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KILLZONE 2 - input lag now? if you want a reskinned COD4, go play WaW

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EschatonDX said:
I have to say though, splitscreen and co-op are a fantastic way of getting people who don't own the game to get into it easily and swing them toward a purchase via word of mouth. This game has neither and I personally think it will affect the legs this title has.

they are planning co op(with splitscreen probably) in a future patch and why do people suddenly care about all those things...
EschatonDX said:
Well in all fairness, this is the gen where splitscreen has really fallen to a back seat because of increased online console gaming functionality..

Then it should be reasoned that, if you only buy games for their local multiplayer value, you should assume that you will not be purchasing any given game unless it is specifically stated by the developer that local multiplay will be supported. Stating, at this point in development that no local multiplay = no buy just seems like an attempt to downplay the game as this is not new news for this game, or for this generation - it is like people complaining about R2 lacking story co-op when the developers went out of their way to make a standalone co-op (but that wasn't good enough?!).

It is a shame that some people feel a title (especially ones with so much effort put towards them) only has value if they can play it with someone locally, but fortunately that demographic is very limited, and there are still plenty of games for them (LBP, Warhawk, MS:pC, R2. . .). KZ2 is obviously a visual and auditory experience in addition to the actual gameplay, and the developers investment in making multiplayer look like single player should indicate that it would run counter to their design philosophy to dumb that experience down so that 2 or more people could play on one system.


hide your water-based mammals
EschatonDX said:
Well in all fairness, this is the gen where splitscreen has really fallen to a back seat because of increased online console gaming functionality..
This is the real reason and right on point.

keyrat said:
I seldom play games by myself; it's always with friends at the house. It's a real dealbreaker when a game like this doesn't have local multi.
Completely understand. Eschaton pretty much nailed it for me though. I would love splits screen but understand the compromises to the game if they go there. On the other hand Motorstorm PR works exceptionally well for a 4P split engine.


omg I just played with the worst team of all time! I was top with 52, 2nd place had 28 everyone else single digits and - scores. *smh*


FFObsessed said:
omg I just played with the worst team of all time! I was top with 52, 2nd place had 28 everyone else single digits and - scores. *smh*

time to give up and send me your beta key I guess :lol


the_prime_mover said:
Then it should be reasoned that, if you only buy games for their local multiplayer value, you should assume that you will not be purchasing any given game unless it is specifically stated by the developer that local multiplay will be supported. Stating, at this point in development that no local multiplay = no buy just seems like an attempt to downplay the game as this is not new news for this game, or for this generation - it is like people complaining about R2 lacking story co-op when the developers went out of their way to make a standalone co-op (but that wasn't good enough?!).

It is a shame that some people feel a title (especially ones with so much effort put towards them) only has value if they can play it with someone locally, but fortunately that demographic is very limited, and there are still plenty of games for them (LBP, Warhawk, MS:pC, R2. . .). KZ2 is obviously a visual and auditory experience in addition to the actual gameplay, and the developers investment in making multiplayer look like single player should indicate that it would run counter to their design philosophy to dumb that experience down so that 2 or more people could play on one system.

Oh duuude I am not on the side of "hur dur no splitscreen no buy":lol . I think it's a little selfish to expect developers to give you THE EXACT FEATURE you want for the game when it may not necessarily be complimentary or possible with what the developers want, you know?
Warhawk has local multiplayer?

Also I've decided to buy a PS3 and high def TV in the new year because of this game; the main pull being that dude's complaints that you can sneak up on enemies, you can't spin round on a penny and it seems it has slower methodical gameplay compared to others in the genre.
travisbickle said:
Warhawk has local multiplayer?

Also I've decided to buy a PS3 and high def TV in the new year because of this game; the main pull being that dude's complaints that you can sneak up on enemies, you can't spin round on a penny and it seems it has slower methodical gameplay compared to others in the genre.
It's also got splitscreen while playing online. It's pretty fun hopping into a tank with a friend. Make sure the passenger has got a rocket launcher for the warhawks :) you can press triangle to pop in and out of the tank while you're the passenger.


InterMoniker said:
It's also got splitscreen while playing online. It's pretty fun hopping into a tank with a friend. Make sure the passenger has got a rocket launcher for the warhawks :) you can press triangle to pop in and out of the tank while you're the passenger.
Make sure your passenger has a wrench as well. It can make the two of you an army of two.

More games need to implement Warhawk's on-demand split screen. One of the best features of the game, no doubt.
Negaiido said:
they are planning co op(with splitscreen probably) in a future patch and why do people suddenly care about all those things...

That's not confirmed.

FFObsessed said:
omg I just played with the worst team of all time! I was top with 52, 2nd place had 28 everyone else single digits and - scores. *smh*

:lol One time I played with a team and I had something like 18 points and the rest of the team put together had 7 or 8 points.

travisbickle said:
Warhawk has local multiplayer?

Yep, Warhawk is definitely recommended for anyone looking to buy a PS3, just beware of the steep learning curve, but after you get the hang of it, it's lots of fun.


Negaiido said:
they are planning co op(with splitscreen probably) in a future patch and why do people suddenly care about all those things...

It's been confirmed by motherh that there is no co-op and that there is nothing like that currently in work or in their plans.


I'd be in the dick
Damn, missed one of the Twitter giveaways this morning and the other is a photoshop one. I neither own photoshop nor have ever used it. Let's hope I have some luck with this last one.
RoboPlato said:
That one was from Libe Goad an hour ago. Robin Yang is doing an LOL photoshop contest with screens from the original trailer.

Fuck I was about to submit mine but it was already over. shit.

Will the 100 gamedailey codes go out today or tomorrow?
EschatonDX said:
Oh duuude I am not on the side of "hur dur no splitscreen no buy":lol . I think it's a little selfish to expect developers to give you THE EXACT FEATURE you want for the game when it may not necessarily be complimentary or possible with what the developers want, you know?

Hmm, my language is obviously not precise. My use of the word "you" was meant in a collective sense to define those people who, being not me, fall into the grouping that I was defining. I probably should not have quoted you directly as I did not mean to suggest that you were a part of that group. However I was responding to your initial post about the downfall of local-multi this gen, so I thought it prudent to quote for reference. My apologies.
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?


user friendly said:
Yeah there better be a huge sniping section in the campaign. Wollan, if you'd like to hint on that or not, I wouldn't mind ;)

Sniper vs sniper hunt.

You Vs. Him:

That would be really cool, especially in that environment.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

They're just expecting the controls to feel like something they're not. There's nothing wrong with them at all - complaints about the controls being "floaty" are missing the point completely. I'd call the controls in a game like Resistance 2 "floaty", since it feels like you're a camera on a stick. Same things goes for Half-Life 2, for example.

Killzone 2 feels "heavy" and very tight, and it's supposed to be that way. People coming from other shooters will just have to adapt. I'm very, very picky about my FPS controls and I didn't even have to adjust the sensitivity settings any - to me it feels perfect the way it is.

Kittonwy has mentioned the natural jumping/vaulting. It might seem like a minor detail, but they really got that aspect nailed down amazingly well.


Will drop pants for Sony.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

what I got from listening to 1up yours is that they prefer the controls to be like COD4 and Halo.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

I play a lot of different game types so perhaps I am more capable of getting used to new controls quickly, but I had no difficulty with these controls. In fact, for the first time I think I am playing an FPS that plays the way I expect FPS games to play. But, if you play a lot of FPS games, and your control expectations are deeply rooted in a history of FPS gaming, then you will probably find the controls to have more weight than you expect, which may lead to over/under compensation for a period of time (a period that may last forever if you are not willing to get used to it). The only people I have heard complain about the controls are those from 1up.
BruceLeeRoy said:
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

I think they're just too used to other shooters. That combined with not enough play time with this beta. I had the controls pretty much down pat after a few matches and I stuck with the default layout.

I haven't heard any complaints about them in other forums so I don't know what is up with 1UP.


Negaiido said:
they are planning co op(with splitscreen probably) in a future patch and why do people suddenly care about all those things...

People don't *suddenly* care about them, they've just started making a fuss because developers are getting lazy.

Splitscreen (and bots) have been eliminated from most games nowadays, and it's bullshit. LAN parties >>>>>> Online play any day.

Coop is more arguable, since that's still not an often-used feature. I don't know much about the Killzone universe, so I dunno how well coop would even work in this game, but it'd be nice to have.

Splitscreen should be a must-have, though, for console games. It's too much fun to leave out.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

yeah, i'm in the same boat as the people above. Played lots of diff games, as well as FPS games, so adjusting was pretty simple. I also use the default scheme and settings because it feels that good. But then again I'm one of those CS players who have super low sensitivity, so maybe the 1up people are used to playing their games with the sensitivity of Gundam pilots??


the_prime_mover said:
Hmm, my language is obviously not precise. My use of the word "you" was meant in a collective sense to define those people who, being not me, fall into the grouping that I was defining. I probably should not have quoted you directly as I did not mean to suggest that you were a part of that group. However I was responding to your initial post about the downfall of local-multi this gen, so I thought it prudent to quote for reference. My apologies.

Don't worry about it, I had suspected that was what you were saying anyway.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

To me the game controls differently than any other FPS I have ever played. There is a weight to your charactor. The movements feel right. They feel way more like real life than any other FPS I have played. I have had a hard time going back to other FPS's after playing this beta.

To me this is the next evolution of FPS controls. They take a little getting used too, but after that they feel pretty much perfect.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
The Nature Roy said:
I was watching previously released single player levels too lately. I can't wait to see the early December content.

One thing I hope that's been improved since then is the voice acting. I hope what we've heard thus far have only been temporary tracks because they reminded me of those really old Gears of War demos where the voice acting was provided by Epic employees before they laid down the real tracks with professional voice actors.

Everything else is just so cinematic, they need to nail the VA too.

There has been extensive work on the dialog and voice acting.
one more thing. I did up the sensitivity just a bit. I also changed the control scheme to Alt 2, which is kinda like COD4 and R2. I just think that the zoom feels better on L1.

If I could change one thing, it would be toggling crouch. holding the button down to crouch is a little annoying. I have heard in the final build, that there is an option to toggle Zoom and Crouch if you like. It sounds like the controls will be fully customizable and then some!


Ceb said:
Killzone 2 feels "heavy" and very tight, and it's supposed to be that way. People coming from other shooters will just have to adapt. I'm very, very picky about my FPS controls and I didn't even have to adjust the sensitivity settings any - to me it feels perfect the way it is.
cjtiger300 said:
To me the game controls differently than any other FPS I have ever played. There is a weight to your charactor. The movements feel right. They feel way more like real life than any other FPS I have played. I have had a hard time going back to other FPS's after playing this beta.

To me this is the next evolution of FPS controls. They take a little getting used too, but after that they feel pretty much perfect.

Man that is awesome.


BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

As a veteran FPS guy i'm sure you've noticed the recent standardization of controls in this industry, especially in regard to console shooters. It's not often that something that feels genuinely different comes along, and to someone used to(or dependent on) the typical way shooters control Killzone 2 could be construed as unpolished. However, I strongly disagree. Just because this game isn't incredibly generic in the way you control your character doesn't mean that the controls aren't incredibly polished and intuitive.

And they are.

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
EschatonDX said:
As a veteran FPS guy i'm sure you've noticed the recent standardization of controls in this industry, especially in regard to console shooters. It's not often that something that feels genuinely different comes along, and to someone used to(or dependent on) the typical way shooters control Killzone 2 could be construed as unpolished. However, I strongly disagree. Just because this game isn't incredibly generic in the way you control your character doesn't mean that the controls aren't incredibly polished and intuitive.

And they are.

Can't you get a job reviewing games? The number of times it's been suggested that the team need to 'make it work just like COD' is brain numbing.
BruceLeeRoy said:
I just got done listening to the whole 1up yours segment on the game and I have a question.

They kept complaining about the controls, now I have heard very few people in the beta say anything
but positive remarks about how they think the game feels great, and Snoopers who was probably the most
vocal about his problem with the controls had a complete 180 with the game after playing it some more.
So is the reason people are having a hard time with the game because they have just not played it
enough to acclimate to the change
or do you guys think they could indeed be made tighter?

This, 80% of the time, I'd say. Some gamers are weaklesause though, and will never like it.

Three things from my experience in the beta:

-Killzone 2 has more realistic gun recoil than most games. So, if you are from a distance and expect to just lay on the automatic fire, you will spray bullets everywhere in the direction of the enemy, but will not get accurate hits. If you go in with the mindset of a disciplined, professional soldier though, and do realistic three-round bursts, you'll get kills, even from a distance with standard SMGs. Up close, you can go full-auto, with less problems, because your hit box is larger in relation.

-Killzone 2 doesn't have as "sticky" an aim assist as many other popular games. If you go from COD, or even Halo with the same mindset, you have to adjust. You can tune your x and y axis aiming speed/sensitivity, but a lot of casuals don't take the time to really dial it in. This, combined with the "less sticky" aim assist that many players of other games who come into Killzone, gives people problems. Nor do they take the time to really learn how to throw grenades.

-The game is hyper-immersive. It REALLY makes you nervous to play at first. You tend to get nervous and lose it and start "spraying and praying" more as a result, which, because of the first item, doesn't work well, unless you are in really close quarters. And even if you are, reloading will get you killed for just spraying.

These were my big three issues. I'm over issue one, have almost dialed in issue two, and I'm still scarred shitless against good players, so I'm still dealing with issue three.
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