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Julian Eggebrecht: Wii developers are sloppy







I don't see a problem.


The developers are too reliable on the hand motion gimmick... so far, Wii only has one impressive looking title... and that's a GC port!!


I hope they come back to do another Star Wars shooter. Not Old Trilogy though, since they've done everything they can do. But NT, or original content in Old Republic timeline. The Rogue Squadron series made some nice cheddar on Nintendo platforms, so it'd be a shame for it to end.
Answer to Julian...

Well when your whole marketing campaign revolves around saying, "graphics don't matter," it because kind of difficult to enforce developers to meet certain graphical standards without being extremely hypocritical.
The Rouge games were perfect concepts for visual design for a last gen console. You make a game with transform animated space craft made up of less than 1000 polys, set it on a low memory quick rendered height field (or in what amounts to a void), place a bunch of instanced geo trees and other objects around, run AI that is nearly completely stupid, and you are guaranteed a certain level of visual polish. I'd be surprised if such a game didn't run at an incredible frame rate.

The moment you add boned and skinned meshes with vertex weighting, animations and animation transitions, collision that is more than simple primitives or height map based you'll find that your overall visual quality begins to drop substantially. Even Resident which was a gorgeous looking game was limited to pretty small environments to make up for what they wanted to put on screen.

Everything is checks and balances. The more you want to do one thing the more something else will suffer.
Warm Machine said:
The Rouge games were perfect concepts for visual design for a last gen console. You make a game with transform animated space craft made up of less than 1000 polys, set it on a low memory quick rendered height field (or in what amounts to a void), place a bunch of instanced geo trees and other objects around, run AI that is nearly completely stupid, and you are guaranteed a certain level of visual polish. I'd be surprised if such a game didn't run at an incredible frame rate.

The moment you add boned and skinned meshes with vertex weighting, animations and animation transitions, collision that is more than simple primitives or height map based you'll find that your overall visual quality begins to drop substantially. Even Resident which was a gorgeous looking game was limited to pretty small environments to make up for what they wanted to put on screen.

Everything is checks and balances. The more you want to do one thing the more something else will suffer.

how true.

Also with RE4, they're only rendering like 3/4th of the screen, so wouldn't they have gained a significant amount of performance back in various areas to put back into making the graphics look better?

BlindN-Fan said:
can't wait till we get a Wii game that looks like this-


December 9, 1998


December 9, 1998


N64 and Wii comparisons are fun.

I guess it's confirmed then, the GameCube is 3x more powerful than the Wii :lol


Pud said:
Yeah, and that GC game is friggin beautiful. So what can a system with twice the power/fillrate and quadruple the ram do?

It is not a problem of power for the Wii (not saying that it has lots of power also) but a problem of ambition in term of technical achievement.

And twice the power is not that much of a gap. It is less than the typical delta between consoles of the same gen.
Pud said:
Yeah, and that GC game is friggin beautiful. So what can a system with twice the power/fillrate and quadruple the ram do?

The real question is when are we going to find out? Because we sure haven't seen it yet.


krypt0nian said:
The real question is when are we going to find out? Because we sure haven't seen it yet.

You're absolutely right. But that's not for me to answer, that's for developers to answer. Nintendo has already showcased a bit of the power with Mario, but I suspect it will still be a while till we see the system pushed hard (it took over a year for the 360 to be pushed hard, why can't we give devs a bit of time for the Wii?).

And twice the power is not that much of a gap. It is less than the typical delta between consoles of the same gen.

Sure, if you're looking strictly at clockrates. Y'know, if the GC had more ram (and more documentation on the TEV), that 485mhz machine would've handed the original 700mhz XBox its ass? Put it this way, as Julian himself has said, the Wii is an absolute beast for 480p. It's just going to take a developer to put a bit of effort. With that said, 1.5-2nd gen games like Sonic and SSX are already looking decent enough, and I'm sure Gearbox will impress us when they show off the Unreal Engine 3 (Wii version) for their war game. But this is all stuff that's in the pipeline to improve. There's nowhere to go from hear but up! That is, unless Hudson decides to produce a sequel to Wing Island :lol


wazoo said:
It is not a problem of power for the Wii (not saying that it has lots of power also) but a problem of ambition in term of technical achievement.

And twice the power is not that much of a gap. It is less than the typical delta between consoles of the same gen.
But all signs point to it not just being 2x powerfull than GC. Sure the clockrate is roughly doubled. But I hope everyone with just the slightest hint of hardware knowledge have found out how useless "Mhz" is a power metric.
The Hollywood has way more transistors than Flipper (judging from it's die size), and we really don't know much about Broadway.
The quadrupling of fast RAM also means a lot more than just shorter loadtimes.


A better question for Julian would be, "How did you make a game as good as Rogue Squadron in 9 months- and a launch title no less, and then with two full years manage to make a sequel that was inferior in every respect?"

Seriously, Rebel Strike was easily the most disappointing game of last gen for me. I loved Rogue Squadron, played it for months, and was so looking forward to the sequel. And not only were the on-foot and speeder missions of Rebel Strike almost unplayable, but even the space missions, which had been nearly perfected in Rogue Squadron, took a big step backward. The AI was worse- no more neat formations that would dissapate if you took out the leader. Now they would all come at you in a row. Shoot, press up and left a little, shoot, press up and left a little, shoot. etc. And the missions were just boring, with none of the intensity of Rogue Squadron's missions. Even the much-hyped co-op missions taked from Rogue Squadron didn't work especially well in multi-player.

I'll never understand why Rebel Strike sucked so much. It's almost like Factor 5 was a prize-fighter paid to take a dive. Maybe Cassamassas could've asked about that, but he'd rather focus on getting other's to spout out his own opinion by leading them with obviously pointed questions.

And while I'm moving into bashing IGN - why is it that Matt et al constantly bitch about games (Wii mostly) that aren't widescreen, yet when I view thier website on my lovely widescreen 20" Imac I get huge blue borders. Should they really hold developers to standards they themselves can't meet, especially considering how common widescreen monitors are getting.


wazoo said:
maybe, because you can not have a widescreen option tu turn on in your web browser

I've tried Safari, Firefox, and IE, all the same. If there's a way for me to fix it, I'd love to know.


Squeak said:
But all signs point to it not just being 2x powerfull than GC. Sure the clockrate is roughly doubled. But I hope everyone with just the slightest hint of hardware knowledge have found out how useless "Mhz" is a power metric.
The Hollywood has way more transistors than Flipper (judging from it's die size), and we really don't know much about Broadway.
The quadrupling of fast RAM also means a lot more than just shorter loadtimes.

All signs point to nothing without proof.

I'm not saying Wii is bad, I own one, just that on one side we have Iwata where all discussions and transcripts we have been shown tell that their priority was to reduce Watt consumption on the hardware, and then wishful thinking from fanboys.


dyls said:
Seriously, Rebel Strike was easily the most disappointing game of last gen for me. I loved Rogue Squadron, played it for months, and was so looking forward to the sequel. And not only were the on-foot and speeder missions of Rebel Strike almost unplayable, but even the space missions, which had been nearly perfected in Rogue Squadron, took a big step backward. The AI was worse- no more neat formations that would dissapate if you took out the leader. Now they would all come at you in a row. Shoot, press up and left a little, shoot, press up and left a little, shoot. etc. And the missions were just boring, with none of the intensity of Rogue Squadron's missions. Even the much-hyped co-op missions taked from Rogue Squadron didn't work especially well in multi-player.

I agree, except for what little co-operative I did play with my Brother we did have a blast. Still the point remains what a regression Rebel Strike was compared to Rogue Leader. The latter still remains a favourite of mine on the Gamecube and I played various missions many a time for fun or trying to attain one of those pesky gold medals.

I mean it's almost universal regonised the on-foot missions were poo, they really were but as you mentioned the Space missions also were hugely dissapointing. There was nothing that matched speeding and weaving down the trench in the Death-star (Outside maybe those two speed-bike segments), no multi-tasking and various mission objectives like Kothlis, no stealth segments like Imperial Academy Heist and nothing matched the intensity the first time you played Battle at Endor.

Still Eggebrecht makes a valid point.


wazoo said:
All signs point to nothing without proof.

I'm not saying Wii is bad, I own one, just that on one side we have Iwata where all discussions and transcripts we have been shown tell that their priority was to reduce Watt consumption on the hardware, and then wishful thinking from fanboys.

Wait, what? Everything that he said was fact. The Wii has roughly twice the clockspeed, quadrupled the RAM, and a beefier, speedier GPU. What proof do you want? Proof that you're constantly slagging the Wii? That's easy to find.

Fact is, what we've seen in the !!!!!**3 months**!!!!! since launch are mostly rushed products using Gamecube engines and PS2 ports. The majority of it was NOT built from the ground up for the system. Last I checked, the 360 didn't launch with Gears of War either. Y'know, not all developers are as technically competent as Factor 5 was.


formerly sane
wazoo said:
All signs point to nothing without proof.

I'm not saying Wii is bad, I own one, just that on one side we have Iwata where all discussions and transcripts we have been shown tell that their priority was to reduce Watt consumption on the hardware, and then wishful thinking from fanboys.

So glad the retards on the boards show up in Wii threads. You want proof eh? Ok but I hope you understand this comes with a side of crow.



The first image is of the hollywood do note how the 24MB 1t-sram is now on the gpu itself, for whatever reason nintendo has it there (bandwidth increase likely). Anyone looking at the picture should realise there are a few things the flipper and hollywood are NOT the same shape. Now typically the OC argument is that but this sort well refutes on a very basic level. As it stands if you shrunk it shape wouldn't change only the size of the gpu. So what we have here is the first step in showing up this fanboys argument for what is.

BTW I want to see which quotes of Iwata you're reffering to and the context that is said.

Here's something ati said about Hollywood

"Swinimer: Hollywood is a specific design and is in no way reflective of PC technology. Even when the Flipper chips came out, people were asking that question: "Is this a spin-off of something done on the PC?", and the answer is no. It is designed the same as the Flipper was -- from the ground up for a specific console . Totally different sort of architecture from what you might find on the PC. Certainly, there are some underlying values—you know, how you get graphics on the screen—that's there. It's not, for example, like we took a PC design and said 'oh, you know what? If we tweak this and test this, it will work in a console.' [That's] not the case"

Signs you say

As squeak said in his post the Hollywood has far more transistors than flipper at least 3x, another reason why Wii isn't a GC OC. For somone spouting the line Watt consumption I'd figured you realized the stupidity of your statement. Transistors add more power and heat to the system not take it away. Furthermore here's another little hint to show that argument is bunk. Wii takes up more power than GC how much more about 20W (50W total GC had about 30W). Please enlighten me to what you lead you down that line of thought, better yet don't.

Here's one tip if you based any of your assumptions off the maxconsole or ign specs of Wii DON"T! Matt was caught with pants down on Wii and every week it shows more and more now that the system is out. So he got some access to old specs, I know they old because they weren't even using broadway, which I will get too. Yet as the normal mapping situation with Konami has shown is vastly out of the loop. If anyone wants to see how cluesless he is I've had two direct posts in which he said to me that GC/Wii could neither do pixel shading effects or normal mapping despite developer evidence to the contrary. Trusting his judgement or peer's on Wii capabilities is quite pointless since Julian seems to strongly think otherwise and flat out gurantees Wii is capable of far more even backing up another thing that has been guessed about hollywood which is it's fillrate is quite good. Here's some more info on the broadway and it comes from me as the source as I've verified most of it from 3 different devs.


I think Smash Bros. Brawl is a good example of Wii >>> GC in terms of graphics.

Of course you can argue that Melee was launched back in 2001, and now Brawl will be 2007/2008 release, and that makes the difference. But to be honest, we simply don't know how good looking Smash Bros. game GC could have now. So we can only compare Brawl to Melee, and Brawl looks tons better than Melee.

It's just as fair (if not more) as you guys using examples of the best looking GC games compared to worst looking Wii games.


AltogetherAndrews said:
From the sound of things, there's also a new Turrican underway

^^^ The best thing in this thread.

(the techy bits are nice, too, but my B3D reading has got that covered allready. :p)


SuomiDude said:
I think Smash Bros. Brawl is a good example of Wii >>> GC in terms of graphics.

Of course you can argue that Melee was launched back in 2001, and now Brawl will be 2007/2008 release, and that makes the difference. But to be honest, we simply don't know how good looking Smash Bros. game GC could have now. So we can only compare Brawl to Melee, and Brawl looks tons better than Melee.

It's just as fair (if not more) as you guys using examples of the best looking GC games compared to worst looking Wii games.

The thing I hate though..is that the worst looking Wii games should look like GC games..


formerly sane
Eric_S said:
^^^ The best thing in this thread.

(the techy bits are nice, too, but my B3D reading has got that covered allready. :p)

Granted I know a few people from B3D come here, I use different name there, yet most here wouldn't bother sifting through WGPU topic or would want a civil honest level headed discussion about why Wii graphics look like crap.

SuomiDude good point but I doubt most people would even try to objectively compare games graphics like you're saying. Of course most here would like to forget that MP3, PBR, SMG, SSBB, RE:UC and sega efforts with sonic are better than their GC counter parts, but it's so much easier to pick apart far cry, gt cube, sc and wii sports in a apples to oranges way. Usually when these comparisons are done they use devs are not familiar or talented with the architecture and on top are using a rushed multiplatform engine.


Pud said:
Proof that you're constantly slagging the Wii? That's easy to find.

Grow up. I did not said that the Wii was not more powerful than the GC.

Fact is, what we've seen in the !!!!!**3 months**!!!!! since launch are mostly rushed products using Gamecube engines and PS2 ports. The majority of it was NOT built from the ground up for the system. Last I checked, the 360 didn't launch with Gears of War either. Y'know, not all developers are as technically competent as Factor 5 was.

Wii architecture is not multi core . There is no excuse for what we get on the Wii. Xbox 360 games of 2005 did not look like GOW, but they did not look like Xbox games also.

Of course you can argue that Melee was launched back in 2001, and now Brawl will be 2007/2008 release, and that makes the difference

Yes, considering we will not know what could have been Smash Bros with 5 years of GC knowledge behind it. It is like Zelda TP, it is good looking game, and maybe Wii advocates could tell us it is the proof of wii capabilities if the Gc version did not exsit.

BTW I want to see which quotes of Iwata you're reffering to and the context that is said.

THe discussion on Nintendo web site with the devs and the discusion on Wii design.

Yet as the normal mapping situation with Konami has shown is vastly out of the loop

There is bump mapping in Jak3, so the ps2 can do bump map without any effort ?


Hatorade said:
Granted I know a few people from B3D come here, I use different name there, yet most here wouldn't bother sifting through WGPU topic or would want a civil honest level headed discussion about why Wii graphics look like crap.

What is your name on B3D ??


formerly sane
wazoo said:
What is your name on B3D ??

Either way you're citing Iwata not me it's up to you back up your argument not me. If you want an excuse for Wii not being multicore it's called N64, GC, and full BC to GC lastly a pricy console. The first two 3d consoles nintendo made 3rd parties took little advantage of. On n64 boss game studios and factor 5 led that path. GC had rare (2nd party at time) sega, square, capcom, and factor5, although the majority of devs pushed a huge amount of crap with their shovelware. From what most know nintendo actually did aim high at first for Wii, but we know at one point this changed in all likelyhood because nintendo saw how MS and Sony were spending to make their machines. Nail in the coffin that had nintendo gimping Wii technically was they could not make the generational gap in terms of power to the next without BC issues as we've seen with PS3 and 360. The system you ended up with is a superset of GC in a nutshell.


Hatorade said:
If you want an excuse for Wii not being multicore it's called N64, GC, and full BC to GC lastly a pricy console.

Now, you are excusing Wii specs because of BC.

Anyway, this thread is getting derailled. The problem is absolutely not with Wii specs, even if the Wii was exactly the GC (which is not), the problem is that devs at the current time are not pushing the Wii at all, and the best looking Wii games are GC games in BC mode.

And the problems is that many "graphically" talented have left the boat for more challenging/rewarding architectures. If they come back, it will be because of either 1/ test ideas on the wiimote or 2/ do cheap games motivated by the (potentially) Wii userbase.


wazoo said:
Now, you are excusing Wii specs because of BC.

Anyway, this thread is getting derailled. The problem is absolutely not with Wii specs, even if the Wii was exactly the GC (which is not), the problem is that devs at the current time are not pushing the Wii at all, and the best looking Wii games are GC games in BC mode.

And the problems is that many "graphically" talented have left the boat for more challenging/rewarding architectures. If they come back, it will be because of either 1/ test ideas on the wiimote or 2/ do cheap games motivated by the (potentially) Wii userbase.

Totally agree.


wazoo said:
Now, you are excusing Wii specs because of BC.

While it's an excuse, it's a valid one. Microsoft's BC is ass. Sony's BC is much better, but still looks like ass. Why? Because the architectures aren't similar enough to their previous ones, especially in MS' case (where they have to use high-level emulation like so many homebrew emulators do). In order for the Wii to be 100% BC (as in, absolutely PERFECT) Nintendo had to choose a PPC in the 750 line. The Gamecube was a 750CXe (mid range), and the Wii is a 750GX customized (i.e. top of the line 750). With this, they can achieve absolutely perfect BC without having to induce the cost of either emulation (cost in CPU increase) or the cost of putting additional Gamecube hardware. Sure, they could've used a PPC 970-series (i.e. 1-2ghz PPC, closer to the gimped PPE's in the 360/PS3 in capability) and likely achieved great BC as well, but would it be perfect? Nobody will ever know, unless that's the next Wii's chipset :p

If you want to play on semantics, though - if the Wii "wins" this generation, as it's slowly looking to be, the devs will come, and in droves... and they WILL push the hardware. Why? Because money is the driving factor in this industry, NOT tech specs.


Pud said:
If you want to play on semantics, though - if the Wii "wins" this generation, as it's slowly looking to be, the devs will come, and in droves... and they WILL push the hardware. Why? Because money is the driving factor in this industry, NOT tech specs.

Why would they ??

"I will not tell you about Wii specs because graphics do not matter" said Iwata at E3 2005.

The funny thing is that people applauded at that time, because they thought he implied "because we will be on par with the others consoles".
Yeah Wii graphics are a joke for now, that will get better hopefully but the question is will devs figure out the wii mote control. 6Degree of freedom motion control coupled with physics and animation is a hard problem. Its a new problem. I mean Wii sports was awesome but it was very simple. All wii sports did for me was really wet my appetite for a Top Spin or Mario Tennis that felt spot on real with one to one mapping. I mean I could give a shit about any sword game that just registers a swing. That is a gay gimmick, and to me is either a sign of lazyness or giving up on the part of the developer. I know sombody is going to do it, put out a wii game that has the controls youve been dreaming about. And Im not talking about pointing. And they will be the factor five of the wii this gen, not because of graphics, but because someone will have figured out the controller. It can be done, it will be done, its just a matter of time.


formerly sane
Excuses is this your idea of a discussion I refute everyone of your points with ease and then you use this line. I'm still waiting for what you're refering to about Iwata but typical of you not to back up what you say and change the subject. BTW I doubt most think Ubisoft, Capcom, Konami, and Sega are somehow graphically talentless, then again from all your post your the expert.

Your first post was a snide comment about an obvious fact about Zelda TP. Second comment talks about a power gap that is inaccurate about the wii, way cherry pick the 2x part because all sign points to 2x-4x. Next dumb post you made was in reference to a user saying something about the architecture without proof, which I showed and you have no response for. On top of that in the same post you manage to bring the word fanboy despite from what I see no usage of it directed towards you. Again all of this you wrote in your posts in this topic.

Then you continue this pointless trite argument of yours spewing crap about no excuses for why Wii games are what they are and then pretty much bring out one the biggest hypocritcal argument I see coming from the 360 camp. Sure 360 had good looking launch titles like PG3 and Kaemo, but this same group seems to forget about wallguy and that asstastic mtv debut where the system it'sef was labeled xbox 1.5. BTW hitman, tomb raider and the rest of the crappy pcish level looking 360 launch titles say hello. Again for the record you argument cherry picks the best of what you're in support and the worst for something you disagree with.

Moving on your train of BS one post after another you start on about the retarded hypothetical what if SSBM had such and such bs crap. Doesn't matter anyway you or the rest of wanna be tech heads slice it here. A system with the capacity of a dvd, 3x more ram, and far more robust cpu and gpu is going to whoop the pants off it's predcessor. Same thoughts apply to zelda. Zelda TP as nintendo in the interview you won't quote said the game was GC in design when it came to graphics, yet you and what seem to be a staggering amount of dumb people seem to think nintendo bothered or had even tried to push Zelda TP for the Wii architecture despite them flat out saying they didn't. Low point which is pretty much where I'm ending is where you say this wasn't about specs yet you brung them up. Why bother with someone like you it's obvious you're looking for any reason to continue talking despite just about everything you bring up is bs, out of context, or inaccurate.


Avutta1978 said:
This is ****ing ridiculous. I mean check these vids out. How can a gamecube game from 2001 look better than all the shit that is on the Wii at the moment. he is right sloppy bastards


What the hell? I thought the Endor Battle was only available in Rebel Strike's multiplayer co-op mode!

How do you play it in single? Maybe I should've bought it when it was $20-$30
But I hate the Ackbar voice actor they have :(
Hatorade said:
BTW hitman, tomb raider and the rest of the crappy pcish level looking 360 launch titles say hello.
To be fair though, Tomb Raider 360 looks better (technically) than any Wii game by a good margin.

Anyway, this always boils down to an argument that is basically "wait and see, everyone will come around and the graphics will improve." I don't doubt that some devs will come through, the bigger problem is that the "average" Wii graphics that we'll see in most games are pretty shitty now and will seem even more shitter a year from now.


Just looked at some Rebel Strike vids at youtube.com and WHOOA. The gameplay probably sucks, but that game is still pure eye-candy.


Hatorade said:
Excuses is this your idea of a discussion I refute everyone of your points with ease and then you use this line. I'm still waiting for what you're refering to about Iwata but typical of you not to back up what you say and change the subject. BTW I doubt most think Ubisoft, Capcom, Konami, and Sega are somehow graphically talentless, then again from all your post your the expert.

I pointed to the Iwata discussion on Nintendo website. Those discussion made a pretty long discussion here in GAF. You do not know about them, that is your problem, not mine.

Hatorade said:
Your first post was a snide comment about an obvious fact about Zelda TP. Second comment talks about a power gap that is inaccurate about the wii, way cherry pick the 2x part because all sign points to 2x-4x.

2/3/4, who cares ? The gap between two generations is typically much more than that.

For the rest of your post, who cares. According to you, I should be in the "360" camp, something I never was and never will, since the only "next gen" console I own is the Wii.

You have to go to the MTV presentation of X360 6 months BEFORE X360 launch to see "bad graphics" for next gen, forgetting we are 4-6 months after the Wii launch on a much easier architecture and still nothing to prove your hope.

Nobody said that Nintendo was willing to push Zelda Wii, we know it had to be a carbon copy of Zelda GC. That is not the point; There is no proof that Nintendo is willing to push graphics in future games as well, and if they do, it will be with respect to the Wii architecture, which is - like it or not - a small gap with respect to GC, small in comparison of the traditional generational change.

As for SSBM, comparing the Gc version, a first gen GC game, with the next release, pointing that the obvious diffrences as a result of more power and dismissing any advancement the team could have done on GC in the same 5 years is stupid. In the same timeframe, like Polyphony went from GT3 to GT4.


Nice discussions here.

Just ignore the tripe. Let's talk about this idea of shrinking the Wii into a portable. Totally where I think Nintendo wants to go as well. Small, low power consuming, way powerful enough for a small screen, etc.

I'm always theorizing on the future of Nintendo hardware, I get made fun of for it, but I was very close to the design/features of what would become the "revolution" (the Wiimote). I've often though that Nintendo's goal someday is to create a hardware that could be a portable or a home console...basically so that one game could reach both markets. What publisher wouldn't go for that model?

In the imediate future though, what do you think about this talk of a 'WiiDVD'? I had previously thought that it'd be a new model, but it's not officially clear or confirmed by Nintendo whether it'd be a new hardware, an adaptor of some sort and/or just a Wii Channel we'll end up downloading later on? If it is a new hardware model (like NDS lite), what do you think about upscaling to 720p? I know that Wii can't natively output in 720p, nor would adding upscaling hardware really make too much of a difference, but it'd be good for the Wii's image as time goes on into the "HD era".

I also have tons of idea's about a 'WiiDS' and 'WiiHD' as well, hope to discuss these further...


DeaconKnowledge said:
wazoo, you continually ducking hatorades' retort makes you look like an ass.

Of course, if you say so.

Problem with its last post, it is so full of hate, crap talking and similar, I have a very hard time to se anything else than a Nintendo fanboy at work.

LEt me know, what I did not reply, I have a hard time reading his posts.
wazoo said:
Of course, if you say so.

Problem with its last post, it is so full of hate, crap talking and similar, I have a very hard time to se anything else than a Nintendo fanboy at work.

LEt me know, what I did not reply, I have a hard time reading his posts.

Um, why should I?

You're the one who initiated the argument, if you concede, then say so. If not, then retort. I'm not your babysitter.


wazoo said:
Of course, if you say so.

Problem with its last post, it is so full of hate, crap talking and similar, I have a very hard time to se anything else than a Nintendo fanboy at work.

LEt me know, what I did not reply, I have a hard time reading his posts.

What is it that you guys are even arguing? I mean, seriously...
BrodiemanTTR said:
Let's talk after Manhunt 2 comes out.

3rd party stuff wont change anything imho. It'd be nice to see nintendo itself do something decent and new (before anyone starts crying about Wii's original approach, remember that I am talking about actual 'games').


BlindN-Fan said:
Lucas Arts make GREAT looking games. Very Great looking games. I remember the N64 Star Wars games and they were amazingly good looking.


Anyways, um, does all this stuff Julian Eggebrecht said imply that F5 has been toying with the Wii?
dasein said:

Anyways, um, does all this stuff Julian Eggebrecht said imply that F5 has been toying with the Wii?

Not necessarily. Looks to me like Julian knows what the GameCube can do, knows that the Wii is at heart an extension of the architecture, and sees the disparity.
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