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Jeremy Corbyn won't quit even if Labour loses the election


simply translated we're gonna automate the shit out of automating shit

what the fuck is that man saying


simply translated we're gonna automate the shit out of automating shit

what the fuck is that man saying
He's trying to talk about building factories in the information age. This is what happens if you're married to the "Working Party" ideal and economic philosophy to such an insane degree that you literally can't conceive of how a service economy radically alters what your workforce actually looks like.
He's trying to talk about building factories in the information age. This is what happens if you're married to the "Working Party" ideal and economic philosophy to such an insane degree that you literally can't conceive of how a service economy radically alters what your workforce actually looks like.

It's insane to think that this guy still has a following that believes he knows what he's talking about.

This sentence doesn't even parse correctly.

Parsing correctly is the first requirement for big data!

Syntax error - Unexpected token 'we'


Sure. Just like Cameron kept his promise of staying on if Brexit happened. Do people really expect ANY party leader to tell the public they are going to quit weeks or months before they do? The only time you will hear a party leader talking about quitting is when they actually quit.

It's insane to think that this guy still has a following that believes he knows what he's talking about.

To be fair, nobody in politics has a clue what they are talking about most of the time. If you refuse to follow a leader who talks nonsense, then you will not be following any leader in politics.
Third failure and it'll get pretty embarrassing. Just hope the next leader isn't staffed by another bland, charisma-less blob that Miliband was...and actually has some leftist policies like Corbyn, but more bolshy.
It doesn't matter if we get a Labour leader with the soul of JFK and Charisma of Bill Clinton. Brexit is irreversible once article 50 is invoked, and now the demographics just means Tories will win for a long time.

There was not labout leader to stop Brexit, Corbyn obviously not, but there was not leader that could or would lead the charge against the public and media, at least not without explaining what a bad deal is, but again the media also wants to see the country burn.

Feel sorry for the young English and for the country.


It doesn't matter if we get a Labour leader with the soul of JFK and Charisma of Bill Clinton. Brexit is irreversible once article 50 is invoked, and now the demographics just means Tories will win for a long time.

There is no need for it to be. If Britain ever elected a sane politician, the 27 others would gladly forget the whole thing. They'd rather have Britain in than out. Just don't think Britain ever would get a waiver or an exception again.
It doesn't matter if we get a Labour leader with the soul of JFK and Charisma of Bill Clinton. Brexit is irreversible once article 50 is invoked, and now the demographics just means Tories will win for a long time.

This is not true though. Article 50 has been triggered, but we have until the end of the 2 years to reverse it. The "can't be stopped" is Tory lies, the same as backing the Torys will strengthen EU negotiations. The EU don't care how many Tory MPs there are. However, May has already compromised us from a negotiating point of view, she's said she's going to be "difficult" (read: childish) and said she will leave with no deal if the deal doesn't suit which is dangerous. Backing May is the worst possible outcome for Brexit, whether you want it to happen or not.


This may be a crapshoot of randomly picked jargon, but he's not incorrect, is he? A fucktonne of jobs are going to be lost in the coming years due to automation and we need to prepare for it.

It doesn't help that the only way he and his crew can consistently deliver a message is on a poster.
Yes, but to prepare we must efficiently revolutionize interdependent interfaces to proactively target economically sound actualised results. Only by harnessing the advances of the likes of CRISPR and strange metals can we ultimately fashion extensible e-markets to ensure the future prosperity of those displaced by transnational advancement.


This may be a crapshoot of randomly picked jargon, but he's not incorrect, is he? A fucktonne of jobs are going to be lost in the coming years due to automation and we need to prepare for it.
He is. Factories aren't going to need tons of low-skill labor. He's trying to argue that we just need to do an updated version of what the economy used to look like, and that's just not possible in the slightest. He keeps talking about physical capital- but that's not where the fundamental issue is.


It's insane to think that this guy still has a following that believes he knows what he's talking about.

Contrast with the Prime Minister. Somehow she's pulling her party ahead in polls while clearly not having a clue about how to do her job properly and she's woefully unprepared for Brexit negotiations.

Competence is no longer important in the loony "post-expert" age. It's a "nice to have" in the job description.


He is. Factories aren't going to need tons of low-skill labor. He's trying to argue that we just need to do an updated version of what the economy used to look like, and that's just not possible in the slightest. He keeps talking about physical capital- but that's not where the fundamental issue is.
I read it as having to move away from reliance on factories for work due to automation.
The fact that we're coming at this so differently is a testament to how wank that quote is.


Yes, but to prepare we must efficiently revolutionize interdependent interfaces to proactively target economically sound actualised results. Only by harnessing the advances of the likes of CRISPR and strange metals can we ultimately fashion extensible e-markets to ensure the future prosperity of those displaced by transnational advancement.

I assume this is neoliberal shill talk because it's impossible to identify otherwise

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Frankly, both sides should want this by now.

New Labour should just leave Labour and form a new party that can actually win elections. Then everybody will be happy.

The problem is mostly just brainstorming names.

Nobody would be happy. The SDP split kept Labour out of power for a very long time; this is a two party system given FPTP. Your suggestion is like saying that after Clinton's loss, Sanders should have given up on the Democrats and started running as an Independent in 2020. It would be disastrous for both him and whoever the 2020 Democratic nominee was.

Nobody with any sense thinks a split in the Labour Party would be a good idea. There will have to be some sort of negotiated compromise at some point. We're just watching the pre-manoeuvres where all the interested parties are trying to put together the strongest hand to get the most out of any final compromise.


I read it as having to move away from reliance on factories for work due to automation.
The fact that we're coming at this so differently is a testament to how wank that quote is.
The part about developing "physical systems" and "factories" is where I'm reading into it that he's thinking of trying to update the old way of things. (because he can't comprehend just how different the modern economy is.)


Nobody would be happy. The SDP split kept Labour out of power for a very long time; this is a two party system given FPTP. Your suggestion is like saying that after Clinton's loss, Sanders should have given up on the Democrats and started running as an Independent in 2020. It would be disastrous for both him and whoever the 2020 Democratic nominee was.

Nobody with any sense thinks a split in the Labour Party would be a good idea. There will have to be some sort of negotiated compromise at some point. We're just watching the pre-manoeuvres where all the interested parties are trying to put together the strongest hand to get the most out of any final compromise.

What motivation does Corbyn have for a negotiated compromise?

Like, I definitely buy that the traditional Labour politicians and voters want to get the party back away from Corbyn. I just don't really see why they think it is plausible. As far as I can tell, it seems to mostly rely on the idea that Corbyn will decide to quit, despite the fact that he's done nothing at any point to suggest that he might do that, and indeed this thread is literally about him saying he will never do that. I assume people think he'll quit because a normal British politician would do the decent thing and quit. But Corbyn is pretty clearly not a normal British politician. So what happens that makes him quit?


The part about developing "physical systems" and "factories" is where I'm reading into it that he's thinking of trying to update the old way of things. (because he can't comprehend just how different the modern economy is.)
I can't believe we're actually having to break down his sentence structure to work this out 😂
The way he says "from" rather than "for" makes me think he means an 'out of the ashes' scenario. As in, the automation revolution has made production industry irrelevant in terms of workforce and "we now face the task of creating a New Britain" as a result. I might be wrong, though. It's a disaster of a quote.

EDIT: I guess the unclear bit is whether he believes 'New' Britain or the revolution is the one being powered by these things.
The part about developing "physical systems" and "factories" is where I'm reading into it that he's thinking of trying to update the old way of things. (because he can't comprehend just how different the modern economy is.)

Everything after the dash is a description of the fourth industrial revolution.

It's a shit poster. It's literally:

We now face the task of creating a New Britain from the fourth industrial revolution.*short description*
Yes, but to prepare we must efficiently revolutionize interdependent interfaces to proactively target economically sound actualised results. Only by harnessing the advances of the likes of CRISPR and strange metals can we ultimately fashion extensible e-markets to ensure the future prosperity of those displaced by transnational advancement.

I almost choked on my coffee reading this lol


And if you if you rarely if ever get back into power and become the new lib dems? Your not making any logical sense. Red Ed wasn't a neoliberal. He got far closer to power than this fool is going to but sure purge those neo-liberals.

Milliband was polling almost exactly the same % for a general vote as Corbyn is now. The big difference is that all the UKIP voters have gone back to voting Tory.


The best part about this is "internet of things" and "big data". Either Corbyn has zero fucking idea what either of those buzzwords mean (entirely likely) or he's actually a total corporatist in the Elon Musk vein and all of the leftists in the thread defending him have been punked big time.


When I hear 'the internet of things', I think Jen from the IT Crowd

Fiver says Corbyns next conference he comes out holding a big red dot. 'BEHOLD, THE INTERNET'
The short answer is yes.

I'm believing more and more that British people don't like each other. They don't like anyone on this little island, which they feel is so 'great' and big, and they don't like anyone off of it either. They certainly don't like people coming to this little island trying to better their lives. Probably because they know this island is the wrong place to do that anyway. They've got no interest in the opportunities or welfare of others. Not even those of their children. That's why they accept the fact that we have one of the worst social mobility rankings in Europe, why they have accepted swathes of public service cuts, community cuts, and generally unbridled austerity - while lowering the tax burden on the top percentile of wealthy people in this country. People just. don't. care!

They don't even care about themselves. Average household private debt before mortgages is at nearly £13000. To the more affluent of you living in London and elsewhere, you might be thinking - oh that's the value of a cheap car - but that is a record high. Wages have been stagnant for years, with most people enjoying pay rises below the rate of inflation. That's also known as a cut in spending power, a de facto pay cut. The government aren't rolling in money either. In five years they increased the national debt by more than every Labour government in history combined. National debt as a percentage of GDP is levelling out, but that kind of incompetence is going to take a generation to put right. And what's going to put it right? More austerity? That's how they
managed to do it in the first place. Apparently these are exactly the sort of people we want to see more of! More Jeremy Hunt please, those Junior Doctors don't know what they're talking about! Let's have more food banks and homelessness too! Why not! That Tresemme is super strong and table, and she's all about Brexit, which is anti-foreign people innit. RUUUULE BRITANNIA, BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES

How about you stop shit posting generalisations including the attitude of an entire nation toward their own children. FYI plenty of people care and are actively involved in making this country a better place.

In relation to Corbyn he like most of the professional hard left is a hypocrite. However beyond his personal ambition his goals are aligned with the traditional labour agenda. As others have alluded the solution can only be a new opposition movement to combat the idiocy of May and the Tories. By absorbing the UKIP element the Tories will have to lurch to the right. My dream would be for a new centrist movement to emerge picking up the soft left and right as well as the discredited Lib Dems.
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