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Kingsman - (Second) Best action movie of 2015

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Colin Firth
personally killed a bunch of Fox News demographic
in the film.
the crazy left-wing, Silicon Valley billionaire who is a proponent of Global Warming was the one who targeted and murdered a church full of Fox's demographic
This was good. Lots of crazy stuff if a bit weak in parts.

Vaughn has some of the cartooniest CGI in mainstream blockbusters, idk if it's kinda cool or kinda wack. Maybe both.

Action was great, church scene was the best.

Didn't care for
Harry dying, Alfred being evil, Roxy's lack of action, ]
or the sometimes too smug jokes. "Not that kind of movie".

It's funny that they took so damn long to
figure to blow up everyone with devices in their heads until the most fake dramatic moment possible.
Could have saved Eggys a ton of work lol.
So with the release and success of John Wick and now Kingsman, does that mean that the era of "Shaky Cam" is over?
I think a lot of directors are now learning that good choreography and well planned out setpieces can carry an action film. We can thank The Raid for jump starting the trend.
WOW, this movie was a blast from start to end. Love it even more than Kick Ass, which is still on my rotation now and again. Totally up the butt... With a princess...


This reminds me of a comic by Mark Millar from its description. I'll prob. try and watch it with my brother later this week.


So with the release and success of John Wick and now Kingsman, does that mean that the era of "Shaky Cam" is over?

No, not by a long shot. Notice that most of the movies people mention when they talk about good long continuous action (The Raid, John Wick, Kingsman) are all movies with <$100 million budgets. :p
So with the release and success of John Wick and now Kingsman, does that mean that the era of "Shaky Cam" is over?

No, not by a long shot. Notice that most of the movies people mention when they talk about good long continuous action (The Raid, John Wick, Kingsman) are all movies with <$100 million budgets. :p

Yeah, pretty much this.

And let's not forget, there's a new Bourne coming in too. The era of shaky cam will continue for quite some time yet.
That was great, great fun.

Personally, I don't get the comparisons with John Wick at all...these two movies couldn't be more different (but yes, the action sequences in John Wick are far better executed and display a deft craftsmanship without relying on VFX trickery and CG).

This is easily one of the best popcorn blockbusters to come along in sometime. Up there with Guardians of the Galaxy for being just absurdly fun to watch.

The characters were so likeable and the movie was so well plotted out.


Made a good amount of money at my location, mostly because 50 shades of Grey was sold out every show (we were #2 grossing in the US for Friday woo).
No, not by a long shot. Notice that most of the movies people mention when they talk about good long continuous action (The Raid, John Wick, Kingsman) are all movies with <$100 million budgets. :p
Winter Soldier had a big budget and it had some well shot action scenes with barely any shaky cam. There's hope.
Fan-fucking-tastic. Everything clicked, the digs on both British upper class twits and chavs, ridiculous ultraviolence, great fight scenes and Colin Firth owning shit like he was a cross between Jackie Chan and James Bond.

I felt Roxy was perfectly used, the mission required them to split up and I was pleasantly suprised she did not show up in Valentine's lair for the usual chick fight with Gazelle.


Anyone else think the note they ended on was really awkward and out of place for the movie?

I feel like my crowd would have clapped if it ended with a something better. Instead it was like "oh, err.." and then basically quiet as the credits began and people filed out the theater.

(not the mid credits scene)
Anyone else think the note they ended on was really awkward and out of place for the movie?

I feel like my crowd would have clapped if it ended with a something better. Instead it was like "oh, err.." and then basically quiet as the credits began and people filed out the theater.
Did you stay for the mid-credits scene?


Anyone else think the note they ended on was really awkward and out of place for the movie?

I feel like my crowd would have clapped if it ended with a something better. Instead it was like "oh, err.." and then basically quiet as the credits began and people filed out the theater.

I liked the first ending because it was parodying how ridiculous Bond films end. Then the actual ending was more of a 'we're ending full circle, chaps' ending.


I liked the first ending because it was parodying how ridiculous Bond films end. Then the actual ending was more of a 'we're ending full circle, chaps' ending.

That would work if this film was trying to be a parody. Just felt out of place because I didn't feel like the rest of the film was trying to be like that.


That would work if this film was trying to be a parody. Just felt out of place because I didn't feel like the rest of the film was trying to be like that.

It kinda was though. The SLJ dinner scene, the scene outside the church, pointing out that only hiring upper middle class men as spies doesn't work, the subversion of what a gentlemen is, the way the most competent Kingsman candidate was a woman etc... it's just that, like with a Princess Bride, they remembered to make the story work on its own terms as well as as a parody of the genre.


Of movies that actively paid tribute to James Bond, this is probably the most enjoyable since The Incredibles. The third act with the mountain lair, the ticking countdowns and the superhero villain reminded me most of Brad Bird's movie, but with its own twist and flavour of course, but they both pretty much hit the same beats.

It was great overall but I'm not sure if the church scene tops the best sequences in Kick-ass, namely the
big daddy CCTV scene and the strobe lighting hit girl scenes
that so effectively paid tribute to John Woo.

I like the leads betters though, though I didn't how quickly we lost
jack Davenport.


Another part of the movie I didn't like: the shitty looking green screen brick wall going down the elevator.

They should have worked on it more since it was on screen for like 30 seconds.


I saw it last night. I thought it was....alright-goodish. My biggest issue was that I didn't like how the action was filmed and edited. It was all....sped up for no apparent reason and I thought it made the action feel campy. It's like they were going for something stylistic but it really wasn't. Also thought a good deal of the cast ended up being poorly developed, and I thought the pacing towards the first third or so of the movie was rather poor. Everything else was more or less solid though (I have a few minor gripes aside from what I've already listed), the casting was great and there were a couple plot points and scenes that I really enjoyed.


Another part of the movie I didn't like: the shitty looking green screen brick wall going down the elevator.

They should have worked on it more since it was on screen for like 30 seconds.

Yeah I noticed that too. The static, half baked lighting was terrible in that part lol.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
So excited!
Picking up my friend in an hour and a half to go see this movie!



Saw it yesterday. Great movie. Theres a good chance it will end up being my favorite movie of the year. The church scene was amazing.


Just got out. This was fanfuckingtastic! The action, humour, vulgarity, and that
scene (shieeeet) made the movie. Go see it!


Another part of the movie I didn't like: the shitty looking green screen brick wall going down the elevator.

They should have worked on it more since it was on screen for like 30 seconds.

The movie's budget was pretty modest. I hope they get a nice bump for the sequel to iron out some of the poor CG.


fantastic flick. Just so cheesy and fun in the right way. Makes me sad that we haven't had a videogame with goofy gadgets since the ps2 era.


I thought it was pretty entertaining. The church scene was definitely quite something. I was surprised that a family brought their 7-8 year old to the show.
Seriously, the Church. It was amazing. The reaction in my theater was priceless.

my theater was entirely silent as my friends and I were laughing our asses off at how brilliant it was. Apparently Texas movie goers weren't too happy besides us lol. Part of me hope people denounce the scene just so more folks go watch it to see what it's all about


my theater was entirely silent as my friends and I were laughing our asses off at how brilliant it was. Apparently Texas movie goers weren't too happy besides us lol. Part of me hope people denounce the scene just so more folks go watch it to see what it's all about

I think the scene was therapeutic in a way, and you could hear people in our audience who clearly feel held back by groups like that cheer. Not because they condone violence, but because it was symbolic that that kind of bigotry and hatred will finally bring the institution tumbling on top of itself from the inside. It was glorious and well done. It's not easy to turn Millar shite into something moving.
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