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Jeremy Corbyn won't quit even if Labour loses the election

3 pages, not a single criticism of Corbyn other than "he's a bad leader"

Dance to the tune they play for you

But he is. A litany of inconsistent and contradictory messaging, dismal polling, utter lack of appeal beyond a narrow band, and a singular inability to turn it around.

But blame the idiots and their sheeple ways. Oh, and blame anyone anti Corbyn for being Torylite, because nothing brings home actual substantial support like purity test condescension.
The two leadership contests he won? Or his lack of ability to prop up a Tory-me-too party which worked soooo well less than two years ago?

Or the Tory-me-too party that wiped out the Tories in 97 and remained in power for 13 years and was arguably the best run government since Attlee?


The two leadership contests he won? Or his lack of ability to prop up a Tory-me-too party which worked soooo well less than two years ago?

Corbyn's policies are almost identical to Miliband's policies, except with less effective presentation.

I made this criticism several pages ago and you ignored it.
Or the Tory-me-too party that wiped out the Tories in 97 and remained in power for 13 years and was arguably the best run government since Attlee?

No one gives a shit.

Source: 2015

Its amazing that after such a disaster as the last election, some supporters actually think it's better to stay the course. A picture of a bacon sandwhich was enough to fuck over Labour, and there's a godamn reason for that.
Meh, Labour is finished as it is. Doesn't matter who is at the helm. Thankfully, my father has money and is buying me property in America to rent for income, but I am very sorry for everyone else who isn't a privileged fuck. Got a decent job, who knows if it will stand up to brexit though.

David Cameron fucked the country. Pure and simple.

At least those old nasty tories wanted trade, jobs, and a big economy. Now they don't even want that. Just a post apocalyptic hellscape.
No one gives a shit.

Source: 2015

Its amazing that after such a disaster as the last election, some supporters actually think it's better to stay the course. A picture of a bacon sandwhich was enough to fuck over Labour, and there's a godamn reason for that.

Okay, how is Labour under Corbyn gonna win an election? I'm curious what his supporters think he'll do that'll win them a majority.


No one gives a shit.

Source: 2015

Its amazing that after such a disaster as the last election, some supporters actually think it's better to stay the course. A picture of a bacon sandwhich was enough to fuck over Labour, and there's a godamn reason for that.

So if Corbyn does even worse this election, will you take that as an indication that Labour needs to ditch him and find another strategy?


Saint Titanfall
Most of the electorate didn't know Millibands name, let alone his policies.

Errr I'm pretty sure they did. (Name wise that is). His policies were also put out there. Remember the stone. He was mocked heavily for it but it's not like he didn't put them ou there heavily. It took Corbyn a looooong ass time to even come up with a set of comprehensive policies.


Saint Titanfall
No one gives a shit.

Source: 2015

Its amazing that after such a disaster as the last election, some supporters actually think it's better to stay the course. A picture of a bacon sandwhich was enough to fuck over Labour, and there's a godamn reason for that.

Breh we'd be in a great place if polls were like they were back then. Your argument doesn't even make sense. Corbyn is on track for a landslide loss. You talking about trading a punch to the gut to being run over a 70 mph and celebrating it at that!


Ed's looking like a better choice now compared to two years ago. Seems like he's learned and evolved from it as a politician.

Ed has evolved to learn to shitpost on Twitter


He was an alright guy, but another leader the Tory propaganda machine managed to steam roll.

The Tories chewed up and spat out Corbyn ages ago, but he keeps going. As I said in the main topic I bet this is confidence blowing hot air. If the defeat is as bad as suggested he'll be gone.
Okay, how is Labour under Corbyn gonna win an election? I'm curious what his supporters think he'll do that'll win them a majority.

Policy, appealing to youth to vote, and focusing on closely lost seats from 2015 is the best you can do, and it's what they are doing.

Its an uphill battle with an uneducated, disinterested electorate who vote for who The Sun tells the too, but pretending to be Conservative isn't going to do shit either because why buy cola when you can have Coke.

Labour needs to get on the same page, which is Corbyns page. If it doesn't work, if Labour fails horribly, AGAIN, then you will have a stronger argument to get rid of him, but fighting him every step of the way is just guaranteeing he'll win the next leadership contest again.


Saint Titanfall
Policy, appealing to youth to vote, and focusing on closely lost seats from 2015 is the best you can do, and it's what they are doing.

Its an uphill battle with an uneducated, disinterested electorate who vote for The Sun tells the too, but pretending to be Conservative isn't going to do shit either because why buy cola when you can have Coke.

Labour needs to get on the same page, which is Corbyns page. If it doesn't work, if Labour fails horribly, AGAIN, then you will have a stronger argument to get rid of him, but fighting him every step of the way is just guaranteeing he'll win the next leadership contest again.
So getting the least likely group to vote, to vote is your plan? That's it? That's really it?

I didn't realise Labour not winning for a generation was a genuine goal and plan and not a disturbing potential future.
Policy, appealing to youth to vote, and focusing on closely lost seats from 2015 is the best you can do, and it's what they are doing.

Its an uphill battle with an uneducated, disinterested electorate who vote for The Sun tells the too, but pretending to be Conservative isn't going to do shit either because why buy cola when you can have Coke.

Labour needs to get on the same page, which is Corbyns page. If it doesn't work, if Labour fails again, then you will have a stronger argument to get rid of him, but fighting him every step of the way is just guaranteeing he'll win the next leadership contest again.

Dismissing the entire electorate as uneducated and disinterested is asinine, arrogant, self-unaware and precisely the sort of nonsense that is killing the party. Of course it's not going to work. Open your eyes.
So getting the least likely group to vote, to vote is your plan? That's it? That's really it?

I didn't realise Labour not winning for a generation was a genuine goal and plan and not a disturbing potential future.

Corrupting the party enough that it becomes I-can't-believe-its not-Tory is a glorious potential future however, an opposition they'll sing songs about I'm sure
Corrupting the party enough that it becomes I-can't-believe-its not-Tory is a glorious potential future however, an opposition they'll sing songs about I'm sure

Have you ever considered the idea that things you may consider to be 'tory' are actually just the basic facts of leading a nation state?
Given that Corbyn was easily elected as head of labour, and given how poorly labor is doing under him - maybe Brits just really don't want the left in power?

As a French living in the U.K. I have to say- without following UK politics much - that on a surface level he has one millionth the charisma of other European leftist (like Mélenchon or Varoufakis)


3 pages, not a single criticism of Corbyn other than "he's a bad leader"

Dance to the tune they play for you

Here's a list:

Jackpot said:

former Shadow Culture Minister said:
Mr Corbyn appointed me and press released this without my knowledge or consent whilst I was in the middle of cancer treatment. He then sacked me the next day when he realized he had given away part of someone else's role. But didn't bother to tell me that either.

former Shadow Transport Minister said:
Incredibly, Jeremy launched a Shadow Cabinet reshuffle on the same day. This was the reshuffle that had been talked about since the Syria vote a month earlier. A vote where I supported Jeremy’s position. The reshuffle that meant all our staff spent Christmas not knowing whether they'd have a job by the New Year. By mid-afternoon the press were camped outside the Leader's office. They were there for the next 3 days.

It knocked all the coverage of the rail fare rise and our public ownership policy off every news channel and every front page.

former Shadow Minister for Children said:
My office and I spent months preparing for a Labour Party review into special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to feed into Labour’s manifesto for the 2020 General Election. I identified the issues we needed to address; I raised questions in the chamber; I met stakeholders to discuss the review, and my staff put together a briefing for the wider PLP and the Leadership Office, and worked to get media coverage. Three days after the launch, I found out that my review had been completely undermined by our Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell.

Without consulting me, John had announced his support for a Shadow Neurodiversity Minister and an autism manifesto. My office picked up John’s announcement on Twitter, and subsequently raised the issue with him, requesting an opportunity to meet to discuss the matter further. After receiving no response, my team made several more attempts to reach out to John’s office, which were all met with no answer.

Former Shadow Health Secretary said:
“John McDonnell invited NHS campaigners to a meeting in the Commons but didn’t invite me. I challenged him about it. I was then invited and I was shouted at by some of the attendees.”

After that meeting on 13 April, she said, “John McDonnell then invited them to form an advisory group (again not telling me). I found out about this, said it was totally unacceptable and it must not be an advisory group.”

creator of Corbynomics said:
I had the opportunity to see what was happening inside the PLP. The leadership wasn’t confusing as much as just silent. There was no policy direction, no messaging, no direction, no co-ordination, no nothing. Shadow ministers appeared to have been left with no direction as to what to do. It was shambolic. The leadership usually couldn’t even get a press release out on time to meet print media deadlines and then complained they got no coverage.

The Independent said:
Last autumn, I complained when a Saturday speech by Corbyn was released far too late on a Friday to secure much space in the next day’s Independent. “It won’t happen again,” Corbyn’s office assured me. Seven days on, another Saturday speech arrived – an hour later than the previous one. I know this sounds like trivial gossip from the Westminster village but on each occasion, incompetence prevented Corbyn from getting positive media coverage.

Jackpot said:
For example there were accusations of anti-semitism from within the party. After much silence he announces an inquiry into it.

At the publishing of the inquiry's report he made a speech saying "our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those various self-styled Islamic states or organisations.", effectively comparing Israel to ISIS. Views aside, it's a dumb comment to make at an anti-semitism inquiry and instantly undid any goodwill that might be gained from the months of work the report took.

At the same conference, a Momentum leader (the party faction that backs Corbyn) was addressing the event and used it to accuse a Jewish Labour MP of collaborating with right-wing media against Corbyn. Corbyn remained silent and the MP stormed out in tears.


The person appointed by Corbyn to run the inquiry received a peerage from Corbyn shortly after, compromising her impartiality.

Finally a "zero-tolerance" policy was announced on anti-semitism. A long-term trouble maker in the party who was the Mayor of London but is more known for supporting Chavez and other anti-american dictators and being in constant conflict with the party leadership claimed Hitler supported Zionism. Despite this being like his 5th offense in contravening party rules in general, he was only suspended and not expelled. At the announcement of his temporary suspension and claims of Corbyn being soft on anti-semitism again, he immediately repeated the same Hitler-was-a-Zionist views.

Jackpot said:

And then there was the time Corbyn imposed a 3-line whip on voting in favour of Brexit before he had managed to negotiate a single concession, giving the Tories zero reason to compromise.

And what did he say after forcing his party to vote through Brexit, giving Theresa May a blank cheque and ending Labour's only official involvement in the Brexit process?

"The real fight starts now". After the referendum. And the parliamentary vote. And with all leverage gone.


Saint Titanfall
Corrupting the party enough that it becomes I-can't-believe-its not-Tory is a glorious potential future however, an opposition they'll sing songs about I'm sure

Who cares. Your whether Labour is tory light or not doesn't mean much if they're irrelevant either way. Corbyn seems to all for hard brexit anyway and seems like he always was. So honestly he's worse than tory-lite. Even if he were in power he's too incompetent to get what he wants passed. (Your honestly kidding yourselves if you think otherwise).


A 172-40 no-confidence vote is not a "backstab." It's a normal expression of displeasure w/ leadership that normally results in a resignation. The reason resignation wasn't mandatory is because when they came up w/ the rules, no one ever thought someone would be insane enough to stay on!

I referred to what happened with Miliband on the GE night as a backstab, so you can come down off that high horse now.


Why would corbyn annouce that he would stop being labour leader if his party lost on june 8th? That would be a terrible thing to do.
Policy, appealing to youth to vote, and focusing on closely lost seats from 2015 is the best you can do, and it's what they are doing.

Its an uphill battle with an uneducated, disinterested electorate who vote for who The Sun tells the too, but pretending to be Conservative isn't going to do shit either because why buy cola when you can have Coke.

Labour needs to get on the same page, which is Corbyns page. If it doesn't work, if Labour fails horribly, AGAIN, then you will have a stronger argument to get rid of him, but fighting him every step of the way is just guaranteeing he'll win the next leadership contest again.

If policy is what's gonna get people on side, well, how come they're not? As sad as it is image is more important, and he ain't got it. It's also sad to say but true that believing in the Youth isn't enough, because the fact is not enough will turn up. The disinterested, uneducated electorate is the key here. The party that convinces the average bloke to go there way wins. That's how it goes.

I want to live in a world where idealistic politics works. I don't, so I'd rather have a bastard that can win as opposed to someone wrapped up by their own shoelaces.

"The real fight starts now". After the referendum. And the parliamentary vote. And with all leverage gone.

Ugh that tweet still pisses me off. Remain as a whole didn't do enough and he shares that responsibility.
Why would corbyn annouce that he would stop being labour leader if his party lost on june 8th? That would be a terrible thing to do.

Why? I dare say more people would vote for Labour if they thought the remnants of the party would be lead by someone vaguely competent.
Why? I dare say more people would vote for Labour if they thought the remnants of the party would be lead by someone vaguely competent.

Conversely, he says that and people stay away from Labour hoping he's gone for next time. It's question he'd never win with where he is now to be fair.


Saint Titanfall
If policy is what's gonna get people on side, well, how come they're not? As sad as it is image is more important, and he ain't got it. It's also sad to say but true that believing in the Youth isn't enough, because the fact is not enough will turn up. The disinterested, uneducated electorate is the key here. The party that convinces the average bloke to go there way wins. That's how it goes.

I want to live in a world where idealistic politics works. I don't, so I'd rather have a bastard that can win as opposed to someone wrapped up by their own shoelaces.

Ugh that tweet still pisses me off. Remain as a whole didn't do enough and he shares that responsibility.
Enough? He didn't do jack shit. The Lords gave us and out and he fucked it right over.

Conversely, he says that and people stay away from Labour hoping he's gone for next time. It's question he'd never win with where he is now to be fair.

That's why you don't answer it. politicians are masters of deflection.
Enough? He didn't do jack shit. The Lords gave us and out and he fucked it right over.

I was trying to be kind because I don't remember the campaigning that well. Being spineless in Parliament was incredibly disappointing, it was to add simple checks and balances for gods sakes.


Why? I dare say more people would vote for Labour if they thought the remnants of the party would be lead by someone vaguely competent.

it would be terrible thing because a leader of a political party doesn't usually annouce they are not going to be the leader of that political party anymore if they lose in a middle of an election campaign. it demoralizes a party if their leader says that. corbyn is awful but i rather he focus on running an election campaign instead of worrying about his future


wise, woke corbyn drones: if the PLP just unified with us and worked together, we wouldn't be an absolute national joke

also wise, woke corbyn drones: Blairites are red tory neoliberal scum and they need to be purged

The 'comfortable' left is utterly despicable. Care more about playing out a self-absorbed pseudo-power fantasy under the guise of idealogical purity than about actually putting a stop to life-ruining Tory austerity. Because fuck if it actually affects me! Blathering about 'respecting the will of the people' whilst everything crumbles down around them, and is on fire, with absolutely no sense of self-awareness.

Corbyn is not going to be recalled in history books as some iron-fisted socialist leader who successfully led a people's movement - he's not going to be recalled at all because history books don't talk about opposition leaders who just lose and make their parties an irrelevant non-force.


Corrupting the party enough that it becomes I-can't-believe-its not-Tory is a glorious potential future however, an opposition they'll sing songs about I'm sure

You'd think that with the narrative pushed by the hard-left of Labour being some soft-Tory party there'd actually be more Torys supporting it? But.. no.

Here's a little insight from an actual soft or moderate (centrist, neoliberal, whatever) Tory. By making this bizarre remark you're normalising the Conservative Party. And that can and will only helps us.


You'd think that with the narrative pushed by the hard-left of Labour being some soft-Tory party there'd actually be more Torys supporting it? But.. no.

Here's a little insight from an actual soft or moderate (centrist, neoliberal, whatever) Tory. By making this bizarre remark you're normalising the Conservative Party. And that can and will only helps us.

...if you're a moderate Tory, why do you feel like the Tories need to be "normalized?"
I am pretty much on the right of the Labour Party and in solid Lib Dem territory to be honest. I'm finding it hard to vote Labour this election. Very, very hard.
The two leadership contests he won? Or his lack of ability to prop up a Tory-me-too party which worked soooo well less than two years ago?

I'm sorry, did I say he never achieved anything or never did anything good? Someone was complaining that people were criticizing him as a bad leader without backing it up. I provided what I thought was some valid grounds on which to criticize him.

Labour are doing worse under Corbyn than they were doing under Miliband.

And I won't be surprised if many in Labour are vocally calling for Corbyn's head come election night should he lose as or more convincingly than Miliband did. No one should be.

I don't expect any politician to answer this question differently, though I do think some would if they were confident in winning. I certainly don't judge anyone for answering it this way.

But how much more would need to go wrong *presuming* the Tories have a more powerful majority after the general election than they currently have for him to stand down? Yes in the eyes of a lot of people he can do no wrong and would likely win yet another leadership contest...

But he's got to do more than win leadership contests.


Corbyn is the right man to lead Labour. With the Tories embracing center left policies, a far left leader for Labour is the only real option.


Yes, he will.

Labour are going to get a thorough beating in June and the pressure will be just too much, even his most ardent supporters will change their minds.
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