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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Elise hardcounters Jax?

Generally speaking, not really. He was either just bad or didn't know how to play vs Elise. He let me zone him from csing / minions entirely and I just killed them all whenever Maokai or Kassadin roamed up for a gank. Hell, me and Merc dived them into their base just trying to kill someone for a blue buff out of boredom (and because we wanted blue buff damn).

"DW guys i'm a 2000elo smurf"

I don't think anyone who's 2000+ and smurfs actually says things like this.

See enemy taking baron? Better b and buy a dagger

Honestly, Baron timing is the biggest thing we need to work on for GAF games. Too many times we're dancing around Baron and then three people go back simultaneously or two people show bot for 5 cs or something.

Also the learning doesn't end at level 30, far from it.

Far far far from it. Lol.

Always got more to learn. Always.

Honestly, most the learning is done at 30. Games just play out differently. Then you get to relearn things every Elo bracket, basically.


Honestly, Baron timing is the biggest thing we need to work on for GAF games. Too many times we're dancing around Baron and then three people go back simultaneously or two people show bot for 5 cs or something.



I had a ridiculous 4v5 last night on my smurf. Opposing team had no tank and that's likely why we won. It all came down to a fight where we got caught @ baron and I ended up 1v3ing them after it was dead. Is FRAPS the preferred program to use on uploading replays to youtube? because I will do that to show me dodging meteors and lux bindings inside a veigar circle. Nearly had a heart attack doing so too lol.


Honestly, Baron timing is the biggest thing we need to work on for GAF games. Too many times we're dancing around Baron and then three people go back simultaneously or two people show bot for 5 cs or something.

I think I'm just too concerned about them having it warded when we attempt barons.



I think I'm just too concerned about them having it warded when we attempt barons.

I don't actually mean when we're going to do Baron, just when we have the strange standoff in front of it and we're all "WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?!" for three minutes. Then someone (probably me) inevitably goes back to get like 5 cs from bot lane or red respawns and ADC goes for it or someone goes back for wards etc. and we get stuck with two people near Baron ramp and watch sadly as they roll in and take a free baron because we're in 7 different spots on the map somehow.

Granted, the reverse of this is basically every single Baron we ever get (that isn't after picking someone off / aceuuuuu) but we fall for it ourselves every time too :x


formerly sane
I had a ridiculous 4v5 last night on my smurf. Opposing team had no tank and that's likely why we won. It all came down to a fight where we got caught @ baron and I ended up 1v3ing them after it was dead. Is FRAPS the preferred program to use on uploading replays to youtube? because I will do that to show me dodging meteors and lux bindings inside a veigar circle. Nearly had a heart attack doing so too lol.

fraps is popular but dxtory is faster and has less of an fps hit on the machine.


I don't actually mean when we're going to do Baron, just when we have the strange standoff in front of it and we're all "WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?!" for three minutes. Then someone (probably me) inevitably goes back to get like 5 cs from bot lane or red respawns and ADC goes for it or someone goes back for wards etc. and we get stuck with two people near Baron ramp and watch sadly as they roll in and take a free baron because we're in 7 different spots on the map somehow.

Granted, the reverse of this is basically every single Baron we ever get (that isn't after picking someone off / aceuuuuu) but we fall for it ourselves every time too :x

The 5 minutes stand off is mostly for baiting fight, or just for the sake for guarding it when we know we can't win a fight but don't want to give up baron. It is just hard to do it correctly without oracle and stack of wards. It still felt wierd how we never pot up/stack ward + oracle when we call out for baron face off.


formerly sane
I don't actually mean when we're going to do Baron, just when we have the strange standoff in front of it and we're all "WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?!" for three minutes. Then someone (probably me) inevitably goes back to get like 5 cs from bot lane or red respawns and ADC goes for it or someone goes back for wards etc. and we get stuck with two people near Baron ramp and watch sadly as they roll in and take a free baron because we're in 7 different spots on the map somehow.

that's my main complaint with big gaf premades say 4 or 5. 25+ and beyond baron should be camped and the enemy team has to be warded near their base to spot early movements to it. Baron is everything besides organization late game giving it up against any decent team means insta push to nexus if less than 4 are alive to defend.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Hah, I remember the game we played last night.

-We ace enemy team but are very low and choose to start taking inhib
-Team keeps pushing forward past inhibitors, trying to end game (still all low)
-Kiunch spams V and we almost get revenge aced but only lose 1 person
-Enemy team goes to baron as we all B
-We barely manage to ace them while they're doing it and win the game.

Too good.


The 5 minutes stand off is mostly for baiting fight, or just for the sake for guarding it when we know we can't win a fight but don't want to give up baron.

Well, yeah. What I mean is when we do this and then separate for some reason after contesting for awhile. Like we just forgot that they were near there. Ultimately, I just mean times where we show someone bot due to the wave pushing up to inner turret ... but the other four aren't grouped up near Baron. Or where two or three people show bot for some absurd reason. Or one person leaving base, another just backed, and three spread out in our jungle. Basically, just not being prepared for Baron despite the fact we all should know it by now.

We should all think "What Would Kiunch Do?" and just expect they're calling for Baron! Always!

that's my main complaint with big gaf premades say 4 or 5. 25+ and beyond baron should be camped and the enemy team has to be warded near their base to spot early movements to it. Baron is everything besides organization late game giving it up against any decent team means insta push to nexus if less than 4 are alive to defend.

This as well. When we know that Baron is going to be a contested objective (due to being 25-30m+ in game) and we lost vision of the entire enemy team and then ... people in various separate locations that can't get there in time to stop it. A 30m+ Baron kill takes like 15s. That's not enough time to go cross map to contest it.


Viktor is my favorite mid now, and overall one of my favorite characters.. I've won or gone even in every lane with him so far, and feel very relevant in teamfights.

Also, it feels so good to crush a cocky player. There was an AP Yi in the last game that proclaimed he won his lane every time because "90% of players are bad and can't adapt to unconventional mids, and also Viktor sucked". I don't mean to keep patting myself on the back, but I placed some sick gravity fields, caught him in almost every alpha strike, and would just Q a minion to shield his damage. Utterly devastated the poor guy.


Everything is moe to me
I had a ridiculous 4v5 last night on my smurf. Opposing team had no tank and that's likely why we won. It all came down to a fight where we got caught @ baron and I ended up 1v3ing them after it was dead. Is FRAPS the preferred program to use on uploading replays to youtube? because I will do that to show me dodging meteors and lux bindings inside a veigar circle. Nearly had a heart attack doing so too lol.

record with fraps and then re-encode for youtube. FRAPS records uncompressed video, so you get like 1gig 2 minute files.


I don't actually mean when we're going to do Baron, just when we have the strange standoff in front of it and we're all "WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?!" for three minutes. Then someone (probably me) inevitably goes back to get like 5 cs from bot lane or red respawns and ADC goes for it or someone goes back for wards etc. and we get stuck with two people near Baron ramp and watch sadly as they roll in and take a free baron because we're in 7 different spots on the map somehow.
I think the 4v5 I won a day or two ago may have been the one that had this. I was the blue team and we were back in our own jungle in front of baron, and the other team was waiting over the baron wall behind it. But we didn't start, and they sat there.

And their mid inhibitor was down, and minions rolled up, and we didn't start, and they sat there.

And then the minions ate one of their nexus towers, and I think the jungler decided to go back at that point, so we got baron and won. The standoff let our secret minion backdoor plan work!

Viktor is my favorite mid now, and overall one of my favorite characters.. I've won or gone even in every lane with him so far, and feel very relevant in teamfights.

Also, it feels so good to crush a cocky player. There was an AP Yi in the last game that proclaimed he won his lane every time because "90% of players are bad and can't adapt to unconventional mids, and also Viktor sucked". I don't mean to keep patting myself on the back, but I placed some sick gravity fields, caught him in almost every alpha strike, and would just Q a minion to shield his damage. Utterly devastated the poor guy.
Master Yi is like Darius, or Xin, or 50% of AD carry players. Chances of the player being a huge jerk are high.



league learning from mvc3


formerly sane
I dunno I rarely have problems with Baron issues playing with Gaf.

We aren't saying they are common we are talking about a specific time it happens in which it enough to make mention of. I don't see them in small gaf premades in big premades I'd say half to a 3rd of the games this is an issue or grouping up when have a clear win is an issue.


I dunno I rarely have problems with Baron issues playing with Gaf.

They're not that common (maybe once a night) but it stands out when it does. Really, probably not that big of a deal but Rex's post of someone backing to buy something when Baron is happening reminded me of it.

I had the "Exhaust icon replacing particle effects" bug during an aram. The heath pickups were spewing them.

Lee Sin throwing Exhaust icons = op
We aren't saying they are common we are talking about a specific time it happens in which it enough to make mention of. I don't see them in small gaf premades in big premades I'd say half to a 3rd of the games this is an issue or grouping up when have a clear win is an issue.

This should never happen unless there is sufficient ward coverage and in most of my Gaf games there are. Unless we get roflstompped. Then there's nothing we can do.


ehhh it's a communication issue
like an adc probably won't go back to buy a dagger if people are telling the adc to stay
I remember being scared when first playing ranked. I thought because everyone is level 30 they would all be so much better than me. These are all people who have been playing a lot longer than I have!

Now I am scared to play ranked for a different reason.


I caused a mid and jungler to rage quit last night.. made up for the other losses :(. Say NO to support Gangplank and support Leblanc.


Unless we get roflstompped. Then there's nothing we can do.

Then we blame jungler support kiunch bind me.

ehhh it's a communication issue
like an adc probably won't go back to buy a dagger if people are telling the adc to stay

While true, there's also times where we have, "Let me push bot and then we'll baron" or "Let me buy X then we do baron" that end up with one person going to do something and then others separating as well. Like, if someone goes to push bot out, somebody shouldn't also go back to buy or to get blue buff. Things like that.

Generally, we have this covered. Just sometimes we get complacent or something.


Then we blame jungler support kiunch bind me.

While true, there's also times where we have, "Let me push bot and then we'll baron" or "Let me buy X then we do baron" that end up with one person going to do something and then others separating as well. Like, if someone goes to push bot out, somebody shouldn't also go back to buy or to get blue buff. Things like that.

Generally, we have this covered. Just sometimes we get complacent or something.

I think it needs to be changed to "you guys guard baron while I go push bot"


that and the capacity to defend something without engaging in a bad fight

I mean I don't think anyone is saying something wrong here, what rizz says about ward coverage or map awareness in general is pretty important. like the (uncommunicative) team can be of the same mind concerning objectives easier if they can all kind of be seeing the same thing unless they pretty much trust the person calling the play to wipe away most of the uncertainties they have.


that and the capacity to defend something without engaging in a bad fight

I mean I don't think anyone is saying something wrong here, what rizz says about ward coverage or map awareness in general is pretty important. like the (uncommunicative) team can be of the same mind concerning objectives easier if they can all kind of be seeing the same thing unless they pretty much trust the person calling the play to wipe away most of the uncertainties they have.

Yeah we almost never split push properly.

I also need to work on my jungle again. I feel like I've lost a lot of my game sense as a jungler since my old 5s team stopped playing, but it may also be due to the change they made with Skarner's shield since it still feels pretty normal when I Amumu jungle. Basically I feel like I was able to gank more often before but now it feels like I'm hard pressed for monies to buy wards and oracles that open up more gank opportunities, and I don't know what changed.


He kind of stinks.

Aw, really? I don't really know what I'm doing with jungling anyway. Just started trying it out this weekend and I feel like I start out ok but end up being underleveled by around 8 or 9. So far I've mostly tried Nautilus and Nocturne. Problem with Noc is that everyone expects me to gank 3 lanes at once and I spend too much time running around only to get there at a bad time. Nautilus is a lot of fun but just so slow. I wanted to do Nautilus with boots and pots but then I have to b too often.

it's "summonsintrouble"
That's awesome.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Aw, really? I don't really know what I'm doing with jungling anyway. Just started trying it out this weekend and I feel like I start out ok but start being underleveled by around 8 or 9. So far I've mostly tried Nautilus and Nocturne. Problem with Noc is that everyone expects me to gank 3 lanes at once and I spend too much time running around only to get there at a bad time. Nautilus is a lot of fun but just so slow. I wanted to do Nautilus with boots and pots but then I have to b too often.
I will always recommend Mundo to people starting to jungle. Good clears, strong lasting power to stay out and get what you want done, good mobility, good counter jungling, and good ganks. He's the ideal mixture of damage and tankiness.

Your lanes will always want you to gank for them, that's just how things work. Jungling is big on prioritizing what needs to be done because you have so many options available to you. It's kind of just a practice thing. Identify the lanes that will need assistance ahead of time. Identify the lanes where you can pull off easy ganks. Try to take the other jungler into account and push them out by stealing camps or moving in to take advantage of them if you have the opportunity.

The problem with Kha'Zix is that his clears are mana intensive, and fragile junglers aren't particularly desirable right now. It just helps to have your jungler be a strong initiator who is capable of creating situations while they roam the map, and Kha'Zix doesn't really have that. If you can make up for Kha'Zix by running a strong initiator top and a manaless mid then I could see it being an okay pick, but otherwise it isn't really worth the trouble.
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