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Koji Igarashi Kickstarts Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (2.5D, backdash, 2018)

People assume that online coop was a standard part of the game since it was talked about in the pitch video, and local coop was the stretch since it was something to be added. No real confirmation one way or the other though.

Yeh. It just feels really strange to mention one and not the other. Hopefully that's the case though.


He touched the black heart of a mod
People assume that online coop was a standard part of the game since it was talked about in the pitch video, and local coop was the stretch since it was something to be added. No real confirmation one way or the other though.

That's what I thought at first, but someone asked about it in the Iga AMA, and he talked about it being a very difficult thing to implement, wording it in a way that sounded like the feature wasn't currently being planned for.

But you're right, no real confirmation yet.
"Orchestrated Tracks"

Not even a fully orchestrated soundtrack. It's like giving breadcrumbs to the homeless.

There's a huge difference in having an orchestra play a few songs and a whole soundtrack. I'm happy with whatever we get, and I wouldn't want to miss out on rocking synth tracks.


There's a huge difference in having an orchestra play a few songs and a whole soundtrack. I'm happy with whatever we get, and I wouldn't want to miss out on rocking synth tracks.
Well, it's kind of misleading, you know? The wording means more than one, which can mean between two and all of them. I guess it might depend on the final pledge amount before they want to quantify. I'm just saying people can take it the wrong way. "But we said orchestral tracks! We didn't say how many!"


Well, it's kind of misleading, you know? The wording means more than one, which can mean between two and all of them. I guess it might depend on the final pledge amount before they want to quantify. I'm just saying people can take it the wrong way. "But we said orchestral tracks! We didn't say how many!"

Yeah it's a bad way to phrase it and it should be clarified ASAP. I'm hoping it comes with the next update.


I expect them to clarify when the goal is reached not before then. If it's only two tracks ambiguity suits them better I'd wager.

If they clarify now they can avoid backlash if it's only like 2 tracks, which I think would be a really good idea. Right now I'm under the impression it's all of them and I'd really prefer not to pull funding.


There's a huge difference in having an orchestra play a few songs and a whole soundtrack. I'm happy with whatever we get, and I wouldn't want to miss out on rocking synth tracks.

Yamane can still achieve amazing quality music without every single track being accompanied by a live Orchestra.

Case in point, not even all of Symphony of the Night had Orchestrated tracks, I don't think Curse of Darkness or Lament of Innocence did either

I consider these highly regarded in terms of CV music, especially since she has more creative freedoms and can produce studio quality sound with the console games, rather being restricted to whatever sound chip the GBA or DS had.

Bloodstained will let us get to hear Yamane's full scale of instrumentation in the gothic or Castlevania inspired style with no limitations for the first time in 12 full years. The last time being Castlevania: Curse of Darkness back in 2005, and since Bloodstained comes out in supposedly 2017, yes it will be worth the wait.
One week left!




People assume that online coop was a standard part of the game since it was talked about in the pitch video, and local coop was the stretch since it was something to be added. No real confirmation one way or the other though.

Man that would suck. I hope online coop is there. It would make the game sell even more and adds a lot more replay value. Online coop is more fun.
Man that would suck. I hope online coop is there. It would make the game sell even more and adds a lot more replay value. Online coop is more fun.

There's no online co-op... yet:

IGA's AMA said:
Question: Will Bloodstained support online cooperation? I would love to explore the castle and kill monsters with a friend or two of mine.
Answer: Online co-op for multiple platforms is one of the most expensive things to develop. That means we have to be very careful about how we plan it and where it would fit in the budget. That being said, if the campaign continues to go well, there will be a lot of new opportunities for us on the development side of things. Maybe even online co-op.
Is the "Iga cosplays" achievement about someone that will cosplay Iga, or Iga cosplaying someone?

Anyway, glad to see the Kickstarter doing so well.
So, have they said anything about if they were going to keep the paypal donations open after kickstarter is over? Wanted to know since I'm wondering if I should pitch in now for $60 or wait if they will and go for $100.


So, have they said anything about if they were going to keep the paypal donations open after kickstarter is over? Wanted to know since I'm wondering if I should pitch in now for $60 or wait if they will and go for $100.
If you use KS you can raise your pledge before the campaign ends.

They haven't said anything but usually the PP doesn't add to the total after the campaign since they need to tape out what will go in the game at one point once they figure out what their real budget is and they can't wait forever.


That's it. Pledging into the $125 tier today.

Too bad I left my credit card at home or I could do this right now.

But that delivery date, man. Oh well, I'll leave some instructions in my will.
Man that would suck. I hope online coop is there. It would make the game sell even more and adds a lot more replay value. Online coop is more fun.

Interesting. I always thought people were lamenting the lack of couch co op because of it being more fun. I wouldn't know since I prefer my games solo so it's a wasted feature on me.

One week left!

It really does seem like they have unlocked the secret of a constant gain across the entire kickstarter. Keeping it in the minds of people throughout the entire campaign works well to keep the funds coming in. Wish inXile had know that since Torment is still my most anticipated kickstarter game, and they seemed to be adding pretty big things with each of their stretch goals. Like it seemed every one of their goals was more money to directly hire another writer for more quests and world info or to add new areas to the game, instead of the super vague and non cost related goals I see in a lot of kickstarers now.
Kind of crazy how Yooka-Laylee just screeched to a halt after a couple of days. Really points to a poorly managed campaign. Once the £1.5mil stretch goal was reached, it's like everyone stopped caring, both Playtonic and the potential audience.

I think Yooka screeched to a halt because for the most part they were always building the game that they wanted with their own money. As a result of that it meant that the stretch goals weren't like usual stretch goals. But I think that goes back to something they said in an interview. Which is that if something is critical to a game then it should be part of the original funding goal and not something left to a stretch goal.


So how many people are waiting until the last day to make a pledge? I think I'll throw in 100$ then.

Ah, so you're the mythical last-day-backer. Nice to meet you.

Serious question: Why wait until the last day? What difference does it make to you, whether you back today or on the last day? I understand not wanting to back until your platform of choice has been announced, or until it clears a certain stretch goal, but why, the last day, in particular? I always assumed the last day spike was due to people furiously spreading the word about the KS right before it closes, so more people learn about it at the last minute and back, but... i'm curious to know why someone, who has known about the KS the entire time, would back on the last day, for no other reason than to just wait til the last day. (this is not meant to be disparaging or critical in anyway, I'm genuinely curious)



Kind of crazy how Yooka-Laylee just screeched to a halt after a couple of days. Really points to a poorly managed campaign. Once the £1.5mil stretch goal was reached, it's like everyone stopped caring, both Playtonic and the potential audience.
There is some truth in what you're saying, but Yooka-Laylee also has a longer funding period. While its pace has slowed somewhat, the biggest differentiator is that hasn't hit its ending spike.

To agree with your point, I personally didn't fund it since I only want the game, not the extras, so I don't see a clear reason to pay for it now and not when its released. I might give money before it ends if Playtonic actually adds clear incentives.


i waited until the Vita stretch was announced and jumped in then.. wish it was cross-buy w/ the ps4.. altho i'd probably play it mainly on the vita anyways.. options are nice


Ah, so you're the mythical last-day-backer. Nice to meet you.

Serious question: Why wait until the last day? What difference does it make to you, whether you back today or on the last day? I understand not wanting to back until your platform of choice has been announced, or until it clears a certain stretch goal, but why, the last day, in particular?

You as well!

Serious Answer: It doesn't really make much of a difference to me. It's just a habit of mine to sit back and watch to see if the project is actually picking up a good amount of steam. I also just get a better idea of what I'm funding if I know exactly what stretch goals have already been hit.


You as well!

Serious Answer: It doesn't really make much of a difference to me. It's just a habit of mine to sit back and watch to see if the project is actually picking up a good amount of steam. I also just get a better idea of what I'm funding if I know exactly what stretch goals have already been hit.

That's kinda what I guessed :) Thanks.

Astral Dog

, i guess its time, i suppose the physical copy is the safest choice over digital.
7 days left! Whipped this up to get folks excited:

Look at that lovely smile guys.
I'm awful with female anatomy, it's a but janky but you get the idea.

thats awesome.!

dont see how the face is wrong, i guess the eyes could be a little bigger or the head smaller.



Last week, what a ride it has been. Certainly went by quicker than MN9 (possibly because there were a lot more updates)

New Pledge Add-ons
We’ve gotten a lot of questions about whether it’s possible to add extra tiers to your pledge. We’ve done some work on our end, and now tier add-ons are confirmed! Here’s how it works:

Pledge at the highest tier you want. (If you’re picking up a $250 Collector’s Box and a $60 physical copy, back at the $250 tier.)
Add the price of additional tiers to your pledge. (If you backed at the $125 level, and you want an additional $60 physical copy tier, pledge $185 total. Want to add on a $28 digital copy, too? That makes your total pledge $213.)
During the survey, you’ll be able to specify which additional tiers you were pledging for.
, i guess its time, i suppose the physical copy is the safest choice over digital.

thats awesome.!

dont see how the face is wrong, i guess the eyes could be a little bigger or the head smaller.
Yeah usually I can't even draw female faces so thanks! The lines have to be smoother on the jaw, the eyes need to be a bit more round, and the hair is always a headache. If I were to keep tinkering with it I would never stop, and eventually I would ruin everything. Meh.


Oh, so now I can do two physical copies, so might scale back to 100, add the 60, and then do PC physical, Wii U physical. They said PC physical was both a disc playable offline AND a steam key, so it's basically triple-dipping.

When and where can be bump? After the kickstarter has concluded? I just change my pledge to 100, then manually add 60 bucks, to make it 160?

Anyone know if you back PC physical if the steam key will be in the box, or if they'll send you the steam key ahead of time? (I asked the kickstarter for the answer)

Initial pledge: $100
Wii u announced: $125
double-physical announced: $160

Also, am i confusing this with another kickstarter, or am i remembering correctly that this game will give beta access on PC? Do physical PC backers get beta access?
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