Co-op game to play.

Last time it was 6 months between Gold subs.


[anal rententive nerd] Everyone with a 360 has Xbox live[/anal retentive nerd]

Seriously I thought this thread was gonna be about who didn't have their Xbox plugged into the internet.

As for Gold, nah I don't have it at the moment...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I have it and I don't even use it. I'm MS's favourite customer.
Money well spent in my opinion (gold membership that is).

An Xbox without Xbox Live is like a bowling ball without a liquid center.


Guess I'm off-topic, but I've been paying for it for a over 5 years (except for around 3 months when my account expired, my 360 broke..and the card I had linked was no longer valid so my account was suspended but that was before the NXE)..

Is the kind of thing that, well at least to me..you pay once..and then just forget about it, checking yesterday was surprised that my Live is paid ..till March 2011; though mainly through prepaid Live cards and mostly from offers (under $40 a year, 3 months free cause buying something, etc..)

Chris R

I don't have live. Don't play much online and what console online I do play is on my ps3, so I've never paid for live. My brother had it for 13 months and I used it three or four times to play some GeoW2 online but after playing that many times I'd had my fill. At least most people on the ps3 don't have headsets.
Xbox Live at all, or just Gold?

I've had a handful of "1 Month" Gold cards since I got my first 360 in 2006 but I've never been actually subscribed to Gold.


Threi said:
it expires this month, i refuse to pay full price for it.

so barring any 12 month card deals I won't have XBL.

Wasnt there a really cheap deal like last week?


Don't have Xbox Live, but haven't really felt a need to subscribe. Though I will be picking up Forza 3 soon, so who knows?


When I had my 360, I only had it during trials. It's the equivalent to setting a 50 dollar bill on fire to me.
There is no way i'm paying for live while living in Australia, with no netflix or even simple things like 1 vs 100.
Add to that the fact that my overpriced xbox360 wireless dongle crapped out on me about a year ago, and there is absolutely no way live is justified.


I don't know what I would do gaming-wise without Live... I wouldn't enjoy gaming nearly as much, that is for sure.


Nope. I don't really play online games, so it would be pointless to me. Plus after the bullshit they pulled last time I signed up (basically stealing $10 from me by turning on auto-renew automatically without telling me, then making me call them up to cancel a service that I easily signed up for with like two clicks online), I can guarantee that not another cent of mine is going into their service. I don't trust them to not take money from me when I'm not looking. I'm not even happy with my debit card number on my console, but it's apparently locked there permanently.


Corporate Apologist
My live time is expired right now, but I have 9 one month codes left in a bin to use when I want to play one of the new fangled "Online multiplayer" games.


think it's january for me when my gold expires, and by then mass effect 2 will be out and I won't be in a rush to play more mw2. any way to find out online when your gold expires?


Between Gears 2 being a broken piece of crap online , Halo ODST not having matchmaking, and Netflix coming to PS3 with no extra cost, i'm Silver only now.


I used to have it for halo 3, but once it expired I decided not to renew it. Mainly because I've shifted into PC gaming, I don't see a reason to look back, and don't think I should be paying for live at all.


Have had my 360 for a while not and not once have I felt the need to get the gold version of Xbox Live. The most I've done is downloaded a few demos but and watch some of the clips of games or the xbox magazine but that's it. Don't really have any games I want to play online on the 360. As weird as it sounds the games I do or did play online where on the Wii. That I or I play PC games online.


Xbox Live is so awesome...I don't how anyone with a 360 can go without it. Seriously. My PS3 and gaming PC collect dust these days due to my recent 360 obsession. All my buds are on live...not to mention Netflix, last.fm, Facebook, twitter, etc.
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