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KILLZONE 2 - input lag now? if you want a reskinned COD4, go play WaW

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Pristine_Condition said:
This, 80% of the time, I'd say. Some gamers are weaklesause though, and will never like it.

Three things from my experience in the beta:

-Killzone 2 has more realistic gun recoil than most games. So, if you are from a distance and expect to just lay on the automatic fire, you will spray bullets everywhere in the direction of the enemy, but will not get accurate hits. If you go in with the mindset of a disciplined, professional soldier though, and do realistic three-round bursts, you'll get kills, even from a distance with standard SMGs. Up close, you can go full-auto, with less problems, because your hit box is larger in relation.

-Killzone 2 doesn't have as "sticky" an aim assist as many other popular games. If you go from COD, or even Halo with the same mindset, you have to adjust. You can tune your x and y axis aiming speed/sensitivity, but a lot of casuals don't take the time to really dial it in. This, combined with the "less sticky" aim assist that many players of other games who come into Killzone, gives people problems. Nor do they take the time to really learn how to throw grenades.

-The game is hyper-immersive. It REALLY makes you nervous to play at first. You tend to get nervous and lose it and start "spraying and praying" more as a result, which, because of the first item, doesn't work well, unless you are in really close quarters. And even if you are, reloading will get you killed for just spraying.

These were my big three issues. I'm over issue one, have almost dialed in issue two, and I'm still scarred shitless against good players, so I'm still dealing with issue three.

You haz a lotta issuez.
Hazaro said:
Oh man, I totally forgot that no HDD install wears on the BR player.

Just for that sake I'd want an optional HDD install.
Please :(

Won't wear it THAT much :lol

Now that I have upgraded HDD I wouldn't mind an optional install though. Even if it doesn't do much. :D

FFObsessed said:
100 hours!!


Freak of nature.

Though I still wish I was you :(


Has no PEINS
Asking again:
kenta said:
Quick question for those that have the class unlocked: Does the Assault class start with both abilities unlocked? I just realized there's no ribbon/medal for using its primary abilities in order to unlock the secondary ability. What's the deal?
And what class comes with the grenade launcher?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
JB1981 said:
what's the deal with the radar in this game? can you only see people when they've fired their weapon?
Yes by default. But u can change that in the options when creating a game.
Whats ur problem with the default setting?
JB1981 said:
what's the deal with the radar in this game? can you only see people when they've fired their weapon?

Depends on how the creator has it set but 99% of the time, enemies only show up on radar when they engage hostiles.
TTP said:
Yes by default. But u can change that in the options when creating a game.
Whats ur problem with the default setting?

Were you in the game that I was just in where there were two dudes hiding behind a wall and just firing at people? I tried to get behind the wall but couldn't get there.


What are the developers respond for " delayed death animations" in beta forum ? Do /don't they care , or no thread related to it ?

I'd like to know what they are thinking about the issue ...

By the way , anybody got a KZ2 Beta code from Gamedaily ?


EnthusiasTech said:
What are the developers respond for " delayed death animations" in beta forum ? Do /don't they care , or no thread related to it ?

I'd like to know what they are thinking about the issue ...

By the way , anybody got a KZ2 Beta code from Gamedaily ?

Delayed animation isn't the problem, more like delayed kill, along with the "beep".
Q for the Gamedailey editors.

Why did you wait this long to hand out the keys when the Beta is almost over?

How are you going to hand out the other keys during the holidays when it's already over?

Do you know something we don't know? Is Sony expanding the beta?


I'd be in the dick
Rapping Granny said:
Q for the Gamedailey editors.

Why did you wait this long to hand out the keys when the Beta is almost over?

How are you going to hand out the other keys during the holidays when it's already over?

Do you know something we don't know? Is Sony expanding the beta?
I think the reason they're giving the codes out now is for the beta to act as a demo, like when USA Today gave out LBP and R2 beta codes. Both of those were only only for the last 4 or 5 days of the beta period. I've also heard that some people were recently emailed beta keys that said that the beta was going until January 12th, although I'm not sure how true this is. I think it was someone in this thread that posted the text from that email.


RoboPlato said:
I think the reason they're giving the codes out now is for the beta to act as a demo, like when USA Today gave out LBP and R2 beta codes. Both of those were only only for the last 4 or 5 days of the beta period. I've also heard that some people were recently emailed beta keys that said that the beta was going until January 12th, although I'm not sure how true this is. I think it was someone in this thread that posted the text from that email.

A demo for a 100 people. =/

If that were true there would be other sites giving away codes.

I think they just screwed the pooch and are trying to gets some hits before the bread gets moldy.
RoboPlato said:
I think the reason they're giving the codes out now is for the beta to act as a demo, like when USA Today gave out LBP and R2 beta codes. Both of those were only only for the last 4 or 5 days of the beta period. I've also heard that some people were recently emailed beta keys that said that the beta was going until January 12th, although I'm not sure how true this is. I think it was someone in this thread that posted the text from that email.

If that is true then not only is that awesome, but it also means that I may have wasted money on R2. I have put hours into that game, but I had expected to go back to it at the end of this month. However, between KZ2 and any other game, I think I would pick KZ2. With that said, this season has been amazing for games and beta or not, no PS3 gamer should be for want of games.


roMonster said:
A demo for a 100 people. =/

If that were true there would be other sites giving away codes.

I think they just screwed the pooch and are trying to gets some hits before the bread gets moldy.

It looks like all of us who submitted their email address can expect spam to hit in the near future. I had the feeling it was bogus, because what company does not use a real domain name & gmail...


Tormentoso said:
Is not fair....

If when i get this game i hope to never cross with any of you,since you have so much time playing is owing time for newbies...:lol
I've got maybe 15 hours in. You'll be fine. Everyone will have a fresh start come January. Just look out for the names FFObssessed and memory cure. If you're on the opposite team, avoid at all costs....

I also submitted multiple emails : Red Dead Revolver, Dark Cloud, Zone of the Enders

But what bugs me is WHY we will be getting the emails (granted we do) 'in the next few days' when the beta ends at the end of the week. Unbelievable - incompetence across the board!

Anyway, if the beta really is winding down - what are the participants thoughts on the replay value of the MP - ever find yourself getting sick of it? I really hope/think KZ2 will change my mind about online multiplayer FPS..


Can I ask a question about MP (those in the beta, if you can answer the questions).

For the medic, can they drop med packs like RTCW or BFBC? Plus how fast does the medic take to revive a person? I notice that the respawn time is pretty short in the 1up show, so medics might not be that useful.

Gunplay looks good, it's something different. But again, does the different skills in Killzone 2 MP really shine?


bigswords said:
Can I ask a question about MP (those in the beta, if you can answer the questions).

For the medic, can they drop med packs like RTCW or BFBC? Plus how fast does the medic take to revive a person? I notice that the respawn time is pretty short in the 1up show, so medics might not be that useful.

Gunplay looks good, it's something different. But again, does the different skills in Killzone 2 MP really shine?
You can drop med packs (toss them, really) so you can do in battle healing if you're far away from your teammates. To heal yourself you just toss a pack at a wall and it bounces back at you.

I love playing the assualt class with the med pack mixed in. People shoot and shoot and shoot at you.. it takes forever to kill you unless they get a headshot or a rocket shot or something.

Rezzing someone is pretty quick but you have to be a little accurate with the rez gun otherwise it just fizzles. Once you rez a person then there's a slight delay before you can rez the next person but it's not that long at all.
Schrade said:
I love playing the assault class with the med pack mixed in. People shoot and shoot and shoot at you.. it takes forever to kill you unless they get a headshot or a rocket shot or something.

fortunately im usually waiting with a rocket to kill you :lol. we need to play against each other again


Guled said:
will there be another phase after the beta ends on friday or is this is?
That's what I'd love to know. We've got what.... four days left till it's over? I'm already bummed. :(


Schrade said:
You can drop med packs (toss them, really) so you can do in battle healing if you're far away from your teammates. To heal yourself you just toss a pack at a wall and it bounces back at you.

I love playing the assualt class with the med pack mixed in. People shoot and shoot and shoot at you.. it takes forever to kill you unless they get a headshot or a rocket shot or something.

Rezzing someone is pretty quick but you have to be a little accurate with the rez gun otherwise it just fizzles. Once you rez a person then there's a slight delay before you can rez the next person but it's not that long at all.

Cool thanks!
Guled said:
will there be another phase after the beta ends on friday or is this is?

I second this - would be stellar if there was another wave but it seems unlikely - They should just release it as a multiplayer demo, wouldn't that be a holiday treat up there with the best of 'em!


aj2good4you2 said:
fortunately im usually waiting with a rocket to kill you :lol. we need to play against each other again
Heh, you and mr_nothin (MemoryCure) scare me. Too damn accurate and sneaky.

I'm going to say this again, if Sony wanted to sell PS3s this Christmas season, they should open up the beta to everyone. Such an awesome and beautiful game!

It makes me sad that I won't get to play Killzone much this week up until Thursday :( So damn much work to do.
Iain Howe said:
There are a bunch of different motivators to mask wearing:

1. It makes the Helghast soldiers uniform and it dehumanizes them. Helghast are shock troops and when they get sent in to mixed military/civilian targets they aren't very careful about collateral damage. Knowing that they all look faceless and anonymous makes it easier for them to obey orders. Suppressing their individuality also makes it easier for their officers to keep order.

2. Mask wearing has social connotations. In earlier Helghan history it was a sign of low social caste and bore a stigma. One of the things that Visari did was make mask wearing a sign of pride - although he's so far gone into megalomania (dragging his officers with him) that this aspect has now been lost and maskwearing is something that the lower ranks do and officers avoid again.

3. Many of the Helghast soldiers are recent conscripts - and have varying degrees of lung burn. The higher social classes use gene therapy and avoid outside work, removing the need for mask wearing, but a lot of the lower class Helghan still have long term exposure to the Helghan atmosphere.

4. They have to be ready to patrol outside. Masks are part of standard issue equipment.

5. Integrating the mask with the helmet means that it's not one more logistical issue item. Every Hig who has a helmet, has his mask. It also means that the mask and helmet form a single, structurally integrated unit - good for resisting impact.

The backstory of this game is insane. The details are just...hell, it's just really damn impressive.

I can't think of another developer that provides this much on the universe they've created. Even franchises like Warcraft that are very heavy on the details and histories won't go into the minor stuff like this. Seriously, numerous psychological and logistical reasons behind why they wear masks? Usually you'd just get something like, "Well, their lungs are screwed up. They need it to breathe," and leave it at that.

Between stuff like this and the beta, Guerrilla Games are quickly becoming some of my favorite developers. :D


note to Guerrilla Games the controls are perfect.
i only wonder what Sony Cambridge is gonna be doing on the PlayStation® 3
CHRP718 said:
note to Guerrilla Games the controls are perfect.
i only wonder what Sony Cambridge is gonna be doing on the PlayStation® 3

Do you mean the way the characters move or the actual button layout (or both)?

Because no hold to zoom and fire on the "triggers" = definitely not perfect.


Schrade said:
Heh, you and mr_nothin (MemoryCure) scare me. Too damn accurate and sneaky.

I'm going to say this again, if Sony wanted to sell PS3s this Christmas season, they should open up the beta to everyone. Such an awesome and beautiful game!

It makes me sad that I won't get to play Killzone much this week up until Thursday :( So damn much work to do.
I've missed a day and a half of play! :(
I'll be back on tomorrow. The MemoryCure that was playing tonight wasnt me so if he sucked super bad then that wasnt me :p

I'll be back fully tomorrow though!
Gonna take out you noobs all day/night!
Played for 4 hours straight and didnt see anyone online from the clan, did everyone get sick of playing already :( . On the brightside i got over 70 kills 3 games in a row, i was on fire:lol

this game is too awesome i hope we get to play again after nov 28!


aj2good4you2 said:
Played for 4 hours straight and didnt see anyone online from the clan, did everyone get sick of playing already :( . On the brightside i got over 70 kills 3 games in a row, i was on fire:lol

this game is too awesome i hope we get to play again after nov 28!
Ha, it's time to actually do work/projects now.
I've slacked off so much because of KZ2.
I'm like in the top 5 for overall play time.


One concern I have after watching a few of the multi beta videos is that no one seems to make much use of the cover system.

The multiplayer seems to be a LOT more run and gun than I was expecting, and that's not a good thing IMO.

What's GG's take on this? Is this what they intended to happen or are they going to change up the balance to more of a pop and shoot or keep it run and gun?

I really don't want the multiplayer to become a mindless dash for the closest enemy for a spray and pray ending until your next respawn.

And are there any non-respawn gametypes?
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