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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Hey don't shoot the messenger :p

I just bought both of them on PBE. Will try them later...

That was suppose to be an encouragement for you to try her. Ori skill shot is actually easier to land compare to ahri, because it is harder for enemy to dodge since the ball and ori can be in different position. The hit box is gignatic.

Unlike ahri, even if ori didn't get any kill, or fall behind during laning, she remain useful with her shield/speed buff/aoe cc.



35-40 minute surrender or so? I think that's my new record score for Eve. Unfortunately earlier in ranked I had a bad Eve game...I was trying to leash blue and got invaded (we had two disconnected) for first blood, and I ended up with I think my first game with more deaths than kills since I started trying her mid.


Had my best Ahri match ever, 9 4 13 winning my lane against a Fizz of all people. Me and my friends moved on to Draft pick on Normal and we're actually doing better because we're forced to do better team comps and overall it feels so much better.

That was suppose to be an encouragement for you to try her. Ori skill shot is actually easier to land compare to ahri, because it is harder for enemy to dodge since the ball and ori can be in different position. The hit box is gignatic.

Unlike ahri, even if ori didn't get any kill, or fall behind during laning, she remain useful with her shield/speed buff/aoe cc.
Yeah I know I was just kidding :) I'll try her on PBE one of these days. I like utility more than raw damage so the idea of shielding people as I do with Lux makes me happy.


I used to run 2 screens when I had CRT's. Now with a widescreen 24" at 19x12, I just don't have room for multiple screens.

If League locks the cursor to the application while playing, I guess I could play and watch a stream or something. It's clear that all the big streamers are running multiple monitors.


why would you need two computer screens
this isn't the matrix
I figure it's one of two situations:

1. You're a superpro, so you have some website up with dragon/blue/red/enemy blue/enemy red/baron timers.

2. You're a superpro, so you're streaming and distracted from your game every 8 seconds to type in the chat to all your fans. :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
If you work with computers for a living, you'd use one computer for your code/Maya/Photoshop/Premiere, and the other monitor to look up error messages on google and to goof off on GAF.


If you work with computers for a living, you'd use one computer for your code/Maya/Photoshop/Premiere, and the other monitor to look up error messages on google and to goof off on GAF.
Yeah, I usually had Photoshop on my main monitor and a bunch of reference pictures on the "auxiliary" monitor.

I kinda miss that, but it's by no means vital.


GP skin is cool but like scy said in chat no one plays him.

Jax skin art is neat but looks kind of goofy in game.

Gragas is Gragas.

Synda skin eh. Need to see splash art.

Kind of wish we could get a League of Legends 2 with a huge graphical overhaul. Some art just doesn't translate too well into the current game.


There's just a lot of bad quality art overall. Some of Evelynn skins for instance are seriously amateurish.

GP skin is supposed to be Captain Price?


Anyone with duo screen monitors plays this game?

I do. Every so often, it screws up my game, so I have to restart. It'll load in the center and down (like, if I had 4 screens, it would be loading into the center of all four screens). It's annoying.

Some of the Riot programmers are really bad at their jobs.


I'm really tempted to start a new account specifically for ARAM. That way I'll have a good selection of champs and none of the champs that are absolutely terrible. But runes.. :|


Dear Nome or Rayven, your website needs an overhaul - if esports is that important to Riot, the competitive tab needs more information on things like past and upcoming tournaments with links to the stream and Vods afterwards (at the least just for Riot sponsored tournaments, though I cant believe the OGN finals isn't featured right now), whenever a major tournament is on, it should be easily found on the competitive tab rather than having to look through the news feed. Infact, Major tournaments should occupy a banner on the home page and the streamer portal should not be hidden in some obscure media tab that I never clicked before.


After this game I still feel like jayce is a weak pick

I blame the whole game on jayce

Edit: lol I swear it's jayce again


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
New Morgana splash is pretty fugly, even with the Ziggy Stardust bolt.
It's supposed to be. Only new skin I really like is Oktoberfest Gragas, but I don't really play him.
After this game I still feel like jayce is a weak pick

I blame the whole game on jayce

Edit: lol I swear it's jayce again
Crazy talk. He's one of the strongest picks for top lane.



High quality OGN stream.

Crazy talk. He's one of the strongest picks for top lane.
It's his team fighting I think that loses the games. He's like a slightly better nidalee, win lane, crappy team fighting. Sure, in solo queue where winning your lane is how you win, jayce is awesome. But in pro level games where team fighting is so important, I don't know if it's worth it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's his team fighting I think that loses the games. He's like a slightly better nidalee, win lane, crappy team fighting. Sure, in solo queue where winning your lane is how you win, jayce is awesome. But in pro level games where team fighting is so important, I don't know if it's worth it.
His team fighting is spectacular though. He can put out tons of damage, he has great utility, and he's highly mobile. To top it all off his scaling is absurdly high on top of the fact that he has built in percentage based values of up to 20%+. He will get nerfed undoubtedly, and I will be sad about it.


Let's say his ranged form was amazing, then people would run him adc - but they don't, so his ranged form is subpar.

His melee form has a knock back, a slow and a leap strike so it's decent but it lacks an ult and any real survivability like other melee champs.

So he's dependant on switching forms to do well but both forms are at best average and are suited to completely different positions.

Maybe nobody its just that nobody has played an amazing jayce in a team fight yet like when hsgg played nidalee

Edit: I think top gaming teams all need coaches - my money is on that clg.eu are mentally broken after losing two games in a row with the final decider to come. A coach keeps people's emotions in check and mentally focused...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The thing about Jayce is that having two forms opens up six abilities for him to use all of which have extremely high numbers, ratios, and percentages on the damage they deal. What Jayce picks up instead of an ultimate is tons of free stats. 25% armor and magic resistance reduction. Free bonus armor and magic resist of his own. Hammer Stance attack doing free magic damage. His abilities are some of the most damaging in the game by a long shot. Like, nobody else even has stuff that compares well, especially if you include scaling into there. I would guarantee you that he shows up a lot in the tournaments coming up.


Jayce has decent sustained damage with some start-of-fight burst from ranged poke (E>Q) to his W. His melee damage isn't terrible and he can always execute with his E. Cannon E serves as an extra boost for initiating or disengaging from a fight as well. While I do agree his team fight presence isn't his best trait, it's also worth note that he's just really damn good in lane.
Had a game where I switched to picking Vayne because someone picked Taric. Told me to go mid against Kat so he can lane with Rengar. Got annoyed... until they got first blood.

and another kill...
and another...

Rengar goes godlike before 10 mins... 2nd tower down by 15... game ends before 30 mins, our Rengar had 25/4/1 om nom nom

I had to lane very passively though. There's no way I can win a trade after Lv1. I managed to avoid nearly all of Kat's daggers, but I didn't know shunpo's range (700) so I always stood back.


formerly sane
Had a game where I switched to picking Vayne because someone picked Taric. Told me to go mid against Kat so he can lane with Rengar. Got annoyed... until they got first blood.

and another kill...
and another...

Rengar goes godlike before 10 mins... 2nd tower down by 15... game ends before 30 mins, our Rengar had 25/4/1 om nom nom

I had to lane very passively though. There's no way I can win a trade after Lv1. I managed to avoid nearly all of Kat's daggers, but I didn't know shunpo's range (700) so I always stood back.

You can easily kill kat vs vayne if you're mid and plan for it. Seriously stay to the side of the shunpos and with decent runes or a little mr stacking she can't do anything once you start tumble shotting her twice for each exchange.


Yeah, two super annoying things with Kat since they nerfed her Q are:

1. If I recall correctly Q does less damage so the harass isn't as worse unless you go in to melee range (which might not be viable against certain champions).
2. Because Q prioritizes ONLY closest targets instead of random targets now, standing only a little apart from minion waves can mean you avoid every dagger, unless Kat runs close enough to target you directly (in which case she's almost certainly in range for a stun/taunt/snare/ult).
I just don't see how I'll win the trade if Kat EQWs me. It's a Q and maybe a W at best, against Kat's damage reduction plus the Doran Shield she started with. Condemn will just waste mana and it's not gonna pin anyone midlane.


formerly sane
I just don't see how I'll win the trade if Kat EQWs me. It's a Q and maybe a W at best, against Kat's damage reduction plus the Doran Shield she started with. Condemn will just waste mana and it's not gonna pin anyone midlane.

Other gaffers have seen me roll kat and tf because they didn't think they could be pinned in the mid. You don't need condemn unless they really dumb and I tend to use this on kat to keep her ultimate from being useful. Only other use is positioning which can screw people if they are dumb enough to let you get around them. If you're taking basic adc runes and use defensive masteries with vayne she will do next to nothing to you while you take out chunks of her health as she retreats.

All you need to do is literally dodge daggers and q her if you have all of vayne's skill by lvl 4 or 5 she is an easy kill especially with a decent jungler. You should be harassing kat everytime she goes for cs. With pots and decent dodging you can outlane her she shouldn't be a problem. If you want me to show you I can gladly 1v1 you and show the setup.


What do you guys build on Jayce?

Triforce? BT? I have no idea.
If I recall correctly he scales well with AD, and I feel like he may be the champion that Triforce works best on out of anyone. However, other people probably disagree and would say to build other stuff instead of rushing Triforce. I rush Triforce because I'm silly or whatever. And then yes, bloodthirster or wriggles and whatever.
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