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Killer 7: The Official Thread

ToyMachine228 said:
Who is the 8th personality you unlock once you beat the game?
I played through Lion twice to get both endings, but I didn't start a new game to find out. Any help?
A young Harman Smith, he wields an old style Tommy gun

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I just finished this one last night. Heres my mini-review:

Graphics - Excellent. The game obviously isn't pushing a lot of polys but the style works very well. 9.0

Sound - A mixed bag. There is only one song that is really memorable and that is The Gatekeeper's song. The rest of the music is decent but completely forgettable. The sound effects on the other hand are quite good. Very unique. 7.0

Gameplay - My biggest issue. The gameplay that is here isn't necessarily bad....there just isn't much of it. The shooting is kinda ho-hum. I would have liked to see more variety in the weapons. 4 of the 7 personalities use hand guns. I would have like to have seen a shotgun or something else thrown in. Also, the game holds your hand the entire way through. The puzzles are so easy that it makes you wonder why they were even included in the first place. Scanning for the heaven smiles is a pain in the butt. 5.0

Presentation - Overall the presentation is quite good. The anime cut scenes were upexpected and well done. And the game is downright strange...but in a good way I think. 9.0

Fun Factor - The game sure is fun to look at. I just wish it was more fun to play. After seeing what Mikami was able to do in RE4 the gunplay in this one is a bit of a let down. 6.0

JC10001 said:
After seeing what Mikami was able to do in RE4 the gunplay in this one is a bit of a let down.

Shinji Mikami didn't actually work on the development of Killer 7. Development was handeled by Grasshopper Manufacture, and the game was Directed by Yoichi Suda (Suda 51). Shinji Mikami is credited as Executive Producer and with helping write the story. Hiroyuki Kobayashi is credited as the normal Producer.


Finished the game last night. That was a crazy ass ending but at the same time awesome.

I thought the execution of the story was excellent, the way everything is shown up front to you from the very start of the game even though you don't know shit about whats going on (such as all the characters Emir killed such as Travis, Yoon Hyun, Iwazaru, and how notes in the pigeon letters mention Emir's name. Not to mention I think there's a time early in the game that Travis actually calls Garcian Emir. There's a lot to piece together that comes together brilliantly at the end. I wish there was an option to rewatch just the cutscenes, because it's one of those stories that once you know the end you find out that you missed half the story the first time through.

So a lot of the characters I've figured out, such as the Killer 7 assassins, and then there's Susie the head, and the little ghost boy, but one person I can't seem to figure out is who is Travis? He plays a major role in divulging a lot of the political commentary and plot. According to the memo he was the first person killed by Killer 7 thirty years ago, but who is he exactly and what is his real name? Was he involved in the syndicate? The other person I can't seem to place is the Gatekeeper even though he is pretty interesting himself with his zombie-like appearance and hair. "Next,......please...

Music was great I thought. There's one tune when you're running around that gas station (it's used in other places too), I remember going "this music is creepy and weird as fuck." There's a lot from this game thats gonna stick with me for a long time.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Well, I just picked this up for GC.

My initial reaction was - what the hell?

I feel this game is a BIG "What the hell?!"

....... till you start playing it.

I only just started the 2nd chapter, but I can already tell you I'm really gonna dig it.

The aesthetics are screaming at me, I really find them unique and engaging.
I haven't seen this much detail in cell characters before; it isn't as light and airy as Wind Waker, obviously, but it has a great play with shadows, hard lines, and light on the killer7 themselves. Garcian is sick.
And the voice acting so far is pretty well done too, which is a make-or-break in a story-driven game like this so far.

Having that anime scene was a little odd, but I like the variety.

So I'm digging it.

It's a shame, it sold like - what, 20K tops so far in japan?
Any word on the total sales?

I hope they at least break even on this project, because it is totally worth creating something so artul and unique like this - they better not stop 'cause people are afraid to try something new.


I beat the game last week and holy cow, did I enjoy it. Simplified or not, that's one hell of a ride and I sincerely hope a sequel comes about. Keep things the same for all I care, just add more missions and a new plotline or background on the characters.

Ulmeyda's speech was priceless.

The game took no prisoners and I am sure if it was as mainstream as GTA:SA, it would be getting nearly just as much attention from the politicians as well.

I respect the balls-to-the-walls attitude this game took. It tossed political correctness out the window. It's visceral, violent and gory as hell, and is absolutely unapologetic regarding any and all of it's content.

I never knew what to expect of it, but in some ways, it was more rewarding than RE4 because of that fact. Easily one of my top 5 best games this year.

Just fantastic.
A lil' late to the party, but I just picked this up. Went to gamerush, traded in 2 games had 60 dollars in credit, so I picked this up and was able to pre-order TLoZ: TP for 30 bucks to boot.

So far I'm... unsure what to think. I just beat the first level and still have no clue as to what the fuck is going on or even what just happened. I am intrigued though, and I was getting used to the control scheme by the end.
Okay, after a little bit more playtime with it (just finished the Ulmeyda chapter,) I'm digging it. I'm captivated by the bits of the story I see, but I really hope this story coalesces near the end. I guess some parts are kinda independent of the overall story, but I'm still confused as to what was going on in some parts (the Japan stuff in the second chapter... uh... yeah I didn't quite follow what was going on.)

The music is really good to; some of it reminds me of old-school Megaman music. :)


So uh, I've played for about a half hour and so far this game is fucked up...and kind of sucky...just what the hell is going on? And why are there no subtitles during cut-scenes? Shitty ass voice samples...


ToyMachine228 said:
Are you serious? Killer 7 has some of the best voice acting that I've heard in recent memory.

There's those ghosts he may be talking about. :D
Then again, they have subtitles though...


ToyMachine228 said:
Are you serious? Killer 7 has some of the best voice acting that I've heard in recent memory.

The voice acting itself may be fine...but I can barely hear what the characters are saying. And no, I'm not talking about the ones speaking gibberish. :p
jett said:
The voice acting itself may be fine...but I can barely hear what the characters are saying. And no, I'm not talking about the ones speaking gibberish. :p

Then turn your volume up...I had no problem like this whatsoever.


Jett, I know what you mean... I had some trouble too. But ToyMachine is right, even though at low volumes the samples can seem mumbled, at louder volumes they're usually clear. This game should be played loud anyhoo since the soundtrack is fan fucking tastic.


works for Gamestop (lol)
capcom games always do this. hard to understand voices with no subtitles. the worst is Viewtiful Joe...i can't hear most of the dialogue during the cutscene before boss battles because the music is too damn loud.

every time a cutscene played in killer 7, i jacked the volume up, way up
Just finished it. What a game. Definitely unique, and the plot is really really good if a bit complex and... well some things do come together but some things haven't exactly coalesced for me.

- Can someone explain the young/real vs. old Harman thing to me? I get that the dude that you meet at the end is 'actually' Harman, i.e. the guy who used Garcian (Emir) to do all the shit that they wanted him to do like kill the members, and I figure that he's dead too. So what's the deal with the old guy then? I get that the one playing chess with Kun Lan is most likely a figment of Garcian's imagination in the fact that they represent the dichotomy of good and evil, but then again there actually IS an old dude Harman lying around; the one that doesn't move, the one that Samantha abuses the shit out of. Who's that? You see a picture of one of the principal's or something in the school and it's a picture of the old Harman; is that him, and Garcian just kept him around for shits?

- Does Kun Lan exist? I mean there do actually seem to be Smiles in the real world, and he's the one that controls them is he not? Or is Kun Lan a made up character, and Iwazaru is the one controlling the Smiles? Hmmm... now that I think about it, that might work.

- How did Samantha die? It seems like you just go into Harman's room one time, and then she's dead.

Ow.... my head hurts.
IAmtheFMan said:
Just finished it. What a game. Definitely unique, and the plot is really really good if a bit complex and... well some things do come together but some things haven't exactly coalesced for me.

Kun Lan is Iwazaru
We just got this game out here in Iraq. I'm shocked the no one in 8 pages of threads had a comparison to Snatcher. That's what I have been thinking of since I have been playing this game.

The game is different and I can see younger players (i.e. 20 and below) having trouble getting into this game. Compared to modern games of today it is limiting. I has no where near the mobility of games like DMC or the like but, if you think about it for this game do you need it?

I remember in Zelda TOOT people were complaining about not being able to jump but, it didn't take away from the gameplay once you got used to it.

I will say that the controls are wierd and took a while to get into once I did that I didn't have a problem.

The story is strange I'm at Part 3 now and just starting to fee it out and get comfortable with the game. It is sufficently bizzare enough to make it fun for the story.

At the same time I have been looking forward to this game since I first heard of it.

I did the boss battle where you had to beat the female assassian by shooting her more time with Con, it was a massacare 25 to 205


(more a nerd than a geek)

Tried playing for an hour yesterday -- the game certainly has the weird factor going for it. I mean, not every game features disembodied heads speaking out of dryers...

I'm trusting the folks that say this game picks up... at this point, I'm really confused as to the appeal. The puzzles are particularly odd.
DavidDayton said:

Tried playing for an hour yesterday -- the game certainly has the weird factor going for it. I mean, not every game features disembodied heads speaking out of dryers...

I'm trusting the folks that say this game picks up... at this point, I'm really confused as to the appeal. The puzzles are particularly odd.

It does, I mean the story at least, the game part doesn't do much more than it's already doing be sure to power up your personalties. You lose your blood from one level to the next of course I didn't find that out till I had 500+ ml of blood to use. But the game starts to make a "bit" more sense after the first level.
IAmtheFMan said:
Just finished it. What a game. Definitely unique, and the plot is really really good if a bit complex and... well some things do come together but some things haven't exactly coalesced for me.

- Can someone explain the young/real vs. old Harman thing to me? I get that the dude that you meet at the end is 'actually' Harman, i.e. the guy who used Garcian (Emir) to do all the shit that they wanted him to do like kill the members, and I figure that he's dead too. So what's the deal with the old guy then? I get that the one playing chess with Kun Lan is most likely a figment of Garcian's imagination in the fact that they represent the dichotomy of good and evil, but then again there actually IS an old dude Harman lying around; the one that doesn't move, the one that Samantha abuses the shit out of. Who's that? You see a picture of one of the principal's or something in the school and it's a picture of the old Harman; is that him, and Garcian just kept him around for shits?

- Does Kun Lan exist? I mean there do actually seem to be Smiles in the real world, and he's the one that controls them is he not? Or is Kun Lan a made up character, and Iwazaru is the one controlling the Smiles? Hmmm... now that I think about it, that might work.

- How did Samantha die? It seems like you just go into Harman's room one time, and then she's dead.

Ow.... my head hurts.
About Samantha:
She appears to have been raped and killed. By whom? I think maybe Garcian, as it signifies the start of his world beginning to unravel.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Ok, just beat it.

If I could summarize this game in only two words, I would have to say "wild ride."

Because really, thats what it is.
It's some seriously trippy shit.

I really, really enjoyed it though, but not knowing what was going on, and some loose ends at the end of the game, were pretty frustrating for a video game.

Is there anything worth playing the "next" mode for? Any more story details, tying of loose ends, or anything significanc with what you get by beating it?
John Harker said:
Is there anything worth playing the "next" mode for? Any more story details, tying of loose ends, or anything significanc with what you get by beating it?

What loose ends do you speak of? Maybe some of us hear can attempt to clarify things for you.

Anyway, everytime I see this thread I think of Hillary Clinton...And how I'm voting for Pirro in 2006 for NY Senator :lol

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
ToyMachine228 said:
What loose ends do you speak of? Maybe some of us hear can attempt to clarify things for you.

Anyway, everytime I see this thread I think of Hillary Clinton...And how I'm voting for Pirro in 2006 for NY Senator :lol

Great, thanks.

So, I beat the game. And I was totally weirded out by it at first, but the I just got totally hooked. The story had me caught like a fish in a net, I wanted to get out - but I was just trapped. However, since I've been working, I only was able to play it in spurts, so I feel I may have missed some things, if anyone cares to discuss the story in-depth with me.

First of my questions is, who the hell is Stewart?
Anyone of importance? I mean, I know he appears after Harman Smith persumably rapes and kills Samantha, but who is he? For a game that goes out of its way to drop subtle hints about EVERYONE, he wasn't mentioned once, if I recall. Any ideas?

Next, who were Susie and the blind boy? I know they were victims of Emir, but who were they really? I may have missed it, but I didnt get it. What were their connections to the story/characters, and why were they remenant phsyces? Are they connected to Travis? One thing I do recall, is that Susie once said something that she was involved sexually with this man, her lover of some sort, and she referred to him as "Daddy Longlegs" - and then right in the next scene, Travis is wearing a shirt that says "Spider." Is that some kind of connection?

Who was the female assassin that killed Mills? I already forgot her name, but who was she? Just to advance the plot? She never came back, and that confused me.

Alright, so I understand there were three different "Harmans" (The god one, the Master one, and the evil mastermind Principal Harman Smith, but I don't understand who the original Killer7 were working for, when they were alive. Who this this team together, before Emir killed them. And did Emir killed them under the command of Harman Smith, the evil one, or the god Harman that plays chess with Kun Lau?

And what is the difference between the Harman Assasins and the Smith Syndicate? They were mentioned as two different entities - was the Harman Assasins what Killer7 was when they were alive, and the Smith Syndicate just Emir, after he abosrbed all their pysches after killing them?

Who the hell was the Gatekeeper, anyone know?

Also, I know Clemence was immunte to the Heaven's Smile because he drank Ulmeyda's blood, but how did Emir get his car at the end? They didn't menion that at all, did they?

Ok, thats enough for now - if anyone cares to discuss :)
John Harker said:
Anyone of importance? I mean, I know he appears after Harman Smith persumably rapes and kills Samantha, but who is he?[/spoiler]

Most people don't think Harman was the one who
killed Samantha. Somebody else mentioned that it was most likely Garcian/Emir himself

Next, who were Susie and the blind boy? I know they were victims of Emir, but who were they really? I may have missed it, but I didnt get it. What were their connections to the story/characters, and why were they remenant phsyces? Are they connected to Travis? One thing I do recall, is that Susie once said something that she was involved sexually with this man, her lover of some sort, and she referred to him as "Daddy Longlegs" - and then right in the next scene, Travis is wearing a shirt that says "Spider." Is that some kind of connection?

You're looking too deep. All of the characters aren't necessarily connected. Susie is just there to get you the rings, and that's it. Her character isn't vital to the story at all.

And what is the difference between the Harman Assasins and the Smith Syndicate? They were mentioned as two different entities - was the Harman Assasins what Killer7 was when they were alive, and the Smith Syndicate just Emir, after he abosrbed all their pysches after killing them?

I don't think there is any difference. Again, you're just over analyzing a bit I believe.
According to GameFront.de, Grasshopper is recruiting for a new project. I saw the picture on the website, and there's a pic of Earth, Roses behind it, and it says "Hand In Glove". Whatever that means.
I am now in the ranks of just finished the game. I knew it was going to twist at the end but, I didn't expect that.

I am someone who really enjoyed the game but, I've been looking forward to it for a long time and I knew it was going to be "different" I can see the haters' points but I see the game like this it's more about the ride.

To me it had some of the best boss battles that I have ever played I liked the slower pacing of the battle it was different. Although I found the shootout in one of the levels to be a waste I would have rather seen a cutscene of it.

There are still several things I'm confused about and while I like the game the two major plot
organ harvesting and control of the US
points don't add up. I need to take another look at the game.

When Garcian kills that bellhop at the hotel is that Kevin

Agent Icebeezy said:
Who do you use the most? I use Coyote because of the way he holds his gun, and his reload speed is otherworldly

I switch betweeen Dan and Con once Dan gets head shot that helps to get a bit of extra blood. And Con's ammo capactiy, manicial reload speed, and critical hit is what keeps me using him.


The questions keep popping into my head

The game leads us to believe that Curtis blackburn killed Dan Smith at one point in time and that Curtis and Harmon had a relationship at one time (mentor/student?) yet we see that Garcian killed Dan so how is there any explaination of how Dan and Curtis have a relationship?

Or am I thinking too hard?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.

You can never think too hard in this game, there are so many layers! I loved it.

Curtis does kill Dan, the first time. Garcian/Kun Lau use his "hand of god" to bring him back to life. Basically, Dan makes this "pact with the devil" to serve with Garcian and the Smith Syndicate if Kun Lau brings him back to get revenge on Curtis. So Curtis kills him once, thats why he's part of the Smiths. Then, Garcian kills him the second time. Though I'm a little unclear why, I think evil Harman had him do it. And, yea, I was confused at first who the bellhop was, but it is Kevin. Which I don't understand why he talks so much, but then once he dies, he's RIPPED and silent. Hmmm. Fucking awsome game though. The body harvesting was just a small part of it, it was just really the Curtis chapater. The US government was making "special" Smiles, all those minibosses you fought before a big boss, that the blind kid tells you about? Those are Smiles made of human organs, which were harvested by Jose and Curtis. One does girls, one does boys. Jose betrayed Curis and stops selling the girls? I think it is, so thats why Curis kills him. Something along those lines. So you hunt down Curis to stop the trade of organs so they stop manufacturing unique Smiles. Both the US and Japan are pretty evil in the game, and you get the choice who to save at the end. Though it is Kun and the Japenese who oringally created the Smiles to terrorize the US, the US attempt to utilize the power, and fail. Thats why the inject Ulemdya with Smile serum, to test it, because he is suppuse to be "immune" to all disease, but it ends up killing everyone, so they abondned that project, and try the body harvesting I just mentioned. That failed too.

Woa that was alot, lemme know if that was clarifying or more confusing, ha
John Harker said:
You can never think too hard in this game, there are so many layers! I loved it.

As did I. This is going to get messy.

Curtis does kill Dan, the first time.

When did this happen?

Then, Garcian kills him the second time. Though I'm a little unclear why, I think evil Harman had him do it.

I agree, I'm not sure why either? We aren't given enough background on Killer 6 to know why but, I assume that Garcian killed every ghost in the game. Could it have been part of the training? We know that Harmon was a teacher there but, what we don't know is what they did to Garcian while he was there. My next question is, are the Killer 6 physial manefestations brought about from Garcian's mind or is it simply how he sees himself?

But, I'm sure that And, yea, I was confused at first who the bellhop was, but it is Kevin. Which I don't understand why he talks so much, but then once he dies, he's RIPPED and silent. Hmmm.

Agreed? I can't think that they just forgot or got to lazy to add script for him it doesn't make any sense but, his death scene was fucked up becasue I totally wasn't expecting it

Fucking awsome game though.

Here we agree.

The body harvesting was just a small part of it, it was just really the Curtis chapater. The US government was making "special" Smiles, all those minibosses you fought before a big boss, that the blind kid tells you about? Those are Smiles made of human organs, which were harvested by Jose and Curtis.

I didn't know that part, I had no clue who was responsible for the Smiles, I thought it was the Japanese

One does girls, one does boys. Jose betrayed Curis and stops selling the girls? I think it is, so thats why Curis kills him. Something along those lines. So you hunt down Curis to stop the trade of organs so they stop manufacturing unique Smiles. Both the US and Japan are pretty evil in the game, and you get the choice who to save at the end. Though it is Kun and the Japenese who oringally created the Smiles to terrorize the US, the US attempt to utilize the power, and fail. Thats why the inject Ulemdya with Smile serum, to test it, because he is suppuse to be "immune" to all disease, but it ends up killing everyone, so they abondned that project,

This part I knew.

and try the body harvesting I just mentioned. That failed too.

I was kinda listening at this part I guess I should have listened harder.

Woa that was alot, lemme know if that was clarifying or more confusing, ha

We will go back and forth with it. I've been dying to talk about this game.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
As did I. This is going to get messy.

I'm glad I can finally discuss it with someone!

Curtis does kill Dan, the first time.

When did this happen?

I agree, I'm not sure why either? We aren't given enough background on Killer 6 to know why but, I assume that Garcian killed every ghost in the game. Could it have been part of the training? We know that Harmon was a teacher there but, what we don't know is what they did to Garcian while he was there. My next question is, are the Killer 6 physial manefestations brought about from Garcian's mind or is it simply how he sees himself?


Agreed? I can't think that they just forgot or got to lazy to add script for him it doesn't make any sense but, his death scene was fucked up becasue I totally wasn't expecting it


Here we agree.


I didn't know that part, I had no clue who was responsible for the Smiles, I thought it was the Japanese


This part I knew.


I was kinda listening at this part I guess I should have listened harder.


We will go back and forth with it. I've been dying to talk about this game.

Great! I'm glad to delve-in deep!

Curtis is the one who trained Dan, since he was a beginner. He was basically Curtis's pupil. But he doesn't work for Curtis, Dan worked for the government. It all always ends up relating somehow to the government. I don't exactly recall why Curtis kills him, but it was a few years before this game takes place, as is my understanding by what Iwazaru said at some point in the game. Than Kun Lau brings him back with his god hand, and Emir kills him again and makes him part of the Harman Assasins. What I'm trying to figure out is, they refer to two different organizations. The "Smith Syndicate" differs from the "Harman Assasins," but I'm not entirely sure of the distinction. I think the Smith Syndicate was maybe who they were when they were alive, i.e. assassins for the goverment, and the Harman Assasins who they became after President Harman had Emir kill them all, and Emir absorbe their remenant pysches? I'm nto entirely sure.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.

Harman, the young one, was actually a principal of the school the end of the game takes place in. I believe either was or was trying to be President too. At some point they talk about the number of criminals and delinquents that attend the school, and Emir was one of them. The worst. So they train them to be terrorist for the Japenese, while they higher-ups influence the governmental elections. Emir was their prize assassin, and for reasons I'm not sure yet, they had him eleminte the Smith Syndicate. He then killed Principal Harman, and stuffed him inside that locker at the end of the school zone, when Garcian finally begins to realize all he has done. Thats why his forehead starts bleeding - his third eye is begninning to open, and he realizes he's some evil demon. I think he was doing that all under the command of the god Harman, the one playing chess with Kun Lau. They are two beings overlooking the world, and controlling the characters of the game like the pieces in chess, and Garcian was under Harman's control, while Emir was under Kun Laus. At least, thats what I got out of it.

Moving on,

Yea, the Kun Lau and his "gods hand" was what created the original Smiles, and they used it to terrorize America. But the Americans attempted to harvest and make their own Smiles, once with creating the serum they used on Uleymda which was a disaster, and once by havresting orphens organs, which Curtis and Jose provided, but once they both were killed, they stopped that too. The Killer7 were hired out by the US goverment to eradicate the Smiles that were terrorizing the country. The asian guy who was head of the Japenese UN Party eventually teams up with the newly awakened Emir to eradiacte the remaing Smiles becasue eventually, the Smiles started turning on the Japenese as well, once evil Harman tommy-guns Kun Lau and good Harman while playing Chess, because Kun Lau was not around to control them anymore (hence, at the VERY end, 100 years later, god Harman says to god Kun Lau "So your awake from your long nightmare" or something like that, because the two of them are immortal and come back to start the cycle again) So finally, Emir finds the final Smile, which is Iwarzu/the remanant psyche of Kun Lau, kills it, and you either decide to destroy the US or Japan, because they still hate eachother



Lost all credibility.
I'm kinda sad i can't play this game with my girlfriend, a few minutes into the first stage and she was getting teary eyed and wanted to leave, i think it was the creepiness of travis that got to her.
ToyMachine228 said:
According to GameFront.de, Grasshopper is recruiting for a new project. I saw the picture on the website, and there's a pic of Earth, Roses behind it, and it says "Hand In Glove". Whatever that means.

'Hand in Glove' is another song by The Smiths. :)
John Harker said:

Harman, the young one, was actually a principal of the school the end of the game takes place in. I believe either was or was trying to be President too. At some point they talk about the number of criminals and delinquents that attend the school, and Emir was one of them. The worst. So they train them to be terrorist for the Japenese, while they higher-ups influence the governmental elections. Emir was their prize assassin, and for reasons I'm not sure yet, they had him eleminte the Smith Syndicate. He then killed Principal Harman, and stuffed him inside that locker at the end of the school zone, when Garcian finally begins to realize all he has done. Thats why his forehead starts bleeding - his third eye is begninning to open, and he realizes he's some evil demon. I think he was doing that all under the command of the god Harman, the one playing chess with Kun Lau. They are two beings overlooking the world, and controlling the characters of the game like the pieces in chess, and Garcian was under Harman's control, while Emir was under Kun Laus. At least, thats what I got out of it.

Yeah, I can agree with that.

Yea, the Kun Lau and his "gods hand" was what created the original Smiles, and they used it to terrorize America. But the Americans attempted to harvest and make their own Smiles, once with creating the serum they used on Uleymda which was a disaster, and once by havresting orphens organs, which Curtis and Jose provided, but once they both were killed, they stopped that too. The Killer7 were hired out by the US goverment to eradicate the Smiles that were terrorizing the country. The asian guy who was head of the Japenese UN Party eventually teams up with the newly awakened Emir to eradiacte the remaing Smiles becasue eventually, the Smiles started turning on the Japenese as well, once evil Harman tommy-guns Kun Lau and good Harman while playing Chess, because Kun Lau was not around to control them anymore (hence, at the VERY end, 100 years later, god Harman says to god Kun Lau "So your awake from your long nightmare" or something like that, because the two of them are immortal and come back to start the cycle again) So finally, Emir finds the final Smile, which is Iwarzu/the remanant psyche of Kun Lau, kills it, and you either decide to destroy the US or Japan, because they still hate eachother

Yeah, once I think about it it make total sense. However I didn't make the
Iwarzu/Kun Lau
connection. With that said the who is
Iwarzu's ex-wife

As far as a sequal I'd rather not see one, simply becasue of the way the game ends, sorta like the matrix it didn't really need parts 2 and 3.

But, you still you didn't anwser my last question.

Are the Killer 6 physical manifestations that Emir can create or is it all in his mind and how he sees himself? I'm of the belief that they are all in his mind. And the camera (read:third eye) triggers that manifestation of those personalities.
JC10001 said:
I just finished this one last night. Heres my mini-review:

Graphics - Excellent. The game obviously isn't pushing a lot of polys but the style works very well. 9.0

Here we agree, the graphic here are astounding, I enjoy the style.

JC10001 said:
Sound - A mixed bag. There is only one song that is really memorable and that is The Gatekeeper's song. The rest of the music is decent but completely forgettable. The sound effects on the other hand are quite good. Very unique. 7.0

All of the music to me is forgettable, however I'm one who can't stand most videogame music, I for one am annoyed by the Gatekeeper's song, but the music does set the mood very well so I'll agree with your rating here.

JC10001 said:
Gameplay - My biggest issue. The gameplay that is here isn't necessarily bad....there just isn't much of it. The shooting is kinda ho-hum. I would have liked to see more variety in the weapons. 4 of the 7 personalities use hand guns. I would have like to have seen a shotgun or something else thrown in. Also, the game holds your hand the entire way through. The puzzles are so easy that it makes you wonder why they were even included in the first place. Scanning for the heaven smiles is a pain in the butt. 5.0

I think you are 100% right here but, I also disagree with you. The scanning for the smiles isn't all that hard all you have to do is scan once and they are always there. I didn't find it annoying. I will agree that the puzzles are non puzzles in the fact that they are so easy but, I think this is by design. I think the makers wanted you to spend more time thinking about the story and less time thinking about the code to open the door, the game in itself is quite simple and there isn't much in the way of challenge in it. But, I don't think it was intended to be a challenging game it was intended to be a bizzare ride.

JC10001 said:
Presentation - Overall the presentation is quite good. The anime cut scenes were upexpected and well done. And the game is downright strange...but in a good way I think. 9.0


JC10001 said:
Fun Factor - The game sure is fun to look at. I just wish it was more fun to play. After seeing what Mikami was able to do in RE4 the gunplay in this one is a bit of a let down. 6.0


I think it is fun to look at and fun to play because of the ride it takes you on. That being said i'd give it an overall score of 8*. The * is there becasue to even be willing to give it the 8 you have to be willing to get into the game. If you can't get into the game (e.g. - pull a .hacked) then the score would be 0.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
But, you still you didn't anwser my last question.

Are the Killer 6 physical manifestations that Emir can create or is it all in his mind and how he sees himself? I'm of the belief that they are all in his mind. And the camera (read:third eye) triggers that manifestation of those personalities.

That is one of the few things I just have NO idea about it,

I can't figure out at all who Iwazaru's wife is. I don't understand that at all, and her connection with Kaede. I kind of getting the feeling that she is possibly the mother that Emir 'stabs and stabs and stabs' in the story that the god Kun Lau tells to god Harman in the chess game. Which would kind of explain how Emir is able to see and interact with her. Because I kind of getting the feeling Emir is somehow related to Kun Lau, hence he has that third eye and those demon-like powers, and the green-glowing eyes at the end, and how he is able to absorbe remenant psycyes and the Killer7, etc. Thats probabyl where he got his powers from, nad maybe Iwazaru/Kun Lau's wife is his mother?

As to your last question,

I think they are all in his mind, too. That makes the most sense to me - how he carries all their weapons and how none of the killer7 ever actually interact with one another, or other people, and why Garcian only talks to Mills and gets all the jobs, etc - however, how is Dan able to talk to that crazy asian girl, the comic book artist, and Curtis?
And they address him as "Dan," where usually people like Travis, only call you "Cheif" or "Smith" and never a specific name. How come people can see/talk to Dan? That doesn't make sense to me at all!
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