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Lets build the perfect PSP-2


Parmesan et Romano
Yea, can't speak for anyone elsee but I like my phone because it's an awesome phone.
I like my primary gaming device because it's just that: A gaming device.

Both do things differently and for a manufacturer to meld the two together, theree would assuredly be compromises on both ends.
Those compromises are not worth having a free pocket in public.



This is the correct design.
Make it a sleek, compact game exclusive machine. No multimedia functions. Iphone and Ipod already have that market cornered.

Make it truly portable. Think a modern day GBA micro.


Luigiv said:
These threads are always so boring. It always end up with "Sony should pursue the exact same strategy they did for the first one". The problem is, even if we do consider the PSP to be a mild success, the fact of the matter is the same strategy just isn't going to work for them again.

The reason the PSP achieved the success it did was because it managed to capture a good proportion of the niche Japanese game market but the reason it got that market had more to do with the other systems' shortcomings then it's own merits. The PS360 were too expensive to develop for, the PC has no Japanese market penetration, the Wii failed to capture the target audience, the PS2 was reaching the end of it's and the DS was just too graphically limited to keep the whole market to itself (some of those games just couldn't have been done on it).

However, the same lightning is not going to strike again. The 3DS is a far less limited system by today's standards then the DS was by 2004's standards. The 3DS should be perfectly capable of realising most modern game ideas the same way that PSP1 is still able to. Even if the PSP2 houses more advance components then the 3DS, it will still not be powerful enough to accommodate any ideas that couldn't be done on the 3DS with slightly worse graphics. And when you take into consideration Nintendo's aggressive strategy to grab the current PSP market and the ever growing threat of smartphone gaming, it's easy to see that Sony is going to have to be a lot more creative this time around if they want the PSP2 to succeed.

That's why the perfect PSP2 should not just be a handheld powerhouse or just rip on Nintendo's ideas. The perfect PSP2 should be someone with it's own personality. Something with a gimmick capable of carving it's own healthy niche. What that gimmick would have to be, I have no idea but I'm personally but I'm sure hoping Sony's Engineers can figure it out. It'd be a shame to see Sony loose it's place in the handheld market, things are a lot more interesting with them in it.

This is well stated. However I think looking at what PSP did I think the idea they might be best off running with might be the home console experience on the go. I think it's a rather dumb idea but it works for some people and I think it's one of the reasons the PSP still exists. Nothing quite fills that niche. Drifting into the cell-phone or Nintendo's market is suicide, but if they got some fans this gen on the console-like experience, shortcomings aside, I think those users will come back for round 2.
Whoompthereitis said:
All's I want is two sticks and a nice-ass screen. None of that touch crap though.

I'm that one guy who still can't get into the whole touch thing. Hate the way my fingers feel touching screens, can't get past it.

I actually really like the PSP for turn based stuff. I try to avoid anything 'actiony' on it though, unless it's a 2D game where I can ignore the nub and just stick with the d-pad.

I am completely with you on this one and it blows my mind that more people aren't against touch screens. The lack of touch screen is one of the reasons I prefer my PSP to my DS, oddly enough.

If the PSP2 ships with a touch screen as the primary control method it will be incredibly difficult for me to muster any sort of enthusiasm for it.


sex vacation in Guam
KevinCow said:

This is the correct design.
Clamshells are ugly as sin. they didnt win the Phone wars, they arent going to win the handheld wars.

I guess I will do my usual list:

- modified PSPGo designed
- drop umd, use some sort of small ROM disk. Faster access, small format.
- backwards compatible with PSP games online only.
- PSP Phone with 3g/4g with major carriers.
- gimped android.
- second analog, and improve their overall quality.
- touch screen.
- wifi/blutooth
- GPS on the phone version if only to avoid cost.
- SONY Super LCD (OLED) is a given


Parmesan et Romano
minimumhippo said:
I am completely with you on this one and it blows my mind that more people aren't against touch screens. The lack of touch screen is one of the reasons I prefer my PSP to my DS, oddly enough.

If the PSP2 ships with a touch screen as the primary control method it will be incredibly difficult for me to muster any sort of enthusiasm for it.
I would say a touchscreen is guaranteed. Moblie devices going forward have them and will in the future. Sony knows this and it would actually be counter-intuitive if they didn't include one.
Serenade said:
I would say a touchscreen is guaranteed. Moblie devices going forward have them and will in the future. Sony knows this and it would actually be counter-intuitive if they didn't include one.

Unfortunately for me, this is true. I'll always have my original PSP games and console gaming!
minimumhippo said:
Unfortunately for me, this is true. I'll always have my original PSP games and console gaming!

I've never understood this sentiment. So what if it has a touch screen. It'll also have buttons, and developers can use either one as they see fit, DS style.

There a lots of great DS games that don't make use of the touch screen at all.
2 analog nubs

Clamshell form factor like the DS.

Cartridge media, for quick load times and improved battery life.

Not sure if this would be technically possible or not, but what would be cool is if the CPU/GPU could be based on a scaled down version of PS3 tech. So in an ideal world how it would work is you come home, turn on your PSP, it would sync with the PS3 wirelessly, and you could play whatever game you had loaded in the PSP in full HD with a DualShock, with the game running on the PS3. PS3 HDD could be used for installs/caching to speed up load times. Save files would be seamlessly sent back to the PSP and saved there for portable play.
civilstrife said:
I've never understood this sentiment. So what if it has a touch screen. It'll also have buttons, and developers can use either one as they see fit, DS style.

There a lots of great DS games that don't make use of the touch screen at all.

Absolutely, and I'm sure I'll still cave in and buy a PSP2 and a 3DS even though it is completely unappealing to me. And I'm sure I'll end up trading them in and rebuying them around 3 times like I did with the DS thinking that I was just "missing something". And hey, I probably am just missing something but I still see these functions as gimmicks. The dual screen, the touch screen, and now the 3D. Not once has any of these features ever enhanced my gaming experience, and in most cases have made it worse and more cumbersome.

I would prefer to never have to use the touch screen, but a lot of games use it for important functions and some use it nearly exclusively. I fear this will only get worse with time. I realize I am in the minority here, but allow me to bitch and moan about shit that's inevitable. I doubt any handheld device will cater to my odd demands again in the future.


PistolGrip said:
Clamshells are ugly as sin. they didnt win the Phone wars, they arent going to win the handheld wars.

Okay well let's make a list of advantages here:


- Naturally protects the screen without having to buy some sort of annoying case and/or screen protectors
- Naturally protects the buttons without having to deal with some sort of "lock buttons" function that will probably be occasionally undone while the thing's in your pocket anyway
- Closing the lid works as a natural sleep function without having to deal with some sort of manual sleep function that will probably be occasionally undone while the thing's in your pocket anyway
- More space on the face so you can have a bigger screen and more comfortable button positioning

Not Clamshell:

- Kinda looks a little better I guess?

I just don't understand how anybody could possibly choose slightly better aesthetics over vastly greater functionality.

Whatever they go with for the next PSP though, I just hope to god they don't use the same sleep/lock/power switch as the current one. That stupid thing. I can't count the number of times I've accidentally put my PSP into sleep when I was just trying to unlock it.


RuneFactoryFanboy said:
It just does.

I work in an office with grown men and women. It's socially acceptable to get out a sleek bar/sliding cell phone and start clicking away. It's social suicide to flip open an already large DS, essentially doubling its size, and play away. You will be viewed as a kid.

:lol seriously?

I mean, seriously?

This sounds like a bad joke.

Luigiv said:
These threads are always so boring. It always end up with "Sony should pursue the exact same strategy they did for the first one". The problem is, even if we do consider the PSP to be a mild success, the fact of the matter is the same strategy just isn't going to work for them again.

Yeah, some of you guys seem intent on sending the PSP right back into its niche market. If they follow most of these ideas there probably won't be a PSP3.

Azure J

KevinCow said:

This is the correct design.

Only way this design could be made better is if there was something in the engineering that made the top screen slide down over the buttons and such for when you need to use the touchscreen for browsing the net or touchscreen only games. It's probably not too feasible, but regardless of that, this design is perfect enough for PSP2.


Unconfirmed Member
AzureJericho said:
Only way this design could be made better is if there was something in the engineering that made the top screen slide down over the buttons and such for when you need to use the touchscreen for browsing the net or touchscreen only games. It's probably not too feasible, but regardless of that, this design is perfect enough for PSP2.

Sony already had a device like that working a few years ago.



Somnid said:
This is well stated. However I think looking at what PSP did I think the idea they might be best off running with might be the home console experience on the go. I think it's a rather dumb idea but it works for some people and I think it's one of the reasons the PSP still exists. Nothing quite fills that niche. Drifting into the cell-phone or Nintendo's market is suicide, but if they got some fans this gen on the console-like experience, shortcomings aside, I think those users will come back for round 2.
The problem is 3DS can do "console on the go" too, as we've already been seeing with a lot of the 3rd party software that's been shown off. If the PSP2 goes that route, it'll have a much tougher with it then it's predecessor. That's why I think the PSP2 needs to be have it's own unique hook on top of that.


GAF always admits to being socially insecure. Who the fuck cares that I'm playings some PSP?

PSPnext should have a requirement for a PSN release of the title in the license to develop for the platform.
minimumhippo said:
I would prefer to never have to use the touch screen, but a lot of games use it for important functions and some use it nearly exclusively. I fear this will only get worse with time. I realize I am in the minority here, but allow me to bitch and moan about shit that's inevitable. I doubt any handheld device will cater to my odd demands again in the future.

I'm even dreading the day I have to replace my iPod nano. Supposedly the new ones are all touch screen.

Tried to play Monkey Island on a friend's iPhone the other day and I couldn't do it. Using the screen makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I kinda get the same icky feeling when I use the trackpad on my laptop. Do you find trackpads unbearable as well?


Luigiv said:
The problem is 3DS can do "console on the go" too, as we've already been seeing with a lot of the 3rd party software that's been shown off. If the PSP2 goes that route, it'll have a much tougher with it then it's predecessor. That's why I think the PSP2 needs to be have it's own unique hook on top of that.

It sorta can but I don't expect most to go this route. It's like how people want 2 nubs for the PSP2. A dual stick shooter is something PSP2 can maybe do and have success, Nintendo isn't going that route nor do I think they should. 3DS is about being a portable system, quick gameplay, fewer cutscenes, save anywhere etc. PSP has done well with things like highly traditional RPGs and other console ports/clones and that's where I'd focus.
Atomski said:
You guys talk like you use your fingers on the DS screen. You use a stick and you can see everything fine..

Well I was more talking about my iPod touch with that comment. Why I have an iPod touch, I have no idea, but it seemed like a good idea at the time!

Using a stylus is another problem, however. Especially with a portable system, it's a bit annoying holding the DS and using the stylus at once. Not difficult, mind you, just more cumbersome than I would like for a portable gaming device.
Somnid said:
It sorta can but I don't expect most to go this route. It's like how people want 2 nubs for the PSP2. A dual stick shooter is something PSP2 can maybe do and have success, Nintendo isn't going that route nor do I think they should. 3DS is about being a portable system, quick gameplay, fewer cutscenes, save anywhere etc. PSP has done well with things like highly traditional RPGs and other console ports/clones and that's where I'd focus.

...have you managed to entirely avoid the 3DS news from E3, or are you just assuming (hoping?) that titles like RE: Revelations, MGS, Kingdom Hearts, SSFIV, and DOA: Dimensions are completely unrepresentative of the system's future third-party support?


Atomski said:
All I know is if its a phone I won't be buying it. This whole.. "it must be a phone" crap is stupid. I want a portable gaming system with full fledges games not a want to be Iphone. If Sony trys to duplicate the Iphone it will be such a laughable failure.

I think we absolutely don't need to worry about the next PSP becoming a gaming phone-only device.

Even if the next PSP can use as a phone, there will be a phone-less version like the iPhone and iPod Touch. Hardware company will not be so stupid to limit its software sale by forcing people to get a phone to play games, especially when so many people have a phone already and will not get another. But having an additional phone SKU of the PSP2 will only expand the market.


Unconfirmed Member
Father_Brain said:
...have you managed to entirely avoid the 3DS news from E3, or are you just assuming (hoping?) that titles like RE: Revelations, MGS, Kingdom Hearts, SSFIV, and DOA: Dimensions are completely unrepresentative of the system's future third-party support?
Didn't you hear? 3DS is a cheap, kid-friendly, cartridge based, Mario Bros handheld... PSP-2 will have a large disk-based and digital game library and Fully fleshed out games like MGS...


Father_Brain said:
...have you managed to entirely avoid the 3DS news from E3, or are you just assuming (hoping?) that titles like RE: Revelations, MGS, Kingdom Hearts, SSFIV, and DOA: Dimensions are completely unrepresentative of the system's future third-party support?

I'm kinda scared 3DS and PSP2 will just end up like the 360/PS3. There will be just a couple of exclusives and people will just fight over which version of cross platform titles look better. Ugh....

But it will be even worse.. cause people will be like "oh it looks better on PSP2" or "who cares its in 3D on 3DS". blah blah..

The handheld wars will give me such a headache.


Lonely1 said:
Didn't you hear? 3DS is a cheap, kid-friendly, cartridge based, Mario Bros handheld... PSP-2 will have a large-dick based and digital game library and Fully fleshed out games like MGS...

How I read that at this hour. Fitting, actually.


199? No, more like $250. Also, I'll take a stab at an actual guess of what sort of screen it will have. Due to Nintendo's announcement they too will be implementing 3D. It will be a slider like the GO, when opened it will be in 3D mode, when closed it will be in 2D touchscreen only mode (since touching the screen ruins the effect). With many casual games you'll have the choice to open the unit up to play in 3D but will be forced to use the nub and buttons.


BladeoftheImmortal said:
Take the best money can buy, put a screen on it, then sell it for $199.

My dreams will come true.
The 2 bolded statements are entirely contradictory to each other, just so you know. Unless you are implying that Sony loose $1000 on each unit sold to make you happy.


- OLED / AMOLED screen
- 848 x 480 3.8" ~ 4.3"
- HDMI Out
- Touchscreen

- CPU: Cortex
- GPU: Power VR
- 128Mb or 256Mb Ram
- 8G internal memory

- Improved D-pad
- 2 analog sticks
- gyroscope
- 3G / Wi-Fi
- 10 Hrs battery life

- virtual Console: Dreamcast, PS1, PS2
- virtual Console Arcade: CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, Naomi, Naomi 2



What's with all the Cortex/PowerVR stuff? Assuming they wanna keep full PSP1 BC won't they have to stick with MIPS and another custom GPU design?


Get rid of loading times.
Make the screen brighter.
Cover the screen with something ffs.
Make a good d-pad.

And we're good to go.
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