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Jeremy Corbyn won't quit even if Labour loses the election


Saint Titanfall
Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?

Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?

I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?

"Strong leader" and the popularity of Brexit. Corbyn doesn't offer a meaningful alternative on well anything and May has positioned herself as one of the people and is incumbent without a heel turn in popularity which would give any PM an advantage in this situation.


"Strong leader" and the popularity of Brexit. Corbyn doesn't offer a meaningful alternative on well anything and May has positioned herself as one of the people and is incumbent without a heel turn in popularity which would give any PM an advantage in this situation.

Fucking get it right

"Strong and Stable".


The despicable Blairites and their friends in the liberal press act like Corbyn isn't there at the will of the public.



You have to go a long way back in British history to find a more inept major politician than Jeremy Corbyn.
Is there a way for the SNP to revamp themselves into a fully national party? It seems that whatever they have been doing works great in Scotland. Why can't they try going for more than just Scotland?
Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?

Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?

I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?

And I wouldn't surprised if they couldn't list you two policies of Corbyn that they oppose.


Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?

Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?

I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?

It's strange...I think at this point it's 'Better The Devil You Know' mentality.

The Tories are absolutely ghastly, but at no point at all in the last several years have Labour even remotely seemed coherent in forming a Government.

Anecdotally I personally believe Corbyn came across as apathetic in relation to the Referendum Campaign last year. He didn't really seem to want to commit either way and his support to Remain was limp. He's pretty much said he will run through a 'Brexit that means Brexit but different to the Tories' but I don't have a clue what that means. He doesnt strike me as heading a Labour Party that's a genuine alternative to those in power, and that's a problem.

The times I've heard him speak, he's an interesting man indeed but I don't perceive he's good at Leadership. Farron comes across as weaker still, despite me liking the parties stance of a Second Ref on any deal and that leaves May - who is genuinely offensive in many respects.

We are screwed any which way.


Is there a way for the SNP to revamp themselves into a fully national party? It seems that whatever they have been doing works great in Scotland. Why can't they try going for more than just Scotland?
Honestly, if the libdems can't get their crap together, I don't see why SNP wouldn't just put up candidates everywhere. This is where we're at.


And I wouldn't surprised if they couldn't list you two policies of Corbyn that they oppose.

It's not about policy, it's about leadership. Or rather, total lack of it

Saying the right things doesn't mean shit when you can't inspire confidence in anyone. Hell, I know lifelong labour supporters who say he's bad for the party, even though they are clearly there with him on policy


Honestly, if the libdems can't get their crap together, I don't see why SNP wouldn't just put up candidates everywhere. This is where we're at.

I feel like they would have to kind of downplay the whole, you know, Scottish nationalism thing in order to win elections in England.
I feel like they would have to kind of downplay the whole, you know, Scottish nationalism thing in order to win elections in England.

I get that. but I have a hard time believing that Scottish Pride is the ONLY reason the SNP does so damn well in Scotland.

Clearly the SNP's policy ideals connect with voters.


Is there a way for the SNP to revamp themselves into a fully national party? It seems that whatever they have been doing works great in Scotland. Why can't they try going for more than just Scotland?

The Mail & Sun drove voters mad and got them running to the Tories at the merest hint Labour/SNP coalition; they'd never get any sort of platform going in England, even in the North.
It's not about policy, it's about leadership. Or rather, total lack of it

Saying the right things doesn't mean shit when you can't inspire confidence in anyone. Hell, I know lifelong labour supporters who say he's bad for the party, even though they are clearly there with him on policy

Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.


Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.

Politics isn't all about policy. It's about competence too. He lacks it.


I get that. but I have a hard time believing that Scottish Pride is the ONLY reason the SNP does so damn well in Scotland.

Clearly the SNP's policy ideals connect with voters.

Scots seem to be more in favor of social democratic policies, although it's interesting to wonder whether they vote SNP because they're social democrats or whether they're social democrats because they vote SNP.


Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.

This is nothing to do with looks, and I never said it was. We need someone capable of even leading their own party. Someone without a revolving door of shadow cabinet members. Someone who hasn't utterly failed at challenging the Conservatives, at having any sort of coherent policy on Brexit, at managing the media in any fashion whatsoever. Someone who isn't deeply unpopular with people who 5 years ago would never have dreamed voting anyone but Labour.

If Corbyn can't do these things, how can the average voter expect him to work with his political opponents in government, or with our allies across the world?


Saint Titanfall
Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.

What kind of naivety is this? Yes politics and anything determined by a vote is popularity contest. You learn this very early on. Is it bad yes but that's the world we live in. While people bemoaning about how the public doesn't vote based on policy the people who know this very well are grabbing more power and screwing over the rest of us.

Leadership capability matters in politics it's a fundamental fact of our world.


It's like the conservatives are paying him. I mean he does seem aligned to key Labour principles but if he wants the party to have a chance he'll have to go.

If he loses the way it looks he will then that's it for general public. He's the loser. He wasn't chosen. Staying on just means doing more harm than good. The odds of reversing that are pretty low.

He's really not looking like he's putting the party itself first IMO as he's sticking to his guns about his position even when its a negative when looking at the bigger picture.


Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.

Your snark is misguided, in that wrapping up (hopefully good) policies and content with catchy slogans and engaging presentation is essentially what wins votes.

Many, many voters are not politically minded. They need that 'connect'.


Since I don't bother with politics often, genuinely curious why is our country still going to vote Tory? Yeah Corbyns a useless fuck, but the Tories are fucking dangerous. Literally nothing good can ever come from voting them in. So since I don't bother with politics much, why's this about to happen?

Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?

I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?

as an american with an interest in british politics (but lacking any kind of deep understanding of british culture), this is something that confuses me

is it more an issue of shitty conservative brits, accelerationists, or a combination of both?


Ah. So, perhaps a new haircut would satisfy you then? Or some rehearsed outrage and heroic stance on a debate stage? Perhaps a catchy slogan? Because fuck policies, we need someone who looks the part.

The first priority of the leader of a political party is to win elections. Everything else, including policy comes second to that objective.


Fucks sake. Jeremy the dictator.

I thought him resigning would be the best thing to come out of this election. Let's hope for a split to form a new party (although we were saying that last year.)


Frankly, both sides should want this by now.

New Labour should just leave Labour and form a new party that can actually win elections. Then everybody will be happy.

The problem is mostly just brainstorming names.

SDP 2: Blairite Boogaloo

Not even using Blairite as a slur; Blair has done more to advance social democratic policies and benefit working people in Britain than any other Labour leader in the past 40 years, even if he doesn't pass the purity test of many party members.


Is the hate boner for Corbyn actually that strong or does the country have a bit of a pain fetish it's yet to admit to?

I should point out I've no interest in seeing Corbyn ever succeed at anything, Just genuinely curious why people are about to actually vote in Cruella De'Ville as if it's a better option?

The short answer is yes.

I'm believing more and more that British people don't like each other. They don't like anyone on this little island, which they feel is so 'great' and big, and they don't like anyone off of it either. They certainly don't like people coming to this little island trying to better their lives. Probably because they know this island is the wrong place to do that anyway. They've got no interest in the opportunities or welfare of others. Not even those of their children. That's why they accept the fact that we have one of the worst social mobility rankings in Europe, why they have accepted swathes of public service cuts, community cuts, and generally unbridled austerity - while lowering the tax burden on the top percentile of wealthy people in this country. People just. don't. care!

They don't even care about themselves. Average household private debt before mortgages is at nearly £13000. To the more affluent of you living in London and elsewhere, you might be thinking - oh that's the value of a cheap car - but that is a record high. Wages have been stagnant for years, with most people enjoying pay rises below the rate of inflation. That's also known as a cut in spending power, a de facto pay cut. The government aren't rolling in money either. In five years they increased the national debt by more than every Labour government in history combined. National debt as a percentage of GDP is levelling out, but that kind of incompetence is going to take a generation to put right. And what's going to put it right? More austerity? That's how they
managed to do it in the first place. Apparently these are exactly the sort of people we want to see more of! More Jeremy Hunt please, those Junior Doctors don't know what they're talking about! Let's have more food banks and homelessness too! Why not! That Tresemme is super strong and table, and she's all about Brexit, which is anti-foreign people innit. RUUUULE BRITANNIA, BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES
Your snark is misguided, in that wrapping up (hopefully good) policies and content with catchy slogans and engaging presentation is essentially what wins votes.

Many, many voters are not politically minded. They need that 'connect'.

Forgive me for not resenting the man because he doesn't appeal to low-information voters. I will be voting Labour and do my part.


I'm starting to think that Corbyn's plan is to keep hold of the leadership until there is a split in the party. That way all the moderates in Labour can go and do their own thing while he has his own crew hold the brand Labour.

I suppose the impending shitstorm if he indeed does intend to stay leader regardless will depend on where the unions and the labour donors think.


Forgive me for not resenting the man because he doesn't appeal to low-information voters.

It's not a case of resenting the man. It's a case of him not being able to have that connect to low-information voters that will keep him from having any hint of power, and a case of him not connecting with half of his own party and them continually seeming on the brink of civil war - let alone forming a credible, cohesive opposition

Believe me, I dearly want a credible opposition.


as an american with an interest in british politics (but lacking any kind of deep understanding of british culture), this is something that confuses me

is it more an issue of shitty conservative brits, accelerationists, or a combination of both?
1) People are voting 'Theresa May' rather than Tory, they're rebranding as a more Presidential style campaign, people just seem to like her. Brits vote for people who are confident and show leadership qualities, it's the reason Ed Milliband failed at the last hurdle.
2) Labour has gone to shit since Blair stepped down, with one terrible leader after another. So the Tories have no real opposition. Although in my opinion, Blair committed a war crime with Iraq and that is the lowest of the low for this country on a scale where Brexit can't compare.
3) There are no new centrist parties coming in to the world of British politics that can provide any opposition, in the gap in the middle that has been left. LibDems are no longer trusted after the uni fees-gate and they're veering to the left. Following this election I expect this situation to change, especially if Corbyn refuses to resign. We could see a split and a new party forming.
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