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KILLZONE 2 - input lag now? if you want a reskinned COD4, go play WaW

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Full Recovery said:
One concern I have after watching a few of the multi beta videos is that no one seems to make much use of the cover system.

The multiplayer seems to be a LOT more run and gun than I was expecting, and that's not a good thing IMO.

What's GG's take on this? Is this what they intended to happen or are they going to change up the balance to more of a pop and shoot or keep it run and gun?

I really don't want the multiplayer to become a mindless dash for the closest enemy for a spray and pray ending until your next respawn.

And are there any non-respawn gametypes?

There's no cover mechanics in Multiplayer. Guerrilla removed them specifically because people were getting tied up by them in MP and that the maps were fairly circular.


Zen said:
There's no cover mechanics in Multiplayer. Guerrilla removed them specifically because people were getting tied up by them in MP and that the maps were fairly circular.

You've got to be fucking with me. Tied up? optimize it then! Why GG.



Thankfully there is no cover. It would significantly slow down the game. I like the fact that if you want to be on the offensive, you have to expose yourself.


kevm3 said:
Thankfully there is no cover. It would significantly slow down the game. I like the fact that if you want to be on the offensive, you have to expose yourself.

I find your logic broken and disheartening.
kevm3 said:
Thankfully there is no cover. It would significantly slow down the game. I like the fact that if you want to be on the offensive, you have to expose yourself.

I think a lot of people feel this way and that's exactly why they took it out. Many player on FPS MP are too offensive for a cover system to work to someone's advantage. If everyone in MP used the cover system, it would get quite boring, no?


Full Recovery said:
I find your logic broken and disheartening.
This isn't meant to be socom but there's just as much teamwork required.
It's a mix of arcade/realism.

With how many times i'm snuck up on while stayin in 1 spot....I'm glad there's no cover.
It's not run and gun. And it's not all about just killing your the other team. As a tactician, i'd take a few deaths just to get that 1 spawn point thrown down that will make us win. That's what it's about :D
Dante said:
Did you get in???
No! But I just me this girl that I really loved in high school but was to shy, I thought she was in a relationship for the longest time. OMG! I'm so damn happy right now that I could cry! I don't know what to say though *bites lip* man...hahaha.

Erm...anyway. Killzone 2 is the one game whereby I'm really looking forward to "the making of", it's such a well designed package and I'm really curious as to how they pulled it all together.


CrushDance said:
No! But I just me this girl that I really loved in high school but was to shy, I thought she was in a relationship for the longest time. OMG! I'm so damn happy right now that I could cry! I don't know what to say though *bites lip* man...hahaha.

Erm...anyway. Killzone 2 is the one game whereby I'm really looking forward to "the making of", it's such a well designed package and I'm really curious as to how they pulled it all together.
Take it to the OFF TOPIC mister..

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Full Recovery said:
I find your logic broken and disheartening.

It didn't work. It wasn't fun.

It's still in Single Player, where it'll be helpful and contribute to the experience, but Multiplayer has been specifically designed to promote flanking, and that means you're glued to a piece of cover that isn't covering you.


mr_nothin said:
This isn't meant to be socom but there's just as much teamwork required.
It's a mix of arcade/realism.

With how many times i'm snuck up on while stayin in 1 spot....I'm glad there's no cover.
It's not run and gun. And it's not all about just killing your the other team. As a tactician, i'd take a few deaths just to get that 1 spawn point thrown down that will make us win. That's what it's about :D

The reason I spend most of my time on Gears multi is because I fell in love with the cover system and the intimate 5v5 gameplay, and I was kinda hoping GG was going to offer some of that.

But I've also spent many hours on COD4, So I can get addicted to a tradition FPS, I just don't find it to be as much of a team based battle.

I really need to sit down and play it (still not in the beta ffs)

One gripe I have always had with COD is when you have an enemy say for example standing on a car that is parked next to a wall. The ONLY thing you can see is the top of his head, yet he can shoot you with his weapon even though you cannot see his weapon.

Does this situation occur in KZ?


Are there any FPS games out there that use a cover system for multiplayer? I just can't see it working that well if it was implemented. I can't imagine playing Counter-Strike or Call of Duty 4 with a cover system.

Gears of War works well with it because it's a third-person shooter.


Cerberus said:
Are there any FPS games out there that use a cover system for multiplayer? I just can't see it working that well if it was implemented. I can't imagine playing Counter-Strike or Call of Duty 4 with a cover system.

Gears of War works well with it because it's a third-person shooter.

Rainbow Six


Forgot about R6: Vegas. It's cover system is pretty awesome too. But I don't think KZ2's cover system works like the one in Vegas. Going behind cover in KZ2 will still leave you in a first-person point of view while Vegas shifts you to a third-person perspective. Imagine playing Time Crisis as a multiplayer FPS. I don't think I would like it that much. :lol


Cerberus said:
Forgot about R6: Vegas. It's cover system is pretty awesome too. But I don't think KZ2's cover system works like the one in Vegas. Going behind cover in KZ2 will still leave you in a first-person point of view while Vegas shifts you to a third-person perspective. Imagine playing Time Crisis as a multiplayer FPS. I don't think I would like it that much. :lol

I can sorta agree how some people wouldn't take well to a first person cover in online play, would be funny though :lol

I would play Rainbow six, but ubisoft really dropped the ball developement/support wise and I certainly don't think it's worth $60.

What I really need is access to this beta so I can get a feel for this game. So damn immersible.
"2. The beta code and content is now quite old and has been polished up quite a bit in the past few months. You'll see the difference. "
Where is this from? And what has been polished?


So are all of the MP maps circular? Then I can clearly see why they took the cover system out.

Most of Gears MP maps are symmetrical, and in the traditional game types you don't have people respawning behind you.

Still sad that it's been removed, but I guess I'll get over it.
Full Recovery said:
I can sorta agree how some people wouldn't take well to a first person cover in online play, would be funny though :lol

I would play Rainbow six, but ubisoft really dropped the ball developement/support wise and I certainly don't think it's worth $60.

What I really need is access to this beta so I can get a feel for this game. So damn immersible.

rainbow six vegas 2 is very good on PS3... it's slightly better om 360, but i play it a lot on PS3.
it's one of the better shooters.. imo

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Full Recovery said:
So are all of the MP maps circular? Then I can clearly see why they took the cover system out.

Most of Gears MP maps are symmetrical, and in the traditional game types you don't have people respawning behind you.

Still sad that it's been removed, but I guess I'll get over it.

And not just circular, but 3D. Not only is flanking designed into the maps, but most maps have a lot of vertical space to them as well.

If you find yourself facing the choice between:

a) Letting your players get minced up because they're stuck to the geometry
b) Making people in cover invulnerable even if someone's stood behind them pumping rounds into the back of their dome

then you really need to find a solution, c. C, in this case, was taking the cover system out of multiplayer. It doesn't break the game, it doesn't wreck the gameflow and it doesn't introduce a new cover dynamic that is different to the Single Player one.


Full Recovery said:
One gripe I have always had with COD is when you have an enemy say for example standing on a car that is parked next to a wall. The ONLY thing you can see is the top of his head, yet he can shoot you with his weapon even though you cannot see his weapon.

Does this situation occur in KZ?





It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I need more .PDF with tech stuff from GG. moar plz!


I think a lot of people feel this way and that's exactly why they took it out. Many player on FPS MP are too offensive for a cover system to work to someone's advantage. If everyone in MP used the cover system, it would get quite boring, no?

This is what I believe. Cover systems are overrated. They work good for some games, but in others, I'm glad that they aren't there.

One of the things that COD4 did extremely well was keep a good, constant flow of action. There was a risk to taking shots. If you wanted to shoot someone, you had to expose yourself as a big target. I wouldn't enjoy the game nearly as much if everybody was glued to walls, rocks, etc., blindfiring and creeping along. It would turn the game into something much more campish. Cover works well in Gears, but I don't want it in Killzone


There's an inherent difficulty with cover and first person - if you're in cover enough not to be shot, you won't be able to see anything beyond the cover, putting you at a disadvantage. You can cheat this in single-player games, where the player has a view over the top of cover, but the AI treats them as if they are hidden... But in multiplayer this would lead to the kinds of problems shown in the COD example above, where the guy in cover has a line of sight but appears to be hidden to others. Obviously this isn't an issue in third person games such as Gears, where you can be in cover but still have a good view around you.


Not pure anymore!
DieH@rd said:
OK bitches, YouTube has activated HD streaming [up to 1080p]. Its time for some Killzone 2 vids!

GO Go Go!
THIS! Please? Anyone? DO IT for us unfortunate people who couldn't get into beta. NAO!


Loudninja said:
Ok I am getting really tired of those rocket guys.
It really sucks when a group of people unlock the rockets and all decide to join the same game that I'm in. I hope there are a TON of servers that disable the rocket launchers...kind of like how the awp is banned in most servers on css. Well...the difference is, is that i'm an awp whore and rocket launchers suck.

It's only a problem on the smaller maps. Not the larger one. But still, i hate those rocket launcher guys.


mr_nothin said:
It really sucks when a group of people unlock the rockets and all decide to join the same game that I'm in. I hope there are a TON of servers that disable the rocket launchers...kind of like how the awp is banned in most servers on css. Well...the difference is, is that i'm an awp whore and rocket launchers suck.

It's only a problem on the smaller maps. Not the larger one. But still, i hate those rocket launcher guys.

It's funny when you dodge the rocket and shoot him to hell with a pistol because rocketreloads take about forever.
mr_nothin said:
It really sucks when a group of people unlock the rockets and all decide to join the same game that I'm in. I hope there are a TON of servers that disable the rocket launchers...kind of like how the awp is banned in most servers on css. Well...the difference is, is that i'm an awp whore and rocket launchers suck.

It's only a problem on the smaller maps. Not the larger one. But still, i hate those rocket launcher guys.

Honestly, I think it would be nice if rockets were limited like turrets or spawns. Perhaps they could have a long team-wide cool down. This way people can still use the assault class but teams will need to manage who has the rockets and where they are. As it stands, having 4 or 5 people come out of a spawn point fully equipped is a pain regardless of how big the map is.

I also think that it would be cool to have a progressive deduction of points for team killing - so the first kill gets you a certain deduction then the next doubles that, the third triples - so on and so forth. If you get too many you can be auto-kicked - but that would hopefully make people play a little more like a team rather than just trying to rack up points for themselves.

I suppose as long as you can disable them but still have a ranked match then it is all good.
All the complaints about the rocket launchers reminds me of why the Market is my favorite level. Rocket launchers are completely useless on that level.
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