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Kotaku UK thinks "More Like Persona 5/10, Amirite" is a good headline


There are many reasons for Persona 5's hugely positive reception, it is an unbelievably stylish game, but if you're looking for an RPG with a great story and characters it may be a huge disappointment. Every time your hopes are up for an interesting plot development, or an exciting battle, Persona 5 comes in like Garth Marenghi and makes it terrible. All to the music of a quite phenomenal soundtrack, making the experience of playing it akin to enjoying the heat from a glorious dumpster fire.

More Like Persona 5/10, Amirite


Not sure I agree, I loved the game. Sure the story is quite average, but so are 9 out of 10 rpgs these days.


I think they were a little harsh; however they have some points. I loved the game and greatly enjoyed the story but I doubt I'll ever play through that game again; even a port/golden version.

I played through P3 and P4 multiple times but I am not so sure about doing that with this one. Maybe I'm just tired of being forced to sleep.


Yeah I stopped after 40 hours, I didn’t care about any of these characters and the dungeons were boring.


It's ridiculous how little effort was put into the PS4 version, jaggy as fuck, ridiculous textures that counter act the amazing art style and a horribly wrong gamma that makes the dungeons unpleasant to look at.

I like the game, played it on the Pro but it has no right to not even have some AA on it even on the base ps4 version.


I really don't get the comment in regards to combat to be honest.

Persona 5 has some of the most challenging battles. I definitely wouldn't call most of the bosses not-exciting.

However, Council Pop has a point. This isn't really Kotaku UK but just some guy doing his opinion.


I need to sit down and read this. I'm curious to see if the issues they had align with my own, as I personally think the game peaked earlier and then slid down a neverending downward slope with the end result being one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.


Glorious dumpsterfire.

I mean opinions and all but talk about overreacting. Did they force him to play the game or something.


Nope, an opinion piece is something specific- it's an often knowingly controversial and polemical piece of writing which is usually trying to make a single point.

What does that change, the guy has a controversial opinion and his thought about it has as much value as any others articles or reviews. Just because he wanted to focus on something doesn't make his opinion any more subjective than anything else.

That said, this is Kotaku and judging by the headline it's obviously just clickbait, nothing worth anyone's time.


I have to agree. I quit the game bored out of my mind after 40 hours because there was no semblance of a plot (it was just disconnected case after disconnected case, with none of the cases having any kind of surprise or interesting development. It was alway 100% obvious how everything would go) and none of the main characters seemed interesting to me. I don't know if it was the voice work, the characterisation or the largely terrible localisation, but it was absolutely no comparison to the amazing group of (soon-to-be) friends Persona 4 G presented to me.

Also...there is "stylish HUD" and there is cramping up 2/3 of the TV with needless crap that gives me no useful information whatsoever.


The body of the article isn't unreasonable unlike the clickbait headline.

It's always sad to me when someone writes something that has some sort of validity and then completely blows their credibility on a huge overreach statement like this author did.
Man, I still didn't want the game to end after 180+ hours. I liked all the somewhat self-contained stories that went along with themed dungeons. I was also happy to see the darker themes return after the sugary P4.


It's always sad to me when someone writes something that has some sort of validity and then completely blows their credibility on a huge overreach statement like this author did.
AFAIK the headline of newspapers can sometimes be determined by an editor, not sure if that's the case here. Either way it's IMO a good and strong critique of the game.
I'd be defensive too if a game I loved had an article like this written about it. But Persona 5 isn't a game I love. I beat Persona 2, 3, FES, 4....couldn't stand 5. Sold it after I finished the first dungeon. If there was a single character I cared about, or the storytelling wasn't horrendous, I might have been able to make it.


They're not wrong about the villains,
Oh and Compared to 4, the characters are weaker. The last party member who joins you could be cut, along with the fifth dungeon and it wouldn't make a difference. Despite being a main character they didn't even bother developing her. The dungeons were also a step down making the battles boring and a chore.
What does that change, the guy has a controversial opinion and his thought about it has as much value as any others articles or reviews. Just because he wanted to focus on something doesn't make his opinion any more subjective than anything else.

That said, this is Kotaku and judging by the headline it's obviously just clickbait, nothing worth anyone's time.

I don't get your point. My point was that the OP seemed to be implying that Kotaku were somehow anti-Persona 5 as a site, which firstly is ridiculous as the majority of main Kotaku writers are Persona obsessives, and secondly this is clearly an opinion piece written by a writer specifically as a counterpoint to the critical lauding that Persona 5 has received.


Nope, an opinion piece is something specific- it's an often knowingly controversial and polemical piece of writing which is usually trying to make a particular point.

Nope, every review of every kind of product is by definition an opninion piece.


AFAIK the headline of newspapers can sometimes be determined by an editor, not sure if that's the case here. Either way it's IMO a good and strong critique of the game.

I think upon further examination it is a fairly shallow critique of the game that boils down to "the story didn't work for me because reasons". I don't see anything here that hasn't been covered in numerous forum posts - all the author did was string together a bunch of complaints semi-coherently without really engaging with his criticisms in a thoughtful way.


I'd be defensive too if a game I loved had an article like this written about it. But Persona 5 isn't a game I love. I beat Persona 2, 3, FES, 4....couldn't stand 5. Sold it after I finished the first dungeon. If there was a single character I cared about, or the storytelling wasn't horrendous, I might have been able to make it.

... You hadn't even been introduced to half the characters by the first dungeon, so how would you know?


I don't get your point. My point was that the OP seemed to be implying that Kotaku were somehow anti-Persona 5 as a site, which firstly is ridiculous as the majority of main Kotaku writers are Persona obsessives, and secondly this is clearly an opinion piece written by a writer specifically as a counterpoint to the critical lauding that Persona 5 has received.

I thought you were trying to disregard this guy's opinion because it's just one guy against the general opinion, and thus shouldn't be taken as anything else than a controversial opinion. Fine then, I didn't get your point.
Also: some people need to get off their sub-Gamergate anti Kotaku high horses. Kotaku is one of the most consistently interesting, investigative and diverse game sites around, and even if you're not a fan of their house style, or the opinions of their main journos or whatever, it seems bizarre to single them out as a particularly bad website. Online journalism is a sea of clickbait, and I don't see how Kotaku is any worse than literally any other media outlet.


I agree with many of the points, tbh.

Yeah I stopped after 40 hours, I didn’t care about any of these characters and the dungeons were boring.
Yeah, I'm 40h into it too and I feel like I would have to force myself to continue. Hearing that there's probably another 60h of the same left turned me off so hard.



In all seriousness through I feel like the game could have had a lot cut out and been better for it. Just went on too damn long.


More Like Persona 5/10, Amirite

Fine that he thinks that. I thought the characters were very good, the story was pretty good, and the game overall was excellent and deserves the praise it got.


I think upon further examination it is a fairly shallow critique of the game that boils down to "the story didn't work for me because reasons". I don't see anything here that hasn't been covered in numerous forum posts - all the author did was string together a bunch of complaints semi-coherently without really engaging with his criticisms in a thoughtful way.
The author seems like they feel that the game is stuck in neutral after Kamoshida and that hour 40 is no better or worse than hour 60 and that there was no meaning progression to the story.
I agree. Not a bad game but my biggest disappointment of the year so far and a huge step down in terms of storytelling for the series. Story and characters were no good aside from chapters 1 and 5.
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