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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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sparkle this bitch
If you use the staggered ban system - (ban again after 2 picks), it avoids the denial ban style and allows people to ban against comps, which is definitely a legitimate way to ban.

This. I like the idea of 4 starting bans, 6 picks, 2 bans, 4 picks. Basically how DOTA2 does it.

Real Tips
-Top Solo or I fed
-Support is just another word for carry
-Pushing lanes wins lanes
-Wards prevent you from getting IE early
-Only pussies fear bush
-When in doubt, Demacia
-When in doubt, blame someone else
-Demacia again, summoner
-Last hitting is overrated
-Starting off with 13 pots is a legitimate strategy.
-Two AP carries are better than one
-Use all talk, to make sure the other team knows its not your fault
-Trash talk at every opportunity. Inspire your own team while frustrating the enemy.
-Order of rank picks must go: Carry, Carry, Carry, Carry, Support/Jungle/Tank. Fuck 5th person.
-Yordle teams are popular with the ladies
-There is no mute option.


Neo Member
First time I bought something for this game: 10€ worth of RP. Got almost 2000 now. Now comes the hardest part which is spending that, gotta pick carefully. Lurking for sales..


On NA:

garath - garathk

First time I bought something for this game: 10€ worth of RP. Got almost 2000 now. Now comes the hardest part which is spending that, gotta pick carefully. Lurking for sales..

That's the wisest way to do it. Only buy champs on sale. Skins only if it's a champion you play a lot (or if it's Bloodstone Taric and you can't stand the normal skin of Taric even though you've only played him 5x).

That's how I do it. And I've only spent around $100 so far. Lol


So, why do you guys think Zyra is no longer used on competitive play? Even after the nerf, she seems pretty powerful to me, with no glaring weaknesses...
Guys, thanks for the usernames and tips! Keep 'em coming, I'll be updating the Doc as soon as I finish my flight to San Francisco. I'm moving across the country today. :x


Like who? :p

The notable comparison is Orianna who just works better for most team comps. She provides better utility and the pull on her ult allows for more interesting things than the delayed knockup on Zyra's.

Though, I do think there's a good chance that her lack of use may be more related to just not knowing her as well. A similar situation to Jayce, I suppose.


The notable comparison is Orianna who just works better for most team comps. She provides better utility and the pull on her ult allows for more interesting things than the delayed knockup on Zyra's.

Though, I do think there's a good chance that her lack of use may be more related to just not knowing her as well. A similar situation to Jayce, I suppose.
Yeah, I'm debating which one of those two to buy. Both look like they're pretty fun to play but I'm surprised there isn't more love for Zyra. She has arguably the best snare out of the AP mids, the ult has an amazing AOE, she's bursty (I love bursty :3) and can do wraiths without moving from her lane, etc. I like the idea of Orianna, and I like that she's cheaper, but I dunno, people have scared me away from her because of her high skill requirement.


Like who? :p


Even Cassio and Ryze even though they've kinda fallen out of the scene.

Basically the pros have hundreds of games under their belt with the other champs so it'll take awhile to integrate a new one. It'll have to fit their team comp and they have to feel very comfortable with her before choosing her. They'll make exceptions when a champ is very strong (i.e. Orianna) but otherwise you'll see the normal ones.

Yeah, I'm debating which one of those two to buy. Both look like they're pretty fun to play but I'm surprised there isn't more love for Zyra. She has arguably the best snare out of the AP mids, the ult has an amazing AOE, she's bursty (I love bursty :3) and can do wraiths without moving from her lane, etc. I like the idea of Orianna, and I like that she's cheaper, but I dunno, people have scared me away from her because of her high skill requirement.

Don't base your decisions on the pro scene. It's a different world than solo queue. Play which ones are most fun to you and you feel strong with. I know I'll be buying Zyra when she goes on sale and I'll probably use the heck out of her. I'll still use Diana if I ever get first pick and she's not banned lol.


Yeah, I'm debating which one of those two to buy. Both look like they're pretty fun to play but I'm surprised there isn't more love for Zyra. She has arguably the best snare out of the AP mids, the ult has an amazing AOE, she's bursty (I love bursty :3) and can do wraiths without moving from her lane, etc. I like the idea of Orianna, and I like that she's cheaper, but I dunno, people have scared me away from her because of her high skill requirement.

Zyra is a good solo queue champ since she's rather good on her own. Orianna is just seen more often in the pro scene since she offers more when you look at team comp and synergy (e.g., the whole Shyvana/Orianna ult combination; Zyra is "just" a knockup).


To be fair, Orianna is more similar to Zyra in the sense of zone control compared to the others on this list. Syndra will be interesting to see for this list too since I find the way they play kind of interesting.

Not that I ever play mid.

Even Cassio and Ryze even though they've kinda fallen out of the scene.

They're completely different kinds of casters is probably why. They have better sustained damage so that's why you see Cass a lot with Yorick comps. Ryze just has a bad time in lane now that people know what to do with him.


Don't base your decisions on the pro scene. It's a different world than solo queue. Play which ones are most fun to you and you feel strong with. I know I'll be buying Zyra when she goes on sale and I'll probably use the heck out of her. I'll still use Diana if I ever get first pick and she's not banned lol.
Oh yeah, no worries about that, I was actually kinda dumb mixing the two things together. I just feel that Lux's snare is too unreliable to use her on ranked and she's still low tier compared to most, so I want someone else of the same high-utility+burst style. And I already own Ahri anyways :p

Zyra is a good solo queue champ since she's rather good on her own. Orianna is just seen more often in the pro scene since she offers more when you look at team comp and synergy (e.g., the whole Shyvana/Orianna ult combination; Zyra is "just" a knockup).
Hmm, I actually like more utility than damage in my champs, so I'm again unsure. I probably should just try them both in PBE.

Favorite skin that you own??

For me, it would be have to be either Mafia Graves or Clockwork(?) Orianna.
Foxfire Ahri :3


Favorite skin that you own??
battlecast chogath
pulsefire ezrael
bloodlord vladimir
full metal jayce

worse skin easily is diana skin, especially after the shitty remake.

even thought its old, battle cast urgot is one hell of a solid skin.


Favorite skin that you own??

For me, it would be have to be either Mafia Graves or Clockwork(?) Orianna.

It USED to be the Diana skin. Now I hate it.

It WOULD be the mafia MF skin but I missed the sale.

I don't own that many skins tbh. Having trouble even remembering which skins I do have haha.


It USED to be the Diana skin. Now I hate it.

It WOULD be the mafia MF skin but I missed the sale.

I don't own that many skins tbh. Having trouble even remembering which skins I do have haha.

I have the free ones for jumping through hoops, samurai Yi, Riot Nasus...

The only ones i bought were super teemo and blast zone Heimer. I don't like the super teemo one much because teemo looks wrong without something on his head.


I don't think we've seen any proposal for what they're doing, just that Zileas wants champ select to not matter as much for the end result. That is, the outplaying should primarily happen during the game, not during picks.

Edit: By the way, no hard reset at the end of the season guys.

Also, buffing Rengar makes me happy. If only because I don't lose lane with him already.

I guess that's ok. I wondered how they were doing that anyways. Everyone pool back into unranked? It'd be a madhouse.

I'd still like to finish my placement matches asap. Probably play a game or two tonight. Sucks that I usually only get 3-4 games a week :(


I don't think we've seen any proposal for what they're doing, just that Zileas wants champ select to not matter as much for the end result. That is, the outplaying should primarily happen during the game, not during picks.
But detracting the relevance of draft picking might lead to stagnated picks/bans, due to the reduced emphasis and limitations that the current drafting enfolds... It's not good for the game imo if it stays this way.
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