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King's Quest (The Odd Gentlemen/Sierra) coming Fall 2015 - PS3/PS4/Xbox One/360/PC


PlayStation Blog

Adventures New and Old
The beloved Sierra series is being reimagined by The Odd Gentlemen

By: Matt Korba (Creative Director & Founder, The Odd Gentlemen)

I grew up playing the King’s Quest games at my uncle’s house, and it remains my favourite game series of all time. I still remember the simple joy of typing in “eat carrot” and discovering that Graham would actually respond. The day I solved the Cliffs of Logic puzzle before my uncle did stands as one of my proudest achievements in gaming. These titles were brimming with wonder, humour, engaging puzzles and delightful gameplay, all wrapped up in a charming story that players of any age could appreciate.

King’s Quest means something to everyone here at The Odd Gentlemen. It’s a part of who we are. And it’s why we are so proud to continue its tradition in a new and fully reimagined King’s Quest. Today we get to show the first footage of a game we’ve poured our hearts into for nearly a year now.

From the beginning, we wanted to celebrate where King’s Quest came from while opening new areas for it to explore. Our game opens with King Graham – revered as the greatest adventurer who ever lived – sharing his life’s escapades with his curious granddaughter, Gwendolyn. It is through these tales that Gwendolyn discovers the true greatness of her grandfather. And it’s through these tales that we hope to impart to a new generation of gamers what makes King’s Quest so worth remembering.

It was always very important to us to earn the approval of King’s Quest’s original creators, and so I was extremely nervous when we finally met Roberta and Ken Williams. We’ve felt so humbled to carry on Sierra’s legacy, and here were the people who actually founded the company – who gave us King’s Quest 30 years ago. Would they like our game? Did we find the right balance of gameplay and storytelling? Would our work resonate as powerfully for them as theirs had for us? It’s one thing to meet your heroes – it’s another thing entirely to try to live up to their accomplishments.

My anxiety subsided as soon as the Williams stepped into the room. It was one of the most magical experiences of my career. Roberta and Ken are wonderful people, full of joy and true sages of adventure game knowledge. We showed them our concept art, dove into the overall story and finally presented the game.

The room was filled with smiles, laughs and wows. We even got to have a very intimate conversation with Roberta on the future of Sierra, King’s Quest and The Odd Gentlemen. Hearing advice from someone who has always inspired you is nothing short of amazing. Through the meeting we discovered how aligned our creative ideals are and how much we have in common. We left feeling very energised about the work we’re doing.

And that was before we received this message from Roberta:

To Matt and Lindsey,

I, too, wish to thank you for a lovely morning yesterday reliving – to some extent – my old life as a Sierra game designer. I admit that I was a bit sceptical at first, and also somewhat nervous because I haven’t been in the computer game industry (notice I call it computer game industry rather that the video game industry; that shows how far back I go!) in too many years to contemplate! But you guys blew me away with your ideas, your creativity and the beauty of the newest King’s Quest game. But best of all, I could see that you truly are the ones to take King’s Quest into the 21st century and reintroduce it to a whole new generation. You totally have it down!

I can’t wait to see how it develops, I can’t wait to play it myself – and I truly can’t wait to see how it blows away the competition!!

Best to you – Roberta

King’s Quest turns the page on a new chapter next Autumn on PS4 and PS3, and we can’t wait to share more with you in the coming months. Until then, we’ll be reading your questions and comments below and responding where we can. You can also reach out to us on Twitter @theoddgentlemen with #KingsQuest – we’d love to hear what fond memories you’ve held onto from your own adventures!
I am really digging the art style, but it looks more like an action adventure game than a point and click game, which I'm not sure how I feel about. Either way, it looks like they are taking this serious and it looks great.


Looks great art wise, but I don't know, not really feeling it. Doesn't look like a point & click to me. This franchise means so much to me, I grew up with these games.

Am guessing this is digital only? I'll still probably get it though.


Perfect opportunity to let you guys know there is a free fan remade of the first 3 Kings Quest games by AGD Interactive from their website. Yep there is even a Quest for Glory 2 remake.



  • PnC Controls
  • Added story and fleshed-out characters
  • Changes to puzzles
  • Enhanced artwork and graphics to be more like Kings Quest 5 onwards
  • Remastered music
  • Added ambiance

These guys are amazing. I don't have all that much experience with their King's Quest remakes but the Quest for Glory 2 remake is wonderful.
This game franchise means so very much to me. First PC game I played when my dad finally upgraded his monochrome (Orange and black) monitor to full-color back in the day.

I'm ready to shovel out the stables to get this game.
I am really digging the art style, but it looks more like an action adventure game than a point and click game, which I'm not sure how I feel about. Either way, it looks like they are taking this serious and it looks great.

I feel the same. Great art direction but it looks way more action-y than I would have expected.
Really think they nailed the style and tone, looks great. And they are not rushing it out, which leads me to believe it's relatively ambitious. Definitely hyped.


Hm, it looks great but I need more gameplay details. Hope they didn't tone down the puzzle elements too much.

Also, no punny subtitle? :(


Unconfirmed Member
Never played this series but consider my interest piqued.


It looks charming as heck.

I adored the Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, so I have high hopes for this.

So much nostalgia.



Nothing says "King's Quest" to me more than wandering through an enchanted forest, looking at every tree and rock on the screen, wondering what I might encounter.


I'm stoked.

I really hope this is the beginning of a lot of great Sierra IPs coming back. I thought they showed a little bit of Red Baron and my heart skipped a beat. There is a lot of good IPs that have been dusting up for a long time now.
Animation looks amazing. And even though it's not going to be classic KQ this looks amazing!

I'm loving the diversity in the game industry these days. Things have really opened up in recent years


Looks great art wise, but I don't know, not really feeling it. Doesn't look like a point & click to me. This franchise means so much to me, I grew up with these games.

Yeah, same here. Grew up with these games, and love the series. But I'm getting KQ8 flashbacks from the trailer.



Nothing says "King's Quest" to me more than wandering through an enchanted forest, looking at every tree and rock on the screen, wondering what I might encounter.

the animating looks pretty impressive, like how the char is moving his head to look around and his body language reminds me of early disney. very cool.
I am so excited but slightly nervous as to how much action/platforming or whatever you want to call it will be included. I know the games have to modernize, but I'm not sure if that's what I wanted. But still, the Odd Gentlemen have shown a lot of respect to the franchise and Ken and Roberta seem very excited, so I'm optimistic and going to keep an open mind. Day one for sure.


I was expecting them to do lip service to the IP. But it looks like they are putting their heart into it. Looking forward to it! This was the first pc game I ever played
Anyone got a screencap of the dragon looking beast? Was seriously impressed with that and the overall art style and animation. That piece on Roberta and Ken was incredibly touching, easily the best part of the show.
I've never played a King's Quest game, but this has me intruiged. What can I expect from gameplay? Is it going to be mostly point and click, QTE heavy, or full on action-adventure?


I've never played a King's Quest game, but this has me intruiged. What can I expect from gameplay? Is it going to be mostly point and click, QTE heavy, or full on action-adventure?

The original series was a point and click adventure. Its not clear exactly what style of game this is, but its not a point and click as far as I can tell.


Anyone got a screencap of the dragon looking beast? Was seriously impressed with that and the overall art style and animation.

Gonna have to be more specific, there's like three different ones.

I've never played a King's Quest game, but this has me intruiged. What can I expect from gameplay? Is it going to be mostly point and click, QTE heavy, or full on action-adventure?

The series started out as a direct character control/text parser hybrid, and eventually moved on to point and click.

This is something different, from the looks of it. QTE adventure with some puzzle solving, likely. Fairly little action to speak of if they're doing it right.


When this was first announced I was not enthusiastic about some random developer with the name The Odd Gentlemen making a new King's Quest, and the whole gimmick of it being Graham telling stories about his youth had me worried. However, after watching this I've come around on the whole thing - it looks fantastic and I can't wait to play it!


Thank god it's not Point and Click. It's just not my cup of tea. (Sorry P&C fans.) This looks really charming.


The old games were extreme examples of trial and error gameplay. I really don't understand the need of a new game.
Not really feeling this. I didn't expect it to be a point&click adventure game, but I was hoping for something that didn't seem like a slightly more expanded Dragons Lair at least.

If you take away the point&click puzzle solving, you have to replace it with something else interesting, and this trailer didn't show any signs of any interesting gameplay at all.
Not really feeling this. I didn't expect it to be a point&click adventure game, but I was hoping for something that didn't seem like a slightly more expanded Dragons Lair at least.

If you take away the point&click puzzle solving, you have to replace it with something else interesting, and this trailer didn't show any signs of any interesting gameplay at all.

It seems a bit early to judge that, I'm guessing they felt that there's not really an exciting way to show someone solving a puzzle.
Not really feeling this. I didn't expect it to be a point&click adventure game, but I was hoping for something that didn't seem like a slightly more expanded Dragons Lair at least.

If you take away the point&click puzzle solving, you have to replace it with something else interesting, and this trailer didn't show any signs of any interesting gameplay at all.

Yeah, I'm skeptical about it as well. But it does look good and I've enjoyed everything else The Odd Gentlemen have put out, so we'll see.

And all of this talk has made me want to play King's Quest games again. Haven't done so since the 90's.
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