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Jontron has left Game Grumps

I wouldn't of minded this if they just have fucking finished the Sonic 06 playthrough. They were almost done and i wanted to see them react to the ridiculous final story part. I'm glad Jontron is gone, he can work on his own stuff now.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
/r/gamegrumps is a pretty funny read today. All those poor guys who just got their Jon Grump shirt sent to them ._.


Good. Best to focus on his own channel, obviously Egoraptor makes more money from babbling like an idiot than animating so I suspect that will rarely happen now.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
For someone preaching about them being uninformed, you're pretty uninformed yourself.

What am I factually wrong about then? Or are you just jumping in front of word bullets before your brain engages?

I just reached a personal quota with JonTron saying some of the stupidest shit that then in turn seemed to affect Ego. I watched the recent World Driver episode for context on how Game Grumps was ending, and JonTron just randomly decides he needs to smash something of Ego's because... I don't know, he's off his meds? Then as a coup de grâce for the final old skool GG I watch, JonTron calls ham a white meat, then doubles down and says an entirely white meat would be weird. Ego then joins in and says he got a steak once that was all white, so like what?

honestly given how the Sonic playthrough was going, their reaction to the final section would have been a huge letdown anyway. they would have probably spoken over 90% of the insanity saying things like "Hey Arin real talk what's the deal with green shirts lol I mean isn't that weird I saw a movie the other day with a guy wearing a shirt and it was green and I was all"


Corporate Apologist
Maybe the new videos will be better, I just wasn't enjoying a lot of their newer stuff and stopped paying attention.
Now I want to know if they really had a falling out.

I'm almost convinced that is what has happened. They must have had some unaired videos backlogged and yet they jump straight to the new guy.

It'll all come out in due time. Someone will say something snarky on twitter and it'll all unravel.


I'm almost convinced that is what has happened. They must have had some unaired videos backlogged and yet they jump straight to the new guy.

It'll all come out in due time. Someone will say something snarky on twitter and it'll all unravel.

I guess. Just a couple of days ago though they released the Pacific Rim Behind The Scenes video.

edit: this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOwcmcpAAkQ
And they still have to film the actual video, right? I didn't really understand the premise of all this actually.

Permanently A

Junior Member
Game Grumps was entertaining at the beginning... but I think they did too many videos and burnt themselves out. The later videos range from bland to utterly boring.

Also because they were just yammering Ego said some bullshit that he could have probably articulated better had he had time to think about it. Same for Jon, who would say something and then backtrack if Ego didn't agree with him. Honestly, it was painful to watch their "debate."
What am I factually wrong about then? Or are you just jumping in front of word bullets before your brain engages?

I just reached a personal quota with JonTron saying some of the stupidest shit that then in turn seemed to affect Ego. I watched the recent World Driver episode for context on how Game Grumps was ending, and JonTron just randomly decides he needs to smash something of Ego's because... I don't know, he's off his meds? Then as a coup de grâce for the final old skool GG I watch, JonTron calls ham a white meat, then doubles down and says an entirely white meat would be weird. Ego then joins in and says he got a steak once that was all white, so like what?


I think they were both stupider then there own content led us to believe. I just don't get why you are convinced than Jontron made Ego stupider, and oppose to, maybe they were both dumb to being with. That's where you are just jumping to your own conclusion.


Game Grumps was entertaining at the beginning... but I think they did too many videos and burnt themselves out. The later videos range from bland to utterly boring.

Also because they were just yammering Ego said some bullshit that he could have probably articulated better had he had time to think about it. Same for Jon, who would say something and then backtrack if Ego didn't agree with him. Honestly, it was painful to watch their "debate."
I agree totally. I loved the early game grumps(I was dying at the funny mii thing). But they made way to many episodes per day.
What am I factually wrong about then? Or are you just jumping in front of word bullets before your brain engages?

I just reached a personal quota with JonTron saying some of the stupidest shit that then in turn seemed to affect Ego. I watched the recent World Driver episode for context on how Game Grumps was ending, and JonTron just randomly decides he needs to smash something of Ego's because... I don't know, he's off his meds? Then as a coup de grâce for the final old skool GG I watch, JonTron calls ham a white meat, then doubles down and says an entirely white meat would be weird. Ego then joins in and says he got a steak once that was all white, so like what?


Jon didn't make Ego stupid by any means. If anything, Ego was already stupid, Sequelitis was a fluke, and Game Grumps was just a rude awakening to what he's really like behind the curtain. They say a lot of stupid stuff and there's no excuse for them being so uninformed on they're getting payed to talk about, but to say it's the fault of someone who you dislike for lowering the IQ of their best friend who they undoubtedly spent a lot of time with before making the series is ignorant and spiteful.
Good. Jon is obnoxious, unfunny, and has awful taste in games. Too bad I already stopped watching Game Grumps a while ago so I don't really care anymore.
I like the Grumps but I'm perfectly fine with Jon leaving if it means more episodes of JonTron. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait
unlike PokeAwesome 2

As for the new addition, I'll watch the Punch-Out video later but I can't imagine Grumps being as good without Jon. It's an Arin and Jon thing so I'm a little skeptical, but I'll give it the benefit of a doubt.


Game Grumps got old for me months ago. Jon is actually pretty entertaining doing his own thing, so I'm all for him doing that.
I like the Grumps but I'm perfectly fine with Jon leaving if it means more episodes of JonTron. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait
unlike PokeAwesome 2

As for the new addition, I'll watch the Punch-Out video later but I can't imagine Grumps being as good without Jon. It's an Arin and Jon thing so I'm a little skeptical, but I'll give it the benefit of a doubt.

I think it really comes down to if you liked Jon or not. If you did, i have a feeling the change will kill it. If you didn't, Danny seems very similar in personality to Arin, so you may very well enjoy it more. Danny isn't bad, per say, but he is so similar to Arin, there just isn't the same kind of chemistry for me. I think it will be more consistent, but you are never going to get moments like Sonic #20


I stopped watching three months or so ago. Their reaction to the pinball puzzle in Sonic '06 with Silver was an absolute disappointment BECAUSE they fast forwarded through all their misery until they got it right... and even then they didn't talk about the actual game in the parts that weren't sped up. >_>

I really doubt Sonic '06 would have ended on a high note. It hit its high way too early.


Membero Americo
At least finish Sonic 06!

VGCW break up incoming?

Will Arin go back to making videos? WILL THE ZELDA SEQUELITIS FINALLY BE RELEASED!?


Seems like Egorapter is perfectly content with making Game Grumps videos for all eternity.


Don't really blame him. lol

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This is a shame, solely because his solo comedy is bad. Not to mention the game discussion in Jontron is GameFAQs level at best with lots of hyperbole and fanboyish one-liners.
Sequelitis was a fluke

Sequelitis wasn't a fluke. Ego said it himself in the video: "Jump and shoot man". His philosophy about game design only works if the game mechanics are basic. Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog (original), Mega Man... all of these titles were simple enough for the designers to just say "Let the players figure it out". Gameplay systems, despite what people want to remember, were much simpler 20 years ago for obvious reasons (technical limitations, stuff like this).

Fast Forward to current day. An Action Adventure game can have RPG elements (experience, leveling, stats) mixed with a crafting system along with a combo system and any number of other mechanics. WRPGs are touting skill trees, leveling systems, stats, crafting systems, in game economies, shops, towns, cities, equipment systems, classes, ranks, etc. JRPGs are doing their best to expand outside of their Turn Based roots (Resonance of Fate, Final Fantasy XIII, etc). Ego's simplistic approach to game design does not work when faced with complex game mechanics. And Game Grumps showed this in spades. Any time Ego was faced with a chance to prove "gamers are smart enough to figure this out on their own", he failed. He takes half the video to figure out stuff and then blames the game design anyway.

The chaotic and improv nature of Game Grumps just allows Ego's close minded and stubborn philosophy to come to the spot light.


Suffering From Success
Sequelitis wasn't a fluke. Ego said it himself in the video: "Jump and shoot man". His philosophy about game design only works if the game mechanics are basic. Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog (original), Mega Man... all of these titles were simple enough for the designers to just say "Let the players figure it out". Gameplay systems, despite what people want to remember, were much simpler 20 years ago for obvious reasons (technical limitations, stuff like this).

Fast Forward to current day. An Action Adventure game can have RPG elements (experience, leveling, stats) mixed with a crafting system along with a combo system and any number of other mechanics. WRPGs are touting skill trees, leveling systems, stats, crafting systems, in game economies, shops, towns, cities, equipment systems, classes, ranks, etc. JRPGs are doing their best to expand outside of their Turn Based roots (Resonance of Fate, Final Fantasy XIII, etc). Ego's simplistic approach to game design does not work when faced with complex game mechanics. And Game Grumps showed this in spades. Any time Ego was faced with a chance to prove "gamers are smart enough to figure this out on their own", he failed. He takes half the video to figure out stuff and then blames the game design anyway.

The chaotic and improv nature of Game Grumps just allows Ego's close minded and stubborn philosophy to come to the spot light.
Wouldn't agree here. Teaching players how to play a game and even teaching on the whole does not really change no matter how complex the subject is. Final Fantasy 13 is a good example of how not to teach a player, okay? So the game drops a whole bunch of information on the player but it never really presents a lot of gameplay situations which allow for the player to experiment and learn to use them. For the first 20 hours you just kinda wobble through the game without thinking much about its mechanics and when the game DOES require you to think about the mechanics it's too late to start learning them and get experimenting (especially since a few gameplay mechanics are designed in a way that require experimenting but resource starve you making some things in that game like inventory upgrading a complete nightmare without looking up a spreadsheet/guide off GameFAQs). Would probably be solved by having that mechanic eased into the game gradually rather than just going NOW YOU CAN PLAY WITH POWAH at an arbitrary point. Poor integration, poor conveyance, both result in frustrated player.


Game Grumps is a weird show. Most of the draw of these types of shows is how the people react to and comment on the games they are playing in addition to conversations of the players. But often Jon and Arin play a game and the game might as well not even be there. There could be funny shit going on on the screen but they're too busy discussing what the biggest empire was or how Ron Paul is awesome and misunderstood.

Jon was too easy to manipulate by Arin and couldn't effectively argue his positions. They have some really awful ideas about game design, but Arin is especially frustrating when he starts talking about game design or tries to play games according to his misguided personal beliefs about game design. His insights on MMX were pretty much a fluke. The ALttP and NSMBWii videos were really bad.

I like to watch the show when they don't get into those topics and pay attention to the game. It can be funny and interesting. But it can also be unbearable or boring a lot of the time as well. Both Jon and Arin can be great or awful.


Jon was the worst part about GG for me. He never knew what he was talking about and his insistence on bursting out into song or loud, nonsensical exclamations really got on my nerves.

I watched the new episode and found his replacement to be informed, with a pleasant voice and actually able to play the game they're playing.

Sorry, but one episode in it looks like the show is better now.
If this means Jon will go back to doing Hardcore with PBG, I'm happy. Otherwise, this is the end for me with Jon... His regular shows are bad. That's okay Jon was always pretty hit and miss for me.


I haven't been able to get through an episode of Grumps in months. Literally every one has Jon screaming at the top of his lungs within 2 minutes.

It's better off dead.
That's actually surprising, thought they would just keep doing it the whole time seen as they hit 1 million subs

But since he left I wish Ego would too and just let Grumps die. They both need to get back to what they're good at, their own videos. Ego and Jon were much more creative and talented before Grumps and I hope they return to form


Didn't expect this. I thought Jon pretty much fucking sucks as part of GG, he says the stupidest shit, but somehow I like his standalone JonTron videos. This is probably for the best. I haven't cared about GG in a long ass time(pretty much because of Jon) but I'll check the new guy out.


I liked Jon in GameGrumps, but I didn't really like his regular show. That being said, most of the recent stuff hasn't been great.

GG is, imo, at it's best when the game is nonsensical, (Chulip,) or both of them are being maniacs, (Jeopardy,) or, in the best instances, both. (Mary Kate and Ashley License to Drive)
Didn't expect this. I thought Jon pretty much fucking sucks as part of GG, he says the stupidest shit, but somehow I like his standalone JonTron videos. This is probably for the best. I haven't cared about GG in a long ass time(pretty much because of Jon) but I'll check the new guy out.

To be fair, the two of them always said some pretty stupid shit. Jon would say he liked a game, then Ego bashes it (cos he bashes everything) and then Jon would say "Oh yeah I never thought about it like that"
I love Jon, JonTron is hilarious. I'm actually really glad about this, this past week I've be regularly checking his channel hoping for an update. I didn't like GameGrumps, Arin didn't go with Jon's humor very well, and overall, the two of them just don't have a connection for me. Jon's stand alone stuff is much better than any GameGrump video.

Now only if Ego leaves GameGrumps and makes more animation, doubt he will though, that GameGrumps money is massive, I actually respect Jon for leaving regardless of how much more money he made with GameGrumps.
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