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KILLZONE 2 - input lag now? if you want a reskinned COD4, go play WaW

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My excitement is tingling a bit after watching some of the videos, just wanted to ask you this in mp if you shoot a building in the same points will it destruct in the same way or in different ways? Also is there any gameplay benefit for destroying or shooting at buildings?


My Arms Your Hearse said:
Actually, now that I think about it, it might just be a misconception on my part.

I had assumed the aiming in KZ2 worked like a Shadowrun/COD4/BF:BC where bullets hit in a spread pattern (that is highly inaccurate non-zoomed). Not like a Halo or Unreal where every bullet is precisely accurate to the target reticule (zoomed or not).

Which seems oddly out of place considering how the rest of the game works.

It's actually very uniform, as long as your crosshair is on someone, your burst will hit, from the hip you get more recoil than in zoom so your crosshair will move up and thus your shots will miss. When you aim at someone from the hip and your crosshair is on top of an enemy, you'll get a red x over your target (a kind of aim assist), in zoom you don't get that but you're basically aiming a dot which is highly accurate. Think HALO3 battle rifle with a bit more recoil but better feel.


Kittonwy said:
The helghast AI meleed the guy in two of those videos, they get really aggressive if the player gets too close, which is pretty cool.

Totally awesome stuff. I don't know why people knock AI in what they've seen when so many enemies in Gears just stand there or rush at you with no thoughts of taking cover. There really is a double standard there.
skulpt said:
Totally awesome stuff. I don't know why people knock AI in what they've seen when so many enemies in Gears just stand there or rush at you with no thoughts of taking cover. There really is a double standard there.

I think A.I was just what people were trying to downplay after graphics were proven to be awesome and before people had hands on time. Now that we are getting hands on impressions you can expect controls to be the new talking point.

Once we get more of the SP reveal and gameplay shows that the controls work within the world the focus may switch back to things like A.I. However, I am sure that the A.I will be good and from the few developer videos and gameplay videos I have seen, I am sure it will be better than many current games in a similar genre.

Controls however are something that can be bashed or praised and no one can really refute either stance without personal hands on time.
My Arms Your Hearse said:
How unfortunate. Maybe this will work better in action than it sounds... but it sounds fucking awful.

It sounds like everyone is running around with a MP5 w/ steady aim. The height of skill!

Wow dude, you need to play the game. They pretty much nailed the accuracy they way it should be from the hip. The game plays so great, unless you play it, you wouldn't understand.


Melfice7 said:
About that, is there other way to heal yourself without having to throw the health pack? if there is im a noob :3
I just chuck a health pack at a wall really quick.

I've combined my health pack with my assault class a few times and good god. With all the extra hit points those guys get people run out of ammo shooting at you and then you can heal yourself real quick still and survive just about everything. ...Unless someone with a fucking rocket launcher nails you or someone headshots you.

And I fucking HATE saboteurs. Their name never flickers at the right point when I look at them so they end up killing me almost every time. And when I try to be saboteur it seems the experts always find me first. Grrr.

Such an awesome game though. I am a PC FPS player so I have problems with console controllers and FPSes on them. When I tried the Resistance demo I had the hardest time trying to do things in that game that I just stopped trying out of frustration. Killzone 2 is the first real FPS on a console that I've played for any length of time. The controls are absolutely fantastic and after a few rounds you start to pick up on them. I think what always threw me off on console FPSes was the horrible and fake "feeling" behind the controls while Killzone 2's controls have weight and realism behind them so it makes it far more easier to pick up.

Seeing those Call of Duty 4 videos where there's absolutely ZERO recoil or kickback on their guns makes me laugh. How in the world can people like that crap?

I still wish Guerilla Games would add in keyboard/mouse support. Why is this not done more on the PS3 :(((( I want to use keyboard/mouse in FPSes dammit!
Schrade said:
I just chuck a health pack at a wall really quick.

I've combined my health pack with my assault class a few times and good god. With all the extra hit points those guys get people run out of ammo shooting at you and then you can heal yourself real quick still and survive just about everything. ...Unless someone with a fucking rocket launcher nails you or someone headshots you.

And I fucking HATE saboteurs. Their name never flickers at the right point when I look at them so they end up killing me almost every time. And when I try to be saboteur it seems the experts always find me first. Grrr.

Such an awesome game though. I am a PC FPS player so I have problems with console controllers and FPSes on them. When I tried the Resistance demo I had the hardest time trying to do things in that game that I just stopped trying out of frustration. Killzone 2 is the first real FPS on a console that I've played for any length of time. The controls are absolutely fantastic and after a few rounds you start to pick up on them. I think what always threw me off on console FPSes was the horrible and fake "feeling" behind the controls while Killzone 2's controls have weight and realism behind them so it makes it far more easier to pick up.

Seeing those Call of Duty 4 videos where there's absolutely ZERO recoil or kickback on their guns makes me laugh. How in the world can people like that crap?

I still wish Guerilla Games would add in keyboard/mouse support. Why is this not done more on the PS3 :(((( I want to use keyboard/mouse in FPSes dammit!

I don't see Mouse and Keyboard support happening in first party Sony. For them SIXAXIS use is basically mandatory and it is implemented in KZ2, dunno how they would do that without the controller itself.
borsdy said:
Oh gawd, what sixaxis gimmick did they implement into the gameplay?

The Sixaxis usage is really well done. When you're using the sniper rifle the steadiness of your aim goes by how much the Sixaxis is moving. So if you keep it steady then you'll have a steady shot.
borsdy said:
Oh gawd, what sixaxis gimmick did they implement into the gameplay?

So far all I have seen is turning handles in single player.They seem to keep it minimal and not in pressured situations.

EDIT: oh the sniper thing sounds interesting
Schrade said:
I just chuck a health pack at a wall really quick.

I've combined my health pack with my assault class a few times and good god. With all the extra hit points those guys get people run out of ammo shooting at you and then you can heal yourself real quick still and survive just about everything. ...Unless someone with a fucking rocket launcher nails you or someone headshots you.

And I fucking HATE saboteurs. Their name never flickers at the right point when I look at them so they end up killing me almost every time. And when I try to be saboteur it seems the experts always find me first. Grrr.

Such an awesome game though. I am a PC FPS player so I have problems with console controllers and FPSes on them. When I tried the Resistance demo I had the hardest time trying to do things in that game that I just stopped trying out of frustration. Killzone 2 is the first real FPS on a console that I've played for any length of time. The controls are absolutely fantastic and after a few rounds you start to pick up on them. I think what always threw me off on console FPSes was the horrible and fake "feeling" behind the controls while Killzone 2's controls have weight and realism behind them so it makes it far more easier to pick up.

Seeing those Call of Duty 4 videos where there's absolutely ZERO recoil or kickback on their guns makes me laugh. How in the world can people like that crap?

I still wish Guerilla Games would add in keyboard/mouse support. Why is this not done more on the PS3 :(((( I want to use keyboard/mouse in FPSes dammit!

You don't understand how people like no/low recoil on their guns?

Because it's easy to get kills.

Though many guns in COD4 /do/ actually have significant recoil (hello M14)... which is the reason you never see them in videos... people would rather just use their M16.


Only thing that needs fixing is the lag. This is no Resistance, that's for sure. Maybe GG should mooch off their netcode. :p
borsdy said:
Oh gawd, what sixaxis gimmick did they implement into the gameplay?

Not every motion control is PS games are gimmicks though. Quite a few games have done things with it right. Those games never use it as a basis for controls though. When it's done well, it's always done as a secondary feature.

RFOM and R2 use it well. Uncharted used it well. R&C did. Folklore did as well.

I'm curious to see how it affects the sniper rifle. My only gripe with the motion control is that its not very accurate. Which is why it works well for thigns like shaking fire off of one's self. However, a sniper rifle needs that accuracy which is why I'm curious to see how it works. I haven't heard anyone complain yet though.


Will Eat Your Children
SolidSnakex said:
The Sixaxis usage is really well done. When you're using the sniper rifle the steadiness of your aim goes by how much the Sixaxis is moving. So if you keep it steady then you'll have a steady shot.
Ooh, simple yet innovative. Awesome


MvmntInGrn said:
How bad is lag out of curiosity? Like "wtf" or just rare annoyance?
I only had one game where I noticed lag, there is a slight delay between the time you get shot and the time you die, but its a small problem and its still a beta


MvmntInGrn said:
How bad is lag out of curiosity? Like "wtf" or just rare annoyance?
On a bad connection, there can be considerable lag and framerate issues. I'm hoping this is a beta thing. Most of the 32 player games I've been in have been pretty laggy/framey and not worth playing. The 16 player games are ideal imo.
Guled said:
I only had one game where I noticed lag, there is a slight delay between the time you get shot and the time you die, but its a small problem and its still a beta

alright that seems tolerable and it is a beta, thanks :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
MvmntInGrn said:
So far all I have seen is turning handles in single player.They seem to keep it minimal and not in pressured situations.

EDIT: oh the sniper thing sounds interesting

Handles is one. Sniper is another one. There is a third one you'll discover on Dec 4th. Can't go into specifics, but it's a procedure I wish it was kept in the multiplayer instead of opting for the holding down Circle thing... Nothing major, but it's cool.


My Arms Your Hearse said:
Actually, now that I think about it, it might just be a misconception on my part.

I had assumed the aiming in KZ2 worked like a Shadowrun/COD4/BF:BC where bullets hit in a spread pattern (that is highly inaccurate non-zoomed). Not like a Halo or Unreal where every bullet is precisely accurate to the target reticule (zoomed or not).

Which seems oddly out of place considering how the rest of the game works.

its like CS, thus making it feel better than everything you listed :D


I'd be in the dick
If you reply to robinyang on Twitter in the next 40 minutes with a Killzone related joke you have a chance at a beta code. My entry:

How can you tell that the Helghast are angry?



Schrade said:
I just chuck a health pack at a wall really quick.

I've combined my health pack with my assault class a few times and good god. With all the extra hit points those guys get people run out of ammo shooting at you and then you can heal yourself real quick still and survive just about everything. ...Unless someone with a fucking rocket launcher nails you or someone headshots you.

And I fucking HATE saboteurs. Their name never flickers at the right point when I look at them so they end up killing me almost every time. And when I try to be saboteur it seems the experts always find me first. Grrr.

Such an awesome game though. I am a PC FPS player so I have problems with console controllers and FPSes on them. When I tried the Resistance demo I had the hardest time trying to do things in that game that I just stopped trying out of frustration. Killzone 2 is the first real FPS on a console that I've played for any length of time. The controls are absolutely fantastic and after a few rounds you start to pick up on them. I think what always threw me off on console FPSes was the horrible and fake "feeling" behind the controls while Killzone 2's controls have weight and realism behind them so it makes it far more easier to pick up.

Seeing those Call of Duty 4 videos where there's absolutely ZERO recoil or kickback on their guns makes me laugh. How in the world can people like that crap?

I still wish Guerilla Games would add in keyboard/mouse support. Why is this not done more on the PS3 :(((( I want to use keyboard/mouse in FPSes dammit!
I don't think a mouse/keyboard would translate the momentum and weight very well. It would seem laggy.

About the saboteurs though...if i'm out somewhere and some guy is running the opposite way our team is or if some guy is headed towards our base or something, I just look at the radar and see if he shows up as a dot. Saboteurs dont show up on the radar as teammates...they dont show up as anything. So that's 1 way to know.
Also pay attention to your crosshair..if it turns read then shoot shoot shoot.

icechai said:
its like CS, thus making it feel better than everything you listed :D
It's not done to the extent that CS does it though. You dont have to fire 3 shots and wait then fire 3 more then wait. There's a great balance there.

Man, I wish I had a decent capture card :/


Well the lag is regarding kill lag. Sometimes the kill registers after a second or two, giving my enemy ample time to kill me as well. :p


jett said:
Well the lag is regarding kill lag. Sometimes the kill registers after a second or two, giving my enemy ample time to kill me as well. :p

Yeah that's annoying as are the occasional "Network Errors". At least the game isn't causing hard locks for me like it was a few days ago (knock wood).


mr_nothin said:
I don't think a mouse/keyboard would translate the momentum and weight very well. It would seem laggy.

About the saboteurs though...if i'm out somewhere and some guy is running the opposite way our team is or if some guy is headed towards our base or something, I just look at the radar and see if he shows up as a dot. Saboteurs dont show up on the radar as teammates...they dont show up as anything. So that's 1 way to know.
Also pay attention to your crosshair..if it turns read then shoot shoot shoot.

It's not done to the extent that CS does it though. You dont have to fire 3 shots and wait then fire 3 more then wait. There's a great balance there.

Man, I wish I had a decent capture card :/

I knew it, you HAX! How do you make your crosshair turn read?! :p

Seriously though, i never notice the map thing. So do they show up as a white dot, or nothing at all?

Even when i spot a Saboteur, i'm still a little hesitant to shoot as i think it's a teammate using Saboteur, sneaky bastards. XD If they're facing me though, then i tend to just pile into them.
Stillmatic said:
I knew it, you HAX! How do you make your crosshair turn read?! :p

Seriously though, i never notice the map thing. So do they show up as a white dot, or nothing at all?

Even when i spot a Saboteur, i'm still a little hesitant to shoot as i think it's a teammate using Saboteur, sneaky bastards. XD If they're facing me though, then i tend to just pile into them.

they just dont show up at all until their disguise comes off, its usually the fastest way to check a guy.
Stillmatic said:
I knew it, you HAX! How do you make your crosshair turn read?! :p

Seriously though, i never notice the map thing. So do they show up as a white dot, or nothing at all?

Even when i spot a Saboteur, i'm still a little hesitant to shoot as i think it's a teammate using Saboteur, sneaky bastards. XD If they're facing me though, then i tend to just pile into them.

Crosshair turns read if it is over the saboteur. I think I may be good at locating the enemy saboteurs because I use a 5.1 surround system and watch the radar closely, so if I hear someone I immediately check the radar and if there is nothing there then I fire!


I freaking hate the saboteurs in this game. At first I thought someone was glitching. Anyone notice they get stomp-ons after they get killed by like 4-5 members because they hate them so much? LOL

Rep+ for anyone giving an extra stomp for me. ;)
Yea I replied about 4 times with stuff - That was a hard one I'm no good at writing jokes. Bleah, I just hope I get a code from the email portion they're doing...Is the winner on GAF?
Yea I think it did... Damn I didn't even think of looking up a joke and then just replacing it with a Helghast or ISA or something...I made up my own, lame ones - like one about Uncle Fester being a Helghast elite..nonsense but fun! It's sad to think the beta is winding down, but not much longer until February, a great birthday month it will be!


I'd be in the dick
Yea I think it did... Damn I didn't even think of looking up a joke and then just replacing it with a Helghast or ISA or something...I made up my own, lame ones - like one about Uncle Fester being a Helghast elite..nonsense but fun! It's sad to think the beta is winding down, but not much longer until February, a great birthday month it will be!
I know what you mean. I felt gipped because I spent a while brainstorming something unique but it didn't work. I couldn't think of anything else remotely funny either.


Neo Member
Yea I think it did... Damn I didn't even think of looking up a joke and then just replacing it with a Helghast or ISA or something...I made up my own, lame ones - like one about Uncle Fester being a Helghast elite..nonsense but fun! It's sad to think the beta is winding down, but not much longer until February, a great birthday month it will be!

Same. I tried to think of something original. My best one was:

"When two Helghast's want to get intimate, do they dim their mask lights."
PseudoZ said:
Same. I tried to think of something original. My best one was:

"When two Helghast's want to get intimate, do they dim their mask lights."

Yea, that is pretty good...A lot more original IMO - I definitely feel gipped and racked my brain for most of the time trying to think of something worth while to reply with.

Oh well, next time I suppose. I think they enjoy taunting us!!


Wollan said:
How does every Helghast joke start?
By looking over your shoulder.
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