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Julian Eggebrecht: Wii developers are sloppy


No additional functions
TheWolf said:
yeah, but that level and the rest of the ground stuff was so not fun.

I disagree. The AT-ST levels were a lot of fun imo. The area the needed the most work on were the on-foot sections. The vehicles were fun whether on land or in the air. They should have just stuck with vehicles. This screen really doesn't do it justice, but Rebel Strike had some of the best explosions in any game.


BlindN-Fan said:
You really got to think to yourself though. Were those graphics even accepted last gen?
Well, it's Hudson... remember what Tengai Makyo II on GC looked like? The only Hudson games that tend to even look up to par are the Mario Party series, and they're always handed EAD assets/models/engines for that probably.
Pureauthor said:
You are claiming that the Wii is a repackaged Gamecube. It is not. It uses the same architecture as the Gamecube, but it's not the same hardware.

It would have been possible to use the same architecture as the Gamecube and still ramp up power a lot more than the Wii would've, you know.

And the reason the Wii appears to have trouble surpassing the GCN in graphics is because it's so close to the GCN in power. Shocking, I know.

Again, people playing with semantics.

Did Nintendo spend millions in R&D, designing some new lean chipset for Wii? No, they used the same NGC hardware (or 'architecture'), tweaked some parts and put it in a new white, plastic case. NGC compatibility is a no-brainer since it is essentially a NGC. Shock! Scandal! How dare I imply such a fallacy!

Did the original Conker run on N64 or some other hardware that just happened to use the same 'architecture' with extra RAM? To me, it's N64. Not just by what it says on the box cover, but by virtue that it was still a N64.

And the reason the Wii appears to have trouble surpassing the GCN in graphics is because it's so close to the GCN in power. Shocking, I know.

So Wii has trouble surpassing NGC because it is so very similar to the console it is not supposed to be like? Gee, people, what's the point of quibbling over details when we end up saying the same thing?
Instigator said:
Again, people playing with semantics.

Did Nintendo spend millions in R&D, designing some new lean chipset for Wii? No, they used the same NGC hardware (or 'architecture'), tweaked some parts and put it in a new white, plastic case. NGC compatibility is a no-brainer since it is essentially a NGC. Shock! Scandal! How dare I imply such a fallacy!

Did the original Conker run on N64 or some other hardware that just happened to use the same 'architecture' with extra RAM? To me, it's N64. Not just by what it says on the box cover, but by virtue that it was still a N64.

So Wii has trouble surpassing NGC because it is so very similar to the console it is not supposed to be like? Gee, people, what's the point of quibbling over details when we end up saying the same thing?

Okay, let's all back up...

What's your definition of a 'repackaged GCN' again?


Borg Artiste
the lack of hlsl support kind of sucks. I've been really getting into writing shaders and I think stuff for the wii would get over my head.
the thoroughbred said:
What has really surprised me in this thread, is that it hasn't become a fanboy battlefield. Everyone seems to be on a level with one another, and there is a good, interesting and civillised discussion being held.

Good on us people.

I spoke too soon. :D
Pureauthor said:
So you're essentially arguing that the lack of a power difference is what makes it a repackaged GCN? Sheesh.

It uses the same components. Tweaks some parts while others stay exactly the same.

Gamecube Turbo.
Super Gamecube.
Overclocked Gamecube.

Pick and choose whichever term you prefer. They apply in all cases.

Edit: I couldn't have said better than Hitler Stole My Potato. :)


As long as the gameplay is excellent, I don't mind the less than stellar graphics. But, obviously, pretty much everyone here is so focused on graphics thats its scary. Tell me, why do you play games outside of PS3 and X360 right now again?
MadOdorMachine said:
I disagree. The AT-ST levels were a lot of fun imo. The area the needed the most work on were the on-foot sections. The vehicles were fun whether on land or in the air. They should have just stuck with vehicles. This screen really doesn't do it justice, but Rebel Strike had some of the best explosions in any game.

And this "race" level was really fun IMO. It looked like a real forest. Seriously it's the only game I have ever played where a forest looked like a real one.


E-phonk said:
Except that it's not really a repackaged gamecube, it's more. It has wifi, the virtual console, it has it's internal memory and the wiimote, plus higher clockspeeds and extra memory.

I will not enter once again the debate of "Wii = repackaged GC", just pointing that beside the higher clcokspeed, what you cite are

- wifi : internet access addon.
- virtual console : software
- internal memory : similar to HDD storage
- wiimote : not part of the console architecture
- extra memory : was the N64+RAMpack a new console ? ( debatable considering if it benefits to games)


Instigator said:
It uses the same components. Tweaks some parts while others stay exactly the same.

Gamecube Turbo.
Super Gamecube.
Overclocked Gamecube.

Pick and choose whichever term you prefer. They apply in all cases.

Edit: I couldn't have said better than Hitler Stole My Potato. :)
The chips aren't simply clocked higher, but R&D went into lowering emissions and energy consumption. It's more along the lines of what usually goes into motherboard R&D for handheld platforms (which the Wii chipset may have started out as imo) but these are actually "new" comissioned chips based on old designs. ATI actually mentioned the R&D costs for Wii's Hollywood and 360's Xenos were about even. Nintendo's obviously spent quite a bit on Wii R&D all things considered.... probably not more than PS3's huge investment (though the R&D burden of technologies like CELL and blu-ray are shared with other divisions and companies) but potentially more than went into 360.

I'd like to know which components are "exactly the same" as GameCube though... you talking about the GC controller/memory ports? :p
Instigator said:
It uses the same components. Tweaks some parts while others stay exactly the same.

Gamecube Turbo.
Super Gamecube.
Overclocked Gamecube.

Pick and choose whichever term you prefer. They apply in all cases.

Edit: I couldn't have said better than Hitler Stole My Potato. :)
This discussion is pretty off-topic but how do you know they used the exact same parts? Have you opened both your GC and Wii and took them apart for comparison? The Wii is a good deal smaller than the GC and has a slot-loading DVD-drive, a wireless chipset, a bluetooth chipset PLUS GC ports. How did they fit all of that in there when they used some parts which are exactly the same?

Agent X

Gold Member
Pureauthor said:
You are claiming that the Wii is a repackaged Gamecube. It is not. It uses the same architecture as the Gamecube, but it's not the same hardware.

It would have been possible to use the same architecture as the Gamecube and still ramp up power a lot more than the Wii would've, you know.

And the reason the Wii appears to have trouble surpassing the GCN in graphics is because it's so close to the GCN in power. Shocking, I know.

I think the point some people are making is that whether or not you consider the Wii to be "GameCube Turbo", the graphical output demonstrated by most Wii games so far isn't even up to the standards of the top-tier GameCube games from a couple of years ago.

When a company releases a new system 5 years after its predecessor, consumers have some level of expectation that the new system is going to noticeably outperform the old one. Even if Wii was merely a faster GC with a higher-capacity disc drive, I would expect that the B-class Wii games should look significantly better than run-of-the-mill GC games, or PS2 games with the same title. The similarities in architecture that are being trumpeted should mean that, if anything, it should be easier for programmers to squeeze impressive (defined in this thread as "noticeably better than A-class GC games") results out of Wii, since they allegedly have an intimate familiarity with the architecture dating back over 5 years. That's not happening, though, and that's deporable.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jarrod said:
The chips aren't simply clocked higher, but R&D went into lowering emissions and energy consumption. It's more along the lines of what usually goes into motherboard R&D for handheld platforms (which the Wii chipset may have started out as imo) but these are actually "new" comissioned chips based on old designs. ATI actually mentioned the R&D costs for Wii's Hollywood and 360's Xenos were about even. Nintendo's obviously spent quite a bit on Wii R&D all things considered.... probably not more than PS3's huge investment (though the R&D burden of technologies like CELL and blu-ray are shared with other divisions and companies) but potentially more than went into 360.

I'd like to know which components are "exactly the same" as GameCube though... you talking about the GC controller/memory ports? :p

I do know that some serious R&D also went with Wii: after-all the chips are faster in pure clock-rate and supposedly they have been enhanced somewhat too while also being ported to a newer manufacturing process and tuned for low power operation as you said.

It is true that Wii is much smaller than the Xbox 360 is, but I think that Xenon and Xenos got optimized as much as they could to make them fit a certain power consumption/heat production rating that would allow them to ship with a relatively compact casing.

Also, we could argue that although neither Xenon nor Xenos/C1 are designs started from scratch just for Xbox 360, that Hollywood's and Broadway's evolution from Flipper and Gekko was a smaller jump compared to R400->Xenos (I think we could say that it comes from that R&D path) and to 1 GHz core research that produced both PPX cores (VMX-128 is a bit of a large deviation from standard VMX than Gekko's 2-way 64 bits FPU is from standard IBM designs) and CELL's PPE.

I think that optimizing (increase the performance of a chip while reducing its power consumption/heat generation characteristics at the same time) a finished and mass-manufactured design can be done more efficiently than a design that never really went out from the labs and into mass-production.

Even considering the optimization for low power operation that affected the design for Wii's chips although I could say that Xenon and Xenos received the same attention and that they are just much more performance oriented (oriented for a different market) and it was not a lack of R&D devolved to optimize their power consumption that made the difference.

I think that if we play enough with the definition of "about the same" we might as well that potentially more R&D went in Wii than into 360, but I do not take that stance.
We also have to factor Software R&D into the mix when we talk about console development and it seem fair to say that Wii's OS is still nowhere near the complexity Xbox 360's Dashboard is (leave alone background downloading, music, LIVE interface running in parallel with game execution [pressing the Xbox button/Guide button]): if the big change from the DS's OS is that instead of having me manually turn off and back on the system to apply meaningful changes or to exit from an application (it would be a manual reset if the DS had a reset button) the Wii just automates this reset procedure (which it does, it basically reboots tons of times) then I do not feel to unjustly credit Nintendo when I say that we are not facing a much more complex and advanced OS than the one that sits on the DS.

One thing I do hope they fix in a future Firmware update is the WiiConnect24's Standby mode: it gets the console too hot for my taste. It is nice that it is quite (being fan-less), but I do not see the need to get it running this hot (I do not know how much CPU power is active all the time, some reports say that the CPU runs full-speed, but I do not have any authoritative source on this element).

Perhaps they can do something about further scaling down CPU's frequency (I assume that like PSP's CPU it can quickly variate its clock-frequency) when WiiConnect24 does leave the system idle and maybe, once in a while the fans could be turned on (say every few hours) and stay on for a little while just to cool the system down a bit.

Engineering-wise, I do not think that Wii bested the Xbox 360 (engineering of the Wii Remote aside): Xenon, Xenos and ANA are among the components that sucked quite a lot of man-hours to be designed, optimized, implemented and tested.


Oh, I'd agree, software wise 360's likely had the largest investment of the 3 new generation platforms I'd say even... but you also have to consider it's running off a subscription network gaming model and costs for initiatives like XNA are also partially covered by the PC platform.

Nintendo and SCEI are both offering free network gaming services and their software R&D commitments seems tied almost entirely to their dedicated game platforms.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jarrod said:
Oh, I'd agree, software wise 360's likely had the largest investment of the 3 new generation platforms I'd say even... but you also have to consider it's running off a subscription network gaming model and costs for initiatives like XNA are also partially covered by the PC platform.

Nintendo and SCEI are both offering free network gaming services and their software R&D commitments seems tied almost entirely to their dedicated game platforms.

I am willing to to give Nintendo the benefit of doubt as far as online is concerned because:

1.) I am giving it to SCE.

2.) They delivered the News, Weather, and Internet Channels and the Wii Store (hint: we need a Demo Channel ASAP ;)).

I still say that I do dislike the friends code mechanism and that at least I should have the option of managing my online profile from a PC like you can do thanks to MS's live.xbox.com website as copying and pasting several friend codes beats inputting them by hand with the Wii Remote ;).
I think Mr. Instigator, we could have well without your blame Nintendo rant. The console has been released, so bringing up the hardware age, really doesn't add much to this thread. Whats done is done.

What I keep finding myself pondering....is. Why is it that guys like Matt, seem to fail at asking the follow up questions.

Like, What would you say isn't possible on the shader side?

Do you think Nintendo have so far, done a poor job of providing with necessary documentation for implementing features such as normal mapping, even parallax mapping( if technically possible)?

Many tech-heads on B3D believe Hollywood still employs a fixed-function T&L. I think there's a chance there's two TEVS. One being, the TEV present on Flipper, the other providing shader capability of the complex ( just enough to match 360/PS3), but still exceeding what was previously possible on Flipper TEV.

Most launch titles were GC ports, you would have only saw those same fixed-function effects.


MAtt will not ask the questions, because he knows he will not get the answers due to tight NDAs

"Approx 3x GC" or "Xbox level" will be all you will get for a long time, IMO


From a new Heatseeker interview


RG: It’s known that the Wii version shows better modelled planes. ¿Which other graphical improvements have been included compared to the PS2 version?

AW: Because the Wii’s just got more power under the hood, we were able to improve the explosions, the missile trails, the clouds, we added better water effects –you can see the crest of the wave when you fly really low-… and then you get also a better resolution of the planes, and have been added self-shadowing. But not just that. We also then looked to the colour palette that we use: the Wii, coming from Nintendo, has got a really rich -lush, you know- colour spin. We wanted brilliant skies, that wonderful seas in the Caribbean. It’s a fairly saturated game, it’s more colourful, more appealing, just more striking to the eye.

See somebody is actually trying!

and this

RG: How is Nintendo’s support for the developers in this first stage of the console’s life?

AW: It’s good!. It’s really good. The activity of all the support guys has been really positive. The equipment has come through. Yeah, we’re just cracking on with it.

RG: So, we can say “better” than before.

AW: Better than… before “what”?

RG: The support…

AW: Yes, the support we get from Nintendo goes very friendly, very helpful and they really are gamers at heart.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
wazoo said:
I will not enter once again the debate of "Wii = repackaged GC", just pointing that beside the higher clcokspeed, what you cite are

- wifi : internet access addon.
- virtual console : software
- internal memory : similar to HDD storage
- wiimote : not part of the console architecture
- extra memory : was the N64+RAMpack a new console ? ( debatable considering if it benefits to games)

So you're saying that if I take a 5 year old PC, and double the RAM, add a couple PCI cards to it, that it's entirely new hardware? N64+RAMpack is a new console compared to N64? You're comparing flash to a HDD?

Edit: I'm not sure I interpreted the post correctly...


teh_pwn said:
So you're saying that if I take a 5 year old PC, and double the RAM, add a couple PCI cards to it, that it's entirely new hardware? N64+RAMpack is a new console compared to N64? You're comparing flash to a HDD?

Edit: I'm not sure I interpreted the post correctly...

Yes, I said the opposite ;)
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