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Kingsman - (Second) Best action movie of 2015

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I think the scene was therapeutic in a way, and you could hear people in our audience who clearly feel held back by groups like that cheer. Not because they condone violence, but because it was symbolic that that kind of bigotry and hatred will finally bring the institution tumbling on top of itself from the inside. It was glorious and well done. It's not easy to turn Millar shite into something moving.
How was it presented in the book?


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Just got back from seeing this, you guys were right, what a fantastic flick! :D I hope Taron Egerton has a future as a lead actor, he's fantastic.

Considering how disappointed I was by Keanu's flop movie John Wick (which also got highly praised on GAF) it was nice to see a movie live up to the high praise


It was meh. The action was stylized, but so fucking weightless and outright sloppy in the final set piece.

The church scene, while really well done, was also just totally indulgent—wanton violence for the sake of wanton violence. that kind of scene should have been saved for the final set piece, where there were actually established stakes.

Also, can someone spoil the credit scene for me? Didn't realize this one had one. Why the fuck do movies do this...


It was meh. The action was stylized, but so fucking weightless and outright sloppy in the final set piece.

The church scene, while really well done, was also just totally indulgent—wanton violence for the sake of wanton violence. that kind of scene should have been saved for the final set piece, where there were actually established stakes.

Also, can someone spoil the credit scene for me? Didn't realize this one had one. Why the fuck do movies do this...

Eggsy basically redoes the Colin Firth "manners maketh man" up to tossing the beer stein in the dudes face. You must have left really fucking fast to have missed that lol
That church scene was amazing, as was the
head explosions.
Colin Firth did a hell of a job, and he apparently did most of his own stunts. Will buy on Blu-Ray day one.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
my theater was entirely silent as my friends and I were laughing our asses off at how brilliant it was. Apparently Texas movie goers weren't too happy besides us lol. Part of me hope people denounce the scene just so more folks go watch it to see what it's all about

I am a Texan and the theater I was at was cheering during the scene. I am in College Station too so you would not expect that reaction here. I think the Westboro Baptist church and its members are scum so I particular enjoyed that scene.
Just got back from seeing this, you guys were right, what a fantastic flick! :D I hope Taron Egerton has a future as a lead actor, he's fantastic.

Considering how disappointed I was by Keanu's flop movie John Wick (which also got highly praised on GAF) it was nice to see a movie live up to the high praise

Nice to hear you enjoyed it! :)

Yeah, I now want to see Taron more. He's got charisma.
I am a Texan and the theater I was at was cheering during the scene. I am in College Station too so you would not expect that reaction here. I think the Westboro Baptist church and its members are scum so I particular enjoyed that scene.

Nice. I only moved away from CS couple of months ago. And to be fair that's largely college students regardless of religion so they probably saw the implication of 'really outdated extremist christians'.

Just got back from seeing this, you guys were right, what a fantastic flick! :D I hope Taron Egerton has a future as a lead actor, he's fantastic.

Considering how disappointed I was by Keanu's flop movie John Wick (which also got highly praised on GAF) it was nice to see a movie live up to the high praise

Flop? It has a very high RT score and made like 4 times its budget. It wasn't a flop by any sense of the word. If you didn't like it that's another thing.


Unconfirmed Member
I saw this yesterday and absolutely loved. Crazy fun. I had no idea how much I needed a Colin Firth action movie in my life.
I was genuinely sad when Harry dies. :(

I might see this again.
I am a Texan and the theater I was at was cheering during the scene. I am in College Station too so you would not expect that reaction here. I think the Westboro Baptist church and its members are scum so I particular enjoyed that scene.

So how did
Obama getting his head blown up
play in that theater? Were there cheers?

Maybe i don't want to know... :(
It was funny, doesn't mean sick people won't take joy in it for bad reasons.

I just want to clarify right now I'm
neutral but right leaning more due to economics reason. Saying "sick people" also applies to the opposite side with all of the George Bush parodies
. Either side would find enjoyment of the opposing's. I hope we're at least clear on that.


theres actually quite a few spy movies coming out this year too.

That CIA + KGB one I saw trailer of. And there is a Statham one.

Wonder if those will be any good
I just want to clarify right now I'm
neutral but right leaning more due to economics reason. Saying "sick people" also applies to the opposite side with all of the George Bush parodies
. Either side would find enjoyment of the opposing's. I hope we're at least clear on that.

I don't have a "side".

I wouldn't find it funny, regardless of
who was in office

I also wouldn't challenge anyone's right to make content like that.
(I'm looking at you, North Korea)
I don't have a "side".

I wouldn't find it funny, regardless of
who was in office

I also wouldn't challenge anyone's right to make content like that.
(I'm looking at you, North Korea)

All right. I guess we all have our enjoyments I respectfully disagree. I just remember my friend whispering
during the earlier scene with him and I laughed. Admittedly the movie did turn extremely
political in its humor
at the end.
The church scene, while really well done, was also just totally indulgent—wanton violence for the sake of wanton violence.
I believe that was the point because
when Samuel L Jackson's character triggered the mind thing onto the church, Colin Firth's character was affected too so his goal was to kill everyone in sight and hence the ridiculous overkill. When he comes out of the church, that overkill is commented on and Harry Hart is confused as to what happened.
Two people applauded at that scene in my theater.


All right. I guess we all have our enjoyments I respectfully disagree. I just remember my friend whispering
during the earlier scene with him and I laughed. Admittedly the movie did turn extremely
political in its humor
at the end.

Agree with your agree to disagree. :) Like I said, it's not a big deal. It just didn't play well for me, personally.
Plus it places the POTUS as a co-conspirator and one of the "bad guys".That kinda politicizing is eh to me.


I haven't had this much fun in a movie theater since my first girlfriend gave me a handjob. Love it! Hope they turn this into an ongoing series like Bond.


Kills Photobucket
Hey Kids! It's Mark Hammill!

This was entertaining, while at the same time being quite stupid. I had a pretty good time watching it.

I have to say, I didn't give a shit about Eggsy and Roxy, and just wanted to see Firth, Caine and Strong on screen.
winter soldiers was better at action than Avengers.

And I expect Marvel (regardless of their director choice) to beat their previous efforts. If Whedon can't at the very least be on par with winter soldier, then maybe it really is all the better than he's putting Avengers behind him.

You know we're in an action movie dark phase when we're debating if a Whedon or Vaughn film will take out best action flick of the year.

: /

Damn, why'd you have to say that.

Any ways, the more time I've had to think about it, the better impression this movie leaves. Still, I think it could've been even better with a few tweaks the to pacing and story.


Went with a friend today.

GOD damn Colin Firth. So much class and swag. Find some way to bring him back for the sequel and I'll be satisfied. The church scene is getting its rightful praise, but I thought the pub scene was nearly as excellent. When Firth locked the doors, I thought to myself "shit is about to go DOWN".

Give this man Liam Neeson type action movies. Please. You know you want two hours of Firth killing dudes in his classy manner.

Nice to see Jack Davenport pop up in something, even if it was a minor role. RIP Coupling. It appears that the male stars of the show are doomed to have minor roles in big movies (see Richard Coyle in PoP and Ben Miles in various stuff).

Between Kingsman and First Class (best X-Men movie), Vaughn has established himself as one of the better action directors IMO. Quite looking forward to whatever he does next.
theres actually quite a few spy movies coming out this year too.

That CIA + KGB one I saw trailer of. And there is a Statham one.

Wonder if those will be any good

Man from UNCLE. Quite looking forward to that one. Cavill and Hammer both doing accents should be a delight.
The church scene, while really well done, was also just totally indulgent—wanton violence for the sake of wanton violence. that kind of scene should have been saved for the final set piece, where there were actually established stakes.
Yeah, that was kind of the point.
It served a few purposes. Showing how dangerous Valentine's weapon was if fully activated, thus establishing the stakes. Showing off what a Kingsman can do, even more so than the pub scene. Delivering an action scene that's both awesome and unsettling.

And after that scene...
was totally not expecting Hart to die. Geniunely shocked and sad, he was such a good character. Hopefully they find a way to have more badass Firth action in the sequel


Of the political world leaders, I only recall Obama. Who else of prominence was shown killed like that?

They also had the Swedish Prime Minister pretty much being an outright villain and i'm pretty sure the showed Valentine ticking off the Royal family on that paper list of his.
They also had the Swedish Prime Minister pretty much being an outright villain and i'm pretty sure the showed Valentine ticking off the Royal family on that paper list of his.

Last I checked a fictional Swedish PM =/= POTUS in terms of world prominence. I didn't see China, Russia, England, India, Japan, etc. shown. Hell, you would at least expect to see English government. Nope. No imagery of that at all beyond a tick box, that I don't even fully remember seeing...That is why it stood out for me.


Gotta say that I quite enjoyed it. Was genuinely surprised by some scenes, which is refreshing for a pretty formulaic genre.


The pub scene really set the tone for what kind of action scenes this film could deliver.

The church scene was completely insane. And awesome.

The fight scene with the
amputee chick
was amazingly well done, up there with the restaurant fight in Kill Bill.

The head
felt a little out of place. Both in
the quality of the CG and the silliness. Was that a last minute change to appease the ratings board?

Overall a very good movie. Much less douchey then I thought from the trailers.


Kills Photobucket
Regarding the controversy....

I don't think there was a political angle. I think it would have been Bush if this movie was made 8 years ago, or whoever is in office after Obama if it was made 2 years from now.


Yeah, that was kind of the point.
It served a few purposes. Showing how dangerous Valentine's weapon was if fully activated, thus establishing the stakes. Showing off what a Kingsman can do, even more so than the pub scene. Delivering an action scene that's both awesome and unsettling.

And after that scene...
was totally not expecting Hart to die. Geniunely shocked and sad, he was such a good character. Hopefully they find a way to have more badass Firth action in the sequel

I get that that's the point, I'm just saying it makes for a dull action scene because Colin Firth clearly outmatches all of these people so there's no tension in the scene.
And it's not even his character because he's lost control of his mind. So really, it's very flashy... but lacks any gravity.
It's impressive and show off-y but hollow.

I was expecting it.
1: the master always dies. 2: I knew once Roxy got picked, someone had to die in order to open up a spot for Eggsy.
I get that that's the point, I'm just saying it makes for a dull action scene because Colin Firth clearly outmatches all of these people so there's no tension in the scene.
And it's not even his character because he's lost control of his mind. So really, it's very flashy... but lacks any gravity.
It's impressive but hollow.

I was expecting it.
1: the master always dies. 2: I knew once Roxy got picked, someone had to die in order to open up a spot for Eggsy.

Many of the action scenes people consider classic and/or memorable deal with a man who clearly outclasses his opposition versus a BUNCH of people. I hope you're not saying stuff like Oldboy's hallway fight scene and to a lesser extent (in numbers) Ip Man vs 10 black belts were dull? Heck there's also the Neo vs Smiths fight but I don't need to link that one.

Don't get me wrong my favorite battles are those with stakes, like the final battle in The Raid 2, but I wouldn't call the above hollow.


Really enjoyed this movie. Everything from the over the top action to the sorta cheesy plot. Would definitely go see it again.
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